Search results for: KNOWLEDGE-INTENSIVE SMES - Bridge of Knowledge




  • Knowledge management in SMEs - theoretical considerations.


    - Year 2010

    The purpose of this chapter is to present an analysis of knowledge management concept with regard to small and medium-sized enterprises. It is aimed to propose an overview for SMEs to apply this above-mentioned concept. This overview can be used by managers and owners of SMEs to introduce knowledge management into their organizational structures.

  • Knowledge Management and Resilience in SMEs Sector


    - Year 2024

    Purpose: The aim of this paper is to investigate the role of resilience in surviving major disruptions, such as pandemic or war. This problem is especially vital for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as they often lack both resources needed for survival during prolonged economic hardship and knowledge management (KM) practices which are useful for developing the necessary business resilience. Methodology: The paper uses...

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  • Knowledge management in SMEs – selected issues.


    - Year 2014

    The success of a small or medium-size enterprise might be dependent on the way in which this company manages its knowledge. With limited access to other resources like land, capital or labor force, the access to knowledge and its effective application might become a source of competitive advantage for an SME. It is confirmed that organizations, which successfully implement the concept of knowledge management might achieve better...

  • Knowledge‐Intensive Business Services (KIBS) and Their Role in the Knowledge‐Based Economy


    - Year 2013

    The importance of the knowledge‐intensive business services sector for the development of the economy is growing. In the 80s and 90s this sector became the fastest growing sector in the OECD countries (OECD, 2001). Many publications stress its close relationship to the levels of innovation and performance of the whole economy (e.g. Hipp, 1999; Tomlinson, 1999; Aslesen and Isaksen, 2007). It is an increasingly common belief that...

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  • Understanding Knowledge-Intensive Business Services. Identification, Systematization, and Characterization of Knowledge Flows


    - Year 2021

    This book contributes to an improved understanding of knowledge-intensive business services and knowledge management issues. It offers a complex overview of literature devoted to these topics and introduces the concept of ‘knowledge flows’, which constitutes a missing link in the previous knowledge management theories. The book provides a detailed analysis of knowledge flows, with their types, relations and factors influencing...

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  • Critical Success Factors for Knowledge Management in SMEs in the KIBS Sector


    - Year 2014

    The purpose of this paper is to examine knowledge management practices and critical success factors (CSFs) for their introduction in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) sector. Methodology: The paper is based on the results of an exploratory qualitative survey involving owners and managers of small and medium-sized companies operating in the KIBS sector. In the survey, eight...

  • Factors of successful client co-production in knowledge-intensive business services


    Purpose This paper aims to explore the topic of client co-production in knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS). The paper first sketches a theoretical background and reviews previous studies on factors affecting successful client co-production in such companies and then examines these factors via case study research among a small KIBS company and its five customers. Design/methodology/approach The paper is based on an in-depth...

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  • CSR knowledge and perception in Polish SMEs: Evidence from the region of Pomerania.

    The concept of CSR was created in the second half of 20th century mostly with respect to large businesses, mostly multinational corporations. Alongside with the renaissance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which took place in the seventh decade of 20th centu-ry, we can observe a constant increase in the popularity of research into CSR practices among SMEs. This topic still remains under-researched, especially in transition...

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  • Client co-production in knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS): Case study analysis


    Purpose: This paper aims to explore the topic of client co-production in knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS). The paper first sketches a theoretical background and reviews previous studies on factors affecting successful client co-production in such companies and then examines these factors via case study research among a small KIBS company and its five customers. Methodology: The paper is based on an in-depth analysis...

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  • A digital repository of science resources of research institute as a source of knowledge from the area of production engineering for SMEs


    - Year 2017

  • Knowledge Pills for KIBS SMEs

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Zięba
    • M. Skorupko

  • Knowledge Management Critical Success Factors and the Innovativeness of KIBS Companies

    The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of two critical success factors for knowledge management (i.e. leadership and support by the management, motivational practices) on the innovativeness of knowledge-intensive business service (KIBS) companies in the SMEs sector. A sample of 400 companies (KIBS SMEs) located in the Pomeranian District in Poland was selected. The questionnaire was designed to measure knowledge...

