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Search results for: TANNIC ACID
Hyaluronic acid/tannic acid films for wound healing application
PublicationIn this study, thin films based on hyaluronic acid (HA) with tannic acid (TA) were investigated in three different weight ratios (80HA/20TA, 50HA/50TA, 20HA/80TA) for their application as materials for wound healing. Surface free energy, as well as their roughness, mechanical properties, water vapor permeability rate, and antioxidant activity were determined. Moreover, their compatibility with blood and osteoblast cells was investigated....
The physicochemical properties of 3D materials based on hyaluronic acid modified by tannic acid addition
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Bioactivation of Konjac Glucomannan Films by Tannic Acid and Gluconolactone Addition
PublicationWound healing is a dynamic process that requires an optimal extracellular environment, as well as an accurate synchronization between various cell types. Over the past few years, great efforts have been devoted to developing novel approaches for treating and managing burn injuries, sepsis, and chronic or accidental skin injuries. Multifunctional smart-polymer-based dressings represent a promising approach to support natural healing...
The mechanical properties and bactericidal degradation effectiveness of tannic acid-based thin films for wound care
PublicationThe surface area is the most important aspect when considering the interactions between a material and the surrounding environment. Chitosan (CTS) and tannic acid (TA) were previously successfully tested by us to obtain thin films to serve as wound dressings or food packaging materials. However, surface properties as well as the antimicrobial activity of the material were not considered. They are important if the material is likely...
Water treatment by H2O2 and/or UV affects carbon nanotube (CNT) properties and fate in water and tannic acid solution
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Cold plasma treatment of tannic acid as a green technology for the fabrication of advanced cross-linkers for bioactive collagen/gelatin hydrogels
PublicationTannic acid (TA) is a natural compound studied as the cross-linker for biopolymers due to its ability to form hydrogen bonds. There are different methods to improve its reactivity and effectiveness to be used as a modifier for biopolymeric materials. This work employed plasma to modify tannic acid TA, which was then used as a cross-linker for fabricating collagen/gelatin scaffolds. Plasma treatment did not cause any significant...
Determination of Flavonoids, Tannins and Ellagic acid in leaves fromRubus L. species
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Synthesis of sulfanylidene-diazaspirocycloalkanones in a three-component Mannich-type reaction catalyzed with lactic acid
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The profiles and spectrum of aqua solution of tannic acid by HPLC-DAD-MS analysis.
Open Research DataThe profiling of tannic acid is determined by examining the content and proportion / ratio of gallotannins [Aras et al. 2016, Clifford et al. 2007, Gauri et al. 2012, Nishizawa et al. 1982]. In order to check the ion mass distribution (TIC) in an aqueous solution of commercial tannic acid, a direct sample injection (TA) was performed into the mass spectrometer....
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Advanced oxidation (H2O2 and/or UV) of functionalized carbon nanotubes (CNT-OH and CNT-COOH) and its influence on the stabilization of CNTs in water and tannic acid solution
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Nucleic Acid Therapeutics
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Tannins as Hemostasis Modulators
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Matcha Green Tea: Chemical Composition, Phenolic Acids, Caffeine and Fatty Acid Profile
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Detekcja osoby w wannie
PublicationStarzenie się społeczeństwa powoduje narastanie problemów chorób wieku starczego. Częstym problemem są zasłabnięcia w wannie podczas kąpieli. Celem publikacji jest przedstawienie metody identyfikacji tkanki ożywionej w wodzie z wykorzystaniem technik elektromagnetycznych. Obserwując zmiany amplitudy i częstotliwości pracy generatorów, pracujących w pętli sprzężenia zwrotnego z cewką, istnieje możliwość scharakteryzowania i określenia...
Detekcja osoby w wannie
PublicationStarzenie się społeczeństwa powoduje narastanie problemów chorób wieku starczego. Częstym problemem są zasłabnięcia w wannie podczas kąpieli. Celem publikacji jest przedstawienie metody identyfikacji tkanki ożywionej w wodzie z wykorzystaniem technik elektromagnetycznych. Obserwując zmiany amplitudy i częstotliwości pracy generatorów, pracujących w pętli sprzężenia zwrotnego z cewką, istnieje możliwość scharakteryzowania i określenia...
Arid Ecosystems
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Bioaccessibility of Phenolic Acids and Flavonoids from Buckwheat Biscuits Prepared from Flours Fermented by Lactic Acid Bacteria
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Algorytm porządkowania tablic wynikowych informacji statystycznych
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono algorytm filtrowania danych służący do porządkowania tablic wynikowych. Celem artykułu jest zdefiniowanie miary ilości informacji, tak aby możliwe stało się wyselekcjonowanie takich tablic, które niosą największy ładunek informacyjny - największą ilość informacji. Autorzy skoncentrowali się na badaniu ilości informacji strukturalnej zawartej w tablicach statystycznych. Zadaniem proponowanej miary ilości...
Synthesis and biological activity of mycophenolic acid-amino acid derivatives
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Synthesis and biological activity of mycophenolic acid-amino acid derivatives
PublicationIn search of new immunosuppressants, mycophenolic acid (MPA) was coupled with amino acid methyl esters followed by hydrolysis to analogs bearing free carboxylic groups. The obtained compunds were tested in vitro as growth inhibitors of lymphoid cell line (Jurkat) and human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from healthy donors. According to obtained results recovering of free carboxylic group increased their activity. Additionally,...
Immunosuppressive properties of amino acid and peptide derivatives of mycophenolic acid
PublicationMycophenolic acid (MPA) was coupled with amino acids and biologically active peptides including derivatives of tuftsin to modify its immunosuppressive properties. Both amino acid unit in the case of simple MPA amides and modifications within peptide moiety of MPA - tuftsin conjugates influenced the observed activity. Antiproliferative potential of the obtained conjugates was investigated in vitro and MPA amides with threonine methyl...
