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Search results for: cyanobacteriual blooms
The potential causes of cyanobacterial blooms in Baltic Sea estuaries
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Automatic Detection and Monitoring of Cyanobacterial Blooms in the Context of the Marine Cadastre
PublicationIn the wake of the European and global spatial data infrastructures (SDI) it is important to build information systems which use and serve thematic data in compliance with the INSPIRE Directive. In the context of hydrographic data, the Directive requires EU member states to collect and share information on maritime areas divided into regions and sub-regions, as well as coastal zone management areas. These data are part of recently...
Empirical Model for Phycocyanin Concentration Estimation as an Indicator of Cyanobacterial Bloom in the Optically Complex Coastal Waters of the Baltic Sea
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EU Project of Life Programme “Algae Service for Life” Creates Tools for Ecological Service to Mitigate Cyanobacteria and Macroalgae Blooms in Freshwater Ecosystems
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Preliminary Testing of the Influence of Modified Polycaprolactones on Anabaena Variabilis Growth in Seawater
PublicationSeveral new biodegradable polymer materials have recently come onto the global market. Mostly the results on degradation kinetic studies are presented. This paper suggests using one of the tests to estimate the impact of polymer packaging material on sea life. The microorganism chosen was Anabaena variabilis (identified in many waters, including those of the Baltic Sea, especially in the Gulf of Gdansk and Puck Bay; this cyanobacterium...
Occurrence of cyanobacteria and cyanotoxin in the Southern Baltic Proper. Filamentous cyanobacteria versus single-celled picocyanobacteria
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Cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in Polish freshwater bodies
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Synthetic analogues of cyanobacterial alkaloid cylindrospermopsin and their toxicological activity
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Untargeted Lipidomics Analysis of the Cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803: Lipid Composition Variation in Response to Alternative Cultivation Setups and to Gene Deletion
PublicationCyanobacteria play an important role in several ecological environments, and they are widely accepted to be the ancestors of chloroplasts in modern plants and green algae. Cyanobacteria have become attractive models for metabolic engineering, with the goal of exploring them as microbial cell factories. However, the study of cyanobacterial lipids’ composition and variation, and the assessment of the lipids’ functional and structural...
Baltic cyanobacteria – a source of biologically active compounds
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Occurrence of Cyanobacteria in the Gulf of Gdańsk (2008–2009)
PublicationBlooms of cyanobacteria develop each summer in the Baltic Sea. Collecting complete data on this phenomenon is helpful in understanding the changes taking place in the Baltic Sea and forecasting the occurrence of these phenomena in the future. This dataset includes unpublished information about the occurrence of cyanobacteria in the Gulf of Gdańsk (Southern Baltic) in 2008 and 2009. The presented data combines basic physic-ochemical...
Temperature Effects Explain Continental Scale Distribution of Cyanobacterial Toxins
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Cyanobacterial and Algal Strains in the Culture Collection of Baltic Algae (CCBA)
PublicationThe dataset titled Microalgal strains from “Culture Collection of Baltic Algae (CCBA)” is a representation of cyanobacterial and microalgal cultures isolated from the Baltic Sea. It is a unique catalogue of strains of the dominant and rare species found in the Baltic phytoplankton and microphytobenthos assemblages. The main purpose of the collection is to extend the knowledge on the Baltic microbial communities by providing...
Cyanobacterial toxins in fresh and brackish waters of Pomorskie Province (Northern Poland)
PublicationPraca dotyczy oznaczania toksyn należących do grupy hepatotoksycznych peptydów cyklicznych oraz neurotoksycznych alkaloidów. Są one odpowiedzialne za uszkodzenia ryb i ptaków, które powstają w wyniku zakwitu glonów. Badano zakwity w wodach słodkich Pomorza. Oznaczano hepatoksyny, mikrocysty oraz nodularynę. Opracowano w tym celu warunki analityczne przy zastosowaniu techniki HPLC-DAD. Do identyfikacji anatoksyny-A użyto techniki...