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  • KM Challenges in Small KIBS Companies: Multi-case Analysis in Two Countries


    - Year 2023

    Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) – i.e. companies like e.g. computer services, consulting, engineering, business communication, and R&D support - are key players in the modern economies. They stimulate the innovativeness of businesses and societies. Their competitiveness is based on knowledge, which is their key production factor and also the kind of “goods” they sell. The large majority of KIBS companies have a small...

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  • Knowledge management driven leadership, culture and innovation success – an integrative model


    - Year 2015

    Purpose – This article examines the relation between knowledge management (KM) driven leadership, culture and innovation success of knowledge-intensive small and medium sized companies. By building on the previously reported research on leadership, culture, innovation, and knowledge management, we synergistically integrated KM-driven leadership and innovation success while exploring the meditational role of culture in that. Design/methodology/approach...

  • Magdalena Maria Popowska dr

    Magdalena Popowska (PhD) is a researcher and lecturer of Organization Science and Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Management and Economics of Gdansk University of Technology. For many years she has been in charge of exchange programmes, double degrees and other internationalization activities. In 2008-2016 she was a Vice-Dean for International and Public Affairs and now she is a Dean Proxy for International Cooperation. Her...

  • Knowledge management approaches of small and medium-sized firms: a cluster analysis

    • V. Alexandru
    • E. Bolisani
    • A. G. Andrei
    • J. G. Cegarra-Navarro
    • A. Martínez Martínez
    • M. Paiola
    • E. Scarso
    • E. Vătămănescu
    • M. Zięba

    - KYBERNETES - Year 2019

    Purpose This paper aims to categorise the approaches to knowledge management (KM) by companies. In the literature, there is no consensus on a universal or “best” approach to KM. Especially, this paper singles out and discusses the variegated features that characterise the implementation of KM by small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) having different characteristics. Design/methodology/approach A cluster analysis was used...

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  • Jak firmy z sektora wiedzochłonnych usług biznesowych zarządzają wiedzą? Prezentacja wyników badań.

    W artykule przedstawiono praktyki zarządzania wiedzą stosowane przez przedsiębiorstwa z sektora małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw (MSP), oferujące wiedzochłonne usługi biznesowe. Tematyka ta jest wciąż mało rozpoznana, zwłaszcza w krajach Europy Środkowej, takich jak Polska. W pierwszych dwóch podrozdziałach artykułu zaprezentowano krótki przegląd literatury światowej, dotyczącej zarządzania wiedzą w MSP i sektorze usług wiedzochłonnych....

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  • Wioleta Kucharska dr hab. inż.

    Wioleta Kucharska  (Associate Professor at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdansk University of Technology, Fahrenheit Universities Union, Poland), published so far with Wiley, Springer, Taylor & Francis, Emerald, Sage, Elsevier, and Routledge. She is scientifically involved in tacit knowledge and the company culture of knowledge, learning, and collaboration (KLC approach) topics. Recently, she discovered the...


    Smart City Concept in the Context of Enterpreneurship Development in Suburban Areas. Supporting innovation and knowledge within economic development, these are the goals of public managers, enthusiasts of the Smart City concept. It is questioned whether this concept is the best solution for regional development and efficient support to local entrepreneurship based on SMEs (small and medium enterprises). Moreover, the results of...

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  • Natalia Sokół dr inż.

    BACKGROUND       Master of Science in Light and Lighting (2008-2009/11) The UCL Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, Faculty of the Built Environment, London, UK,       MA Degree in Interior Architecture (1999-2004), The Academy of Fine Arts, Poznan, Poland,       MA Degree in Art Education (1997-2002), Academy of Fine Arts, Poznan, Poland, MAIN RESEARCH AREAS ·         ...

