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Search results for: CAM
Kinematic analysis of crank -cam mechanism of process equipment
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Motion laws synthesis for cam mechanisms with multiple follower displacement
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Cam mechanism designing with account of the technological load and energy costs
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The synthesis of motion laws for cam mechanisms with additional movement of the follower
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Axial piston pumps with cam driven commutation unit. z.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań i podstawowe dane techniczne typowego szeregu pomp wielotłoczkowych osiowych wdrażanych do produkcji seryjnej.
On the convergence of iterative methods for general differential-algebraic systems.
PublicationW pracy badane jest istnienie i jednoznacznoSC rozwiązań dla ogólnej klasy układów równań całkowo-algebraicznych i różniczkowo-algebraicznych oraz zbieżność różnych metod iteracyjnych włączając metody typu ''waveform relaxation''. Podane są warunki, spełnienie których gwarantuje istnienie rozwiązań w/w równań oraz zbieżność badanych procesów iteracyjnych.
A method to synthesise groove cam Geneva mechanisms with increased dwell period
PublicationThe present study develops a method to synthesise the groove cam Geneva mechanism with increased dwell period. The main condition of the synthesis is to provide the desired law of motion of the wheel. Additional synthesis conditions are the limitation of the maximum pressure angle and the limitation of the minimum curvature radius of the cam profile. Unlike the conventional Geneva mechanisms, the synthesised groove cam Geneva mechanisms...
Accuracy of CAD/CAM and 3D printing in the treatment of feline femoral neck fracture
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PublicationNew methods in education become more popular nowadays. Distant learning is a good example when teacher and student meet in virtual environment. Because interaction in this virtual world might be complicated it seems necessary to assure as much methods of conforming that student is still engaged in the process of learning as it is possible. We would like to present assumption that by means of web-cam we will be able to track facial...
COVID-19-Associated Mucormycosis (CAM): Case-Series and Global Analysis of Mortality Risk Factors
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Wykorzystanie nowoczesnych narzędzi CAD/CAM/CAE do projektowania kadłuba statku o napędzie hybrydowym
PublicationW sektorze transportu ludzi i towarów odbywa się obecnie ogromny postęp wywołany głównie za sprawą wysokich cen paliw i różnego rodzaju podatków ekologicznych. Wprowadzane sukcesywnie regulacje prawne, mające zmniejszyć emisje substancji szkodliwych dla człowieka i środowiska naturalnego, w znacznym stopniu zmuszają zarówno producentów, jak i odbiorców do poszukiwania rozwiązań technicznych bardziej efektywnie wykorzystujących...
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use among patients with cancer undergoing palliative care: A pilot study of a single institution in Poland.
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Projektowanie CAD/CAM (PG_00058716)
e-Learning CoursesWykład: 1. Charakterystyka systemów CAD/CAM. Metodyka planowania procesu technologicznego w systemach CAD/CAM. Prezentacja systemów NX oraz EdgeCAM. 2. Budowa obrabiarki CNC. Układ współrzędnych. Postprocesor. Konfiguracja obrabiarki. Oprzyrządowanie. 3. Tworzenie przykładowego kodu sterującego poprzez ręczne tworzenie programu. 4. Metodyka projektowania obróbki tokarskiej w systemach CAD/CAM z użyciem plików krawędziowych. 5....
Systemy CAD, CAM, CAE (PG_00057113)
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Camera Separatoria
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International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future
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Rozwiązania CAD/CAM w elektronice medycznej (2324)
e-Learning CoursesPodstawowe pojęcia CAD CAM Omówienie typowych procesów technologicznych w projektowaniu i wytwarzaniu elektroniki Zasady tworzenia dokumentacji wykonawczej dla CAD/CAM Dobre praktyki w przygotowaniu dokumentacji, typowe formaty danych
Komputerowe wspomaganie wytwarzania (CAM), PG_00055396_MiBM_2023/2024 zim.
e-Learning CoursesPoznanie podstawowych technik komputerowo wspomaganego wytwarzania, zwłaszcza programowania obrabiarek CNC z wykorzystaniem systemów typu CAM.
Rozwiązania CAD/CAM w elektronice medycznej (l25)
e-Learning CoursesPodstawowe zagadnienia związane z zastosowaniem systemów CAD/CAM w projektowaniu urządzeń medycznych a także innych zastosowaniach w medycynie.
Rozwiązania CAD/CAM w elektronice medycznej - 2022
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A Regional ITRF Densification by Blending Permanent and Campaign Data — The CEGRN campaigns and the Central European Velocity Field
PublicationThe CERGOP Project of the Central European Countries initiated six GPS observation campaigns from 1994 to 2001. By the high standards set within this project for site selection, observation and analysis a consistent set of epoch solutions with a precision in the 3–5 mm range was created. The network contains about 19 permanent and 38 epoch stations. In this paper a first combination solution over the seven years with a velocity...
