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Search results for: airline industry
Portable computer measurement system of machine tools in wood industry
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono przenośny system diagnostyczny przeznaczony do oceny pracy obrabiarek skrawających i urządzeń przemysłu drzewnego. Ocena procesu obróbczego odbywa się na podstawie pomiaru wielkości mechanicznych, takich jak: prędkość obrotowa , przemieszczenia oraz przyspieszenia. Korzystanie z programów komputerowych, w które system jest wyposażony, pozwala użytkownikowi maszyn na przeprowadzanie szczegółowych analiz, dzięki...
PublicationThe cooperation between enterprises and universities varies in terms of character and intensity. Bearing in mind the potential represented by both parties, its low intensity is still noticed, and consequently, the lack or incomplete use of opportunities resulting from this cooperation. Current factors of industry-university cooperation were identified from the perspective of companies from biotechnology and pharmaceutical...
Social Media in the Fashion Industry. Fundamentals, Strategy and Research Methods
PublicationThis book introduces social network fundamentals in the fashion domain. It addresses the creation of social media marketing plans, highlighting strategic approaches that allow fashion brands to differentiate themselves in the ephemeral and challenging fashion context. Through a variety of academic and professional sources and by sharing the results of their own research, the authors present research methodologies, including netnography,...
Implementing the industry 4.0 concept into the economy on the example of the realloys company
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Location Factors of Foreign and Domestic Investors in Hospitality Industry in Poland
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Predicaments for the growth of the production subsector of the electric energy industry in Poland
PublicationPrzedstawiono uwarunkowania rozwoju elektroenergetyki w Polsce. Określono priorytety polityki energetycznej a w szczególności zagadnienia rozwoju podsektora wytwarzania. Przedstawiono ogólną ocenę i perspektywy rozwoju krajowej elektroenergetyki w okresie do 2030 r.
Omni-channel Retailing in the Fashion Industry: Its Definition and Implementation
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Energy Efficiency in the Industry 4.0 Era: Attributes of Teal Organisations
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Odour nuisance assessment of the food industry wastewater treatment plant
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Carbon Monoxide Fate in the Environment as an Inspiration For Biorefinery Industry: A Review
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Biomass of freshwater Cladophora as a raw material for agriculture and the cosmetic industry
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Bioremediation of pharmaceutical effluent by food industry and agricultural waste biomass
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Composite equity issuance and the cross-section of country and industry returns
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Price range and the cross-section of expected country and industry returns
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Introduction: sources and characterization of food waste and food industry wastes
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Specialty chemicals and nutraceuticals production from food industry wastes
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Metrology CT technology and its applications in the precision engineering industry
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PublicationPaper presents conditions of science and industry cooperation in Poland (restrictions, barriers, good practice). A key role in initiation of collaboration between units has financial support. What is also important, it is much easier to create innovative solutions on the base of combining the potential of individuals. That is why many countries all over the world look for innovative solutions using budget funds to support grants...
Virtual Engineering Factory: Creating Experience Base for Industry 4.0
PublicationABSTRACT In recent times, traditional manufacturing is upgrading and adopting Industry 4.0, which supports computerization of manufacturing by round-the-clock connection and communica- tion of engineering objects. Consequently, Decisional DNA- based knowledge representation of manufacturing objects, processes, and system is achieved by virtual engineering objects (VEO), virtual engineering processes (VEP), and virtual engineering...
Community of Practice for Product Innovation Towards the Establishment of Industry 4.0
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to present the necessity of formulating the Community of Practice for Product Innovation process based on Cyber-Physical Production Systems towards the establishment of Industry 4.0. At this developing phase of Industry 4.0, there is a need to define a clear and more realistic approach for implementation process of Cyber-Physical Production Systems in manufacturing industries. Today Knowledge Management...
Towards Experience-Based Smart Product Design for Industry 4.0
PublicationThis paper presents the concept of smart virtual product development (SVPD) system capable of supporting industrial product development process. It enhances the decision making process during different stages and activities involved in product development i.e. product design, manufacturing, and its inspection planning. The enhancement is achieved by using the explicit knowledge of formal past decision events, which are captured,...
Cognitive Systems, Concepts, Processes, and Techniques for the Age of Industry 4.0
PublicationThe aim of this Guest Edition of Cybernetics and Systems is to present a wide-ranging scale of concepts and processes being currently researched, developed, and evaluated in real life settings in anticipation of incoming Industry 4.0 era. With the fourth industrial revolution expectation, the broad spectrum of cognitive approaches have emerged as an attempt to mimic and augment, in some way, human intelligence. Intelligence, in...