  • Sektor usług wiedzochłonnych oraz jego dynamika i struktura zatrudnienia w krajach Unii Europejskiej


    Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy sektora usług wiedzochłonnych oraz jego dynamiki i struktury zatrudnienia. W części teoretycznej opracowania przedstawiono zagadnienia definicyjne oraz klasyfikacyjne związane z sektorem usług wiedzochłonnych, a także omówiono kwestie wiedzochłonności tego sektora. W części badawczej zaprezentowano analizę dynamiki i struktury zatrudnienia w sektorach usług wiedzochłonnych krajów należących do Unii Europejskiej....

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  • Zarządzanie wiedzą w małych przedsiębiorstwach oferujących wiedzochłonne usługi biznesowe

    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie praktyk zarządzania wiedzą oraz czynników wpływających na sukces, bądź porażkę w ich wdrażaniu na podstawie badania jakościowego przeprowadzonego w trzech firmach działających na terenie województwa pomorskiego. Firmy te należą do sektora małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw oraz oferują wiedzochłonne usługi biznesowe (knowledge-intensive business services – KIBS). W artykule podjęto próbę odpowiedzi...

  • Marek Szelągowski dr


    Marek Szelągowski has participated in the creation and implementation of IT solutions in the fields of accounting, human resources management, production, IT infrastructure management, etc. As the CIO of the BUDIMEX Group in 2000–2008 he was responsible for the accommodation of informatization strategies to the changing needs of the business sector. He was managing and participating in analyses and optimizations of business processes...

  • Odpowiedzialny biznes- modna koncepcja czy odrodzenie wartości?


    - Year 2013

    Opracowanie porządkuje wiedzę na temat koncepcji społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu oraz jej specyfiki w kontekście małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw. Omówione zostały różnice pomiędzy zastosowaniem CSR w dużych organizacjach i w MŚP, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem przedsiębiorstw polskich. Predyspozycje do zaangażowania społecznego przedsiębiorcy przedstawione zostały na kilku modelach teoretycznych, a konkretne przykłady dobrych...

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    26-09-2022 10:12 - 30-09-2022 10:12

    Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics of Gdańsk Tech invites international students to the next summer school - Quantum and Molecules I (QUEUE I), organized within the ScienceApp project.

  • Rola innowacji otwartych w klastrach


    - Year 2019

    Innowacje otwarte to podejście, w którym korzysta się z partnerstwa i łączenia zasobów wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych wobec firmy w celu kreowania nowych pomysłów i technologii. Klastry natomiast są uznawane za przestrzeń sprzyjającą międzyorganizacyjnej współpracy innowacyjnej. Głównym celem podejmowanym w rozprawie było zbadanie roli innowacji otwartych w klastrach poprzez dokonanie diagnozy stanu i sposobu ich podejmowania oraz...

  • Knowledge Management

    e-Learning Courses
    • W. Kucharska

    Brand knowledge, customer knowledge, relations knowledge, market knowledge, „know how” etc., are intangible assets with great value to the organization today, and to leave these assets unmanaged would seem to be foolish in the extreme. The aim of the course is to explain: who/ why/ how to manage knowledge effectively. Welcome & GOOD LUCK :) Wioleta Kucharska

  • Dlaczego tak mało wiemy o wzroście małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw - subiektywizm w badaniach


    Rozwój przedsiębiorstwa jako przedmiot badań, doczekał się wielu opracowań literaturowych (patrz: Birch, Storey, Davidsson, Demar, Wiklund, Coad, Wasilczuk, Matejun itd.), jednak cały czas brakuje odpowiedzi na pytanie dlaczego małe firmy wzrastają i jakie czynniki na ten wzrost wpływają. Brak wiedzy na ten temat nie wynika z braku chęci badawczych, a raczej z nadmiaru problemów z takimi badaniami związanymi. Osoby prowadzące badania...

