dr inż. Michał Lech
total: 45
Catalog Publications
Year 2022
Hotspot of human verbal memory encoding in the left anterior prefrontal cortex
PublicationBackground: Treating memory and cognitive deficits requires knowledge about anatomical sites and neural activities to be targeted with particular therapies. Emerging technologies for local brain stimulation offer attractive therapeutic options but need to be applied to target specific neural activities, at distinct times, and in specific brain regions that are critical for memory formation. Methods: The areas that are critical...
Intracranial electrophysiological recordings from the human brain during memory tasks with pupillometry
PublicationData comprise intracranial EEG (iEEG) brain activity represented by stereo EEG (sEEG) signals, recorded from over 100 electrode channels implanted in any one patient across various brain regions. The iEEG signals were recorded in epilepsy patients (N=10) undergoing invasive monitoring and localization of seizures when they were performing a battery of four memory tasks lasting approx. 1 hour in total. Gaze tracking on the task...
Technologia CyberOko do diagnozy, rehabilitacji i komunikowania się z pacjentami niewykazującymi oznak przytomności
PublicationCyberOko jest rozwiązaniem opracowanym w Politechnice Gdańskiej, które umożliwia nawiązanie kontaktu i pracę z osobami głęboko upośledzonymi komunikacyjnie. W sposób inteligentny śledzi ruch gałek ocznych, dzięki czemu umożliwia rehabilitację i ocenę stanu świadomości pacjenta nawet w stanie całkowitego porażenia. Rozwiązanie obejmuje także analizę fal EEG, obiektywne badanie słuchu i badanie sygnałów z macierzy elektrod wszczepianych...
Year 2021
CyberEye: New Eye-Tracking Interfaces for Assessment and Modulation of Cognitive Functions beyond the Brain
PublicationThe emergence of innovative neurotechnologies in global brain projects has accelerated research and clinical applications of BCIs beyond sensory and motor functions. Both invasive and noninvasive sensors are developed to interface with cognitive functions engaged in thinking, communication, or remembering. The detection of eye movements by a camera offers a particularly attractive external sensor for computer interfaces to monitor,...
Direct electrical stimulation of the human brain has inverse effects on the theta and gamma neural activities
PublicationObjective: Our goal was to analyze the electrophysiological response to direct electrical stimulation (DES) systematically applied at a wide range of parameters and anatomical sites, with particular focus on neural activities associated with memory and cognition. Methods: We used a large set of intracranial EEG (iEEG) recordings with DES from 45 subjects with electrodes...
Independent dynamics of low, intermediate, and high frequency spectral intracranial EEG activities during human memory formation
PublicationA wide spectrum of brain rhythms are engaged throughout the human cortex in cognitive functions. How the rhythms of various frequency ranges are coordinated across the space of the human cortex and time of memory processing is inconclusive. They can either be coordinated together across the frequency spectrum at the same cortical site and time or induced independently in particular bands. We used a large dataset of human intracranial...
Year 2019
Human Computer Interface for Tracking Eye Movements Improves Assessment and Diagnosis of Patients With Acquired Brain Injuries
PublicationOne of the first clinical signs differentiating the minimally conscious state from the vegetative state is the presence of smooth pursuit eye movements occurring in direct response to moving salient stimuli. Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is one of the most commonly used diagnostic tools for acute phase assessment of the level of consciousness, together with a neurological examination. These classic measures are limited to qualitative...
Post-comatose patients with minimal consciousness tend to preserve reading comprehension skills but neglect syntax and spelling
PublicationModern eye tracking technology provides a means for communication with patients suffering from disorders of consciousness (DoC) or remaining in locked-in-state. However, being able to use an eye tracker for controlling text-based contents by such patients requires preserved reading ability in the first place. To our knowledge, this aspect, although of great social importance, so far has seemed to be neglected. In the paper, we...
Validating data acquired with experimental multimodal biometric system installed in bank branches
PublicationAn experimental system was engineered and implemented in 100 copies inside a real banking environment comprising: dynamic handwritten signature verification, face recognition, bank client voice recognition and hand vein distribution verification. The main purpose of the presented research was to analyze questionnaire responses reflecting user opinions on: comfort, ergonomics, intuitiveness and other aspects of the biometric enrollment...
