


  • state aid for sustainable urban development

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The dataset encompassed a choice of important legal acts with respect on the usage of EFRD for urban projects, a list of selected bibliography as well as a list of selected individual notifications of state aid measures being part of the Sustainable Urban Development Programme in the period  2014- 2020. As a comparison, an example of individual EC decision...

  • Knowledge Management for Managing Crisis in Tourism: Theoretical insights


    COVID-19 has caused an unprecedented crisis affecting the entire tourism industry. Accommodation, food, and travel sectors have been affected by the decreased number of visitors, which had a ripple effect on the financial situation of the whole industry. The purpose of this work is a better understanding of the role of knowledge management in terms of mitigating the crisis in the tourism sector, as well as a development of the...

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  • Journal of Product & Brand Management


    ISSN: 1061-0421

  • International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management


    ISSN: 1743-5110

  • Natural Product Sciences


    ISSN: 1226-3907



    ISSN: 0265-0568 , eISSN: 1460-4752

  • Metodologia i metodyka odtworzenia stolarki okiennej w zabytkowych obiektach na przykładzie Muzeum Bursztynu w Wielkim Młynie w Gdańsku

    W artykule przedstawiono metodologię i metodykę odtworzenia stolarki okiennej w obiekcie zabytkowym, o zachowanej średniowiecznej formie, przy realizacji Muzeum Bursztynu w Wielkim Młynie w Gdańsku. Omówiono wyniki wykonanych badań w tym zakresie i decyzje projektowe odtworzenia okien. Opisano wpływ współczesnych wymagań dotyczących stolarki w obiektach muzealnych na jej kształt i formę. Wykonane dla Muzeum Bursztynu okna są autorską...

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  • Polityka Rozwoju/Development Policy 2022/23

    e-Learning Courses
    • G. Rembarz

    Course address the challenges of achieving the 11th goal of the Global Sustainable Development Policy (17 Sustainable Development Goals)_ Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable Lectures are held in a remote formula in the layout of classes blocked according to an individual plan. Starting point TUE the 28th Feb 2023  8.30 am join here! teacher:...

  • Polityka Rozwoju/Development Policy 2024/25

    e-Learning Courses
    • G. Rembarz

    The course addresses the challenges of achieving Goal 11 of the Global Sustainable Development Policy (17 Sustainable Development Goals) to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. teacher: dr Gabriela Rembarz Lectures are held remotely (TEAMS) in the arrangement of classes blocked according to an individual schedule. Starting point: Wed February 28, 2024, 8:30 a.m. Join under...

  • Polityka Rozwoju/Development Policy 2023/24

    e-Learning Courses
    • G. Rembarz

    The course addresses the challenges of achieving Goal 11 of the Global Sustainable Development Policy (17 Sustainable Development Goals) to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. teacher: dr Gabriela Rembarz Lectures are held remotely (TEAMS) in the arrangement of classes blocked according to an individual schedule. Starting point: Wed February 28, 2024, 8:30 a.m. Join under...

  • Environment protection and sustainable development

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Marciniak

    Structure, Organization, Classification, and Protection of Landscapes (priority landscape; landscape values; principles and problems of protecting various types of ecosystems and landscapes; regionalization of landscapes; threats to landscape resources; ecological structure of the landscape and landscape ecological systems; principles of conducting a landscape protection study; European Landscape Convention; landscape audit - concept...

  • Planning and Design for Real Estate Development 2023/24

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Bone
    • M. Delso Páez
    • P. Lorens
    • B. Zgórska

  • 9. Sustainable Development

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Karalus

  • European Economic Development

    e-Learning Courses
    • R. Ślosarski

  • Smart Knowledge Engineering for Cognitive Systems: A Brief Overview



    Cognition in computer sciences refers to the ability of a system to learn at scale, reason with purpose, and naturally interact with humans and other smart systems, such as humans do. To enhance intelligence, as well as to introduce cognitive functions into machines, recent studies have brought humans into the loop, turning the system into a human–AI hybrid. To effectively integrate and manipulate hybrid knowledge, suitable technologies...

