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Search results for: COMPACT RF COMPONENTS
Nested Space Mapping Technology for Expedite EM-driven Design of Compact RF/microwave Components
PublicationA robust simulation-driven methodology for rapid and reliable design of RF/microwave circuits comprising compact microstrip resonant cells (CMRCs) is presented. We introduce a nested space mapping (NSM) technology, in which the inner space mapping layer is utilized to improve the generalization capabilities of the equivalent circuit model corresponding to a constitutive element of the circuit under consideration. The outer layer...
Strategies for computationally feasible multi-objective simulation-driven design of compact RF/microwave components
PublicationMulti-objective optimization is indispensable when possible trade-offs between various (and usually conflicting) design objectives are to be found. Identification of such design alternatives becomes very challenging when performance evaluation of the structure/system at hand is computationally expensive. Compact RF and microwave components are representative examples of such a situation: due to highly compressed layouts and considerable...
Application of mesh deformation for modeling of conformal RF components with 3D FEM
PublicationIn this paper, a method of analysis of conformal RF components has been proposed. In this approach, modeling of a curved structure is based on mesh deformation of planar objects rather than the construction of conformal geometry at CSG level. Since the model is represented as a 3D mesh, the deformation only requires the calculation of nodes position in the bent structure. The results of the proposed algorithm have been validated...
Local-Global Space Mapping for Rapid EM-Driven Design of Compact RF Structures
PublicationIn this work, we introduce a robust and efficient technique for rapid design of compact RF circuits. Our approach exploits two-level space mapping (SM) correction of an equivalent circuit model of the structure under design. The first SM layer (local correction) is utilized to ensure good matching between the equivalent circuit and the electromagnetic model at the component level. On the other hand, the global correction allows...
Rapid EM-Driven Design of Compact RF Circuits By Means of Nested Space Mapping
PublicationA methodology for rapid design of RF circuits constituted by compact microstrip resonant-cells (CMRCs) is presented. Our approach exploits nested space mapping (NSM) technology, where the inner SM layer is used to correct the equivalent circuit model at the CMRC level, whereas the outer layer enhances the coarse model of the entire structure under design. We demonstrate that NSM dramatically improves performance of surrogate-based...
Nested Kriging Surrogates for Rapid Multi-Objective Optimization of Compact Microwave Components
PublicationA procedure for rapid EM-based multi-objective optimization of compact microwave components is presented. Our methodology employs a recently developed nested kriging modelling to identify the search space region containing the Pareto-optimal designs, and to construct a fast surrogate model. The latter permits determination of the initial Pareto set, further refined using a separate surrogate-assisted process. As an illustration,...
Fast Design Closure of Compact Microwave Components by Means of Feature-Based Metamodels
PublicationPrecise tuning of geometry parameters is an important consideration in the design of modern microwave passive components. It is mandatory due to limitations of theoretical design methods unable to quantify certain phenomena that are important for the operation and performance of the devices (e.g., strong cross-coupling effects in miniaturized layouts). Consequently, the initial designs obtained using analytical or equivalent network...
Design centering of compact microwave components using response features and trust regions
PublicationFabrication tolerances, as well as uncertainties of other kinds, e.g., concerning material parameters or operating conditions, are detrimental to the performance of microwave circuits. Mitigating their impact requires accounting for possible parameter deviations already at the design stage. This involves optimization of appropriately defined statistical figures of merit such as yield. Alt-hough important, robust (or tolerance-aware)...
Reduced-cost surrogate modelling of compact microwave components by two-level kriging interpolation
PublicationFull-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis is a versatile tool for evaluating the performance of high-frequency components. Its potential drawback is its high computational cost, inhibiting the execution of EM-driven tasks requiring massive simulations. The applicability of equivalent network models is limited owing to the topological complexity of compact microstrip components because of EM cross-coupling effects. Development of...
Variable-fidelity response feature surrogates for accelerated statistical analysis and yield estimation of compact microwave components
PublicationAccounting for manufacturing tolerances is an essential part of a reliable microwave design process. Yet, quantification of geometry and/or material parameter uncertainties is challenging at the level of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation models. This is due to inherently high cost of EM analysis and massive simulations necessary to conduct the statistical analysis. Here, a low-cost and accurate yield estimation procedure...
Low-cost performance-driven modelling of compact microwave components with two-layer surrogates and gradient kriging
PublicationUtilization of electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools has become indispensable for reliable evaluation of microwave components. As the cost of an individual analysis may already be considerable, the computational overhead associated with EM-driven tasks that require massive simulations (e.g., optimization) may turn prohibitive. One of mitigation methods is the employment of equivalent network models. Yet, they are incapable of accounting...
