Search results for: ROLLING
Experimental validation of the rolling resistance measurement method including updated draft standard
PublicationThe main objective of ROSANNE is the harmonisation and standardisation of the measurement of skid resistance, noise emission and rolling resistance of road pavements. Regarding rolling resistance characterisation, a draft for standardization of a harmonized procedure for classification of road surfaces across Europe has been prepared within WP3 (deliverable 3.5). The procedure deals with the direct measurement on real roads of...
The influence of inflation pressure and ambient temperature on the value of the truck tires rolling resistance
PublicationThe articlediscusses the effect of inflation pressure and the ambient temperature on the value of the rolling resistance of truck tires which directly translates into fuel consumption. For this purpose, a series of measurements was made at two ambient temperatures (at 25°C and -15°C), using different pumping pressures.
Analysis of ring cracks in ceramic rolling elements using the boundary element method
PublicationCeramic materials have been increasingly used in bearing technology for over a dozen years. This is due to the characteristic properties of ceramic materials such as: high hardness, corrosion resistance, the possibility of use in aggressive chemical environments, as well as due to the lower specific weight compared to steel materials. However, the use of ceramic materials is connected with many limitations. The main disadvantages...
Multivariate evaluation by quality indicators of no-tillage system in Argiudolls of rolling pampa (Argentina)
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Transient torsional vibrations control in the geared drive trains of the hot rolling mills
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Experimental Study of the Rolling Friction Coefficient in Highly Loaded Supports of Rotary Kilns
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Wady powierzchniowe ceramicznych elementów tocznych = Surface cracks of ceramic rolling elements
PublicationMateriały ceramiczne posiadają kombinację optymalnych własności, które są niezbędne w zastosowaniach na wysoko obciążone elementy maszyn. Podstawowym problemem związanym z wytrzymałością zmęczeniową materiałów ceramicznych są wszelkiego rodzaju wady powierzchniowe będące efektem procesu wytwarzania lub wynikające z defektów struktury materiału ceramicznego. W artykule przedstawiono badania doświadczalne dwutlenku cyrkonu ze sztucznie...
Numerical modelling of asymetric double-layer Al-Cu plate rolling process
PublicationNiekorzystnym zjawiskiem towarzyszącym procesom walcowania płaskich wyrobów bimetalowych jest krzywizna pasma na wyjściu z kotliny walcowniczej wynikająca z nierównomierności odkształcenia warstw bimetalowej blachy. Możliwość szybkiego i łatwego przeciwdziałania temu zjawisku daje wprowadzenie asymetrii prędkości bądź średnic walców roboczych. W przedstawionym artykule zaprezentowano badania komputerowe procesu walcowania blach...
Timed rolling and rising tests in Duchenne muscular dystrophy ambulant boys: a feasibility study
PublicationBACKGROUND: Functional activities are extensively used in motor assessments of patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The role of timed items has been reported as an early prognostic factor for disease progression. However, there are two functional activities that are not widely assessed in clinical practice among Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients: rolling and bed rising. This study aimed to investigate whether the 360-degree...
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A Quantitative Investigation of Dislocation Density in an Al Matrix Composite Produced by a Combination of Micro-/Macro-Rolling
PublicationAn aluminum matrix composite with dispersed carbon nanotubes (CNTs) was produced via flake powder metallurgy using a micro-rolling process and vacuum hot pressing (VHP), followed by conventional rolling using a macro-rolling process. The microstructure and mechanical properties of the produced composites were studied. In addition, a new quantitative model was introduced to study the dislocation density based on the microstructural...
PublicationThis paper presents analysis of rolling resistance of tires with RUN FLAT insert applying drum method and radial characteristic. The conducted studies indicated changes in operational properties of wheel, occurring as a result of inflation pressure drop in the wheel. As regards radial elasticity, such changes result in significant drop of radial rigidity and increase of static deflection and increase of tire rolling resistance....