The surprising world of cyanobacteria: cylindrospermopsin has a soil face
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Canthaxanthin in recent sediments as an indicator of heterocystous cyanobacteria in coastal waters
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Cyanobacterial hepatotoxins, microcystins and nodularins, in fresh and brackish waters of the Pomeranian Province, northern Poland
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Effects of climate change and episodic heat events on cyanobacteria in a eutrophic polymictic lake
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Large red cyanobacterial mats (Spirulina subsalsa Oersted ex Gomont) in the shallow sublittoral of the southern Baltic
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Interspecific allelopathy in cyanobacteria: Cylindrospermopsin and Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii effect on the growth and metabolism of Microcystis aeruginosa
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Effect of Increased Temperature on Native and Alien Nuisance Cyanobacteria from Temperate Lakes: An Experimental Approach
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Selective inhibition of cancer cells' proliferation by compounds included in extracts from Baltic Sea cyanobacteria
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Impact of emerging pollutants mixtures on marine and brackish phytoplankton: diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum and cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa
PublicationPharmaceuticals and ionic liquids (ILs) are emerging as significant micropollutants with environmental presence and potential ecological impacts. The possible simultaneous occurrence of these two groups of pollutants in aquatic environments raises complex challenges due to their diverse chemical properties and potential for interactive effects. Given the documented widespread presence of pharmaceuticals and the emerging concerns about...
EU Project of LIFE Programme ‘Algae Service for LIFE’ Develops Ecologicaly Sustainable Bioproducts from Freshwater Cyanobacteria and Macroalgae Biomas
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The effect of algal blooms on fish in their inshore nursery grounds in the Gulf of Gdańsk
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Design and construction of industrial floors
Computationally efficient index generation unit using a Bloom filter
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Blood equivalent phantom vs whole human blood, a comparative study
PublicationPreclinical research of biomedical optoelectronic devices is often performed with the use of blood phantoms — a simpli¯ed physical model of blood. The aim of this study is the comparison and distinction between blood phantoms as well as whole human blood measurements. We show how the use of such phantoms may in°uence the incorrect interpretation of measured signal. On the other hand, we highlight how the use of blood phantoms enables...
Blood pressure and migration
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Identifying the Cognitive Complexity of Teacher-Made Examination Questions through the Lens of Bloom’s Taxonomy
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Operational algae bloom detection in the Baltic Sea using GIS and AVHRR data
PublicationDuring the blooming season, algal colonies can, in extreme cases, cover up to 200 000 square kilometres of the Baltic Sea water surface. Because the position and shape of the blooms may significantly change in very short time due to the influence of wind and waves, regular monitoring of the blooms' development is necessary. Currently, the desired monitoring frequency may only be achieved by means of remote sensing. The article...
Optimization of transformation of measurements of ship hull blocks
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia analizę wyników pomiarów wykonanych na blokach kadłuba statku, aby ocenić ich przydatność montażową podczas ostatniej fazy montażu w suchym doku lub na pochylni. Analiza realizowana jest w dwóch krokach. Najpierw sprawdza się, czy bloki zostały wykonane z zachowaniem wymaganych tolerancji, a następnie czy istnieje możliwość połączenia ze sobą dwóch sąsiednich bloków. Ponieważ każdy blok jest mierzony w innym...
Formation of acoustic field in rooms
PublicationPaper describes known form literature method of sound diffusity index assesment, which utilizes impulse response of the room. Process of froming diffused sound field using this method was investigated.Increase of sound diffusity index in time was noted in rooms differing in shape,volume and reverberation time. Exponential growth of sound diffusion index was noted which correlates with other acoustical rooms measures.
