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Search results for: silos flow, granular materials, physical properties, geometrical properties, x-ray tomography
Quantitative estimation of volume changes of granular materials during silo flow using X-ray tomography.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań doświadczalnych nad zmianami objętościowymi materiału granulowanego podczas przepływu silosowego. Badania wykonano przy zastosowaniu tomografii rentgenowskiej. Wyniki porównano z wynikami doświadczalnymi przy zastosowaniu cyfrowej obróbki zdjęć płynącego materiału.
Selection of material for X-ray tomography analysis and DEM simulations: comparison between granular materials of biological and non-biological origins
PublicationPhysical properties and X-ray tomography images of five different granular materials: glass bead, glass grit, short grain white rice, sorghum and clay granules (Seramis) are investigated to select the most promising materials for numerical simulations and time-lapse X-ray tomography imaging. The examined materials represent granular materials of non-biological origin (glass bead, glass grit and Seramis) and granular plant materials...
Application of the X-ray micro computed tomography to the analysis of the structure of polymeric materials
PublicationIn this paper the application of X-ray micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) as a non-destructive testing method of polymeric materials is presented. Increasing applicability of polymers in variedend-use industries such as automotive, building and construction, consumer goods, and packaging is propelling the growth of the global polymer processing market. However, controlling of the polymer structure is one of the most important...
Tome-lapse X-ray tomography imaging of flow patterns in versatile silo model
PublicationThe paper introduces a new versatile silo model that was especially designed for in situ X-ray tomography studies of silo discharge for various flow conditions, namely concentric and eccentric. The presented work focuses on organic granular materials where low fraction of short-grain white rice is mixed with spheroidal sorghum particles. The high-quality tomography images combined with adequate image processing strategy allows...
Electrical capacitance tomography for studying the flow of friable materials in silos.
PublicationArtykuł opisuje możliwość aplikacji tomografii do pomiarów przepływu materiałów sypkich w silosach
Combining X-ray tomogrpahy imaging and DEM simulations to investigate granular material flow during silo discharging
PublicationEven after few decades of research, the study of particle motion taking place during silo discharging hasn’t been fully addressed, both experimentally and numerically, because of nontrivial behaviors that occur during associated flow patterns. For instance, discrete element method (DEM) has shown good qualitative prediction potential of velocity profile, but, on the other hand, frequently failed to match quantitatively experimental...
Analysis of the bulk solid flow during gravitational silo emptying using X-ray and ECT tomography
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów zmian koncentracji piasku bezkohezyjnego zachodzących w prostokątnym modelu silosu opróżnianym grawitacyjnie. Pomiary wykonano z zastosowaniem kontynualnego promieniowania rentgenowskiego oraz z użyciem tomografii pojemnościowej. Badania wykonano dla zróżnicowanego zagęszczenia początkowego piasku oraz różnego stopnia szorstkości ścian. Szczególny nacisk położono na zachowanie sie materiału...
An Investigation of the Mechanical and Physical Characteristics of Cement Paste Incorporating Different Air Entraining Agents using X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography
Publication -
Nanomateriały o właściwościach magnetycznych, fotokatalitycznych, biobójczych
PublicationTematyka badawcza pracy doktorskiej obejmuje preparatykę i charakterystykę nanomateriałów o właściwościach magnetycznych, fotokatalitycznych, biobójczych. Celem pracy była preparatyka nanomateriałów na bazie TiO2 oraz ZnFe2O4 oraz zastosowanie nanokompozytów w fotokatalizie heterogenicznej do degradacji ksenobiotyków niepodatnych na rozkład biologiczny i otrzymywania funkcjonalnych materiałów budowlanych. Otrzymane nanokompozyty...
Application of a cellular automaton to simulations of granular flow in silos
PublicationA cellular automaton based on a gas model of hydrodynamics was used to calculate the kinematics of non-cohesive granular materials during confined flow in a mass flow and funnel flow model silo. In the model, collisions of particles were taken into account during granular flow. In addition, a simplified automaton was used wherein granular flow was assumed as an upward propagation of holes through a lattice composed of cells representing...