Noise and Rolling Resistance Properties of Various Types of Winter Tyres Compared to Normal Car Tyres
PublicationTo cope with winter weather conditions, potentially including snow and ice, it is common to use winter tyres, or ”all-seasons” tyres assumed to be safe both in summer and winter. In some northern countries, winter tyres are mandatory. Traditionally, it has been assumed that winter tyres are noisier than normal tyres (here called summer tyres) and winter tyres equipped with studs are assumed to be very noisy.This paper presents...
Relieving the Measuring System of the Trailer for Tyre/Road Rolling Resistance Measurements from the Inertia Force
PublicationIn the article the principle of measuring of tyre/road rolling resistance tyres in road conditions applied in a special measuring trailer is presented. This trailer was built in Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Gdansk University of Technology. The construction of two special devices used in this trailer was discussed. These devices eliminate the influence of some chosen confounding measurements factors such as: the inertia...
Scuffing and rolling contact fatigue resistance of discrete laser spot hardened austempered ductile iron
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The influence of type of dispersed phase on rolling contact fatigue of lubricating greases on mineral base oil
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Hybrid super‐twisting fractional‐order terminal sliding mode control for rolling spherical robot
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Modelowanie asymetrycznego procesu walcowania blach bimetalowych = The modeling of asymetrical rolling process of bimetallic plate
PublicationW pracy rozważano problem płynięcia plastycznego bimetalowego pasma podczas asymetrycznego procesu walcowania blach bimetalowych. Asymetrię procesu uzyskano w wyniku wprowadzenia różnic w wartościach sił tarcia na powierzchniach styku pasma z poszczególnymi walcami.
Methods of determination of C coefficient for period of rolling vessel in calm water for example of pax cargo ship
PublicationThis article presents a different approach to calculate the C coefficient needed to determine the period of own rolling vessel in calm water. The C coefficient is usually adopted as the approximate value from the available literature, usually depending on the type of vessel, and less dependent on the loading condition. In experimental studies of marine properties (seakeeping) often have a problem with the selection of the correct...
Model Based Monitoring of Dynamic Loads and Remaining Useful Life Prediction in Rolling Mills and Heavy Machinery
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Application of Time-Frequency Analysis of Acoustic Signal to Detecting Flat Places on the Rolling Surface of a Tram Wheel
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Modelling of Ship’s Heeling and Rolling for the Purpose of Gantry Control Improvement in the Course of Cargo Handling Operations in Sea Ports
PublicationThe paper presents two proposals of models of interaction between a ship and cargo being loaded or discharged by a gantry in port, in terms of heeling and rolling of the vessel. The main purpose of such modelling is the need for improvement of gantry control with regard to faster operations thanks to more accurate estimation of level and moment of cargo release from a gantry hook or spreader. The study may be the contribution to...
Prediction of Ship Resonant Rolling - Related Dangerous Zones with Regard to the Equivalent Metacentric Height Governing Natural Frequency of Roll
PublicationPotentially dangerous zones corresponding to dynamical stability phenomena, possibly encountered by ships sailing in rough sea, are estimated nowadays with the use of the method recommended by IMO in the guidance coded MSC.1/Circ.1228. In this IMO method the parameter governing the natural period of roll is the initial metacentric height. Some earlier studies revealed that the initial metacentric height...
Abrasive Wear, Scuffing and Rolling Contact Fatigue of DLC-Coated 18CrNiMo7-6 Steel Lubricated by a Pure and Contaminated Gear Oil
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Wpływ parametrów asymetrycznego walcowania na krzywiznę walcowanej blachy bimetalowej = The influence of parameters of assymetric rolling on the curvature of bimmetal plate
PublicationWyginanie się bimetalowych blach grubych po wyjściu z kotliny walcowniczej jest zjawiskiem utrudniającym bezawaryjne prowadzenie procesu technologicznego. Na podstawie licznych prac [1¸4] można stwierdzić, że zastosowanie walcowania asymetrycznego jest jedną z metod pozwalających na wyeliminowanie niekorzystnego wpływu wyginania się dwuwarstwowej blachy po procesie walcowania. Do badań numerycznych asymetrycznego procesu walcowania...