Continuous blood pressure monitoring by photoplethysmography - signal preprocessing requirements based on blood flow modelling
PublicationObjective. The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of the signal sampling frequency and low-pass filtering on the accuracy of the localisation of the fiducial points of the photoplethysmographic signal (PPG), and thus on the estimation of the blood pressure (i.e. the accuracy of the estimation). Approach. Statistical analysis was performed on 3,799 data samples taken from a publicly available database. Four PPGfiducial...
Absorption spectroscopy setup for determination of whole human blood and blood–derived materials spectral characteristics
PublicationA dedicated absorption spectroscopy system was set up using tungsten-halogen broadband source, optical fibers, sample holder, and a commercial spectrometer with CCD array. Analysis of noise present in the setup was carried out. Data processing was applied to the absorption spectra to reduce spectral noise, and improve the quality of the spectra and to remove the baseline level. The absorption spectra were measured for whole blood...
Treatment of high blood pressure in elderly and octogenarians: European Society of Hypertension statement on blood pressure targets
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Blood Pressure Estimation Based on Blood Flow, ECG and Respiratory Signals Using Recurrent Neural Networks
PublicationThe estimation of systolic and diastolic blood pressure using artificial neural network is considered in the paper. The blood pressure values are estimated using pulse arrival time, and additionally RR intervals of ECG signal together with respiration signal. A single layer recurrent neural network with hyperbolic tangent activation function was used. The average blood pressure estimation error for the data obtained from 21 subjects...
On-surface self-assembly of tetratopic molecular building blocks
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The effect of the concentration of steel fibres on the properties of industrial floors
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PublicationIn the paper dierent approaches of predicting blood pressure values are presented. Basically, two methods and theirs modifications are considered. In total, seven algorithms have been examined. Tests have been conducted using both synthetic and clinical data. From our study it follows that none of the examined methods is superior to other.
Blood pressure in acute ischemic stroke
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Application of spectroscopy to the measurement of blood parameters
PublicationSpectroscopy is the study of formation and interpretation of the spectra arising from the interactions of all types of radiation on matter, understood as a collection of atoms and molecules. This is a very important department of optics which gives us many opportunities to measure various parameters such as material blood parameters. Among the diseases that are associated significantly with changes in rheological properties of...
Technological Considerations of Periodic Repair Works of Concrete Industrial Floors
PublicationConcrete floors are among the elements in construction facilities whose design requires engineering experience, workmanship requires the maintenance of a technological regime, while during their operation it is necessary to conduct periodic repairs. Concrete floors are most often used as working and communication space in industrial facilities, and very often they are also a functional element in objects that are immovable monuments....
Evaluation of dampness-induced strength reduction of calcium silicate blocks
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Numerical solutions for blood flow in elastic vessels
PublicationWe consider the differential–algebraic system for the blood flow and pressure in the systemic arteries. By the operator splitting method, we transform the system into the hyperbolic one, introduce the bicharacteristics, and perform the time–space nonuniform discretization, obtaining the innovative difference scheme. Our results are illustrated with numerical experiments.
Raman spectroscopic investigation of blood and related materials
PublicationThis paper reports preliminary studies on use of Raman spectroscopy for investigation of blood. High quality blood spectra were recorded in-vitro with excitation wavelengths of 830 nm. Because of complex composition of the blood as well as by light attenuation and scattering in the tissues, spectra set up from wide, low-intensive Raman bands and intensive optical background. To get information about origin of bands in Raman spectra...
Analysis of blood vessel topology by cubical homology
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The Stability of 4‐Chloromethcathinone in Blood and Vitreous Humor
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Transcriptomic landscape of blood platelets in healthy donors
PublicationBlood platelet RNA-sequencing is increasingly used among the scientific community. Aberrant platelet transcriptome is common in cancer or cardiovascular disease, but reference data on platelet RNA content in healthy individuals are scarce and merit complex investigation. We sought to explore the dynamics of platelet transcriptome. Datasets from 204 healthy donors were used for the analysis of splice variants, particularly with...