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Search results for: electrical conductivity
Low temperature electrical conductivity of the SrFeO3-d pellet
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of low temperature electrical conductivity measurements of dense SrFeO3-d (SFO) pellet. DC electrical conductivity measurements of SFO were performed by the Van der Pauw method between 400 °C and room temperature with 20 °C step. Studies were performed at Synthetic Air flow under humidified (~4 vol%) gas flow rate of 40...
Low temperature electrical conductivity of the SrTi0.65Fe0.35O3-d pellet
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of low temperature electrical conductivity measurements of dense SrTi0.65Fe0.35O3-d (STF35) pellet. DC electrical conductivity measurements of STF35 were performed by the Van der Pauw method between 400 °C and room temperature with 20 °C step. Studies were performed at Synthetic Air flow under humidified (~4 vol%) gas...
Low temperature electrical conductivity of the SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d pellet
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of low temperature electrical conductivity measurements of dense SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d (STF70) pellet. DC electrical conductivity measurements of STF70 were performed by the Van der Pauw method between 400 °C and room temperature with 20 °C step. Studies were performed at Synthetic Air flow under humidified (~4 vol%) gas...
Low temperature electrical conductivity of the SrTi0.10Fe0.90O3-d pellet
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of low temperature electrical conductivity measurements of dense SrTi0.10Fe0.90O3-d (STF90) pellet. DC electrical conductivity measurements of STF90 were performed by the Van der Pauw method between 400 °C and room temperature with 20 °C step. Studies were performed at Synthetic Air flow under humidified (~4 vol%) gas...
Low temperature electrical conductivity of the SrTi0.50Fe0.50O3-d pellet
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of low temperature electrical conductivity measurements of dense SrTi0.50Fe0.50O3-d (STF50) pellet. DC electrical conductivity measurements of STF50 were performed by the Van der Pauw method between 400 °C and room temperature with 20 °C step. Studies were performed at Synthetic Air flow under humidified (~4 vol%) gas...
Electrical conductivity of the SrTi1-xFexO3-d pellets at 20% pO2
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results electrical conductivity measurements of dense SrTi1-xFexO3-d (x=0.35, 0.50, 0.70) pellets. DC electrical conductivity measurements were performed by the Van der Pauw method between 900 °C and 200 °C. Studies were performed at 20% of oxygen partial pressure under humidified (~4 vol%) gas flow rate of 50 ml min -1.
Electrical conductivity relaxation measurements - water uptake of BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1Tb0.1O3-δ
Open Research DataFor Electrical Conductivity Relaxation (ECR) measurements, platinum reversible electrodes were applied in a four-probe arrangement and the BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1Tb0.1O3-δ sample was measured in the ProboStat™ measurement system. The ECR measurements were performed in air in the temperature range of 450-800 ℃ after switching water partial pressure between...
Electrical conductivity relaxation measurements - oxidation and reduction of BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1Tb0.1O3-δ
Open Research DataThe dataset consists of 2 main catalogs: measurements performed for oxidation/reduction in dry conditions and in humid conditions. For Electrical Conductivity Relaxation (ECR) measurements, platinum reversible electrodes were applied in a four-probe arrangement and the sample was measured in the ProboStat™ measurement system. The ECR measurements were...
Electrical conductivity of the Sr0.86Ti0.65Fe0.35O3-d pellet at different oxygen partial pressures
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results electrical conductivity measurements of dense Sr0.86Ti0.65Fe0.35O3-d (STF35) pellet. DC electrical conductivity measurements of STF35 were performed by the Van der Pauw method. Studies were performed at different oxygen partial pressures (20%, 1% and 0.1%) under humidified (~4 vol%) gas flow rate of 50 ml min -1.
Electrical conductivity of the (Ce0.80Gd0.20)O1.90 pellet at different oxygen partial pressures
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results electrical conductivity measurements of dense (Ce0.80Gd0.20)O1.90 (CGO-20) pellet. DC electrical conductivity measurements of CGO-20 were performed by the Van der Pauw method between 900 °C and 450 °C with 50 °C step. Studies were performed at different oxygen partial pressures (100%, 20% and 1%) under humidified (~4...