Joining of tubular elements by internal rolling with use of burnishing tools.Łączenie elementów rurowych przez wewnętrzne rozpęczanie z użyciem nagniataków.
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono wyniki prac zmierzających do zastosowania nagniataków do łączenia rur aluminiowych przez ich rozgniatanie. Zaprezentowano analityczny szacunek wytrzymałości złącz i porównano z wynikami prób ich rozłączania na maszynie wytrzymałościowej.
Teoretyczna analiza procesu walcowania trójwarstwowego pasma AlMg-Al-Cu, Theoretical analysis of rolling process of composite plate AlMg-Al-Cu
PublicationPrzedstawiono symulacje komputerowe walcowania blach AlMg-Al-Cu łączonych wybuchowo. Symulacje przeprowadzono dla procesu walcowania w walcarce o średnicy walców D=150 mm z indywidualnym napędem walców roboczych. W ramach badań numerycznych określono wpływ nierówności odkształcenia warstw tworzących pasmo oraz nieliniowy rozkład predkości warstw blachy w kotlinie walcowniczej asymetrycznie walcowanej blachy trójwarstwowej AlMg-Al-Cu.
Numeryczne modelowanie prędkości płynięcia warstw blachy bimetalowej w procesie walcowania = The numerical modelling of the layers flow velocity in bimetal plates rolling proces
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń numerycznych dotyczących procesu asymetrycznego walcowania blach bimetalowych 18G2A+1H13.
ROLLING Investigation of chaotic ship roll motion for super-resonant excitation frequencies and high amplitudes of response
ProjectsProject realized in Zakład Projektowania Okrętu
Lubricant property and rolling contact fatigue test of oil-in-water emulsion type HFA-E and oil Total Azolla 46 as working liquids in hydraulic systems
PublicationW artykule scharakteryzowano i opisano wyniki badań własności smarnych wody destylowanej, emulsji wodno-olejowej typu HFA-E (1% oleju w wodzie) sporządzonej na bazie koncentratu Isosynth VX110BF, oleju Total Azolla 46 i samego koncentratu Isosynth VX110BF (tylko dla porównania z olejem, emulsją i wodą). W artykule pokazano wyniki badań pittingu z użyciem wody, emulsji i oleju jako środków smarnych. Ponadto w artykule przedstawiono...
Voltage fluctuations on the main switchgear of the industrial power system supplying the rolling mill motors
Open Research DataThe dataset presents the voltage waveforms on the bus bars of the main switchgear of the industrial power network for the supply of rolling mills. The data was recorded during an experiment whose purpose was to determine a level of short-term and long-term flicker caused by voltage fluctuations. In the virtual application of flickermeter, a hardware...
Voltage fluctuations on the main switchgear of the industrial power system supplying the rolling mill motors_part_2
Open Research DataThe dataset presents the voltage waveforms on the bus bars of the main switchgear of the industrial power network for the supply of rolling mills. The data was recorded during an experiment whose purpose was to determine a level of short-term and long-term flicker caused by voltage fluctuations. In the virtual application of flickermeter, a hardware...
The instantaneous flicker sensation level measured in the industrial power system supplying the rolling mill motors
Open Research DataThe dataset presents the instantaneous flicker sensation level measured on the bus bars of the main switchgear of the industrial power network for the supply of rolling mills. The data were obtained during an experiment whose purpose was to determine a level of short-term and long-term flicker caused by voltage fluctuations. In the virtual application...
API 5L X65 steel - CMOD-force record in -10°C, along rolling direction
Open Research DataSteel designated as API 5L X65 is often used for oil and gas transportation pipelines. It is caused due to its high ductility, weldability and good corrosion resistance. API 5L X65 is a low alloy steel with carbon content less than 0.3% (depends on delivery condition). Once installed, a pipeline remains in place for many years. Throughout its life,...