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  • Economics SMEs

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Dominiak

  • Innovative activity of SMEs In Poland


    - Year 2010

    Innovative activity of enterprises is determined by many factors. On one hand, these are external factors creating a sort of innovative climate in the economy, on the other hand - there are many internal factors stimulating or reducing the intensity of innovative activities. What influences the innovativeness of enterprises is the effectiveness of the system supporting innovations, which was stated by for example Pyciński and Żołnierski...

  • Employees 55+ - valuable resource in SMEs

    The article relates to the problem of exploiting the potential of workers aged 55 years or more to build the competitiveness of the SME sector. The aim of the study was an attempt to formulate an answer to the question whether entrepreneurs and managers are able to identify the potential of older workers and whether they use this potential to build the competitiveness of their enterprises. The article is based on the results of...

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  • The impact of knowledge risk management on sustainability


    - Journal of Knowledge Management - Year 2022

    Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of knowledge risk management (KRM) on organizational sustainability and the role of innovativeness and agility in this relationship. Methodology The study presents the results of a quantitative survey performed among 179 professionals from knowledge-intensive organizations dealing with knowledge risks and their management in organizations. Data included in this study are...

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  • The determinants of the Region's and its SMEs' Competitive Position in the Context of Mega Events - the Case of the Euro 2012

    In this paper a modified Preuss model was used to assess the factors to enhance the competitiveness of the region and the SMEs located in the region. To accomplish the above, six types of event-structure were applied: infrastructure, knowledge, networks, culture, image and emotions. They were described in detail in reference to the case of Euro 2012 in Poland in general and Pomeranian region in particular. Finally the Authors take...

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  • Mapping knowledge risks: towards a better understanding of knowledge management


    This conceptual paper aims to identify, present, and analyze potential knowledge risks organizations might face. With the growing complexity of organizational environments and the plethora of new knowledge risks emerging, this critical but under-researched field of knowledge management (KM) deserves closer attention. The study is based on a critical analysis of the extant literature devoted to knowledge risks, discusses potential...

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  • Anaesthesiology Intensive Therapy


    ISSN: 1642-5758 , eISSN: 1731-2531

  • Knowledge management and knowledge security—Building an integrated framework in the light of COVID‐19


    - Knowledge and Process Management - Year 2022

    Abstract. This paper presents a framework of knowledge risk management in the face of the COVID-19 crisis, derived from the literature on knowledge management, knowledge security and COVID-19. So far, both researchers and practitioners have focused on knowledge as an asset and their efforts have been aimed at the implementation of knowledge management in various organizational contexts. However, with increasing threats related...

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  • Searching for innovation knowledge: insight into KIBS companies


    - Knowledge Management Research & Practice - Year 2017

    The paper analyses the activity of research for “innovation knowledge”—here defined as knowledge that can lead to the introduction of service innovations—by Knowledge-Intensive Business Services (KIBS) companies. It proposes a classification of the possible search approaches adopted by those companies based on two dimensions: the pro-activity of search efforts and the source primarily used. Such classification is then discussed...

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  • Characterization of small and medium enterprises (SMES) of Pomeranian Region in six sigma methodology application


    The paper presents the rarely researched and important issue for SMEs competitiveness - knowledge and practical application of Six Sigma methodology. The results of research conducted by Authors allow to answer the question - to what degree SMEs of Pomeranian region are aware of importance and prepared for systemic control and improvement of their processes?W opracowaniu poruszono istotne, z punktu widzenia podnoszenia konkurencyjności...

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  • Knowledge Safety – Insights from the SME Sector

    Purpose: This paper aims to explore the topic of knowledge safety, defined as the state of knowledge being safe from loss, leakage, attrition, oblivion, waste or theft. The paper first presents a theoretical background and review of previous studies on knowledge loss and ways of overcoming it, and then illustrates the topic of knowledge safety with ten case studies from the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) sector. Methodology:...

