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Journal of Nuts
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Social Convergence in Nordic NUTS-3 Regions
PublicationGeographical proximity, common historical roots and collaboration within the Nordic Council make the Nordic countries, often wrongly treated as monoliths. However, in reality, Nordic regions differ in terms of broadly defined social and economic development. Issues concerning the standard of living are one of the priorities of the Helsinki Treaty signed by Nordic countries. The main goal of this paper is to analyze the existence...
Spatial differentiation of road safety in Europe based on NUTS-2 regions
PublicationRoad safety varies significantly across the regions in Europe. To understand the factors behind this differentiation and the effects they have, data covering 263 NUTS-2 (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) regions across Europe (European Union and Norway) have been analysed. The assessment was made using Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR). As a dependent variable the Road Fatality Rate (RFR – number of fatalities...
Peripheral industrial NUTS 3 sub-regions in the European Union – identification and typology
PublicationA common phenomenon of development is the big difference in its levels, especially between metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas. Non-metropolitan areas are also very different. In some of them, industry plays a big role. European Union’s NUTS 3 non-metropolitan low developed sub-regions, whose gross domestic product per capita in 2011 was below 75% of the EU average, were the subject of research. It is based on the data and...
Klasyfikacja polskich wschodnich i zachodnich obszarów przygranicznych na szczeblu NUTS 3 według poziomu rozwoju
PublicationArtykuł poświęcony jest analizie poziomu rozwoju wybranych polskich podregionów. Spośród 22 jednostek na poziomie NUTS 3, których granica przynajmniej w części pokrywa się z lądową granicą państwa do badań wybrano 7 sąsiadujących z Republiką Federalną Niemiec i Ukrainą. Do oceny poziomu rozwoju zastosowano standardowy zestaw mierników używany do porównań międzyregionalnych, który nieznacznie zmodyfikowano. Porównywalność danych...
PublicationThe article presents the application of the GWR (Geographically Weighted Regression) model to the description of differences in the level of road traffic safety in individual counties on the example of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship. The GWR model developed for counties, taking into account the diversity of NUTS 3 regions, can be a helpful tool for traffic safety management in voivodships and lower administrative units, and...
Nuts 51 (voj. dolnoslaskie). Number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities
Open Research DataThe data contains information about the number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities between 1999 and 2019 in months in voj. dolnoslaskie (Poland, nuts 71).
Nuts 81 (voj. lubelskie). Number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities
Open Research DataThe data contains information about the number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities between 1999 and 2019 in months in voj. lubelskie (Poland, nuts 81)
Nuts 43 (voj. lubuskie). Number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities
Open Research DataThe data contains information about the number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities between 1999 and 2019 in months in voj. lubuskie (Poland, nuts 43)
Nuts 42 (voj. zachodniopomorskie). Number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities
Open Research DataThe data contains information about the number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities between 1999 and 2019 in months in voj. zachodniopomorskie (Poland, nuts 42)
Nuts 52 (voj. opolskie). Number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities
Open Research DataThe data contains information about the number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities between 1999 and 2019 in months in voj. opolskie (Poland, nuts 52)
Nuts 22 (voj. slaskie). Number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities
Open Research DataThe data contains information about the number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities between 1999 and 2019 in months in voj. slaskie (Poland, nuts 22)
Nuts 71 (voj. lodzkie). Number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities
Open Research DataThe data contains information about the number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities between 1999 and 2019 in months in voj. lodzkie (Poland, nuts 71)
Nuts 21 (voj. malopolskie). Number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities
Open Research DataThe data contains information about the number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities between 1999 and 2019 in months in voj. malopolskie (Poland, nuts 21)
Nuts 82 (voj. podkarpackie). Number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities
Open Research DataThe data contains information about the number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities between 1999 and 2019 in months in voj. podkarpackie(Poland, nuts 82)
Nuts 84 (voj. podlaskie). Number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities
Open Research DataThe data contains information about the number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities between 1999 and 2019 in months in voj. podlaskie (Poland, nuts 84)
Nuts 63 (voj. pomorskie). Number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities
Open Research DataThe data contains information about the number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities between 1999 and 2019 in months in voj. pomorskie (Poland, nuts 63)
Nuts 41 (voj. wielkopolskie). Number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities
Open Research DataThe data contains information about the number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities between 1999 and 2019 in months in voj. wielkopolskie (Poland, nuts 41)
Nuts 72 (voj. swietokrzyskie). Number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities
Open Research DataThe data contains information about the number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities between 1999 and 2019 in months in voj. swietokrzyskie (Poland, nuts 72)
Nuts 61 (voj. kujawsko-pomorskie). Number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities
Open Research DataThe data contains information about the number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities between 1999 and 2019 in months in voj. kujawsko-pomorskie (Poland, nuts 61)
Nuts 92 (mazowiecki regionalny region). Number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities
Open Research DataThe data contains information about the number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities between 1999 and 2019 in months in mazowiecki regionalny region (Poland, nuts 92)
Nuts 62 (voj. warminsko-mazurskie). Number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities
Open Research DataThe data contains information about the number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities between 1999 and 2019 in months in voj. warminsko-mazurskie (Poland, nuts 62)
Nuts 91 (woj. warszawski - stoleczny). Number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities
Open Research DataThe data contains information about the number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities between 1999 and 2019 in months in warszawski - stoleczny region (Poland, nuts 91)
An Evaluation of the Energy Potential of Agri-Food Waste: Green Residues from Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and Shea Nutshells (Vitellaria paradoxa)
PublicationAddressing the agricultural challenges of agri-food waste accumulation, this study assessed the energy potential of green residues from tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv. Kmicic) plants in different fertilizer configurations and Shea nutshell (Vitellaria paradoxa) waste. Two key parameters were compared: (I) Calorific Value (CV), representing thermal treatment, and (II) Biogas and Biomethane production potential, representing...