API 5L X65 steel - CMOD-force record in -10°C, across rolling direction
Open Research DataSteel designated as API 5L X65 is often used for oil and gas transportation pipelines. It is caused due to its high ductility, weldability and good corrosion resistance. API 5L X65 is a low alloy steel with carbon content less than 0.3% (depends on delivery condition). Once installed, a pipeline remains in place for many years. Throughout its life,...
The short-term flicker severity level measured in the industrial power system supplying the rolling mill motors
Open Research DataThe dataset presents a short-term flicker severity level measured on the bus bars of the main switchgear of the industrial power network for the supply of rolling mills. The data were obtained during an experiment whose purpose was to determine a level of short-term and long-term flicker caused by voltage fluctuations. In the virtual application of...
API 5L X65 steel - tensile properties in room temperature +20°C, across rolling direction
Open Research DataSteel designated as API 5L X65 is often used for oil and gas transportation pipelines. It is caused due to its high ductility, weldability and good corrosion resistance. API 5L X65 is a low alloy steel with carbon content less than 0.3% (depends on delivery condition). Once installed, a pipeline remains in place for many years. Throughout its life,...
API 5L X65 steel - tensile properties in room temperature -10°C, along rolling direction
Open Research DataSteel designated as API 5L X65 is often used for oil and gas transportation pipelines. It is caused due to its high ductility, weldability and good corrosion resistance. API 5L X65 is a low alloy steel with carbon content less than 0.3% (depends on delivery condition). Once installed, a pipeline remains in place for many years. Throughout its life,...
API 5L X65 steel - tensile properties in room temperature -10°C, across rolling direction
Open Research DataSteel designated as API 5L X65 is often used for oil and gas transportation pipelines. It is caused due to its high ductility, weldability and good corrosion resistance. API 5L X65 is a low alloy steel with carbon content less than 0.3% (depends on delivery condition). Once installed, a pipeline remains in place for many years. Throughout its life,...
API 5L X65 steel - tensile properties in room temperature +20°C, along rolling direction
Open Research DataSteel designated as API 5L X65 is often used for oil and gas transportation pipelines. It is caused due to its high ductility, weldability and good corrosion resistance. API 5L X65 is a low alloy steel with carbon content less than 0.3% (depends on delivery condition). Once installed, a pipeline remains in place for many years. Throughout its life,...
Numeryczna analiza wpływu kierunku rozchodzenia się fali wybuchu na krzywiznę asymetrycznie walcowanego pasma Al-Cu. Numerical analysis the influence of the direction of explosion wave at the curvature of asymmetrical rolling of bimetallic plate.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono numeryczną analizę wpływu kierunku rozchodzenia się fali wybuchu na krzywiznę asymetrycznie walcowanego pasma Al-Cu. Przeprowadzono symulacje dla procesu walcowania w temperaturze 20 C. Proces walcowania prowadzono w walcarce duo D 150 mm, o prędkości obwodowej 18,5 obr/min. Badania przeprowadzono dla dwóch stosunków grubości warstw 2/10 i 4/8. Symulację procesu przeprowadzono dla trzech gniotów 10%, 20%,...
API 5L X65 steel - fracture documentation of CMOD-force test in -10°C, along rolling direction
Open Research DataSteel designated as API 5L X65 is often used for oil and gas transportation pipelines. It is caused due to its high ductility, weldability and good corrosion resistance. API 5L X65 is a low alloy steel with carbon content less than 0.3% (depends on delivery condition). Once installed, a pipeline remains in place for many years. Throughout its life,...
API 5L X65 steel - fracture documentation of CMOD-force test in -10°C, across rolling direction
Open Research DataSteel designated as API 5L X65 is often used for oil and gas transportation pipelines. It is caused due to its high ductility, weldability and good corrosion resistance. API 5L X65 is a low alloy steel with carbon content less than 0.3% (depends on delivery condition). Once installed, a pipeline remains in place for many years. Throughout its life,...
