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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: survival analysis
Reliability Analysis of Data Storage Using Survival Signature and Logic Differential Calculus
PublikacjaThe Data storage system is an important part of any information system. All the necessary data that must be available for the successful operation of the information system are stored here. Therefore, it is advisable to think about the reliability of such a data storage system. As part of reliability engineering, it is possible to perform a reliability analysis of any system. Therefore, the data storage system can be analyzed as...
Radioimmunotherapy Confers Long-Term Survival to Lymphoma Patients with Acceptable Toxicity: Registry Analysis by the International Radioimmunotherapy Network
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Integrating Statistical and Machine‐Learning Approach for Meta‐Analysis of Bisphenol A‐Exposure Datasets Reveals Effects on Mouse Gene Expression within Pathways of Apoptosis and Cell Survival
PublikacjaBisphenols are important environmental pollutants that are extensively studied due to different detrimental effects, while the molecular mechanisms behind these effects are less well understood. Like other environmental pollutants, bisphenols are being tested in various experimental models, creating large expression datasets found in open access storage. The meta‐analysis of such datasets is, however, very complicated for various...
Molecular Strategy for Survival at a Critical High Temperature in Eschierichia coli
PublikacjaThe molecular mechanism supporting survival at a critical high temperature (CHT) in Escherichia coli was investigated. Genome-wide screening with a single-gene knockout library provided a list of genes indispensable for growth at 47°C, called thermotolerant genes. Genes for which expression was affected by exposure to CHT were identified by DNA chip analysis. Unexpectedly, the former contents did not overlap with the latter except...
Survival criteria for passenger ro-ro vessels and survival time
PublikacjaArtykuł podaje związek między kryteriami stateczności (mnożnikiem s) a czasem przetrwania dla statków ro-ro. Mnożnik s, zalecany przez IMO, nie ma żadnego związku z czasem przetrwania ani ze stanem morza.
Closure on survival time
PublikacjaArtykuł zamyka sprawę przewracania statków w stanie awaryjnym, tj. czasu jaki upływa od momentu kolizji do momentu przewrócenia pod wpływem fal.
The saga of a fish: from a survival guide to closing lemmas
PublikacjaIn the paper by D. Burago, S. Ivanov and A. Novikov, “A survival guide for feeble fish”, it has been shown that a fish with limited velocity can reach any point in the (possibly unbounded) ocean provided that the fluid velocity field is incompressible, bounded and has vanishing mean drift. This result extends some known global controllability theorems though being substantially nonconstructive. We give a fish a different recipe...
Floodable length curves based on probability of survival.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono możliwość obliczanie krzywych grodziowych dla statku o mieszanym podziale grodziowym dla zadanej wartości mnożnika s, traktowanego jako parametr. Krzywe takie, dotąd nie stosowane, mogą znacznie ułatwić optymalizowanie podziału grodziowego względem wskaźnika niezatapialności.
Age-structured population model of cell survival
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Survival time prognosis under a Markov model of cancer development
PublikacjaIn this study we look at a breast cancer data set of women from Pomerania region collected in year 1987-1992 in the Medical University of Gdańsk. We analyze the clinical risk factors in conjunction with Markov model of cancer development. We evaluate Artificial Neural Network (ANN) survival time prediction via a simulation study.
Tumor versus Stromal Cells in Culture—Survival of the Fittest?
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XVII Przegląd Sztuki Survival, wystawa zbiorowa sztuki współczesnej, Wrocław
PublikacjaPo raz 17. odbędzie się we Wrocławiu Przegląd Sztuki SURVIVAL – jeden z największych przeglądów sztuki w przestrzeni publicznej w Polsce. 17. Edycja Przeglądu Sztuki SURVIVAL zlokalizowana będzie przy ul. Wiśniowej 36 we Wrocławiu, więc w budynkach dawnego Szpitala Kolejowego (przedtem Szpitala Żydowskiego), i skupi się na wątkach związanych z uzdrawianiem tkanki urbanistycznej i architektonicznej. W ramach Przeglądu w przestrzeni...