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  • Baltic Smart Asset Management - Training Module

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Rogala
    • P. Rybarczyk

    Baltic Smart Asset Management is an international project co-financed by the funds from Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020. The aim of the project is to develop methods, transnational collaboration processes and knowledge about Smart Asset Management (SAM) for District Heating (DH) sector. The training module will help to spread the professional knowledge on new solutions and applications of SAM methods to promote data-driven...

  • Knowledge Management Critical Success Factors and the Innovativeness of KIBS Companies

    The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of two critical success factors for knowledge management (i.e. leadership and support by the management, motivational practices) on the innovativeness of knowledge-intensive business service (KIBS) companies in the SMEs sector. A sample of 400 companies (KIBS SMEs) located in the Pomeranian District in Poland was selected. The questionnaire was designed to measure knowledge...

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  • Emergent approach to Knowledge Management by Small Companies: multiple case-study research


    - Journal of Knowledge Management - Year 2016

    Purpose: The aim of this paper is to examine knowledge management approach followed by small companies on the example of firms from the knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) sector. Design/methodology/approach: The study is based on the results of a qualitative survey involving 12 owners and managers of small companies operating in the KIBS sector. The survey uses the case study method. Findings: The findings confirm that...

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  • The Neural Knowledge DNA Based Smart Internet of Things



    ABSTRACT The Internet of Things (IoT) has gained significant attention from industry as well as academia during the past decade. Smartness, however, remains a substantial challenge for IoT applications. Recent advances in networked sensor technologies, computing, and machine learning have made it possible for building new smart IoT applications. In this paper, we propose a novel approach: the Neural Knowledge DNA based Smart Internet...

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  • Wykorzystanie mediów społecznościowych do promocji otwartości w badaniach naukowych na przykładzie Biblioteki Politechniki Gdańskiej


    - Year 2021

    Media społecznościowe są jednym ze sposobów na skuteczną promocję zasobów oraz usług bibliotecznych w obecnym świecie cyfrowym. Stanowią również niedocenianą możliwość komunikacji pomiędzy naukowcami, bibliotekarzami a czytelnikami. Biblioteka akademicka może aktywnie angażować się w proces upowszechniania dorobku naukowego uczelni, podejmując w tym celu różnorakie działania marketingowe, wykorzystując takie serwisy jak: Facebook,...

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  • Design of a Distributed System using Mobile Devices and Workflow Management for Measurement and Control of a Smart Home and Health


    - Year 2013

    The paper presents design of a distributed system for measurements and control of a smart home including temper- atures, light, fire danger, health problems of inhabitants such as increased body temperature, a person falling etc. This is done by integration of mobile devices and standards, distributed service based middleware BeesyCluster and a workflow management system. Mobile devices are used to measure the parameters and are...

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  • Virtual work and virtual team management

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Zięba

  • Large-scale urban projects' development 2024/25

    e-Learning Courses
    • G. Rembarz

    TEACHER: dr Gabriela Rembarz dr inż. arch. Gabriela Rembarz | Politechnika Gdańska ( TOPIC: The topic of design studio is devoted to the LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENTS' PLANNING, located in the context of the waterfront re-development and interpreted through the landscape economy lens. 60h-design studio is marched with international project TELOS and therefor it is divided into two, complementary parts: first one: the design...

  • High-Level Model for the Design of KPIs for Smart Cities Systems


    The main goal of the paper is to build a high-level model for the design of KPIs. Currently, the development and processes of cities have been checked by KPI indicators. The authors realized that there is a limited usability of KPIs for both the users and IT specialists who are preparing them. Another observation was that the process of the implementation of Smart Cities systems is very complicated. Due to this the concept of a...

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  • Generative Process Planning with Reasoning based on Geometrical Product Specification

    The focus of this paper is on computer aided process planning for parts manufacture in systems of definite process capabilities, involving the use of multi-axis machining centers for parts shaping and grinding machines for finishing. It presents in particular a decision making scheme for setup determination as a part of generative process planning. The planning procedurę consists of two stages. The first stage is associated with...

