Search results for: distribution system
Finding Temperature Distribution at Heat Recovery Unit Using Genetic Algorithms
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Distribution of the International Marine Traffic Air Pollutant Emissions in the Port of Split
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On joint distribution of bids in some k-th price auction model
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k-th record estimator of the scale parameter of the α-stable distribution
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Problems of functioning of the insurance services market in the conditions of COVID-19 distribution
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Influence of the substrate loading on the quality and diameter distribution of SWCNT in alcohol‐CVD
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Reduced diameter distribution of single-wall carbon nanotubes by selective oxidation
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Experimental study and mathematical modeling of the residence time distribution in magnetic mixer
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The characterization of the residence time distribution in a magnetic mixer by means of the information entropy
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End-to-end packed delay distribution of flows using EF PHB.
Vertical distribution of benthic fauna in sediment along the water depth gradient.
PublicationRaport z badań prowadzonych w okresie od 20 VII do 8 VIII 2003 roku na statku badawczym R/V Polarstern w rejonie Spicbergenu.
Dynamic computation of acoustic field distribution in the city area employing a supercomputer
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Diagnostic usefulness of granulometric analyses of chips distribution while sawing of wood
PublicationW niniejszym artykule opisano drogi transportu wiórów w procesie przecinania drewna i ich wpływ na rozdrobnienie wiórów. Przedstawiono również wyniki badań rozkładu segregacji wiórów powstających w procesie przecinania piłą o powszechnie stosowanej konstrukcji i piłą z domkniętymi rowkami wiórowymi.
Quadratic stochastic operators as a tool in modelling the dynamics of a distribution of a population trait
PublicationQuadratic stochastic operators can exhibit a wide variety of asymptotic behaviours and these have been introduced and studied recently. In the present work we discuss biological interpretations that can be attributed to them. We also propose a computer simulation method to illustrate the behaviour of iterates of quadratic stochastic operators.
Measurement and visualization of sound intensity vector distribution in proximity of acoustic diffusers
PublicationIn this work, we would like to present analyses and visualizations of sound intensity distribution measured in proximity of an acoustic diffuser. Such distribution may be used for estimation of basic acoustic parameters of a diffuser. Measurement is performed with the use of a logarithmic sine sweep which allows for the analysis of waves scattered by the diffuser and rejecting the direct sound signal component. Pressure and sound...
New kinematic systems in single-sided lapping and their influence on lap wear
PublicationPrevious studies on one-sided lapping allow to state that not only parameters of lapping elements (i.e. properties of workpiece, abrasive grains and lapping plate) impact on a lapping efficiency. Influential are also kinematics and dynamics of the process. It is crucial to control an average velocity of lapping (v), a distribution of tangential acceleration (at), a nominal pressure (p), a lapping time (t) and disposal of workpiece...
Integration, Processing and Dissemination of LiDAR Data in a 3D Web-GIS
PublicationThe rapid increase in applications of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) scanners, followed by the development of various methods that are dedicated for survey data processing, visualization, and dissemination constituted the need of new open standards for storage and online distribution of collected three-dimensional data. However, over a decade of research in the area has resulted in a number of incompatible solutions that offer...
50’ Sail Catamaran with Hybrid Propulsion, Design, Theoretical and Experimental Studies
PublicationThe development of modern lithium batteries and propulsion systems now allows the use of complex propulsion systems for vessels of various sizes. As part of the research and implementation project, a parallel hybrid drive system was designed, built and then tested in the laboratory. The experimental studies conducted allowed for the measurements of power, fuel consumption and electric power distribution in various operating modes...
Measurements of the coefficients of active power distribution between two generators operating in parallel in a ship power station
Open Research DataThe presented dataset is part of research focusing on the assessment of metrological properties of the instrument, Estimator/Analyzer (E/A v.2), developed and made at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Marine Electrical Power Engineering of Gdynia Maritime University. The attached dataset contains processed data, expressing coefficients...