Year 2018
Analysis of results of large-scale multimodal biometric identity verification experiment
PublicationAn analysis of a large set of biometric data obtained during the enrolment and the verification phase in an experimental biometric system installed in bank branches is presented. Subjective opinions of bank clients and of bank tellers were also surveyed concerning the studied biometric methods in order to discover and to explore relations emerging from the obtained multimodal dataset. First, data acquisition and identity verification...
Comparison of Classification Methods for EEG Signals of Real and Imaginary Motion
PublicationThe classification of EEG signals provides an important element of brain-computer interface (BCI) applications, underlying an efficient interaction between a human and a computer application. The BCI applications can be especially useful for people with disabilities. Numerous experiments aim at recognition of motion intent of left or right hand being useful for locked-in-state or paralyzed subjects in controlling computer applications....
Comparison of Methods for Real and Imaginary Motion Classification from EEG Signals
PublicationA method for feature extraction and results of classification of EEG signals obtained from performed and imagined motion are presented. A set of 615 features was obtained to serve for the recognition of type and laterality of motion using 8 different classifications approaches. A comparison of achieved classifiers accuracy is presented in the paper, and then conclusions and discussion are provided. Among applied algorithms the...
Performance Analysis of Developed Multimodal Biometric Identity Verification System
PublicationThe bank client identity verification system developed in the course of the IDENT project is presented. The total number of five biometric modalities including: dynamic handwritten signature proofing, voice recognition, face image verification, face contour extraction and hand blood vessels distribution comparison have been developed and studied. The experimental data were acquired employing multiple biometric sensors installed...
Year 2017
Handwritten signature verification system employing wireless biometric pen
PublicationThe handwritten signature verification system being a part of the developed multimodal biometric banking stand is presented. The hardware component of the solution is described with a focus on the signature acquisition and on verification procedures. The signature is acquired employing an accelerometer and a gyroscope built-in the biometric pen plus pressure sensors for the assessment of the proper pen grip and then the signature...
Modified dynamic time warping method applied to handwritten signature authenticity verification
PublicationA signature verification system based on static features and time-domain functions of signals obtained using a tablet has been presented in the paper. The signature verification method, based mainly on dynamic time warping coupled with some signature image features, has been described. The FRR measures reflecting the method’s efficiency have been evaluated for verification attempts performed directly after obtaining model signatures...
Multimodal Approach For Polysensory Stimulation And Diagnosis Of Subjects With Severe Communication Disorders
Publicationis evaluated on 9 patients, data analysis methods are described, and experiments of correlating Glasgow Coma Scale with extracted features describing subjects performance in therapeutic exercises exploiting EEG and eyetracker are presented. Performance metrics are proposed, and k-means clusters used to define concepts for mental states related to EEG and eyetracking activity. Finally, it is shown that the strongest correlations...
Multimodal system for diagnosis and polysensory stimulation of subjects with communication disorders
PublicationAn experimental multimodal system, designed for polysensory diagnosis and stimulation of persons with impaired communication skills or even non-communicative subjects is presented. The user interface includes an eye tracking device and the EEG monitoring of the subject. Furthermore, the system consists of a device for objective hearing testing and an autostereoscopic projection system designed to stimulate subjects through their...
Pilot Testing of Developed Multimodal Biometric Identity Verification System
PublicationThe bank client identity verification system developed in the course of the IDENT project is presented. The total number of five biometric modalities including: dynamic signature proofing, voice recognition, face image verification, face contour extraction and hand blood vessels distribution comparison have been developed and studied. The experimental data were acquired employing multiple biometric sensors installed at engineered...
The project IDENT: Multimodal biometric system for bank client identity verification
PublicationBiometric identity verification methods are implemented inside a real banking environment comprising: dynamic handwritten signature verification, face recognition, bank cli-ent voice recognition and hand vein distribution verification. A secure communication system based on an intra-bank client-server architecture was designed for this purpose. Hitherto achieved progress within the project is reported in this paper with a focus...