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  • The Cluster Organization. Analyzing the Development of Cooperative Relationships


    - Year 2021

    Cluster organizations are becoming more and more popular, both in developing and developed countries. Considering the development of cluster policy and the related dynamic growth of cluster initiatives in the world, the lack of sufficient knowledge on the development of cooperation in cluster organizations inhibits their development and, in many cases, causes their complete disintegration.   The book provides new important elements...

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  • Models in Spatial Development

    e-Learning Courses
    • R. Skrzypczyński

  • A memory efficient and fast sparse matrix vector product on a Gpu

    This paper proposes a new sparse matrix storage format which allows an efficient implementation of a sparse matrix vector product on a Fermi Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). Unlike previous formats it has both low memory footprint and good throughput. The new format, which we call Sliced ELLR-T has been designed specifically for accelerating the iterative solution of a large sparse and complex-valued system of linear equations arising...

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  • Understanding Sustainable Knowledge-Sharing in Agile Projects: Utilizing Follow-the-Sun Technique (FTS) in Virtual Teams


    - Year 2023

    In Agile IT projects, promoting effective knowledge sharing is essential not only for achieving success but also for supporting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, Companies using virtual teams may face challenges in coordinating work, particularly when teams are distributed across different time zones, ultimately hindering their ability to consistently share knowledge. This can lead to delays and inefficiencies, ultimately...

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  • Waste Rubber Pyrolysis: Product Yields and Limonene Concentration


    - Materials - Year 2020

    Tires, conveyor belts, floor mats, and shoe soles form a main-stream of rubber waste. The amount of these used materials continuously increases due to development of the rubber market. Therefore, pro-ecological utilization (i.e., energy recycling instead of burning) and recovering valuable and recyclable materials becomes an urgent necessity. In this regard, this work was devoted to the chemical recycling of selected used rubber...

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  • Reduced-Cost Microwave Design Closure by Multi-Resolution EM Simulations and Knowledge-Based Model Management

    Parameter adjustment through numerical optimization has become a commonplace of contemporary microwave engineering. Although circuit theory methods are ubiquitous in the development of microwave components, the initial designs obtained with such tools have to be further tuned to improve the system performance. This is particularly pertinent to miniaturized structures, where the cross-coupling effects cannot be adequately accounted...

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  • Multi-criteria Differential Evolution for Optimization of Virtual Machine Resources in Smart City Cloud


    - Year 2020

    In a smart city, artificial intelligence tools support citizens and urban services. From the user point of view, smart applications should bring computing to the edge of the cloud, closer to citizens with short latency. However, from the cloud designer point of view, the trade-off between cost, energy and time criteria requires the Pareto solutions. Therefore, the proposed multi-criteria differential evolution can optimize virtual...

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  • Institutionalization of knowledge sharing in a software development organization


    Zaproponowano podejście modelowe do problemu wymiany wiedzy. Omówiono implementację modelu na przykładzie instytucji zajmującej się produkcja oprogramowania komputerowego.

  • Workflow patterns applicable to virtual knowledge-based organizations

    Workflow is a term specifying how to automate a business process, in whole or part during which documents, information or tasks are passed from one participant to another for action, according to a set of procedural rules. Workflow is therefore directly applicable in virtual knowledge-based organizations, where information is exchanged via electronic documents. In the literature, is presented a complete list of workflow control-flow...

  • Knowledge management in the IPv6 migration process

    There are many reasons to deploy IPv6 protocol with IPv4 address space depletion being the most obvious. Unfortunately, migration to IPv6 protocol seems slower than anticipated. To improve pace of the IPv6 deployment, authors of the article developed an application that supports the migration process. Its main purpose is to help less experienced network administrators to facilitate the migration process with a particular target...

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  • Knowledge management in SMEs - theoretical considerations.


    - Year 2010

    The purpose of this chapter is to present an analysis of knowledge management concept with regard to small and medium-sized enterprises. It is aimed to propose an overview for SMEs to apply this above-mentioned concept. This overview can be used by managers and owners of SMEs to introduce knowledge management into their organizational structures.

  • Open smart glasses development platform for AAL applications


    - Year 2017

    This paper describes an open platform for multi sensory electronic glasses that supports new and enhanced methods for intelligent interaction with patients, with smart objects, or to be used as new data input modalities like proximity sensor or smart textile interfaces. All the activities have been developed, investigated and evaluated within EU CHIST-ERA eGlasses project...