The Design of Cavity Resonators and Microwave Filters Applying Shape Deformation Techniques
PublicationThis article introduces shape deformation as a new approach to the computer-aided design (CAD) of high-frequency components. We show that geometry deformation opens up new design possibilities and offers additional degrees of freedom in the 3-D modeling of microwave structures. Such design flexibility is highly desirable if the full potential of additive manufacturing (AM) is to be exploited in the fabrication of RF and microwave...
Editorial for the special issue on advances in forward and inverse surrogate modeling for high-frequency design
PublicationThe design of modern‐day high‐frequency devices and circuits, including microwave/RF, antenna and photonic components, historically has relied on full‐wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools. Initially used for design verification, EM simulations are nowadays used in the design process itself, for example, for finding optimum values of geometry and/or material parameters of the structures of interest. In a growing number of...
Performance‐driven modeling of compact couplers in restricted domains
PublicationFast surrogate models can play an important role in reducing the cost of EM-driven design closure of miniaturized microwave components. Unfortunately, construction of such models is challenging due to curse of dimensionality and wide range of geometry parameters that need to be included in order to make it practically useful. In this letter, a novel approach to design-oriented modeling of compact couplers is presented. Our method...
Numerically efficient algorithm for compact microwave device optimization with flexible sensitivity updating scheme
PublicationAn efficient trust-region algorithm with flexible sensitivity updating management scheme for electromagnetic (EM)-driven design optimization of compact microwave components is proposed. During the optimization process, updating of selected columns of the circuit response Jacobian is performed using a rank-one Broyden formula (BF) replacing finite differentiation (FD). The FD update is omitted for directions sufficiently well aligned...
A novel dual-band rectifier circuit with enhanced bandwidth for RF energy harvesting applications
PublicationIn recent years, a rapid development of low-power sensor networks, enabling machine-to-machine communication in applications such as environmental monitoring, has been observed. Contemporary sensors are normally supplied by an external power source, typically in a form of a battery, which limits their lifespan and increases the maintenance costs. This problem can be addressed by harvesting and converting ambient RF energy into...
Low-cost multiband compact branch-line coupler design using response features and automated EM model fidelity adjustment
PublicationDesign closure of compact microwave components is a challenging problem because of significant electromagnetic (EM) cross-couplings in densely arranged layouts. A separate issue is a large number of designable parameters resulting from replacement of conventional transmission line sections by compact microstrip resonant cells. This increases complexity of the design optimization problem and requires employment of expensive high-fidelity...
Inline Waveguide Filter With Compact Frequency-Dependent Coupling Producing Two Additional Poles and Three Transmission Zeros
PublicationThis work reports a compact frequency-dependent coupling (FDC) structure introduced in a rectangular waveguide, which allows to generate two additional in-band transmission poles and three transmission zeros (TZs). This serves to increase the order/selectivity of the waveguide bandpass filter in a compact inline topology, thus without the need for any additional space/volume or cross coupling. The proposed FDC consists of a partial-height...
Accelerated multi-objective design of miniaturized microwave components by means of nested kriging surrogates
PublicationDesign of microwave components is an inherently multiobjective task. Often, the objectives are at least partially conflicting and the designer has to work out a suitable compromise. In practice, generating the best possible trade‐off designs requires multiobjective optimization, which is a computationally demanding task. If the structure of interest is evaluated through full‐wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis, the employment of...
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Autonomous Robot for Efficient Indoor RF Measurements
PublicationIn this paper, we addresses the emergence of autonomous and semi-autonomous radio frequency (RF) measurements as a vital application for robots, particularly in indoor environments where traditional methods are labor-intensive and error-prone. We propose a method utilizing Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) equipped with Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and RGB-D cameras to conduct precise and repetitive RF signal measurements...
Architektura i układ przestrzenny portu gdyńskiego lat międzywojennych jako dziedzictwo kulturowe
PublicationW rozprawie podjęto przedstawienie dwóch głównych składowych krajobrazu kulturowego portu gdyńskiego - przestrzeni portowej jako zrealizowanej myśli planistycznej oraz zbudowanymi na terenie kompleksu obiektami architektonicznymi. Analiza zasobu w jego najistotniejszym - z punktu widzenia dziedzictwa kulturowego - podejściu historycznym okresu dwudziestolecia międzywojennego dowodzi znacznych, tkwiących w nim, wartości historycznych....
Reliable routing and resource allocation scheme for hybrid RF/FSO networks
PublicationSignificant success of wireless networks in the last decade has changed the paradigms of communication networks design. In particular, the growing interest in wireless mesh networks (WMNs) is observed. WMNs offer an attractive alternative to conventional cable infrastructures, especially in urban areas, where the cost of new installations is almost prohibitive. Unfortunately, the performance of WMNs is often limited by the cluttered...