Year 2016
A handwritten signature verification method employing a tablet
PublicationA signature verification system based on static features and time-domain functions of signals obtained using a tablet has been presented in the paper. The signature verification method, based mainly on dynamic time warping coupled with some signature image features, has been described. The FRR measures reflecting the method's efficiency have been evaluated for verification attempts performed directly after obtaining model signatures...
Multimedia polysensory integration training system dedicated to children with educational difficulties
PublicationThis paper aims at presenting a multimedia system providing polysensory train- ing for pupils with educational difficulties. The particularly interesting aspect of the system lies in the sonic interaction with image projection in which sounds generated lead to stim- ulation of a particular part of the human brain. The system architecture, video processing methods, therapeutic exercises and guidelines for children’s interaction...
Procesor efektów dźwiękowych do gitary na urządzenia mobilne
PublicationW rozdziale przedstawiono sposób działania procesora efektów dźwiękowych do gitary, składającego się z układu elektronicznego i aplikacji pracującej w czasie rzeczywistym na urządzeniach mobilnych z systemem Android. W pierwszej części zaprezentowano układ (przejściówkę) w postaci przedwzmacniacza zasilanego z baterii, do którego podłącza się gitarę oraz urządzenie mobilne. W drugiej części referatu przedstawiono zaś proces przetwarzania...
System Weryfikacji Autentyczności Podpisu Odręcznego
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono system statycznej i dynamicznej weryfikacji autentyczności podpisu odręcznego, składanego piórem biometrycznym, wyposażonym w 2 akcelerometry, 2 żyroskopy i 3 czujniki ścisku, na rezystancyjnej powierzchni dotykowej, łączącym się bezprzewodowo z urządzeniami komputerowymi. We wstępie przedstawiono architekturę sieciową wielomodalnego systemu biometrii. Przedstawiono warstwę sprzętową systemu weryfikacji...
Year 2014
Computer-Supported Polysensory Integration Technology for Educationally Handicapped Pupils
PublicationIn this paper, a multimedia system providing technology for hearing and visual attention stimulation is shortly presented. The system aims to support the development of educationally handicapped pupils. The system has been presented in the context of its configuration, architecture, and therapeutic exercise implementation issues. Results of pupils’ improvements after 8 weeks of training with the system are also provided. Training...
Examining Quality of Hand Segmentation Based on Gaussian Mixture Models
PublicationResults of examination of various implementations of Gaussian mix-ture models are presented in the paper. Two of the implementations belonged to the Intel’s OpenCV 2.4.3 library and utilized Background Subtractor MOG and Background Subtractor MOG2 classes. The third implementation presented in the paper was created by the authors and extended Background Subtractor MOG2 with the possibility of operating on the scaled version of...
Year 2013
Examining Classifiers Applied to Static Hand Gesture Recognition in Novel Sound Mixing System
PublicationThe main objective of the chapter is to present the methodology and results of examining various classifiers (Nearest Neighbor-like algorithm with non-nested generalization (NNge), Naive Bayes, C4.5 (J48), Random Tree, Random Forests, Artificial Neural Networks (Multilayer Perceptron), Support Vector Machine (SVM) used for static gesture recognition. A problem of effective gesture recognition is outlined in the context of the system...
Gesture-controlled Sound Mixing System With a Sonified Interface
PublicationIn this paper the Authors present a novel approach to sound mixing. It is materialized in a system that enables to mix sound with hand gestures recognized in a video stream. The system has been developed in such a way that mixing operations can be performed both with or without visual support. To check the hypothesis that the mixing process needs only an auditory display, the influence of audio information visualization on sound...
Metoda i algorytmy sterowania procesami miksowania dźwięku za pomocą gestów w oparciu o analizę obrazu wizyjnego
PublicationGłównym celem rozprawy było opracowanie systemu miksowania dźwięku za pomocą gestów rąk wykonywanych w powietrzu oraz zbadanie możliwości oferowanych przez takie rozwiązanie w porównaniu ze współczesną metodą miksowania sygnałów fonicznych, wykorzystującą środowisko komputera. Opracowany system rozpoznaje zarówno dynamiczne jak i statyczne gesty rąk. Rozpoznawanie gestów dynamicznych zrealizowano w oparciu o metody logiki rozmytej...