The electrical conductivity relaxation curve of the SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3 (x=0.90 and 1.00) at 700 °C
Open Research DataIn this dataset are presented exemplary curves used for analysis of the electrical conductivity relaxation (ECR) mesurement of the SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3 (x=0.90, 1.00) materials. The applied measuring temperature were 700 °C. Studies were performed in a small tube furnace (internal diameter ~20 mm) with 64 cm3 gas volume. During the four-point single frequency...
The electrical conductivity of pristine, La-, and Nb-doped SFM measured in air and hydrogen atmospheres
Open Research DataThis dataset consists of an Excel sheet with the result of DC4W method of electrical measurements. The measurements were conducted on pristine strontium ferrite molubdate as well as ones doped with La and Nb. Additionally two samples co-doped with La and Ni/Co were analyzed. Pellets were prepared by high temperature sintering at 1400 deg. C, then cut...
Electrical conductivity relaxation measurements - water uptake and oxidation of BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.2-xFexO3-δ (x = 0.02, 0.05, 0.1)
Open Research DataThe dataset consists of 2 main catalogs: measurements performed for oxidation/reduction (Oxidation) and hydration/dehydration (Hydration). Each of them consists individual catalogs for the measurements performed on the samples indicated by the name of the catalog. In the case of oxidation/reduction, inside each them, there are catalogs indicating if...
Total electrical conductivity data of (Cr,Fe,Mn,Co,Ni)3O4 High-entropy spinel oxide thin films deposited on amorphous SiO2 substrate by spray pyrolysis techniqe
Open Research DataThis dataset includes electrical conductivity measurements results measured by van der pauw technique up to 900oC.
Analysis of the electrical parameters of the LTO thin films
Open Research DataLithium titanate thin films were derived by sol-gel technique. Films with thickness ca. 800 nm were annealed for various time, in a range of 10h-80h at 550 deg. Electrical conductivity in a wide range of temperature was measured.
Atomic force microscopy images of copper electrical contacts wear under the influence of friction
Open Research DataMeasurement of wear of copper electrical contacts under the influence of friction. Imaging in contact mode in the variant of scanning spreading resistance microscopy. Additionally, there are spectroscopic current-voltage curves showing local changes in electrical conductivity. NTEGRA Prima (NT-MDT) device. Probe NSG 01Pt.
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements - conductivity vs. temperature and conductivity vs. oxygen partial pressure - BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1Tb0.1O3-δ
Open Research DataThe dataset consists of two main catalogs consisting of measurement data: of the electrical conductivity of the BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1Tb0.1O3-δ (BCZYTb) sample as a function of temperature and of the electrical conductivity as a function of oxygen partial pressure (pO2). Measurements as a function of temperature were carried out in dry and wet air (pH2O ~...
Morphology and conductivity investigations of nickel-molybdenium alloy by means of Scanning Spreading Resistance Microscopy
Open Research DataElectrolytically deposited nickel-molybdenum alloys are interesting materials because of their high corrosion resistance and low over-potential for hydrogen evolution. Despite many studies devoted to the deposition of these alloys, the mechanism of co-deposition is not fully understood [1]. The aim of the research was to preserve the electrochemically...
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements - conductivity vs. temperature and conductivity vs. oxygen partial pressure for BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.2-xFexO3-δ (x = 0.02, 0.05, 0.1)
Open Research DataThe dataset consists of two main catalogs consisting of measurement data: of the electrical conductivity of the BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.18Fe0.02O3-δ (BCZYFe2), BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.15Fe0.05O3-δ (BCZYFe5), and BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1Fe0.1O3-δ (BCZYFe10) samples as a function of temperature and of the electrical conductivity as a function of oxygen partial pressure (pO2)....
SEM/EDX data of (Cr,Fe,Mn,Co,Ni)3O4 High-entropy spinel oxide thin films deposited on amorphous SiO2 substrate by spray pyrolysis techniqe
Open Research DataThis Data set include SEM and EDX results of (Mn,Co,Fe,Ni,Cr)3O4 high-entropy spinel oxide prepared in the form of a ~ 500 nm thin film utilising a facile spray pyrolysis technique. The structural and electrical properties of the layers were characterised after exposure to temperatures in the range of 400–900 ◦C. The as-deposited layers were amorphous,...
TEM data of (Cr,Fe,Mn,Co,Ni)3O4 High-entropy spinel oxide thin films deposited on amorphous SiO2 substrate by spray pyrolysis techniqe
Open Research DataThis Dataset include presentation of summarized TEM investigation of (Mn,Co,Fe,Ni,Cr)3O4 high-entropy spinel oxide prepared in the form of a ~ 500 nm thin film utilising a facile spray pyrolysis technique. The structural and electrical properties of the layers were characterised after exposure to temperatures in the range of 400–900 ◦C. The as-deposited...