Rotor-Flux Vector based Observer of Interior Permanent Synchronous Machine
PublicationThe sensorless control system of the interior permanent magnet machine is considered in this paper. The control system is based on classical linear controllers. In the machine, there occurs non-sinusoidal distribution of rotor flux together with the slot harmonics, which are treated as the control system disturbances. In this case, the classical observer structure in the (d-q) is unstable for the low range of rotor speed resulting...
Impact of Innovative Financial Products on Financial Systems: Exchange Traded Products and the Polish Financial System
PublicationExchange Traded Products (ETPs) are one of the most recent and most rapidly developing financial products. As their assets grow they have an increasing impact on financial systems in many countries, including USA, UK or Japan. Development of ETPs is linked with many opportunities and threats for the local financial systems. Their correct assessment is becoming more difficult due to the growing complexity of the available products,...
Fading Analysis in Off-Body Channels in a Straight Metallic Corridor in a Passenger Ferry Environment
PublicationThis paper presents a fading analysis for Body Area Networks off-body communications at 2.45 GHz in a passenger ferry environment. The results are based on measurements performed for dynamic scenarios in a straight metallic corridor. Two components, extracted from instantaneous system loss values, have been analysed: small- and large-scales fading, separately for each scenario. Well-known probability distribution functions have...
Modern Arrangement for Reduction of Voltage Perturbations
PublicationThe contents of this chapter encompass general problems and the most important issues of power-supply-quality improvement in AC systems. In the context of the above, consideration is given to evaluation of bilateral interactions of receivers with an electrical power-distribution system and methods of their reduction. Also are discussed the basis of operation of the most important compensation-filtration devices and their applications...
Solutions of inverter systems in Shore-to-Ship Power supply systems
PublicationThe article presents a clearly formulated need for installing S2SP (Shore to Ship Power) systems, in particular Medium Voltage (MV) systems, along with certain solutions of modern inverter systems used in those systems. Requirements and basic configurations of S2SP systems are discussed, focusing in particular on capabilities of the S2SP system with DC distribution busbar. Moreover, on the background of the executing assumptions...
Improved model of void fraction distribution in two-phase flow in the boundary layer
PublicationPraca skupiona jest na eksperymentalnej weryfikacji sił działających na pęcherzyk gazowy przepływający wzdłuż ścianki kanału, a następnie implementacji uzyskanych wyników do zaproponowanego wczesniej przez jednego z współautorów modelu rozkładu stopnia zapełnienia w warstwie przyściennej przepływu dwufazowego. Podczas badań pęcherzyk modelowany był sztywną kulą podwieszoną na strunie. Autorzy przekonują, że pokazany model dobrze...
A review of the biogeochemical controls on the occurrence and distribution of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) in coals
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Spatial distribution of phosphorus forms in sediments in the Gulf of Gdańsk (southern Baltic Sea)
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A Multicriteria Analysis for the Green VRP: A Case Discussion for the Distribution Problem of a Spanish Retailer
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3D Modeling of Discontinuity in the Spatial Distribution of Apartment Prices Using Voronoi Diagrams
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Uptake, tissue distribution, and metabolism of malachite green in the channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
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Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Process Gases within Municipal Biowaste Compost
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Spatial Distribution of Galls Caused by Aculus tetanothrix (Acari: Eriophyoidea) on Arctic Willows
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In search of environmental role of cylindrospermopsin: A review on global distribution and ecology of its producers
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Sea surface temperature distribution during upwelling along the Polish Baltic coast
PublicationAmong over 150 maps of sea surface temperature in the Polish Baltic coastal region derived from satellite data during the warm period of the year (April-October) in 2000-2002, 41 cases were noted where its distribution showed characteristic features indicating the occurrence of coastal upwelling. The fundamental parameters of range, probability of occurrence and temperature modification caused by water from deeper sea layers...
A comparative study of water distribution and dehydrin protein localization in maturing pea seeds
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Zeta potential, effective diameter and multimodal size distribution in oil/water emulsion
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Bulk quantity and physical properties of boron nitride nanocapsules with a narrow size distribution
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Advances in engineering of diameter and distribution of the number of walls of carbon nanotubes in alcohol CVD
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Bulk synthesis of carbon-filled silicon carbide nanotubes with a narrow diameter distribution
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Effect of Thoracic Kyphosis and Lumbar Lordosis on the Distribution of Ground Reaction Forces on the Feet
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Effect of Thoracic Kyphosis and Lumbar Lordosis on the Distribution of Ground Reaction Forces on the Feet
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Methods for evaluation packet delay distribution of flows using Expedited Forwarding PHB.