Multimodal human-computer interfaces based on advanced video and audio analysis
PublicationMultimodal interfaces development history is reviewed briefly in the introduction. Examples of applications of multimodal interfaces to education software and for the disabled people are presented, including interactive electronic whiteboard based on video image analysis, application for controlling computers with mouth gestures and the audio interface for speech stretching for hearing impaired and stuttering people. The Smart...
Testing A Novel Gesture-Based Mixing Interface
PublicationWith a digital audio workstation, in contrast to the traditional mouse-keyboard computer interface, hand gestures can be used to mix audio with eyes closed. Mixing with a visual representation of audio parameters during experiments led to broadening the panorama and a more intensive use of shelving equalizers. Listening tests proved that the use of hand gestures produces mixes that are aesthetically as good as those obtained using...
Year 2012
Hand gesture recognition supported by fuzzy rules and Kalman filters
PublicationThe paper presents a system based on camera and multimediaprojector enabling a user to control computer applications by dynamic hand gestures. Gesture recognition methodology based on representing hand movement trajectory by motion vectors analysed using fuzzy rule-based inference is first given. For effective hand position tracking Kalman filters are employed. The system engineered is developed using J2SE and C++/OpenCV technology....
Typoszereg komputerowych interfejsów multimodalnych
PublicationW referacie opisano opracowywane w ramach realizowanego projektu, multimodalne interfejsymultimodalne, ułatwiające użytkowanie urządzeń komputerowych, w tym również terminali mobilnych.Przedstawiono zasady działania poszczególnych interfejsów oraz dotychczasowo uzyskane rezultaty.Wyniki uzyskane zostały drogą prób i eksperymentów z udziałem grup użytkowników docelowych,obejmujących zarówno użytkowników standardowych, jak również...
Virtual Whiteboard: A gesture-controlled pen-free tool emulating school whiteboard
PublicationIn the paper the so-called Virtual Whiteboard is presented which may be an alternative solution for modern electronic whiteboards based on electronic pens and sensors. The presented tool enables the user to write, draw and handle whiteboard contents using his/her hands only. An additional equipment such as infrared diodes, infrared cameras or cyber gloves is not needed. The user's interaction with the Virtual Whiteboard computer...
Year 2011
Ankieta intuicyjności gestów rąk zastosowanych od obsługi operacji miksowania dźwięku
PublicationW niniejszym raporcie przedstawiono wyniki prac realizowanych przez studentów specjalności Inżynieria Dźwięku i Obrazu Katedry Systemów Multimedialnych w ramach projektu grupowego. Celem projektu było stworzenie grafiki dla aplikacji komputerowej symulującej wybrane operacje możliwe do zrealizowania przy pomocy konsolety fonicznej (stołu mikserskiego). Ów system miksowania ścieżek nagrania muzycznego sterowany jest za pomocą gestów....
Music Mixing Process Controlled by Hand Gestures
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono system umożliwiający sterowanie procesami miksowania śladów nagrania muzycznego za pomocą gestów rąk. Przybliżono podstawy wielomodalnej percepcji argumentujące potrzebę powstania tego typu systemu oraz założenia przyjęte w trakcie jego tworzenia. Część sprzętowa systemu składa się z rzutnika multimedialnego, kamery internetowej, komputera klasy PC z zainstalowanym oprogramowaniem systemu oraz ekranu dla...
Rozpoznawanie dynamicznych i statycznych gestów rąk w zastosowaniu do sterowania aplikacjami komputerowymi
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono interfejs, metody oraz algorytmy sterowania komputerem za pomocą dynamicznych i statycznych gestów rąk. Komponentami opracowanego rozwiązania są komputer klasy PC wraz z opracowanym interfejsem i oprogramowaniem, kamera internetowa oraz projektor multimedialny. Gesty rozpoznawane są w procesie analizy obrazu wizyjnego pozyskanego z kamery internetowej przymocowanej do projektora oraz analizy obrazu wyświetlanego...