Anticancer Properties of Amino Acid and Peptide Derivatives of Mycophenolic Acid
PublicationBackground: Although Mycophenolic Acid (MPA) is applied as prodrugs in clinic as an immunosuppressant, it also possesses anticancer activity. MPA acts as Inosine-5’-Monophosphate Dehydrogenase (IMPDH) inhibitor, where the carboxylic group at the end of the side chain interacts with Ser 276 of the enzyme via hydrogen bonds. Therefore, MPA derivatives with other polar groups indicated high inhibition too. On the other hand, potent...
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Current Protocols in Nucleic Acid Chemistry
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Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of amino acid and peptide derivatives of mycophenolic acid
PublicationThe series of 16 novel amino acid and peptide mycophenolic acid (MPA) derivatives was obtained as potential antibacterial agents. Coupling of MPA with respective amines was optimized with condensing reagents such as EDCI/DMAP and T3P/TEA. Amino acid analogs were received both as methyl esters and also with the free carboxylic group. The biological activity of the products was tested on five references bacterial strains: Klebsiella...
Branched-chain fatty acids affect the expression of fatty acid synthase and C-reactive protein genes in the hepatocyte cell line
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Novel Cell Permeable Polymers of N-Substituted L-2,3-Diaminopropionic Acid (DAPEGs) and Cellular Consequences of Their Interactions with Nucleic Acids
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Projekt radiowej sieci tablic informacyjnych do zastosowań wewnątrzbudynkowych
PublicationZaprojektowana radiowa sieć tablic informacyjnych jest siecią złożoną z jednego węzła nadrzędnego w postaci kontrolera tablic oraz z przynajmniej dwóch węzłów podrzędnych, zwanych tablicami, zrealizowanych z wykorzystaniem platformy Raspberry Pi. Transmisja danych między węzłami sieci odbywa się w sposób bezprzewodowy z wykorzystaniem standardu Bluetooth, zaś przesyłane dane są danymi multimedialnymi, możliwymi do zaprezentowania...
Bioavailability of Tannins and Other Oligomeric Polyphenols: a Still to Be Studied Phenomenon
PublicationPurpose of Review Polyphenols are a group of plant secondary metabolites characterized with the presence ofmultiples of phenol structural units. Tannins are plant originated phenolic substances, which play an important role in plant defense system as well as have found applications in medicine, industry, and other fields of human activity. Despite these, the mechanisms of bioavailability of these substances are poorly studied and...
Canonic structures of old order elliptic Gm-C filters.
PublicationW pracy zaproponowano nowe struktury kanoniczne eliptycznych filtrów Gm-Crzędów nieparzystych. Opracowane układy filtrów wymagają małej liczby elementów zarówno aktywnych jak i pasywnych niezbędnych do realizacji żądanych charakterystyk częstotliwościowych.W pracy są również zaprezentowane rezultaty porównań właściwości przedstawionych struktur z przykładami realizacji układowych innych filtrów Gm-C.
Canonic structures of odd-order elliptic Gm-C filters.
PublicationW pracy zaproponowano nowe rozwiązania układowe struktur kanonicznych eliptycznych filtrów Gm-C czasu ciągłego, rzedu nieparzystego. Opracowane struktury charakteryzują się małą liczbą elementów pasywnych oraz aktywnych i są przewidziane do zastosowań w filtrach niskomocowych o małej wrażliwości. W przeprowadzonych badaniach porównywano wybrane struktury 3-go rzędu pod względem właściwości i wymagań układów scalonych, w których...
Journal of Arid Land
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Annals of Arid Zone
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Journal of Amino Acids
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Arid Land Geography
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Arid Zone Research
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Influences of ascorbic acid and gibberellic acid in alleviating effects of salinity in Petunia under in vitro
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Influence of the Type of Amino Acid on the Permeability and Properties of Ibuprofenates of Isopropyl Amino Acid Esters
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New Analogues of Mycophenolic Acid
PublicationMycophenolic acid (MPA) possesses antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, immunosuppressive and anticancer properties. It is a non-competitive and reversible inhibitor of dehydrogenase inosine-5'-monophosphate (IMPDH). This compound belongs to the immunosuppressive drugs used for the prevention of both acute and chronic transplant rejection. Until now, two derivatives of MPA have been used clinically: mycophenolate mofetil (MMF,...
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Lokalizacja i rozpoznawanie tablic rejestracyjnych na zdjęciach z fotoradarów
PublicationArtykuł opisuje stworzoną na Wydziale Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej aplikację do lokalizacji i rozpoznawania numerów rejestracyjnych pojazdów samochodowych na potrzeby realizowanego na tym wydziale Radiowego systemu monitorowania i akwizycji danych z urządzeń radarowych RSMAD. Na tle dzisiaj funkcjonujących w kraju rozwiązań system RSMAD wyróżnia się automatyzacją procesu przekazywania danych...
The relationship between panic disorder and hypertension. A review of literature.
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Structural Analysis of 3,5-Bistrifluoromethylhydrocinnamic Acid
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Lysophosphatidic acid signaling in ovarian cancer
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Amino acid formation by electron irradiation
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano procedurę badania reakcji indukowanych przez niskoenergetyczne elektrony w mieszanych warstwach molekularnych CH3COOD:NH3.
Updates in the Metabolism of Lactic Acid Bacteria
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Modifications of total synthesis of mycophenolic acid
PublicationThe total synthesis of mycophenolic acid (MPA), a potent immunosuppressant, was modified. The obtained mycophenolic acid was suitable for further preparation of new prospective immunosuppressants with improved therapeutic properties.