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Search results for: komórki car-t
Analysis and comparision of safety of children and adult passanger in car based on crash tests results
PublicationThis paper presents analysis and comparision of safety of children and adult passanger in car based on crash tests results. The car crash test with four dummies, including two car seats allowed a direct comparison of the security under the same conditions of children and passengers directly to the car seat. Analysis of acceleration and video from the test allows to understand the phenomena during the collision, the air bags influence,...
Assessment of the Environmental Impact of a Car Tire throughout Its Lifecycle Using the LCA Method
PublicationThere are numerous threats to the natural environment that pose a significant risk both to the environment and to human health, including car tires. Thus, there is a need to determine the impact of the life cycle of car tires on the environment, starting with the processes of raw materials acquisition, production, and ending with end-of-life management. Therefore, the authors of this study chose to do research on passenger car...
Analysis and Comparison of Safety of Children and Adult Passenger in Car Based on Crash Tests Results
PublicationMost important features of the child seat were presented. There was made analysis of selected dynamic loads acting on mannequins heads during a collision. Comparison of loads acting on the kid in a child seat and the other passengers in a car is presented. In analysis of the results particular attention has been paid on the children's secure in a car. The phenomena of collision child's occipital bone with seat backrest was described....
Correlations between the wear of car brake friction materials and airborne wear particle emissions
PublicationAirborne wear particles emitted from transport vehicle brakes are one of the main sources of toxic metals in inhalable particulate matter. Prediction of wear particle emissions may become more accurate if the relationship between the wear and particle emission characteristics is known. An experimental study was performed to investigate proportional correlations between the mass wear, 0.01–0.42 μm particle emission measured by a NanoScan...
Przenoszenie pojemności a miękkie przełączanie połączeń pomiędzy komórkami w systemie UMTS
PublicationW artykule porównano wpływ przenoszenia pojemności pomiędzy komórkami hierarchicznej struktury komórkowej oraz miękkiego przełączania połączeń na obciążenie interfejsu radiowego WCDMA/FDD sieci UMTS Przedstawiono wyniki badań symulacyjnych obrazujące możliwości współdziałania obu tych mechanizmów podczas rzeczywistej pracy sieci. Symulowana sieć komórkowa została zaplanowana na cyfrowej mapie miasta Gdańska.
SU‐GG‐T‐290: A Fast Optical CT Scanner for Gel Dosimetry
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Enhanced Suppressive Activity of Regulatory T Cells in the Microenvironment of Malignant Pleural Effusions
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Catalytic Degradation of Safranin T in Aqueous Medium Using Non-conventional Processes
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Therapy with CD4+CD25+ T regulatory cells – should we be afraid of cancer?
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Minimum Information about T Regulatory Cells: A Step toward Reproducibility and Standardization
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CD4+FOXP3+ T Cells in Rheumatoid Arthritis Bone Marrow Are Partially Impaired
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Damage detection of a T-shaped panel by wave propagation analysis in the plane stress
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano podejście obliczeniowe do analizy propagacji fal w płaskim stanie naprężenia. Problem brzegowo-początkowy podlega przestrzennej aproksymacji z użyciem wielowęzłowych, izoparametrycznych, czworobocznych elementów klasy C0. Macierze elementowe są całkowane numerycznie za pomocą kwadratury Gauss-Legendre-Lobatto. Aproksymację w dziedzinie czasu wykonano za pomocą algorytmu Newmarka. Symulacje numeryczne przeprowadzono...
Investigation of multilayer magic-t configurations using novel microstrip-slotline transitions
PublicationArtykuł opisuje badania i proces projektowania dwóch układów rozgałęzień typu magiczne T. Rozgałęzienia wykorzystują nowe przejścia linii mikropaskowej i szczelinowej. Jeden z badanych układów charakteryzował się 40% pasmem pracy przy zmienności amplitudy 0.2dB i fazy 0.5 stopnia. Wyniki badań zostały zweryfikowane przez pomiary wykonanych prototypów układów.
The E-Cohomological Conley Index, Cup-Lengths and the Arnold Conjecture on T 2n
PublicationWe show that the E-cohomological Conley index, that was introduced by the first author recently, has a natural module structure. This yields a new cup-length and a lower bound for the number of critical points of functionals on Hilbert spaces. When applied to the setting of the Arnold conjecture, this paves the way to a short proof on tori, where it was first shown by C. Conley and E. Zehnder in 1983.