AFM and SSRM investiagtion of carbon nanowalls properties
Open Research DataStructures with limited dimensionality are of great interest in modern nanotechnology. The properties of these objects are used, among others, for the construction of modern displays or as a base for quantum computers. Carbon nanowalls, which are the subject of the imaging results contained in this collection, are also considered interesting building...
Electrical properties of silicate-lead glasses containing nanostructures of iron oxides.
Open Research DataElectrical properties of silicate-lead glasses doped with different content of iron oxide was studied. The set of glass samples were prepared with the composition of (50 − 0.5x)SiO2–(50 − 0.5x)PbO–xFe2O3, where x = 2, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 (in mol%). All sampleswere prepared by the conventional melt quenching technique; the melting was conducted in...
Nonlinear impedance of as-quenched Bi2VO5.5 glass-ceramic was measured with impedance spectroscopy method at low temperature region
Open Research DataThe nonlinear electrical properties of as-quenched Bi2VO5.5 glass-ceramic was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
ECG measurement in the bathtub - getting into the bathtub- men
Open Research DataThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
Chemical diffusion coefficient of oxygen (D*) of the SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3 (x=0.90, 0.95 and 1.00) at different temperatures
Open Research DataIn this dataset are presented D* values designated based on the electrical conductivity relaxation (ECR) mesurement of the SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3 (x=0.90, 0.95, 1.00) materials. The applied temperatures were 800 °C, 750 °C, 700 °C, 650 °C, and 600 °C. Studies were performed in a small tube furnace (internal diameter ~20 mm) with 64 cm3 gas volume. During...
Chemical oxygen surface exchange coefficient (k*) of the SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3 (x=0.90, 0.95 and 1.00) at different temperatures
Open Research DataIn this dataset are presented k* values designated based on the analysis of the electrical conductivity relaxation (ECR) mesurement of the SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3 (x=0.90, 0.95, 1.00) materials. The applied temperatures were 800 °C, 750 °C, 700 °C, 650 °C, and 600 °C. Studies were performed in a small tube furnace (internal diameter ~20 mm) with 64 cm3 gas...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - drl on the outside of the bathtub on one side- men
Open Research DataThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - electrodes on the sides of the bathtub at the buttocks, drills at the feet, grounding the bathtub - women
Open Research DataThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - electrodes at the feet, drl behind the back - women
Open Research DataThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - electrodes on the sides of the bathtub, bath simulation - women
Open Research DataThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - sitting on measuring electrodes, drl in water - men
Open Research DataThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - electrodes on the sides of the bathtub, placed on the back - women
Open Research DataThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - sitting on the measuring electrodes, drl outside the bathtub - men
Open Research DataThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - drl on the outside of the bathtub on both sides, measuring electrodes on the front and back of the bathtub- men
Open Research DataThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - drl in the water, measuring electrodes on the sides of the bathtub - men
Open Research DataThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - electrodes at buttocks, strengthening 2x smaller, drl at buttocks - women
Open Research DataThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - electrodes on the sides of the bathtub at the buttocks, drl at the feet - women
Open Research DataThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - electrodes on the sides of the bathtub at the buttocks - women
Open Research DataThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - one side of the bathtub is grounded, drl outside the bathtub - men
Open Research DataThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - electrodes at the feet, drl at the buttocks - women
Open Research DataThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - electrodes on the sides of the bathtub at the knees - women
Open Research DataThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - drl on one side of the bath mass on the other - the person is moving- men
Open Research DataThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - drl outside the bathtub on both sides- men
Open Research DataThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - drl on one side of the bath, the mass of the system on the other- men
Open Research DataThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - drl in water, front and back measuring electrodes - men
Open Research DataThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - electrodes on the sides of the bathtub, sitting motionless - women
Open Research DataThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - electrodes at the feet, bath simulation - women
Open Research DataThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - electrodes on the sides of the bathtub at the knees, signal amplification x2 - women
Open Research DataThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - conversation during measurement, electrodes on the sides of the bathtub, drl in water - women
Open Research DataThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...