Search results for: least squares
The Experimental Determination of Bearings Dynamic Coefficients in a Wide Range of Rotational Speeds, Taking into Account the Resonance and Hydrodynamic Instability
PublicationMethods for the experimental determination of dynamic coefficients are commonly used for the analysis of various types of bearings, including hydrodynamic, aerodynamic and foil bearings. There are currently several algorithms that allow estimating bearing dynamic coefficients. Such algorithms usually use various excitation techniques applied to rotor–bearings systems. So far only a small number of scientific publications show how...
User-assisted methodology targeted for building structure interpretable QSPR models for boosting CO2 capture with ionic liquids
PublicationTask-specific ionic liquid (IL) is an emerging class of compounds that may be environmentally friendly. Properly selected, these compounds may be green alternative to amine solutions and can replace them in post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture processes on an industrial scale. However, owing to the vast diversity of ions and their possible combinations, laboratory research is time consuming and expensive. Therefore, computational...
Dielectric Properties of BiNbO<sub>4</sub>-Based Ceramic-Polymer Composites with 0-3 Connectivity
PublicationIn the present study two-phase BiNbO4//PVDF composites with 0-3 connectivity were studied by impedance spectroscopy within the frequency range Δν=100Hz-1MHz at room temperature. Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) acted as a matrix whereas bismuth niobate (BiNbO4) powder acted as a dispersed phase. The volume fraction of the ceramic phase was cV=2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 16 and 20vol%. Analysis of the impedance data registered for composites...
Feasibility study of a Raman spectroscopic route to drug detection
PublicationWe present an surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) approach for detection of drugs of abuse in whole human blood. We utilize a near infrared laser with 830 nm excitation wavelength in order to reduce the influence of fluorescence on the spectra of blood. However, regular plasmon resonance peak of plasmonic nanoparticles, such as silver or gold fall in a much lower wavelength regime about 400 nm. Therefore, we have shifted...
Advanced Hysteretic Model of a Prototype Seismic Isolation System Made of Polymeric Bearings
PublicationThe present paper reports the results of acomprehensive study designed to verify the effectiveness of an advanced mathematical model in simulating the complex mechanical behaviour of a prototype seismic isolation system made of polymeric bearings (PBs). Firstly, in order to construct the seismic bearings considered in this research, a specially prepared flexible polymeric material with increased damping properties was employed....
GPS-derived height changes in diurnal and sub-diurnal timescales
PublicationThis paper describes the research concerning precise short-time GPS solutions conducted in the Centre of Applied Geomatics, Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland. The data from ASG-EUPOS (Polish Active Geodetic Network) was processed using Bernese 5.0 software and EPN (EUREF Permanent Network) standards and models. In this study, the adapted 3-hour observation window is shifted every hour for obtaining hourly geocentric...
The impact of bankruptcy regimes on entrepreneurship and innovation. Is there any relationship?
PublicationThe literature review indicates that bankruptcy law may play an important role in and be one of the factors infuencing the development of entrepreneurship, innovation, and thus economic growth, among other things. In previous studies, the analysis of the impact of bankruptcy law on individual variables has been conducted independently. Our aim was to conduct a holistic analysis, taking several factors into account simultaneously....
Assessment of the Bulgarian Wastewater Treatment Plants’ Impact on the Receiving Water Bodies
PublicationDeterioration of water quality is a major problem world widely according to many international non-governmental organizations (NGO). As one of the European Union (EU) countries, Bulgaria is also obliged by EU legislation to maintain best practices in assessing surface water quality and the efficiency of wastewater treatment processes. For these reasons studies were undertaken to utilize ecotoxicological (Microtox®, Phytotoxkit...
TDOA versus ATDOA for wide area multilateration system
PublicationThis paper outlines a new method of a location service (LCS) in the asynchronous wireless networks (AWNs) where the nodes (base stations) operate asynchronously in relation to one another. This method, called asynchronous time difference of arrival (ATDOA), enables the calculation of the position of the mobile object (MO) through the measurements taken by a set of non-synchronized fixed nodes and is based on the measurement of...
Error analysis for European IGS stations
PublicationEach of the GPS time series that describes the changes of topocentric components consists of a deterministic and a stochastic part, whose character influences the errors of the deterministic parameters. As to the uncertainties of reliable velocities of permanent satellite station systems, surveys that estimate and take into account any dependencies that may affect subsequent operational efficiency are very important. For this analysis,...