Effect of osmoprotectants on the survival of bacterial endophytes in lyophilized beet roots
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A common nonsense mutation of the BLM gene and prostate cancer risk and survival
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Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation—A Chance for Survival after Sudden Cardiac Arrest
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25(OH)D3 in patients with ovarian cancer and its correlation with survival
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Survival of lymphocytes is not restricted by IDO-expressing fibroblast from rheumatoid arthritis patients
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Influence of titanium dioxide activated under visible light on survival of mold fungi
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Role of miR-15b/16–2 cluster network in endometrial cancer: An in silico pathway and prognostic analysis
PublikacjaEndometrial cancer (EC) is the second most common cancer in women. A large number of human cancers exhibit dysregulation of microRNA expression including EC. MiR-15b/16–2 is one of the best-known miRNA clusters that is expressed in many types of cancer tissues. Herein, we analyzed the expression of individual miR-15b/16–2 cluster members, its paralogues, and their target network analysis, as well as their prognostic significance...
Pokój do szukania siebie, instalacja na XVII Przeglądzie Sztuki Survival 2019
PublikacjaPokój do szukania siebie, 2019 instalacja performatywna (performance, fotografia, wideo, malarstwo, rysunek, tekst, działanie przestrzenne), technika mieszana, wymiary zmienne, W trakcie formułowania opisu mojego działania zdążyłem napisać pięć innych tekstów o różnych dotyczących mnie sprawach, a główną treść mojej wypowiedzi podważyć kilkakrotnie. Dziwnie pisze się tekst o czymś, co służyć ma szukaniu siebie, jednocześnie w...
Lung cancer survival and comorbidities in lung cancer screening participants of the Gdańsk screening cohort
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Influence of Selected Factors on the Survival Assessment and Detection of Giardia intestinalis DNA in Axenic Culture
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Depressive symptoms but not chronic pain have an impact on the survival of patients undergoing maintenance hemodialysis
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Role of Lentivirus-Mediated Overexpression of Programmed Death-Ligand 1 on Corneal Allograft Survival
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Temperature-dependent development and survival of an invasive genotype of wheat curl mite, Aceria tosichella
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Patient with metastatic breast cancer presenting as acute cholecystitis with one-year survival on hormonotherapy
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Morbidity, Mortality and Survival after Stomach Resection with or without Splenectomy – The Single Centre Observations
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Effect of lysozyme or nisin on survival of some bacteria treated with high pressure at subzero temperature
PublikacjaCelem pracy było określenie wrażliwości gramujemnych i gramdodatnich bakterii na działanie ciśnienia 193MPa w temp. -20°C w obecności lizozymu lub nizyny. Stwierdzono, że połączone działanie ciśnienia i badanych substancji przeciwdrobnoustrojowych na zawiesiny bakterii Escherichia coli i Staphylococcus aureus powodowało większy stopień inaktywacji komórek niż suma efektów wywieranych przez pojedyncze czynniki.
Markov Model of Disease Development and Recovery
PublikacjaMarkov models are commonly used to simulate diseases and allow modeling of multiple health states and outcomes. Starting with the well known Le Bras multistate model (cascading failure model) with time-independent transitions we will see how simple Markov mortality models may be pressed into the service of survival and event history analysis. We will focus on more complex models which will be able to take into account remission,...
8-Oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine and uric acid as efficient predictors of survival in colon cancer patients
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Long-Term Survival after Coronary Artery Surgical Revascularization—Does Ambient Temperature Matter?
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The CRBN, CUL4A and DDB1 Expression Predicts the Response to Immunomodulatory Drugs and Survival of Multiple Myeloma Patients
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Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy Promotes Corneal Allograft Survival in Rats by Local and Systemic Immunomodulation
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Cross-talk between DNA damage and cell survival checkpoints during G2 and mitosis: pharmacological implications
PublikacjaW pracy wyjaśnialiśmy rolę surwiwiny w ochronie komórek w czasie przejścia między G2 i mitozą, traktowanych związkiem uszkadzającym DNA. Jako model komórkowy wybraliśmy komórki ludzkiej białaczki MOLT-4, które wykazują zwiększoną ekspresję białka surwiwiny i niefunkcjonalnym p53. Ekspozycja tych komórek na melfalan, klasyczny związek uszkadzający DNA, prowadzi do uruchomienia punktu kontrolnego w G2 i zablokowania progresji cyklu...