Nanokrystaliczne warstwy ceramiczne otrzymywane metodą pirolizy aerozolowej w tlenkowych ogniwach paliwowych
PublicationNiniejsza rozprawa doktorska dotyczy badań materiałów wytwarzanych w postaci cienkich, nanokrystalicznych warstw ceramicznych metodą pirolizy aerozolowej dla zastosowań w tlenkowych ogniwach paliwowych (SOFC). Badane są trzy możliwe obszary zastosowań wytwarzanych warstw tj. osadzanie powłok ochronnych na stalowych interkonektorach dostarczających gazy do elektrody tlenowej, wytwarzanie bariery ochronnej zapobiegającej dyfuzji...
Mechanical and fracture properties of concrete reinforced with recycled and industrial steel fibers using Digital Image Correlation technique and X-ray micro computed tomography
PublicationPaper presents investigation of fracture phenomenon in plain concrete and in concrete reinforced with both recycled steel fibers (RSF) and industrial steel fibers (ISF). The wedge splitting test (WST), which enables stable crack propagation for quasi-brittle materials, was carried out on 75 75 75 mm cube samples. Initially, fracture process zone development was investigated only on the surface of samples using Digital Image Correlation...
[NCh, IMa] Properties of novel materials
e-Learning Courses{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: nauki chemiczne, inżynieria materiałowa Zajęcia fakultatywne Prowadzący: prof. dr hab. inż. T. Klimczuk, WFTiMS Liczba godzin: 15 Forma zajęć: wykład {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: chemical sciences, materials engineering facultative course Academic teacher: prof. dr hab. inż. T. Klimczuk, WFTiMS Total hours of training:15 teaching hours Course type: lecture {mlang}
Mechanical and radiation shielding properties of concrete reinforced with boron--basalt fibers using Digital Image Correlation and X--ray micro--computed tomography
PublicationThe paper presents experimental investigations of the radiation shielding, mechanical and fracture properties of concrete reinforced with 5 kg/m3 of novel basalt fibers infused with boron oxide (BBF). However, further studies concerning other dosages i.e. 1 kg/m3, 10 kg/m3, 15 kg/m3 and 20 kg/m3 are currently carried out. Experiments with neutron source revealed that addition of BBF as a dispersed concrete reinforcement could improve...
Jacek Tejchman prof. dr hab. inż.
People -
Marek Pszczoła dr hab. inż.
PeopleI am a Faculty member (Department of Highway and Transportation Engineering) at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland). My main research interests include: low-temperature properties of asphalt mixtures, low temperature cracking assessment of pavement structures, road materials properties, thermal stress analysis, design of pavement structures, airfield design and analysis....
Composite materials - fabrication, properties and prospects of application
e-Learning Courses -
Crystal structure and physical properties of AePd1-xP1+x (Ae = Ca, Sr)
PublicationWe report the discovery of two new compounds AePd1-xP1+x (Ae = Ca, Sr) crystallized in different hexagonal structures. Single crystals of AePd1-xP1+x (Ae = Ca, Sr) are obtained using the Bi-flux method. Crystallographic analysis by both powder and single crystal X-ray diffraction shows that CaPd1-xP1+x crystallizes in a non-centrosymmetric hexagonal structure with the space group P-6m2 (No.187) and lattice parameters a = b = 4.0391(9)...
From flow to jamming: Lattice Gas Automaton simulations in granular materials
PublicationWe introduce the first extension of a Lattice Gas Automaton (LGA) model to accurately replicate observed emergent phenomena in granular materials with a special focus on previously unexplored jamming transitions by incorporating gravitational effects, energy dissipation in particle collisions, and wall friction. We successfully reproduce flow rate evolution, density wave formation, and jamming transition observed in experiments....
Selected aspects of modern X-ray structural analysis 2024
e-Learning CoursesSelected Aspects of Modern X-ray Structural Analysis
Selected Aspects of Modern X-ray Structural Analysis 2023
e-Learning CoursesSelected Aspects of Modern X-ray Structural Analysis
Composite materials - fabrication, properties and prospects of application 2023
e-Learning Courses -
X-Ray Computer Tomography Study of Degradation of the Zircaloy-2 Tubes Oxidized at High Temperatures
PublicationThe investigations of high-temperature oxidation of zirconium alloys, applied for fuel pellets in nuclear power plants, are usually limited to oxidation kinetics, phase transformations and microstructural characterization. The purpose of this research was to characterize the degradation phenomena occurring within oxide layer and at the interface oxide/metal, on internal and external Zircaloy-2 tube...