Synthesis and properties of HoT2Al20 (T = Ti, V, Cr) intermetallic cage compounds
PublicationPolycrystalline samples of HoT2Al20 (T = Ti, V, Cr) intermetallics were synthesized using a step-wise arc-melting technique. All three compounds adopt the CeCr2Al20-type crystal structure with Ho atoms positioned inside oversized icosahedral cages formed by Al atoms. The structure of HoV2Al20 compound is reported. The materials properties were studied by means of electrical resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, and specific heat...
Badania przyczyn uszkodzenia i własności liny stalowej sześciosplotkowej typu T
PublicationWykonano badania przyczyn pęknięcia liny stalowej. Sformułowano wnioski.
Crystal structure and physical properties of new Ca2TGe3 (T = Pd and Pt) germanides
PublicationThe crystallographic, electronic transport and thermal properties of Ca2PdGe3 and Ca2PtGe3 are reported. The compounds crystalize in an ordered variant of the AlB2 crystal structure, in space group P6/mmm, with the lattice parameters a = 8.4876(4) Å/8.4503(5) Å and c = 4.1911(3) Å/4.2302(3) Å for Ca2PdGe3 and Ca2PtGe3, respectively. The resistivity data exhibit metallic behavior with residual-resistivity-ratios (RRR) of 13 for...
PublicationW rozdziale opisano metodę wzmocnienia uszkodzonej belki prefabrykowanej typu T. Dźwigar wiaduktu drogowego został uderzony przez wozidło, co spowodowało jego zarysowanie i ubytki. Zaproponowano naprawę poprzez dobetonowanie dodatkowej belki. W procesie budowy belki zastosowano balastowanie płytami betonowymi w celu wciągnięcia nowego dźwigara do przenoszenia obciążeń od ciężaru własnego obiektu. Przewidziano połączenie starego...
SiC-based T-type modules for multi-pulse inverter with coupled inductors
PublicationThe paper presents SiC-based three-level T-type modules designed for a high-performance 30kVA DC/AC inverter operating at high frequency 85 kHz with low THD of the output voltage. This inverter system consists of two integrated parts. The first part is active and contains three parallelconnected three-phase T-type modules built with fast-switching SiC power transistors. The second, passive part of the system is a set of inductors...
An investigation on residual stress and fatigue life assessment of T-shape welded joints
PublicationThis paper aims to quantitatively evaluate the residual stress and fatigue life of T-type welded joints with a multi-pass weld in different direction. The main research objectives of the experimental test were to test the residual stress by changing direction along with multiple wielding passes and determine the fatigue life of the welded joints. The result shows that compressive residual stress increases in the sample gradually...
Psychogeriatric care in Poland
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Carl Oscar Malm
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Marijuana intoxication in a cat
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Budowniczy Carl Kupperschmitt
PublicationOmówienie wystawy dotyczącej twórczości gdańskiego architekta Carla Kupperschmitta.
Cancer stem cells and escape from drug-induced premature senescence in human lung tumor cells: implications for drug resistance and in vitro drug screening models
PublicationBadania z użyciem modelu komórek nowotworu płuc A549 wykazały, że komórki te po traktowaniu lekami uszkadzającymi DNA zatrzymują proliferację i wchodzą w stan starzenia komórkowego. Jednak post-inkubacja tych komórek prowadzi do powrotu do stanu proliferacji małej frakcji komórek. Wykazaliśy, że frakcja ta związana jest z obecnością komórek pierwotnych nowotworu w populacji komórek A549. Powrót do stanu proliferacji komóek A549...
The Influence of Synthetic Oxygenates on Euro IV Diesel Passenger Car Exhaust Emissions - Part 2
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The Influence of Synthetic Oxygenates on Euro IV Diesel Passenger Car Exhaust Emissions - Part 3
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Influence of the engine cooling down period during short car stops on the average fuel consumption
PublicationW publikacji przedstawiono wpływ schłodzenia silnika podczas krótkich postojów pomiędzy jazdami na średnie zużycie paliwa. Przeprowadzono własne pomiary w czasie jazd miejskich w Gdańsku. Użyto samochodu osobowego z silnikiem o objętości skokowej 2 dm^3 z zapłonem siskrowym. Mierzono zużycie paliwa na trasach o długości 3-10 km. Krótko opisano sposoby wstępnego podgrzania silnika przed rozruchem.
