prof. dr hab. inż. Piotr Chrzan
Research fields
e-Learning courses
UKŁADY ENERGOELEKTRONICZNE [Niestacjonarne][2022/23]
UKŁADY ENERGOELEKTRONICZNE [Niestacjonarne][2021/22]
Celem przedmiotu jest nauczenie jak opracować model systemu elektromechanicznego, przeprowadzić symulacje, zinterpretować wyniki oraz porównać je z wynikami pomiarów Kierunek studiów Automatyka i Robotyka Poziom studiów I stopnia - inżynierskie Rok studiów 3 Semestr studiów 5
ELEKTRONIKA [Niestacjonarne][2022/23]
WYKŁAD: Podstawy analityczne systemów energoelektronicznych: Ogólny model przekształtnika bezpośredniego, transformacja współrzędnych, analiza spektralna i teoria mocy w układach energoelektronicznych. Nowoczesne półprzewodnikowe przyrządy energoelektroniczne (w tym SiC i GaN). Techniki modulacji impulsowej: Sterowanie skalarne i wektorowe, metody regulacji prądu. Przekształtniki wielopoziomowe i inne specjalne: Topologie falowników...
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electronics 2 [2023/24]
Prezentacje wykładów, quizy dla studentów, zadania i pytania do egzaminu.
Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Electronics II - project China [EE][2024/25]
Introduction and analysis of fundamental electronic components, circuits and applications.
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electronics 2 [EE][2024/25]
Introduction and analysis of fundamental electronic components, circuits and applications.
Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Electronics II - project China [2023/24]
Introduction and analysis of fundamental electronic components, circuits and applications.
Katedra Energoelektroniki i Maszyn Elektrycznych
Przewody doktorskie
ELEKTRONIKA [Niestacjonarne][2020/21]
Conducted classes
Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Electronics II
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Energy and Power Engineering
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electronics 2
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering -
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electronics 2
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Field of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Electronics II
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Energy and Power Engineering
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electronics 2
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Field of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Modeling and computer simulation in power electronic systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering -
Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering -
Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Electronics II
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Energy and Power Engineering
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automation, Robotics and Control Systems
Modelling and Simulation of Electromechatronic Systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Modeling and Simulation in Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automation, Robotics and Control Systems
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electronics 2
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Field of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Modeling and computer simulation in power electronic systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Modelling and Simulation of Electromechatronic Systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Modelling and Simulation of Electromechatronic Systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electronics 2
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Field of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Field of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Field of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Field of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Conversion and Utilization of Electric Energy
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automation, Robotics and Control Systems
Modeling and Simulation in Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Modeling and computer simulation in power electronic systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Modeling and computer simulation in power electronic systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automation, Robotics and Control Systems
Modelling and Simulation of Electromechatronic Systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Conversion and Utilization of Electric Energy
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electronics 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Field of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Field of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Field of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Field of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Modeling and computer simulation in power electronic systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Modelling and Simulation of Electromechatronic Systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Modeling and Simulation in Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electronics 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Field of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Field of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Field of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Field of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Conversion and Utilization of Electric Energy
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electronics 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Field of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Electronics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Modelling and Simulation of Electromechatronic Systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering -
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Conversion and Utilization of Electric Energy
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electronics
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Field of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Modeling and computer simulation in power electronic systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering -
Modeling and Simulation in Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Metodokogia badań naukowych - projekt
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringDiscipline: Elektrotechnika
Metodokogia badań naukowych - projekt
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringDiscipline: Elektrotechnika
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Conversion and Utilization of Electric Energy
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electronics
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Metodokogia badań naukowych - projekt
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringDiscipline: Automatyka i robotyka
Physics - Laboratory
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Modeling and Simulation in Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering -
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electronics 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Electronics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Conversion and Utilization of Electric Energy
Power Electronics Systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Conversion and Utilization of Electric Energy
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electronics
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Electronics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Electronics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electronics 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Physics - Laboratory
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Modeling and Simulation in Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Physics - Laboratory
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Power Electronics Systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Conversion and Utilization of Electric Energy
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Conversion and Utilization of Electric Energy
Power Electronics Systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Conversion and Utilization of Electric Energy
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Conversion and Utilization of Electric Energy
Physics - Laboratory
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Conversion and Utilization of Electric Energy
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Power Electronics Systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Conversion and Utilization of Electric Energy
Physics - Laboratory
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Automatic Control and Robotics
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Conversion and Utilization of Electric Energy
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Power Electronics Systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Conversion and Utilization of Electric Energy
Power Electronics Systems
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Specialization: Conversion and Utilization of Electric Energy
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Electrical Engineering
Performing promoter function in doctoral dissertations
Paweł Derkacz
dr inż. title conferred on 2024-09-26 by Doctoral School
Maciej Kolincio
dr inż. title conferred on 2019-03-13 by Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering
Szymon Racewicz
dr inż. title conferred on 2010-12-14 by Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering
Marek Turzyński
dr inż. title conferred on 2009-12-15 by Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering
Sławomir Mandrek
dr inż. title conferred on 2008-05-27 by Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering
Piotr Musznicki
dr inż. title conferred on 2007-04-24 by Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering
Wojciech Władziński
dr inż. title conferred on 2002-12-17 by Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering
Reviewed papers list
Measurement and control of ship electrical power system for saving energy consumption and improving reliability
Dr inż. Xiaoyan Xu - Shanghai Maritime University - 2008
Zasilanie ruchomych odbiorników energii elektrycznej za pośrednictwem cewek powietrznych sprzężonych magnetycznie
- Politechnika Gdańska - 2008
Diagnostyka wybranych uszkodzeń falownika napięcia w czasie rzeczywistym
- Politechnika Gdańska - 2007
Analiza prostownika aktywnego o dwóch stabilizowanych napięciach wyjściowych, symetrycznych względem wspólnego potencjału
dr inż. Krzysztof Wejrzanowski - Politechnika Warszawska - 2007
Bezczujnikowe sterowanie maszyną indukcyjną zasilaną z falownika prądu
- Politechnika Gdańska - 2007
Sterowanie silnikiem asynchronicznym klatkowym z filtrem wyjściowym falownika napięcia
dr inż. Stanisław Witkowski - Politechnika Gdańska - 2006
Bidirectional switch neutral point clamped three-level inverter with sinusoidal voltage output
dr inż. Bartłomiej Kamiński - Politechnika Warszawska - 2006
Kompensacja zniekształceń napięcia wyjściowym falownika z modulacją szerokości impulsów
- Politechnika Gdańska - 2005
Analiza energetyczna autonomicznego pojazdu małej mocy z silnikiem synchronicznym z magnesami trwałymi
dr inż. Andrzej Kamonciak - Politechnika Gdańska - 2004
Wybrane zagadnienia pracy energooszczędnej silnika indukcyjnego klatkowego
dr hab. inż. Piotr Gnaciński - Politechnika Gdańska - 2000
Układ sterowania silnikiem asynchronicznym z regulatorem kąta obciążenia
- Politechnika Gdańska - 2000
seen 3351 times