Liquid circulation in the agitated airlift reactor with the high gas disengagement zone
PublicationPrzedstawiono doświadczalne zależności stopnia zatrzymania gazu i prędkości cyrkulacji cieczy od prędkości przepływu gazu i częstości obrotów mieszadła. Obserwowano wzrost prędkości cyrkulacji cieczy ze wzrostem wysokości strefy napowietrzania. Dla niskich częstości obrotów mieszadła prędkość cyrkulacji cieczy wzrastała wraz ze wzrostem prędkości przepływu gazu, natomiast dla wysokich cząstości obrotów mieszadła prędkość cyrkulacji...
Proposition of the methodology for Data Acquisition, Analysis and Visualization in support of Industry 4.0
PublicationIndustry 4.0 offers a comprehensive, interlinked, and holistic approach to manufacturing. It connects physical with digital and allows for better collaboration and access across departments, partners, vendors, product, and people. Consequently, it involves complex designing of highly specialized state of the art technologies. Thus, companies face formidable challenges in the adoption of these new technologies....
PublicationAmong the minerals found in the earth's crust, clay minerals are of the widest interest. Due to the specific properties such as plasticity, absorbing and catalytic properties clay minerals are used in many industries (oil & gas, chemistry, pharmacy, refractory technology, ceramics etc.). In drilling, a phenomenon of swelling clays is frequently observed. It has an important impact on the cementing quality. During the last few decades...
Application of Coordination Compounds with Transition Metal Ions in the Chemical Industry—A Review
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An overview of fermentation in the food industry - looking back from a new perspective
PublicationFermentation is thought to be born in the Fertile Crescent, and since then, almost every culture has integrated fermented foods into their dietary habits. Originally used to preserve foods, fermentation is now applied to improve their physicochemical, sensory, nutritional, and safety attributes. Fermented dairy, alcoholic beverages like wine and beer, fermented vegetables, fruits, and meats are all highly valuable due to their...
Influence of sulphur on high temperature degradation of steel structures in the refinery industry
PublicationArtykuł stanowi przegląd skutków wpływu związków siarki, znajdujących się w mediach procesowych instalacji rafineryjnych, na elementy konstrukcji ze stali węglowych i stopowych. Wyróżniono dwa aspekty wysokotemperaturowej korozji siarkowej: związany z tworzeniem się zgorzeliny siarczkowej i ubytkami masy oraz dotyczący wewnętrznej degradacji elementu w wyniku zmian mikrostruktury stali. Przedstawiono tzw. zmodyfikowane krzywe McConomy...
Quality and environmental management systems in polish shipbuilding industry - methods of implementation
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metodę wdrażania systemu zarządzania jakością i środowiskiem, którą wykorzystano przy realizacji projektu BALTECOLOGICALSHIP. Metoda oparta była o wzory i doświadczenia szwedzkie. Rezultatem było wykonanie przeglądu środowiskowego w 50 organizacjach z obszaru przemysłu stoczniowego oraz wdrożenie w 13 firmach systemu zarządzania jakością i środowiskiem. Praca zawiera również wskazanie barier we wdrażaniu obu...
Challenges facing management practice in the light of Industry 4.0: The example of Poland
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Collusion and bid rigging in the construction industry: case studies from Poland
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The Conjugated Triangle Method CTM of the detection of inconsistent bids in the construction industry
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Polish Textile and Apparel Industry: Global Supply Chain Management Perspective
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Size matters everywhere: Decomposing the small country and small industry premia
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Determiantion of optimal conditions for the isolation of oil from the fishing industry offal
PublicationFish processing generates significant amounts of offal, which usually is converted into fodder meal or is stored into landfills. However, some part of this offal could serve as a source of valuable products, such as fish oil, collagen or gelatin. the aim of the study was to determine the conditions of oil isolation from salmon skins ensuring high yield and quality of the product.
Knowledge-Based Virtual Modeling and Simulation of Manufacturing Processes for Industry 4.0
PublicationABSTRACT Industry 4.0 aims at providing a digital representation of a production landscape, but the challenges in building, maintaining, optimizing, and evolving digital models in inter-organizational production chains have not been identified yet in a systematic manner. In this paper, various Industry 4.0 research and technical challenges are addressed, and their present scenario is discussed. Moreover, in this article, the novel...
Text Mining Algorithms for Extracting Brand Knowledge; The fashion Industry Case
PublicationBrand knowledge is determined by customer knowledge. The opportunity to develop brands based on customer knowledge management has never been greater. Social media as a set of leading communication platforms enable peer to peer interplays between customers and brands. A large stream of such interactions is a great source of information which, when thoroughly analyzed, can become a source of innovation and lead to competitive advantage....
A note on the applications of artificial intelligence in the hospitality industry: preliminary results of a survey
PublicationIntelligent technologies are widely implemented in different areas of modern society but specific approaches should be applied in services. Basic relationships refer to supporting customers and people responsible for services offering for these customers. The aim of the paper is to analyze and evaluate the state-of-the art of artificial intelligence (AI) applications in the hospitality industry. Our findings show that the major...