Inverse Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problem Framework for the Synthesis of Coupled-Resonator Filters With Nonresonant Nodes and Arbitrary Frequency-Variant Reactive Couplings
PublicationA novel, general circuit-level description of coupledresonator microwave filters is introduced in this article. Unlike well-established coupling-matrix models based on frequency-invariant couplings or linear frequency-variant couplings (LFVCs), a model with arbitrary reactive frequencyvariant coupling (AFVC) networks is proposed. The engineered formulation is more general than prior-art ones—with the only restriction that the coupling...
Discriminating macromolecular interactions based on an impedimetric fingerprint supported by multivariate data analysis for rapid and label-free Escherichia coli recognition in human urine
PublicationThis manuscript presents a novel approach to address the challenges of electrode fouling and highly complex electrode nanoarchitecture, which are primary concerns for biosensors operating in real environments. The proposed approach utilizes multiparametric impedance discriminant analysis (MIDA) to obtain a fingerprint of the macromolecular interactions on flat glassy carbon surfaces, achieved through self-organized, drop-cast,...
Precise Point Positioning Method Based on Wide-lane and Narrow-lane Phase Observations and Between Satellites Single Differencing
PublicationThe issue of using PPP method in position determination was formed in 1997. In most developed methods, ionospheric-free linear combination is used in order to eliminate the impact of the ionospheric delay. However, this approach does not provide the directly determination of the total value of the ambiguities, and the ambiguities for the individual signals. Therefore, in many publications methods of avoiding these deficiencies...
Comparison of GPS tropospheric delays derived from two consecutive EPN reprocessing campaigns from the point of view of climate monitoring
PublicationThe main purpose of this research was to acquire information about consistency of ZTD (zenith total delay) linear trends and seasonal components between two consecutive GPS reprocessing campaigns. The analysis concerned two sets of the ZTD time series which were estimated during EUREF (Reference Frame Sub-Commission for Europe) EPN (Permanent Network) reprocessing campaigns according to 2008 and 2015 MUT AC (Military University...
Combination of instrumental and qualitative descriptive analysis for evaluation of selected tonic waters quality features
PublicationThe combination of sensory and instrumental analysis was applied for quality assurance of selected tonic waters. The Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA) in terms of fourteen sensory attributes (aroma, astringency, bite, burn, numbing, tongue heaviness, carbonation, mouth coating, sweet taste, sour taste, bitter taste, sweet aftertaste, sour aftertaste, bitter aftertaste) of selected tonic waters was performed by sensory experts....
Gender as a Moderator of the Double Bias of Mistakes – Knowledge Culture and Knowledge Sharing Effects
PublicationThere is no learning without mistakes. The essence of the double bias of mistakes is the contradiction between an often-declared positive attitude towards learning from mistakes, and negative experiences when mistakes occur. Financial and personal consequences, shame, and blame force desperate employees to hide their mistakes. These adverse outcomes are doubled in organizations by the common belief that managers never make mistakes,...
Investigation of long-range dependencies in the stochastic part of daily GPS solutions
PublicationThe long-range dependence (LRD) of the stochastic part of GPS-derived topocentric coordinates change (North, East, Up) results with relatively high autocorrelation values with a focus on self-similarity. One of the reasons for such self-similarity in the GPS time series are noises that are commonly recognised to prevail in the form of the flicker noise model. To prove the self-similarity of the stochastic part of GPS time series...
Annual signals observed in regional GPS networks
PublicationAbstract: This paper describes analyses concerning annual signals in GPS-derived coordinates. The data was processed in the Military University of Technology Local Analysis Centre with Bernese 5.0 software. We used observations from 129 permanent GPS stations which belong to the Polish Active Geodetic Network (ASG-EUPOS), for the period of GPS weeks 1465-1729, corresponding to about 5 years. The annual signals have been estimated...
Measurement Campaign and Mathematical Model Construction for the Ship Zodiak Magnetic Signature Reproduction
PublicationThe paper presents the partial work done within the framework of the EDA Siramis II project focused on magnetic signature reproduction of ships. Reproduction is understood here as the ability to determine the magnetic anomaly of the local Earth magnetic field in any direction and at any measurement depth due to the presence of the analysed object. The B-91 type hydrographic ship Zodiak was selected as the real case study. The work...
Results after grinding C45 steel
Open Research DataThe database contains results from nanoindenter, scanning microscope and also X-ray diffractometer. To determine the residual stresses and the size of the crystallites in the ferrite grains in the grinded surface layer, the Williamson Hall analysis of the X-ray diffraction patterns was performed. XRD diffraction patterns were also used to perform a...