Heat transfer to car engine cooling system - influence of coolant flow through engine block
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań doświadczalnych nad wpływem nastawianej wydajności pompy cieczy na strumień odbieranego ciepła w silniku spalinowym. Wykorzystano hamownię silnikową z silnikiem o zapłonie iskrowym o objętości skokowej 1.8 dm^3. Przyjęto obciążenia silnika oporami ruchu samochodu na biegu bezpośrednim.
Experimental study of the use of electric car powered with stationary solar and electrochemical batteries in Northern Poland
PublicationThe subject of this paper is an experimental analysis of a Nissan LEAF electric car equipped with 24 kWh battery, powered from the standalone photo-voltaic (PV) charging station in Gdańsk, Poland. The calculations of charging process efficiency and range of test drives were conducted in two extreme situations (winter and summer) of sunlight and road conditions. Experiments were performed in the Laboratory of Innovative Power Technologies...
Concentrations of monoaromatic hydrocarbons in the air of the underground car park and individual garages attached to residential buildings
PublicationThe paper describes the characteristics of a two-level underground car park and three individual garages attached to residential buildings, differing by the resident utilization habits, located in North Poland (Tri-City agglomeration area). The strategy of collecting the analyte samples from air in mentioned enclosed areas, concerning the determination of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, o-xylene and p,m-xylenes (BTEX) concentrations...
Tyre/road noise of passenger car tyres, including tyres for electric vehicles - road measurements
PublicationThe paper presents the results from CPX measurements of tyre/road noise performed for selected passenger car tyres, including the tyres especially designed for electric vehicles. The tyres have been measured when rolling on several typical road surfaces in Norway and in Poland. In addition, the tyres have been measured on some very low noise road surfaces, such as a the poroelastic road surface (PERS). The measurement results...
Noise and Rolling Resistance Properties of Various Types of Winter Tyres Compared to Normal Car Tyres
PublicationTo cope with winter weather conditions, potentially including snow and ice, it is common to use winter tyres, or ”all-seasons” tyres assumed to be safe both in summer and winter. In some northern countries, winter tyres are mandatory. Traditionally, it has been assumed that winter tyres are noisier than normal tyres (here called summer tyres) and winter tyres equipped with studs are assumed to be very noisy.This paper presents...
Justifying the prolongation of the service life of the bearing structure of a tank car when using Y25 bogies
PublicationThis paper substantiates the use of Y25 bogies under tank cars in order to prolong their service life. The reported study has been carried out for a tank car with rated parameters, as well as the actual ones, registered during full-scale research. Mathematical modeling was performed to determine the basic indicators of the tank car dynamics. The differential equations of motion were solved by a Runge-Kutta method using the Mathcad...
Speed estimation of a car at impact with a W-beam guardrail using numerical simulations and machine learning
PublicationThis paper aimed at developing a new method of estimating the impact speed of a passenger car at the moment of a crash into a W-beam road safety barrier. The determination of such a speed based on the accident outcomes is demanding, because often there is no access to full accident data. However, accurate determination of the impact speed is one of the key elements in the reconstruction of road accidents. A machine learning algorithm...
Activity of Patents in Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Production in the Context of Passenger Car Fleet in the V4 Countries
PublicationThe hydrogen market in the world today is capable ovule and em-pirical evidence on activity of patents in fuel cells and hydrogen production islimited so far. Patent applications in zero-emission mobility in the aspect of fuelcells include: DAFC/DMFC&DMFC, PEMFC, SOFC, AFC, PAFC. As for thepatents relating to the hydrogen production, they concern low carbon, electrol-ysis and inorganic. The purpose of the study was to investigate...
Triazoloacridone C-1305 abrogates the restriction checkpoint in cells lacking functional p53 and promotes their accumulation in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle
PublicationTriazoloakrydon C-1305, nowy inhibitor topoizomerazy II, wykazuje wysoką aktywość cytotoksyczną wobec komórek wielu typów nowotworów. Komórki mysie pozbawione genu PARP-1 wykazywały nadwrażliwość na działanie tego związku. W pracy testowaliśmy działanie związku wobec dwóch różnych komóek nowotworowych różniących się statusem p53: komórkami białaczki myelocytarnej HL-60 i raka sutka MCF-7. Wykazaliśmy, że inkubacja ze związkiem...
Katarzyna Wojan dr hab.