Influence of a Radio Frequency on RF Fingerprinting Accuracy Based on Ray Tracing Simulation
PublicationIn this paper the influence of a radio signal frequency on performance of Indoor Positioning System based on fingerprinting has been examined using ray-tracing simulations. It has been simulated how spatial distribution of an RF signal strength change with the signal’s frequency. The results were used to show its’ impact on the behavior of localization algorithms that are employing RSS measurements to determine node’s position...
Modular wireless sensor network platform for RF transceiver evaluation
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia modułową technikę projektowania sieci sensorów bezprzewodowych. Uniwersalne połączenia występujące pomiędzy modułami pozwalają na zaprojektowanie nowej wersji sieci w przeciągu kilku dni zamiast tygodni. Na bazie wymienionej metodologii skonstruowane została platforma pozwalająca testować różnego rodzaju układy nadawczo odbiorcze pracujące na częstotliwościach RF.
RF Input-Quasi-Reflectionless Dispersive-Delay Structures Based on Complementary-Diplexer Circuits
PublicationA class of RF dispersive-delay structures (DDSs) with input-quasi-reflectionless behavior is reported. It is based on the exploitation of complementary-diplexer circuit networks, in which the out-of-band RF-input-power echoes reflected by the main bandpass-filter-(BPF)-type channel are dissipated by the resistively-terminated auxiliary bandstop-filter-(BSF)-type channel. Specifically, it is shown that the influence of the absorptive...
Interactive Application for Visualization of the Basic Phenomena in RF and Microwave Devices
PublicationAn interactive computer application visualizing the basic phenomena in RF and microwave devices is presented. Such kind of educational package can be a very helpful tool for the students as well as for the teachers (of electronics and related fields). This paper is focused on three exemplary problems only and involves: movement of electric charge, filtering of electromagnetic waves and interference phenomena in antenna arrays. The...
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A method of measuring RLC components for microcontroller systems
PublicationA new method of measuring RLC components for microcontroller systems dedicated to compact smart impedance sensors based on a direct sensor-microcontroller interface is presented. In the method this direct interface composed of a reference resistor connected in series with the tested sensor impedance is stimulated by a square wave generated by the microcontroller, and then its voltage response is sampled by an internal ADC of the...
RF Indoor Positioning System Supported by Wireless Computer Vision Sensors
PublicationIn this paper the possibility of increase the accuracy of RF fingerprinting indoor tracking system by the use of additional information from simple vision system is examined. As the distances in signal space differs from ones in real environment the ambiguity in decision process of fingerprinting algorithm can occur when set of closest distances between tag and map points in signal space corresponds to big distances differences...
Rapid multi-objective simulation-driven design of compact microwave circuits
PublicationA methodology for rapid multi-objective design of compact microwave circuits is proposed. Our approach exploits point-by-point Pareto set identification using surrogate-based optimization techniques, auxiliary equivalent circuit models, and space mapping as the major model correction method. The proposed technique is illustrated and validated through the design of a compact rat-race coupler. A set of ten designs being trade-offs...
Health effects of food components
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Health effects of food components
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Karolina Lademann mgr
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Low-Cost Automated Design of Compact Branch-Line Couplers
PublicationBranch-line couplers (BLCs) are important components of wireless communication systems. Conventional BLCs are often characterized by large footprints which make miniaturization an important prerequisite for their application in modern devices. State-of-the-art approaches to design of compact BLCs are largely based on the use of high-permittivity substrates and multi-layer topologies. Alternative methods involve replacement of transmission-line...
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Compact satellite hydraulic unit
PublicationThe article describes the design and operation of a prototype hydraulic unit. It is based on an inversed kinematics, satellite pump in which the body rotates around the shaft. The pump is placed inside the electric motor. Thanks to that the compact and low mass construction was achieved. Thanks to new commutation unit with enlarged channels, lower pressure losses were obtained. The article presents the construction and results...
Simplified Approach for Broadband RF Testing of Low Loss Magneto-Dielectric Samples
PublicationIn this paper, an attractive measurement techniqueis proposed to retrieve the broadband permittivity and permeabil-ity of the magneto-dielectric materials. The proposed techniqueis quite novel which mitigates the major problems associatedwith the conventional broadband RF material characterizationtechniques such as numerical instability and phase uncertaintywhen the length of the sample exceeds...
An algorithm for enhancing macromodeling in finite element analysis of waveguide components
PublicationAn algorithm for enhancing the finite element method with local model order reduction is presented. The proposed technique can be used in fast frequency domain simulation of waveguide components and resonators. The local reduction process applied to cylindrical subregions is preceded by compression of the number of variables on its boundary. As a result,the finite element large system is converted into a very compact set of linear...