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Projektowanie procesów Technologicznych CAM 2023/24 zimowy (M:31927W0)
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The Biotransformation of Lupine Seeds by Lactic Acid Bacteria and Penicillium camemberti into a Plant-Based Camembert Alternative, and Its Physicochemical Changes during 7 Weeks of Ripening
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Komputerowe wspomaganie wytwarzania (CAM), PG_00055064, ZiIP, 2023/2024, s. zimowy
e-Learning CoursesPoznanie podstawowych technik komputerowo wspomaganego wytwarzania, zwłaszcza automatycznego programowania obrabiarek CNC z wykorzystaniem systemów typu CAM.
Background Suppression for Video Vehicle Tracking Systems with Moving Cameras Using Camera Motion Estimation
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Komputerowe wspomaganie wytwarzania (CAM) MiBM (PG_00055396), sem. 5, r. ak. 2024/2025 zimowy
e-Learning CoursesWg karty przedmiotu
Systemy CAD, CAM, CAE W/L TiL st.II, sem.01, letni 2022/2023
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Komputerowe wspomaganie wytwarzania (CAM) (PG_00055064) ZiIP, sem. 5., r. ak. 2024/25 zimowy
e-Learning CoursesZgodnie z kartą przedmiotu
Axial piston pumps with camdriven commutation unit
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań prototypów pomp wielotłoczkowych osiowych wyposażonych w rozrząd krzywkowy oraz ich porównanie z rezultatami osiąganymi przez produkowane obecnie jednostki z rozrządem czołowym. Podano dane techniczne pomp nowego typu wchodzących do produkcji.
Archaeologia Cambrensis
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Camoenae Hungaricae
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Projektowanie procesów technologicznych CAM (M:31927W0) Specjalność: TMiMK, sem.05 niest. zimowy (WIMiO)22/23
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Tire camber angle influence on tire-pavement noise
PublicationTaking into account tire-pavement noise and tires classification with respect to noise emission special measurement methods are usually used. When two of them are applied (the Laboratory Drum Method (DR) and the Close-Proximity Method (CPX)) the investigator has to be sure that the position of the tire is correct. The authors of this paper thought about tire position as tire (wheel) alignment in particular tire camber angle. They...
High pressure luminescence spectra of CaMoO4:Pr3+
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Production and Characterization of Yogurt-Like Fermented Beverage Based on Camelina (Camelina sativa L.) Seed Press Cake
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Campus Virtuales
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The Effect of University Campuses on the Modal Split of Polish Cities
PublicationThe article considers the effect Polish public universities have on the characteristics of urban traffic. The article describes how the public university community has changed over 25 years and its share in the urban population. The characteristics of the modal split in Polish university towns is given based on selected cases. The relation between the share of transport modes in the modal split and the size of towns or university...
Journal of Camelid Science
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Campbell Systematic Reviews
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Political Campaigning and Communication
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Black Camera
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Automatic Tracking with PTZ Cameras
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Cellular network quality evaluation at a university campus on the eve of 5G
PublicationThanks to the availability of mobile devices and the spread of broadband access around the world, the number of network users continues to grow. This has raised user awareness when it comes to the quality of content they consume. Many service providers and operators focus on monitoring QoN (Quality of Network) and QoS (Quality of Service) parameters, particularly those influenced by bandwidth and latency. However, for most end-users,...
Artificial intelligence in architectural education - green campus development research
PublicationThe rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies has introduced new possibilities and challenges in design education. This article explores the need for changes and adaptations in the teaching process of design as AI-related technologies, based on image generation, transform the creative process and offer novel opportunities. In a research-by-design studio in an architectural faculty in Poland, students who utilised...
An assessment of Islamic banking in Bosnia and Herzegovina – a comparative analysis using the CAMELS approach
PublicationThis paper examines the phenomenon of Islamic banking in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Although almost half of the Bosnian population is recognized as Islamic, there is only one bank purely based on Sharia operating in this country. The aim of the article is to conduct a comparative analysis of the financial standing of this bank and the banking sector in this country and region. The chosen method of analysis is CAMELS which examines...
Publication• The aim - This article aims to compare the situation in the banking sectors of two regions, which due to their political and economic history have much in common. These are the Western Balkan States of Serbia, Croatia and Macedonia, and the Baltic Sea States of Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia. • Methods - It presents three approaches to defining banking stability that can be found in the literature and carries out an initial...
First localities of neophytic moss Campylopus introflexus (Hedw.) Brid. in the Lublin district