Application of tomography to granular silo flow.
PublicationPublikacja zawiera opis wyników badań doświadczalnych nad efektami dynamicznymi podczs opróżniania silosów z zastosowaniem tomografii pojemnościowej.
Selected aspects of modern X-ray structural analysis 2025 kopia 1
e-Learning CoursesSelected Aspects of Modern X-ray Structural Analysis. The aim of the lecture is to provide the PhD students, studying at natural sciences departments, an overview of contemporary X-ray structural analysis. The presented subject is exploited in many distant areas of modern technologies, materials science, crystal engineering, organic or inorganic synthesis of new chemicals, drug design, molecular biology, etc. It becomes necessary...
PublicationThe article discusses issues related with storage of granular materials in silos made of corrugated sheets and reinforced with vertical ribs. Advantages and disadvantages of these structures are named, and typical technological solutions used by largest silo producers are presented. Moreover, basic assumptions of Eurocode 3 are discussed in the context of determining the buckling load capacity of a ribbed jacket. Alternative methods...
Study of the Layer-Type BST Thin Film with X-ray Diffraction and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
PublicationIn the present paper, results of X-ray photoelectron studies of electroceramic thin films of barium strontium titanate, Ba1xSrxTiO3 (BST), composition deposited on stainless-steel substrates are presented. The thin films were prepared by the sol-gel method. A spin-coating deposition of BST layers with different chemical compositions was utilized so the layer-type structure of (0-2) connectivity was formed. After the deposition,...
Agnieszka Witkowska dr hab. inż.
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Bbulk solids flow in silos by electrical capacitance tomography
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki doświadczeń w silosach z zastosowaniem elektrycznej tomografii pojemnościowej do pomiaru zmian wskaźnika porowatości.
Journals -
Composite materials - fabrication, properties and prospects of application 2024/2025
e-Learning Courses -
Crystal structure and physical properties of a novel ternary compound La15MoxGe9
PublicationWe present the synthesis, structural characterization and physical properties measurements of a new compound, La15MoxGe9 in Mn5Si3-type derived structure with interstitial Mo. The sample was synthesized by arc-melting method. La15MoxGe9 crystallizes in non-centrosymmetric hexagonal structure P63mc (#186) with lattice parameters a = b = 15.495(5) Å and c = 6.917(2) Å. The refinement on single X-ray diffraction data show that interstitial...
Syntheses, spectroscopic and structural properties of phenoxysilyl compounds: X-ray structures, FT-IR and DFT calculations
PublicationThe reaction of silicon disulfide with alkylphenols leads to tetraphenoxysilane, cyclodisilthiane and silanethiol. The products of the reaction of silicon disulfide with phenols are characterized by FT-IR, NMR, X-ray diffraction and DFT calculations. The intramolecular interactions in the compounds are mainly XH---π (X = C, S) whereas the intermolecular interactions are either very weak CH---π/CH---O contacts found in aryloxysilane...
Leszek Piotrowski dr hab. inż.
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Crystal structure, chemical bonding, and physical properties of layered AIrSn2 (A = Sr and Ba)
PublicationWe report the experimental and theoretical investigation of structure, chemical bonding interactions, and physical properties of new ternary stannides AIrSn2 (A = Sr and Ba). AIrSn2 (A = Sr and Ba) crystallizes in the orthorhombic Re3B-type structure with the space group Cmcm (No. 64). According to single-crystal X-ray diffraction results, the structure of AIrSn2 (A = Sr and Ba) can be considered as a Zintl-type compound with heterogeneous...
Reduction of dynamic effects during granular flow in silos
PublicationOmówiono kilka efektywnych sposobów redukcji nadmiernych dynamicznych efektów występujących w przepływie silosowym w silosach modelowych. Sposoby te mogą być wykorzystane w praktyce silosowej.
Confined granular flow in silos : experiments and numerical investigation
PublicationW monografii opisano niektóre charakterystyczne zjawiska mające miejsce podczas przepływów silosowych materiałów sypkich. Wykonano badania doświadczalne oraz obliczenia numeryczne celem wyjaśnienia zjawisk. Doświadczenia wykonano w dużych i małych silosach. Obliczenia wykonano przy zastosowaniu metody elementów skończonych opartej na hipoplastycznym modelu konstytutywnym dla materiałów sypkich.