Cost-Efficient Design Methodology for Compact Rat-Race Couplers
PublicationIn this article, a reliable and low-cost design methodology for simulation-driven optimization of miniaturized rat-race couplers (RRCs) is presented. We exploit a two-stage design approach, where a composite structure (a basic building block of the RRC structure) is first optimized using a pattern search algorithm, and, subsequently, the entire coupler is tuned by means of surrogate-based optimization (SBO) procedure. SBO is executed...
A novel microstrip dual-layer rat-race coupler with compact size and enhanced bandwidth
PublicationMicrowave hybrid couplers are crucial components of mixers, phase shifters, amplifiers and other high-frequency systems. Conventional couplers are characterized by large size which limits their usefulness in modern applications. In this work, a novel compact rat-race coupler with enhanced bandwidth has been proposed. The structure consists of six compact microstrip resonant cells. It is implemented on two separate layers which permits...
Inverse modeling for fast design optimization of small-size rat-race couplers incorporating compact cells
PublicationIn the paper, a framework for computationally-efficient design optimization of compact rat-race couplers (RRCs) is discussed. A class of hybrid RRCs with variable operating conditions is investigated, whose size reduction is obtained by replacing ordinary transmission lines with compact microstrip resonant cells (CMRCs). Our approach employs a bottom-up design strategy leading to the development of compact RRCs through rapid design...
Compact and Integrated High-Power Pulse Generation and Forming System
PublicationThis paper presents comprehensive analytical, numerical and experimental research of the compact and integrated high-power pulse generation and forming system based on the flux compression generator and the electro-explosive forming fuse. The paper includes the analysis of the presented solution, starting from the individual components studies, i.e., the separate flux compression generator tests in field conditions and the forming...
Rapid optimization of compact microwave passives using kriging surrogates and iterative correction
PublicationDesign of contemporary microwave components is—in a large part—based on full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools. The primary reasons for this include reliability and versatility of EM analysis. In fact, for many microwave structures, notably compact components, EM-driven parameter tuning is virtually imperative because traditional models (analytical or network equivalents) are unable to account for the cross-coupling effects,...
Expedited Geometry Scaling of Compact Microwave Passives by Means of Inverse Surrogate Modeling
PublicationIn this paper, the problem of geometry scaling of compact microwave structures is investigated. As opposed to conventional structures (i.e., constructed using uniform transmission lines), re-design of miniaturized circuits (e.g., implemented with artificial transmission lines, ATSs) for different operating frequencies is far from being straightforward due to considerable cross-couplings between the circuit components. Here, we...
Otopy Classification of Gradient Compact Perturbations of Identity in Hilbert Space
PublicationWe prove that the inclusion of the space of gradient local maps into the space of all local maps from Hilbert space to itself induces a bijection between the sets of the respective otopy classes of these maps, where by a local map we mean a compact perturbation of identity with a compact preimage of zero.
Slow-wave fractal-shaped compact microstrip resonant cell
PublicationA novel fractal-shaped compact microstrip resonant cell (CMRC) featuring a strong slow-wave effect has been presented. Its vital usefulness in the process of microstrip line miniaturisation has been proved and experimentally validated on the basis of a compact 3-dB branch-line coupler illustrating the possibilities of the approach. A prototype example structure has been designed to mirror the characteristics of a conventional device,...
Lefschetz periodic point free self-maps of compact manifolds
PublicationLet f be a self-map of a compact connected manifold M. We characterize Lefschetz periodic point free continuous self-maps of M for several classes of manifolds and generalize the results of Guirao and Llibre [J.L.G. Guirao, J. Llibre, On the Lefschetz periodic point free continuous self-maps on connected compact manifolds,
Low-Cost Surrogate Modeling of Miniaturized Microwave Components Using Nested Kriging
PublicationIn the paper, a recently reported nested kriging methodology is employed for modeling of miniaturized microwave components. The approach is based on identifying the parameter space region that contains high-quality designs, and, subsequently, rendering the surrogate in this subset. The results obtained for a miniaturized unequal-power-split rat-race coupler and a compact three-section impedance transformer demonstrate reliability...
Lefschetz periodic point free self-maps of compact manifolds
PublicationLet f be a self-map of a compact connected manifold M. We characterize Lefschetz periodic point free continuous self-maps of M for several classes of manifolds and generalize the results of Guirao and Llibre [J.L.G. Guirao, J. Llibre, On the Lefschetz periodic point free continuous self-maps on connected compact manifolds, Topology Appl. 158 (16) (2011) 2165-2169].