Zróżnicowanie w poziomie rozwoju podregionów NTS 3 w północnym regionie Polski
PublicationArtykuł poświęcony jest analizie poziomów rozwoju podregionów tworzących, zgodnie z klasyfikacją NUTS, region północny Polski. Początkowo w pracy omówiono klasyfikację NUTS, zarówno w prawodawstwie unijnym, jak i polskim. Następnie scharakteryzowano pojęcie rozwoju regionalnego i przedstawiono najczęściej pojawiające się interpretacje tego terminu. W dalszej części skupiono się na metodologii badań, które opierały się na analizie...
Fuzzy regresion approach to road safety analysis at regional level
PublicationRoad safety modelling on regional level of NUTS 2 in the EU is the complex issue and authors of this article indicate this in previous publications. NUTS 2 are basic regions for the application of regional policies (0.8-3 m inhabitants). During multivariate models development they discovered that it is difficult to make regression model well described all regions, even if they are from one country. In the first step Poisson model...
Results from tests on bolted connection components for evaluation of friction coefficient in various contact conditions
PublicationThe main purpose of the work was the analysis and evaluation of the self-locking quality of a bolted joint covered with Xylan 1070 coating, with comparison to the classic bolts lubricated with Molykote compound during assembly. The second part of the work was the verification of the compliance of the bolts and nuts used in the installation with the ASME B1.1 norm.
Standard of living in Poland at regional level - classification with Kohonen self-organizing maps
PublicationThe standard of living is spatially diversified and its analyzes enable shaping regional policy. Therefore, it is crucial to assess the standard of living and to classify regions due to their standard of living, based on a wide set of determinants. The most common research methods are those based on composite indicators, however, they are not ideal. Among the current critiques moved to the use of composite...
Modelling selected road safety measures at the regional level in Europe
PublicationRegions are Europe’s basic levels of management. The literature was reviewed to identify regional safety analyses and some of the factors that are important for road safety in the regions. Next, data were collected atthe regional NUTS 2 level in Europe for the years 1999-2008. An analysis of the data helped identify f actors which have the strongest bearing on fatalities and other safety measures. This paper presents the initial...
Wykorzystanie miar dywergencji Csiszara do oecny podobieństwa struktury ludności krajów regionu Morza Bałtyckiego
PublicationStudies of socio-economic phenomena often touch on the issues concerning similarity between demographic structures. The measures usually used in the evaluation of structure similarity or in the investigation of the extent of structural changes are functions of distance metrics of their partial indicators. The study points out the possibility of using Csiszar divergence measures (f-divergences) in the quantification of the extent...
Dochody gospodarstw domowych i ich determinanty – zróżnicowanie regionalne w UE
PublicationCelem niniejszego opracowania jest ustalenie skali regionalnego zróżnicowania dochodów gospodarstw domowych w UE oraz korelacji pomiędzy wybranymi wielkościami ekonomicznymi a dochodami do dyspozycji uzyskiwanymi przez gospodarstwa domowe w przeliczeniu na 1 mieszkańca. Analizy dokonano w oparciu o dane publikowane przez Eurostat dla 2013 r. z podziałem na regiony NUTS 2, wykorzystując współczynnik korelacji Pearsona jako miarę...
Nadmiarowe zgony podczas pandemii COVID-19 w Polsce i ocena skuteczności szczepień
PublicationZ powodu pandemii COVID-19 zmarły miliony ludzi na całym świecie. Jak wynika z wielu badań, szczepienia przeciw chorobie wywołanej wirusem SARS-CoV-2 okazały się środ-kiem ograniczającym skalę zachorowań i liczbę zgonów. Celem badania omawianego w artyku-le jest pomiar skali pandemii w Polsce za pomocą liczby nadmiarowych zgonów w podregio-nach według klasyfikacji NUTS 3 i w grupach wieku, a następnie określenie zależności pomiędzy...
Hierarchical random models in road transport safety
PublicationIn this paper multilevel approach to the issue of road safety level on the road network of European regions, classified as NUTS 2 in statistical databases of the EU, has been presented. The risk calculated as the number of death casualties in road accidents per 100,000 inhabitants of a given region has Poisson distribution. Therefore, generalized Poisson model has been assumed in the modelling process. Multilevel stochastic analysis...