Immersive Technologies that Aid Additive Manufacturing Processes in CBRN Defence Industry
PublicationTesting unique devices or their counterparts for CBRN (C-chemical, B-biological, R-radiological, N-nuclear) defense relies on additive manufacturing processes. Immersive technologies aid additive manufacturing. Their use not only helps understand the manufacturing processes, but also improves the design and quality of the products. This article aims to propose an approach to testing CBRN reconnaissance hand-held products developed...
Analysing By-Products Interaction as an Industry Resource of Circular Economy in Ukraine and the World
PublicationThe paper analyses existing and current scientific developments and literature sources, which show the advantages and disadvantages of many different influences of waste in Ukraine and other countries of Europe and the world. As a research result, stable connections have been established between the factors and criteria in assessing the by-product interaction as an industry resource. In our research, we used programs R.Studio and...
Impedance characterization of the process of polyaniline first redox transformation after aniline electropolymerization
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Reaction of aniline with ammonium persulphate and concentrated hydrochloric acid: Experimental and DFT studies
PublicationIn this paper, the reaction of aniline with ammonium persulphate and concentrated HCl was studied. As a result of our experimental studies, 2,4,6-trichlorophenylamine was identified as the main product. This shows that a high concentration of HCl does not favour oxidative polymerisation of phenylamine, even though the ammonium persulphate/HCl system is widely used in polyaniline synthesis. On the basis of the experimental data...
Zastosowanie reaktora airlift z odwrotną warstwą fluidalną do biodegradacji dimetyloketonu.
PublicationProwadzono biodegradację modelowych ścieków zawierających dimetyloketon w obecności unieruchomionych bakterii Acinetobacter calcoaceticus. Eksperymenty przeprowadzono w reaktorze airlift z cyrkulacja zewnętrzną. Badano wpływ parametrów procesowych na czas biodegradacji dimetyloketonu.
Communication and Documentation Practices in Agile Requirements Engineering: A Survey in Polish Software Industry
PublicationRequirements engineering, system analysis and other analytical activities form the basis of every IT project. Such activities are not clearly defined in Agile development methods, but it does not mean that they are absent in an agile project. The aim of our work was to determine which practices related to requirements-related communication and which requirements documenting techniques are used in agile software projects. For this...
Cooperation areas between universities and industry - case studies in the area of civil engineering
PublicationThe paper describes the areas of cooperation between universities and industry in the area of civil engineering. Presented examples are related to didactics, research grants and commissioned works. On the basis of the authors own experiences the mutual benefits of cooperation in different areas are described. As well as the assessment criteria of the areas of cooperation by the scientific community. The first area of cooperation...
Smart Virtual Product Development (SVPD) to Enhance Product Manufacturing in Industry 4.0
PublicationThis paper presents a system capable of enhancing product development process for industrial manufactured products. This system is known as Smart Virtual Product Development (SVPD), and it helps in decision making by using explicit knowledge of formal decision events. It stores and reuses the past decisional events or sets of experiences related to different activities involved in industrial product development process i.e. product...
Industry 4.0 Implementation Challenges in Manufacturing Industries: an Interpretive Structural Modelling Approach
PublicationFor the last few years, the fourth industrial revolution, known as Industry 4.0, has been a hot topic among academics. Industry 4.0 literature involves researches presenting studies related to its different aspects including challenges, opportunities, implementation and adoption. However, a detailed study of challenges and barriers towards the Industry 4.0 implementation in manufacturing industries is missing. Hence, this paper...
A Study on the Effects of Cold Deformation on CMnSi Steel Structures Utilised in the Shipbuilding Industry
PublicationThis article analyses the effects of deformation on the structure of CMnSi steel at various deformation levels. After hot forging, the structure of CMnSi steel comprises coarse-sized alpha and pearlite particles. The average grain size of steel after forging was 100 μm. After hot rolling, the grain size gradually decreases, with the average size of the ferrite and pearlite grains measured as 60 μm. After that, CMnSi steel was...
Comparative Analysis of the Coffee and Cocoa Industry By-Products on the Performance of Polyethylene-Based Composites
PublicationThe application of plant-based by-products from the food industry as minimally processed functional fillers for polymeric composites is an increasingly popular trend among researchers and manufacturers. While minimizing the preprocessing of lignocellulosic fillers leads to an increase in the sustainability of the overall composite and a decrease of the carbon footprint, filler modification is usually indispensable to obtaining...
Comparative Analysis of the Coffee and Cocoa Industry By‑Products on the Performance of Polyethylene‑Based Composites
PublicationThe application of plant-based by-products from the food industry as minimally processed functional fillers for polymeric composites is an increasingly popular trend among researchers and manufacturers. While minimizing the preprocessing of lignocellulosic fillers leads to an increase in the sustainability of the overall composite and a decrease of the carbon footprint, filler modification is usually indispensable to obtaining...