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  • The Effect of Laser Re-Solidification on Microstructure and Photo-Electrochemical Properties of Fe-Decorated TiO2 Nanotubes


    - Materials - Year 2020

    Fossil fuels became increasingly unpleasant energy source due to their negative impact on the environment; thus, attractiveness of renewable, and especially solar energy, is growing worldwide. Among others, the research is focused on smart combination of simple compounds towards formation of the photoactive materials. Following that, our work concerns the optimized manipulation of laser light coupled with the iron sputtering to...

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  • The Principles of Model Building Concepts Which Are Applied to the Design Patterns for Smart Cities


    - Year 2017

    The involvement of citizens into decision-making processes is one of the main features of smart cities. Such commitment is reflected in the form of requirements towards the city, and the benefits which are expected from the city. Requirements and benefits are thus the primary language of communication between decision-makers and urban residents. To develop such a language, it becomes necessary to develop design patterns for Smart...

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  • Brand loyalty creation in the social network. Does the product category matter?


    - Year 2017

    The final goal of all marketers’ effort is to achieve a high level of loyalty toward their brands. Social network brand sites are increasingly attracting the attention of scientists and managers intrigued by their potential application for brand loyalty creation. The aim of this research, based on European sample, is to fill the gap in understanding the product category loyalty and brand loyalty relation as an output of brand identification...

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  • Determination of the total number of microorganisms in a model food product preserved by CS-2a and CS-2b.

    Open Research Data

    The dataset contains the results of determination of the total number of microorganisms in a model food product after the use of the innovative preservatives: CS-2a  and CS-2b and control (K) after seven days of refrigerated storage of the product. The test was performed using the surface inoculation method.

  • Knowledge Management (FK)

    e-Learning Courses

  • Model zaangażowania w relacji usługodawca-klient


    - Year 2020

    W niniejszej monografii przedstawiono rozwiązania pozwalające lepiej zrozumieć złożoność relacji występujących pomiędzy usługodawcami a klientami oraz metody, które pozwalają tę wiedzę wykorzystać w doskonaleniu procesów organizacji usługowych. Monografia podejmuje problem kształtowania zaangażowania na styku usługodawca–klient jako wstępnego i koniecznego warunku rozwijania relacji w usługach. Opierając się na klasycznej drabinie...

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  • Knowledge management in SMEs – selected issues.


    - Year 2014

    The success of a small or medium-size enterprise might be dependent on the way in which this company manages its knowledge. With limited access to other resources like land, capital or labor force, the access to knowledge and its effective application might become a source of competitive advantage for an SME. It is confirmed that organizations, which successfully implement the concept of knowledge management might achieve better...

  • Global Product as a Result of Globalization Process


    - SSRN Electronic Journal - Year 2004

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  • Smart information and knowledge management: advances, challenges, and critical issues. - [preface]


    - Year 2010

    Ocena aktualnych wyzwan i problemów badawczych w obszarze zarzadzania wiedzą i informacją oraz inteligentnego wspomagania tego obszaru.

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  • The role of investments in economic development


    - Year 2009

    In the modern world, one may observe diversification of economies of given countries. Many of them, considered to be less developed,are aspiring to diminish the gap between them and well developed countries, one of such countries is Poland, which is trying hard to boots its competitive position in the worldwide market and achieve the constant and well-balanced development. It can be attained by building knowledge economy. Therefore,...

  • The Design Development of the Sliding Table Saw Towards Improving Its Dynamic Properties


    - Applied Sciences-Basel - Year 2020

    Cutting wood with circular saws is a popular machining operation in the woodworking and furniture industries. In the latter sliding table saws (panel saws) are commonly used for cutting of medium density fiberboards (MDF), high density fiberboards (HDF), laminate veneer lumber (LVL), plywood and chipboards of different structures. The most demanded requirements for machine tools are accuracy and precision, which mainly depend on...

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  • Virtual work and virtual team management - 2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Zięba

  • Virtual Work and Virtual Team Management 2024

    e-Learning Courses