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  • Knowledge management implementation in small and micro KIBS : A categorization


    - Knowledge and Process Management - Year 2023

    he main goal of the paper is to provide a statistical categorization of small and micro knowledge-intensive business service (KIBS) companies, based on their knowledge management (KM) attitude. Since knowledge is the main production factor and output of these companies, it is essential to achieve a better understanding of how they manage this resource. A questionnaire-based survey was conducted on a sample of Polish small and micro...

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  • How to adapt Lean Six Sigma to improve performance of SMEs of manufacturing sector


    The main objective of the paper is to present the utilitarian effect of the adaptation of the Lean Six Sigma concept and its implementation in the small and medium-sized enterprises of the manufacturing sector. The original methodology was developed on the basis of research carried out in the Polish and French enterprises from 2009 to 2011. In the case of SMEs, the use of the concept of Lean Six Sigma is much less common, as...

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  • Krzysztof Goczyła prof. dr hab. inż.

    Krzysztof Goczyła, full professor of Gdańsk University of Technology, computer scientist, a specialist in software engineering, knowledge engineering and databases. He graduated from the Faculty of Electronics Technical University of Gdansk in 1976 with a degree in electronic engineering, specializing in automation. Since then he has been working at Gdańsk University of Technology. In 1982 he obtained a doctorate in computer science...

  • Knowledge Safety in Small and Medium Sized Service Companies:Case Study Analysis


    - Year 2016

    Purpose: This paper aims to explore the topic of knowledge safety, defined as the state of knowledge being safe from loss, attrition, oblivion or theft. The paper first presents a theoretical background and review of previous studies on knowledge loss and retention and then illustrates the topic of knowledge safety with ten case studies from the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) sector. Methodology: The paper is based...

  • The lemniscate knowledge flow model

    Knowledge is seen as one of the main resources for organizations providing knowledge-intensive services. Therefore, sharing and reusing are the main goals of modern knowledge management (KM) approach, driven by information and communication technologies (ICT). However, one can ask for the details in order to provide means and tools to design and deploy environment able to fulfil these two goals. We observed that occurred interactions...

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  • E-learning course "International comparative studies on SMEs"


    - Year 2006

    Projekt Leonardo da Vinci "International comparative studies and course development on SMEs" został zainspirowany poprzednim projektem LdV "A European Diploma in SME Management". Bazując na poprzednich doświadczeniach projektowych zaproponowano opracowanie struktur dla opisania narodowych systemów małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw (ang. SME Small Media Enterprises) przy wykorzystaniu dostępnych krajowych danych. Udowodniono, że...



    ISSN: 0950-7051 , eISSN: 1872-7409

  • Parallelization of Compute Intensive Applications into Workflows based on Services in BeesyCluster


    - Year 2011

    The paper presents an approach for modeling, optimization and execution of workflow applications based on services that incorporates both service selection and partitioning of input data for parallel processing by parallel workflow paths. A compute-intensive workflow application for parallel integration is presented. An impact of the input data partitioning on the scalability is presented. The paper shows a comparison of the theoretical...

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  • Elements of six sigma methodoloygy in polish smes. the pomeranian region context


    - Year 2012

    In this article, it has been suggested that the effectiveness of the design and implementation of the process approach in the SMEs sector affects the effectiveness and efficiency of the application of elements of the Six Sigma ™ concept. The selected results of the research have been presented to answer the question to what extent small and medium-sized manufacturing, service and production - service companies in Pomeranian region...

  • Limiting futile therapy as part of end-of-life care in intensive care units

    • M. Damps
    • M. Gajda
    • L. Stołtny
    • M. Kowalska
    • E. Kucewicz-Czech

    - Anaesthesiology Intensive Therapy - Year 2022

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  • Knowledge work and knowledge workers in knowledge-based economy - theoretical considerations

    It is often claimed that an organization is as good as people working in it and that talented workers are the driving force of an organization. To cope with the growing requirements of knowledge-based economy, organizations need a special type of workers - knowledge workers. This is especially important in organizations building their competitive advantage on innovations and the application of information and communication technologies...