The expression of Platelet-derived Growth factor receptors (PDGFRs) and their correlation with overall survival of patients with ovarian cancer
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LY294002 and sorafenib as inhibitors of intracellular survival pathways in the elimination of human glioma cells by programmed cell death
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Wnt pathway antagonists, SFRP1, SFRP2, SOX17, and PPP2R2B, are methylated in gliomas and SFRP1 methylation predicts shorter survival
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High compliance to ERAS protocol does not improve overall survival in patients treated for resectable advanced gastric cancer
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Antipsychotic drug prescription sequence analysis in relation to death occurrence and cardiometabolic drug usage: A retrospective longitudinal study
PublikacjaThe potential role of antipsychotics in increasing cardiovascular risk of mortality is still debated. The aim of this study was to assess the death risk associated with sequences of first-generation antipsychotic (FGA) and second-generation antipsychotic (SGA) prescriptions, including clozapine and lithium, and drugs for cardiometabolic diseases. We conducted a retrospective longitudinal analysis involving 84,881 patients who received...
Physiological Biomarkers Assessed by Low‐Tech Exercise Tests Predict Complications and Overall Survival in Patients Undergoing Pneumonectomy Due to Lung Cancer
PublikacjaDue to its debilitating character pneumonectomy this is last‐resort procedure. Preoperative results of the 6‐min walking test (6MWT) help to identify high risk of postoperative complications and increased mortality in patients undergoing lobectomy for lung cancer. The aim of the study was to validate the value of 500 m in 6MWT as an indicator, which differentiates risk of complications in patients undergoing pneumonectomy. 125...
Tumor infiltrating lymphocyte signature is associated with single nucleotide polymorphisms and predicts survival in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma patients
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Pre-operative systemic inflammatory response index influences long-term survival rate in off-pump surgical revascularization
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Gender differences in coronary artery diameters and survival results after off-pump coronary artery bypass (OPCAB) procedures
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Monocyte-to-Lymphocyte Ratio as a Predictor of Worse Long-Term Survival after Off-Pump Surgical Revascularization-Initial Report
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Survival of probiotic lactic acid bacteria immobilized in different forms of bacterial cellulose in simulated gastric juices and bile salt solution
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Survival of commercial probiotic strains and their effect on dark chocolate synbiotic snack with raspberry content during the storage and after simulated digestion
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Survival at the Frontier of Holy War: Political Expansion, Crusading, Environmental Exploitation and the Medieval Colonizing Settlement at Biała Góra, North Poland
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Occurrence of antimicrobial resistant bacteria in environment and the statistical analysis of this phenomenon
PublikacjaIntroduction: In this study the occurrence of antimicrobial resistance patterns among fecal indicators (Escherichia coli and Enterococcus spp.) was analyzed in water and wastewater samples. The trends in antimicrobial resistance were analyzed using basic statistical methods. Methods: Samples were obtained from two local watercourses (Oliwski Stream and Reda River) as well as from the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) Gdansk - Wschod....
Simulation of Life Raft Motions on Irregular Wave - An Analysis of Situations Leading to Raft Capsizing
PublikacjaSuccessful rescue action at sea is based on a. o. a correct choice of rescue means and their reliability. Operational characteristics of life-saving appliances determine their performance in a given water area. Therefore they affect duration time of rescue action and decide this way on survival time of shipwrecked persons. This paper presents impact of characteristics of circular inflatable life rafts on their dynamics in a...
Dual inhibition of PI3K/Akt signaling and the DNA damage checkpoint in p53-deficient cells with strong survival signaling: implications for cancer therapy
PublikacjaOporność komórek nowotworowych na leki uszkadzjące DNA związana jest ściśle ze zdolnością do utrzymywania blok z fazie G2 cyklu komórkowego. Blok ten regulowany jest przez mechanizmy punktu kontrolnego G2/M oraz szlaki przeżycia komórkowego. W pracy badaliśmy rolę szlaku kinazy PI3K/Akt w funkcjonowaniu punktu kontrolnego cyklu komórkowego i wpływ na przeżycie komórek traktowanych lekiem przeciwnowotworowym - cisplatyną. Nasze...