Micro-modelling of shear localization during quasi-static confined granular flow in silos using DEM
PublicationThe paper deals with the quasi-static confined flow of cohesionless sand in a plane strain model silo with parallel walls and a slowly movable bottom. Numerical modelling was carried out by the discrete element method (DEM) using spheres with contact moments to approximately capture a non-uniform shape of sand particles. Different initial void ratios of sand and silo wall roughness grades were employed. Regular triangular grooves...
Journals -
International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties
Journals -
Synthesis and physical properties of the 10.6 K ferromagnet NdIr3
PublicationThe magnetic, transport, and thermodynamic properties of NdIr3 are reported. Its PuNi3-type crystal structure (space group R−3m), with lattice parameters a= 5.3262(1)Å and c=26.2218(3)Å, was confirmed by powder x-ray diffraction. Our measurements indicate that NdIr3 exhibits a previously unreported paramagnetic to ferromagnetic phase transition below TC=10.6 K(determined by using the Arrott plot). The magnetic susceptibility obeys...
Chemical, Physical, and Mechanical Properties of 95-Year-Old Concrete Built-In Arch Bridge
PublicationThis research aimed to determine the durability and strength of an old concrete built-in arch bridge based on selected mechanical, physical, and chemical properties of the concrete. The bridge was erected in 1925 and is located in Jagodnik (northern Poland). Cylindrical specimens were taken from the side ribs connected to the top plate using a concrete core borehole diamond drill machine. The properties of the old concrete were...
Mechanical Properties of Additively Manufactured Polymeric Materials—PLA and PETG—For Biomechanical Applications
PublicationThe study presented herein concerns the mechanical properties of two common polymers for potential biomedical applications, PLA and PETG, processed through fused filament fabrication (FFF)—Material Extrusion (ME). For the uniaxial tension tests carried out, two printing orientations—XY (Horizontal, H) and YZ (Vertical, V)—were considered according to the general principles for part positioning, coordinates, and orientation typically...
Paweł Możejko dr hab.
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Dynamic and tomography analysis of granular flow in cylindrical shell
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań ekperymentalnych dotyczących efektów dynamicznych występujących podczas przepływu materiałów sypkich w silosie cylindrycznym.
Numerical simulations of granular material flow in silos with and without insert
PublicationArtykuł omawia wyniki naporu materiału sypkiego podczas przepływu w silosach z i bez wkładek. Obliczenia wykonano wykorzystując sformułowanie ale na bazie prawa sprężysto-plastycznego według druckera-pragera. Zbadano wpływ kształtu i położenia wkładki na wielkość naporu i rodzaj przepływu.
Confined granular flow in silos with inserts - full-scale experiments
PublicationArtykuł omawia wyniki doświadczalne przepływów silosowych w silosach w naturalnej skali ze wstawkami. Podczas doświadczeń pomierzono przemieszczenia oraz napór na ściany. Zastosowano różne typy wstawek położone na różnej wysokości. Wyniki badań doświadczalnych porównano z przepływami bez wstawek.
Numerical modeling of shear localizations during granular flow in silos.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki numerycznej analizy MES dotyczącej przepływów materiałów sypkich w silosach. Omówiono różne metody opisu lokalizacji odkształceń stycznych wewnątrz materiałów. Wyniki porónano z wynikami doświadczalnymi.
Structural and electrical properties of Cr-doped SrTiO 3 porous materials
PublicationSeries of single-phase materials with assumed formula SrTi1−xCrxO3 (where x = 0, 1, 4, 6 mol.%) were obtained by sol-gel method. The structure and microstructure of materials were characterised by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy methods. Moreover, the study of electrical properties and evaluation of chemical stability in CO2/H2O atmosphere was performed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and thermogravimery...
Application of Electrical Capacitance Tomography for bulk solids flow analysis in silos
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki aplikacji metody ECT w analizie przepływów materiałów sypkich, zarówno bezkohezyjnych, jak również kohezyjnych. Omówiono podstawy techniczne metody ECT, przeprowadzono dyskusje parametrów zmiennych (zagęszczenie początkowe, szorstkość ścian).