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy problemu zapewnienia statystycznych gwarancji jakości obsługi dla strumieni czasu rzeczywistego korzystających z Expedited Forwarding Per Hop Behavior (EF PHB) w sieci IP Differentiated Services. Statystyczne podejście do określenia gwarancji jakościowych, oparte na obliczaniu prawdopodobieństwa że opóźnienie pakietów od końca do końca jest większe niż określona wielkość, pozwala lepsze wykorzystanie sieci niż poprzednio...
Composition and distribution of meiofauna, including nematode genera, in two contrasting Arctic beaches.
PublicationPraca dotyczy porównania zbiorowiska meiofauny, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem nicieni, na dwóch różnych plażach Arktycznych. Badania prowadzono na Wyspie Niedzwiedziej należącej do archipelagu Svalbard.
On the possibility of estimating fish length distribution from its target strength statistics.
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia koncepcję odtwarzania rozkładu długości ryb na podstawie danych z przeszukiwań akustycznych. Wykorzystując metody odwrotne w statystycznym przetwarzaniu rozkładu siły celu ryb pokazano, że przy pewnych założeniach co do rozkładu położenia ryb w wiązce, możliwa jest estymacja szukanego rozkładu długości ryb.
Three dimensional fluid equations from distribution function with discontinuity in velocity space
PublicationUkład równań typu hydrodynamicznego dla rozwarstwionego gazu w polu grawitacyjnym jest wyprowadzony z równania BKG przy użyciu metody kawałków ciągłej funkcji dystrybucji. Otrzymany układ równań uogólnia układ Naviera-Stokesa dla dowolnych liczb Knudsena.
A proposition of the computational model for the dynamic analysis of stress and strain distribution in the hip joint
PublicationCelem pracy jest sformułowanie zadania modelowania dynamiki odkształceń i rozkładu naprężeń stawu biodrowego, a w szczególności kości udowej, pod wpływem sił mięśniowych oraz zadanych sił zewnętrznych. Rozwiązanie tego zadania pozwoli wyjaśnić niektóre zjawiska np. jakie ruchy kości udowej oraz jakie materiały użyte do jej alloplastyki są przyczyną urazów i poważnych uszkodzeń. Omówiono problemy związane z zastosowaniem metody...
Advancing electrochemical impedance analysis through innovations in the distribution of relaxation times method
PublicationElectrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is widely used in electrochemistry, energy sciences, biology, and beyond. Analyzing EIS data is crucial, but it often poses challenges because of the numerous possible equivalent circuit models, the need for accurate analytical models, the difficulties of nonlinear regression, and the necessity of managing large datasets within a unified framework. To overcome these challenges, non-parametric...
Smart MV/LV distribution transformer for Smart Grid with active prosumer participation
PublicationWraz z rozwojem sieci dystrybucyjnych i ich stopniowym przekształcaniem w inteligentne sieci typu Smart Grid będzie rosłoznaczenie i udział sterowanych układów przekształtnikowych mocy stosowanych jako interfejsy pomiędzy źródłami energii a sieciąoraz pomiędzy siecią a odbiorcami. W artykule rozwinięto koncepcję wymiany konwencjonalnych transformatorów dystrybucyjnych50 Hz na inteligentne transformatory dystrybucyjne. Zaproponowano...
Matrix-based robust joint fingerprinting and decryption method for multicast distribution of multimedia
PublicationThis paper addresses the problem of unauthorized redistribution of multimedia content by malicious users (pirates). The solution proposed here is a new joint fingerprinting and decryption method which meets the requirements for both imperceptibility and robustness of fingerprints and scalability in terms of design and distribution of fingerprinted multimedia content. The proposed method uses a simple block cipher based on matrix...