PeopleDr habil., assiociate professor, Polish linguist, lexicographer, bibliographer; Finnish, Russian, Slavonic languages; confrontative linguistics, lexicology, lexicography, history of Polish lexicography, translation studies, intercultural communication, reception of Polish literature abroad, translations Editor-in-Chief of the Journal "Studia Rossica Gedanensia" (annual)
Limiting futile therapy as part of end-of-life care in intensive care units
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Electronic and lattice properties of noncentrosymmetric superconductors ThTSi (T=Co, Ir, Ni, and Pt)
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Suppressive effects of the obese tumor microenvironment on CD8 T cell infiltration and effector function
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Adoptive Cell Therapy—Harnessing Antigen-Specific T Cells to Target Solid Tumours
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Stable indirect adaptive control based on discrete-time T-S fuzzy model
PublicationThis paper presents an indirect adaptive fuzzy control scheme for uncertain nonlinear asymptotically stable plants.A discrete-time T-S fuzzy input-output model is employed to approximate the unknown plant dynamics. The T-S fuzzy model is fed with its own states, which are indeed its past outputs, rather than the measurements from the plants. Entirely based on this model, a feedback linearization control law is designed by using...
Polish Lymphoma Research Group Experience With Bexarotene in the Treatment of Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma
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Pomiar obrotów i przemieszczenia cząstek T-S w zlokalizowanej strefie deformacji.
PublicationPrzedstawiono nowe stanowisko do badań eksperymentalnych w warunkach dwuosiowego ściskania z materiałem Taylor-Schneebeli (T-S). Unikatowe stanowisko badawcze, w skali badań mechaniki ośrodków rozdrobnionych w ogóle, wykorzystuje oryginalną technikę pomiarów cyfrowych dla określenia obrotów i przemieszczenia cząstek T-S w skali mikro. Cyfrowa technika pomiarów wykorzystuje konwencjonalny sprzęt wideo kamer lub aparatów...
Stable indirect adaptive control based on discrete-time T-S fuzzy model
PublicationThis paper presents an indirect adaptive fuzzy control scheme for uncertain nonlinear asymptotically stable plants.A discrete-time T-S fuzzy input-output model is employed to approximate the unknown plant dynamics. The T-S fuzzy model is fed with its own states, which are indeed its past outputs, rather than the measurements from the plants. Entirely based on this model, a feedback linearization control law is designed by using...
Analysis of scattering from arbitrary configuration of elliptical obstacles using T-matrix representation
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono nową metodę analizy zjawiska rozpraszania dla dowolnej konfiguracji obiektów eliptycznych. Przedstawione podejście, dotyczącego pojedynczego obiektu, oparte jest na połączeniu analizy w układzie eliptycznym i cylindrycznym. W analizie wielu obiektów wykorzystana została procedura iteracyjna. Uzyskane wyniki zostały zweryfikowane przy wykorzystaniu oprogramowania komercyjnego.
Problems of Determination of Welding Angular Distortions of T-fillet Joints in Ship Hull Structures
PublicationShip hull structure elements are in majority joined by welding. Welding distortions can cause a lot of problems during the manufacturing process. In the literature it is proposed wide spectrum of suggestions for a correct estimation of welding deformation in particular angular deformation in the fillet welded T joint. In the work verification of selected methods is proposed basing upon of the results of the laboratory measurements....
Naprawa konstrukcji portowych przy zastosowaniu komór hermetycznych.
PublicationArtykuł zawiera charakterystykę komór hermetycznych i możliwość ich zastosowania do przeprowadzenia napraw ścianek szczelnych, pali i innych elementów nabrzeży oraz pomostów. Zwrócono szczególną uwagę na uzyskiwanie dzięki komorom możliwości wykonywania napraw na sucho poniżej zwierciadła wody w basenie portowym.
Problemy optymalizacji doboru energii defibrylacji komór serca
PublicationPraca dotyczy sformułowania tematyki badawczej z zakresu optymalizacji pobudzenia defibrylacyjnego serca. Dokonano przeglądu różnych sposobów defibrylacji elektrycznej, uwzględniając podstawy patofizjologiczne, ograniczenia i skutki uboczne. Przeprowadzona analiza prowadzi do zdefiniowania zakresu planowanych badań skoncentrowanych na optymalizacji zabiegu defibrylacji. Zdefiniowano kryteria optymalizacji, jakiej powinien podlegać...