Year 2010
Fuzzy rule-based dynamic gesture recognition employing camera & multimedia projector
PublicationIn the paper the system based on camera and multimedia projector enabling a user to control computer applications by dynamic hand gestures is presented. The main objective is to present the gesture recognition methodology which bases on representing hand movement trajectory by motion vectors analyzed using fuzzy rule-based inference. The approach was engineered in the system developed with J2SE and C++ / OpenCV technology. OpenCV...
Gesture-based computer control system
PublicationIn the paper a system for controlling computer applications by hand gestures is presented. First, selected methods used for gesture recognition are described. The system hardware and a way of controlling a computer by gestures are described. The architecture of the software along with hand gesture recognition methods and algorithms used are presented. Examples of basic and complex gestures recognized by the system are given.
Gesture-based computer control system applied to the interactive whiteboard
PublicationIn the paper the gesture-based computer control system coupled with the dedicated touchless interactive whiteboard is presented. The system engineered enables a user to control any top-most computer application by using one or both hands gestures. First, a review of gesture recognition applications with a focus on methods and algorithms applied is given. Hardware and software solution of the system consisting of a PC, camera, multimedia...
Gesture-based computer control system applied to the interactive whiteboard
PublicationIn the paper the gesture-based computer control system coupled with the dedicated touchless interactive whiteboard is presented. The system engineered enables a user to control any top-most computer application by using one or both hands gestures. First, a review of gesture recognition applications with a focus on methods and algorithms applied is given. Hardware and software solution of the system consisting of a PC, camera, multimedia...
Wydajność środowisk J2SE i C++ / OpenCV w zagadnieniu sterowania komputerem za pomocą gestów
PublicationW rozdziale przedstawiono interfejs sterowania komputerem za pomocą gestów rąk, należący do grupy systemów czasu rzeczywistego o łagodnych granicach (ang. soft real-time). Komponentami systemu są: komputer klasy PC, kamera internetowa, rzutnik multimedialny i ekran dla rzutnika. Oprogramowanie interfejsu opracowano w oparciu o środowiska J2SE i Visual Studio C++ z użyciem biblioteki OpenCV. Moduł systemu realizujący interpretację...
Year 2009
Gesture recognition framework for multimedia content viewer controlling
PublicationIn the paper a system for controlling a multimedia content viewer by hand gestures is presented. First, selected methods used for gesture recognition are described. Two different application cases of the system, i.e. for multimedia presentation purposes and for multimedia content viewing are outlined. Moreover, a proposal of improvement of the system combining these approaches is also given. The system work cycle is reviewed. The...
Human-computer interaction approach applied to the multimedia system of polysensory integration
PublicationIn the paper an approach of utilizing an interaction between the human and computer in a therapy of dyslexia and other sensory disorders is presented. Bakker's neuropsychological concept of dyslexia along with therapy methods are reviewed in the context of the Multimedia System of Polysensory Integration, proposed at the Multimedia Systems Department of Gdansk Univ. of Technology. The system is presented along with the training...
Year 2008
Automatic detection and correction of detuned singing system for use with query-by-humming applications
PublicationThe aim of the paper is to present an idea of using the automatic detection and correction of detuned singing as a subsystem in query-by-humming (QBH) applications. The common approach to searching for a requested song basing on the melody retrieved from hummed pattern usually employs the so-called Parsons code or melody contour. In such a case information about sound pitch is discarded. It was thought out that an additional module...
Automatic detection and correction of detuned singing system for use with query-by-humming applications
PublicationThe aim of the paper is to present an idea of using the automatic detection and correction of detuned singing as a subsystem in query-by-humming (QBH) applications. The common approach to searching for a requested song basing on the melody retrieved from hummed pattern usually employs the so-called Parsons code or melody contour. In such a case information about sound pitch is discarded. It was thought out that an additional module...
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