A cumulative probability function of instantaneous flicker sensation values measured in the industrial power system supplying the rolling mill motors
Open Research DataThe dataset presents a cumulative probability function CPF of the instantaneous flicker sensation level measured on the bus bars of the main switchgear of the industrial power network for the supply of rolling mills. The data were obtained during an experiment whose purpose was to determine a level of short-term and long-term flicker caused by voltage...
Wpływ kierunku rozchodzenia się fali detonacyjnej oraz współczynnika asymetrii na rozkład prędkości odkształceń w kotlinie walcowniczej podczas asymetrycznego walcowania pasma Al-Cu. The influences of the direction of explosion wave and asymetrical coefficient at the distribution of strain rate in the roll cap of bimetallic plate Al-Cu of rolling process.
PublicationPrzedstawiono symulacje komputerowe walcowania blach Al-Cu łączonych wybuchowo. Symulacje przeprowadzono dla procesu walcowania w walcarce o średnicy walców D=150 mm z indywidualnym napędem walców roboczych. W ramach badań numerycznych określony został wpływ kierunku rozchodzenia się fali detonacyjnej na rozkład prędkości odkształcenia w kotlinie walcowniczej asymetrycznie walcowanej blachy bimetalowej Al-Cu.
On ship roll resonance frequency
PublicationThe paper deals with the problem of modeling of rolling motion under a variety of excitation parameters. Special emphasis is put on the analysis and prediction of the frequency of the resonant mode of rolling, since it is often an essential issue in terms of motion of a ship related to her safety against capsizing or excessive amplitudes of roll. The research is performed for both free rolling and excited rolling and it is based...
Ryszard Woźniak dr inż.
PeopleRyszard Woźniak received his M.Sc. (1984) from the Lublin University of Technology specializing in Cars and Tractors. In 2002, at the Gdansk University of Technology he defended his doctoral thesis on: "Tyre/road noise when large longitudinal forces are applied in tyre/road contact patch" and obtained a doctorate degree in technical sciences in the field of construction and operation of machines. Currently he is an adjunct at the...
Vehicle Dynamics - L-15/C-15/L-15/P-15, Design and Production Engineering, WIMiO, undergraduate studies, engineering studies, full-time (stationary) studies, 2021/2022, se06, (M:320383W0), summer semester 2023/2024
e-Learning CoursesModuł przedmiotów wybieralnych, MiBM, I stopień, specjalność w j. angielskim: Design and Production Engineering (DaPE), semestr 6?, (przedmiot dla Chińczyków), Lecture: Throttle by tyred wheel: slip rolling, rolling with tyre strain, vertical and lateral surface reactions, traction, energetic looses, forces in contact path. Drugs of movement: rolling, air, gradient, inertia, cornering and towing. Forces ant torques acting to vehicle...
Wpływ kąta pochylenia koła na opór toczenia opon samochodowych
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wpływ kąta pochylenia koła na opór toczenia opon do samochodów osobowych. Pomiary oporu toczenia kół toczących się z kątem pochylenia od -6º do +3º wykonano na bębnowej maszynie bieżnej metodą momentową. Wyniki pomiarów przedstawiono w formie zależności współczynnika oporu toczenia oraz przyrostu współczynnika oporu toczenia w funkcji kąta pochylenia badanego koła.
A shear stress micromodel of urinary tract infection by the Escherichia coli producing Dr adhesin
PublicationIn this study, we established a dynamic micromodel of urinary tract infection to analyze the impact of UT-segment-specific urinary outflow on the persistence of E. coli colonization. We found that the adherence of Dr+ E. coli to bladder T24 transitional cells and type IV collagen is maximal at lowest shear stress and is reduced by any increase in flow velocity. The analyzed adherence was effective in the whole spectrum of physiological...