Poziom życia w regionach państw nordyckich z uwzględnieniem zależności przestrzennych
PublicationSąsiedztwo geograficzne oraz wspólne korzenie historyczne sprawiają, że państwa nordyckie, niesłusznie dość często traktowane są jako jedność. W rzeczywistości jednak, poszczególne regiony państw nordyckich są zróżnicowane pod względem szeroko rozumianego rozwoju społecznego i gospodarczego. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest analiza przestrzennego zróżnicowania poziomu życia ludności w regionach NUTS-3 państw nordyckich. Jako...
PublicationIn this paper multilevel approach to the issue of road safety level on the road network of European regions, classified as NUTS 2 in statistical databases of the European Union, has been presented. Following the pattern of many publications on road safety it has been assumed that the risk calculated as the number of death casualties in road accidents per 100,000 inhabitants of a given region has Poisson distribution. Therefore,...
Spatial differences in sustainable development components in Nordic regions
PublicationGeographical proximity, common historical roots and collaboration within the Nordic Council make the Nordic countries, often wrongly treated as monoliths. How ever, in reality, Nordic regions differ in terms of broadly defined socio - economic development. The aim of this study is to analyze the spatial differences in sustainable development components in Nordic NUTS - 3 regions in the period 2006 - 2014....
Poziom bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego w regionach Unii Europejskiej
PublicationProblem bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego w Europie jest jednym z najważniejszych problemów transportu. Liczba ofiar śmiertelnych na drogach jest ponad 20-krotnie większa niż łączna liczba ofiar na kolei i w lotnictwie. W celu poprawy te sytuacji konieczne jest spojrzenie na ten problem z perspektywy mniejszych obszarów jakimi są regiony NUTS-2. Ich zróżnicowanie pod względem demograficznym czy kulturowym może wpływać na zróżnicowany...
Abstract class method use on common characteristics of UE regions for better road safety management in these regions.
PublicationRoad Safety is the significant problem requiring still a lot of attention. Despite lots of actions for road fatalities reduction, in many countries or regions situation doesn't improve as good as in the other cases. Even if these actions are very similar. It is so difficult issue, that the answer why is that happens hasn't been found yet. In this paper authors focused on the road network of European regions, classified as NUTS...
Typology of low developed non-metropolitan sub-regions in the European Union
PublicationThis paper shows a typology of 319 NUTS-3 sub-regions in the European Union. The selected sub-regions are non-metropolitan sub-regions, whose gross domestic product per capita in 2011 was below 75% of the EU average. The objective of this typology was to recognize diversity in the examined sub-regions as a starting point for the selection of areas for future comparative research. The typology takes into account 24 variables related...
Social convergence in Nordic countries at regional level
PublicationResearch background: Geographical proximity, common historical roots and collaboration within the Nordic Council cause the Nordic countries to be often wrongly treated as monoliths. However, in reality, Nordic regions differ in terms of broadly defined social and economic development. Issues concerning the standard of living are one of the priorities of the Helsinki Treaty signed by Nordic countries. Purpose of the article: The...
Conversion of waste biomass to designed and tailored activated chars with valuable properties for adsorption and electrochemical applications
PublicationWaste biomass, a renewable energy source, is inexpensive material that has great potential in sorp-tion and electrochemical application. The selected waste materials (corncobs, coconut shells, wal-nuts, and pistachio husks) allow to close the production cycle and enable material recycling, which are important aspects in the hierarchy of waste management. The proposed methodology for pro-duction and activation of biochars can be...
Terytorialne zróżnicowanie wypadków przy pracy, ich przyczyn i zagrożeń czynnikami szkodliwymi i niebezpiecznymi oraz uciążliwymi dla zdrowia pracowników w Polsce
PublicationWstęp: W artykule omówiono rozmieszczenie wypadków przy pracy, ich przyczyn i zagrożeń czynnikami szkodliwymi, niebezpiecznymi oraz uciążliwymi dla zdrowia pracowników w poszczególnych województwach, a także w powiatach (jeśli były dostępne dane) w latach 2010–2022, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem sytuacji w 2022 r.Cel: Celem podejmowanej analizy było zaprezentowanie wypadków przy pracy, ich przyczyn i zagrożeń czynnikami...
Alkyl polyglycoside-assisted separation followed by smartphone-based digital image colorimetry for on-site determination of total phenolic content in plant-based milk alternatives
PublicationA low-cost lab-on-a-smartphone platform for rapid and on-site assessment of total phenolic content in plant-based milk alternatives has been proposed for the first time. The three main components, including a smartphone, a disposable Eppendorf vial and a specially designed holder with an integrated polychromatic light source, were compactly assembled to enable color-forming reaction, separation and measurement. The method involves...
How to Meet the Green Deal Objectives—Is It Possible to Obtain 100% RES at the Regional Level in the EU?
PublicationThe subject matter discussed in the article concerns the problem of the energy transformation of the European Union (EU) countries. In the case of the EU, the energy transformation has specific characteristics due to formal legal and institutional provisions. This means that the member states are obliged to implement the adopted Community Energy Strategy, which was defined under the European Green Deal. According to the EU policy,...