wszystkich: 760
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: POLYMER SYNTHESIS
Raman scattering measurements in monitoring of polymer synthesis process
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Multivariate Assessment of Procedures for Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Synthesis for Pesticides Determination in Environmental and Agricultural Samples
PublikacjaIn the case of quantitative and qualitative analysis of pesticides in environmental and food samples, it is required to perform a sample pre-treatment process. It allows to minimalize the impact of interferences on the final results, as well as increase the recovery rate. Nowadays, apart from routinely employed sample preparation techniques such as solid-phase extraction (SPE) or solid-phase microextraction (SPME), the application...
Raman scattering measurements in monitoring of polymer synthesis process. Lightmetry 2002 : Metrology and Testing Techniques Using Light.
PublikacjaW artykule omówiono możliwości wykorzystania pomiarów ramanowskich do monitorowania w czasie rzeczywistym przebiegu procesów syntezy materiałów polimerowych. Wykorzystano sondy światłowodowe do sprzęgnięcia aparatury pomiarowej z typowym stanowiskiem technologicznym. Pomiary miały charakter zdalny, nieniszczący i niezakłócający przebieg reakcji.
Raman investigation of minor component reaction during polymer synthesisprocess. IV Workshop on Atomic and Molecular Physics.
PublikacjaWykonano badania ramanowskie reakcji zachodzących podczas procesu wytwarzania polimerów hybrydowych w ich części organicznej. Optyczne monitorowanie przebiegu reakcji w czasie rzeczywistym umożliwiło zbadanie ich efektywności oraz czasu trwania. Wyjaśniono też rolę katalizatorów.
Imprinted polymer particles for iron uptake: Synthesis, characterization and analytical applications
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Synthesis and photoelectrochemical behaviour of hydrogenated titania nanotubes modified with conducting polymer infiltrated by redox active network
PublikacjaIn this work, we show preparation of ordered inorganic-organic composite electrode material where hydrogenated titania nanotubes H-TiO2 with tubularly developed surface modified with poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) matrix permeated by Prussian Blue (PB) inorganic redox network in order to reach highly photoactive heterojunction. The polymer deposition was realized via two subsequent processes covering: i) potentiostatic polymerization...
PHB+aPHA Blends: From Polymer Bacterial Synthesis through Blend Preparation to Final Processing by Extrusion for Sustainable Materials Design
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Novel porous carbon/clay nanocomposites derived from kaolinite/resorcinol-formaldehyde polymer blends: synthesis, structure and sorption properties
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Synthesis and structural properties of (Y, Sr)(Ti, Fe, Nb)O3−δ perovskite nanoparticles fabricated by modified polymer precursor method
PublikacjaThe yttrium, iron and niobium doped-SrTiO3 powders have been successfully fabricated by a modified low–temperature synthesis method from a polymer complex. The usage of strontium hydroxide precursor instead of conventional strontium nitrate or strontium carbonate provides to the possibility of significant decrease of annealing temperature. It allows to prepare a material with sphere-shape grains of nanometric size (15–70 nm). The...
Controllable Synthesis of 3D Hollow-Carbon-Spheres/Graphene-Flake Hybrid Nanostructures from Polymer Nanocomposite by Self-Assembly and Feasibility for Lithium-Ion Batteries
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Corrigendum to “Synthesis and photoelectrochemical behaviour of hydrogenated titania nanotubes modified with conducting polymer infiltrated by redox active network” [Electrochim. Acta 222 (20 December) (2016) 1281–1292]
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Planetary roller extruders in the sustainable development of polymer blends and composites – Past, present and future
PublikacjaScrew extruders as continuous flow reactors allow the synthesis of new polymers, preparation of polymer blends and composites, and modification or functionalization of commercially available polymers. Literature data shows that the twin screw extrusion is the most popular solution used for this purpose. In contrast, the number of scientific papers on alternative methods, such as multi-screw extruders, is somewhat limited. This...
Flame-Retardant Polymer Materials Developed by Reactive Extrusion: Present Status and Future Perspectives
PublikacjaThe development of flame retardant polymer materials has two roots, one in materials design, and the other in materials processing. Over recent decades, different types and classes of flame retardant polymer materials have been commercialized to meet safety requirements in the construction, automotive, and coatings industries. In the vast majority of cases, the design and fabrication of new materials presenting low fire hazards...
Polymer and graphitic carbon nitride based nanohybrids for the photocatalytic degradation of pharmaceuticals in wastewater treatment – A review
PublikacjaPharmaceuticals, including antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, have been frequently detected in water reservoirs, in concentrations ranging from ng/L to μg/L, owing to their wide use in treatment of human and animal disease. Their uncontrolled use results in their increased release into the environment which is harmful for humans, animals, aquatic life and aquatic system. To remove these pollutants from water bodies, various...
Electroactive polymer/graphene oxide nanostructured composites; evidence for direct chemical interactions between PEDOT and GOx
PublikacjaThis work concerns electrochemical synthesis of nanocomposites consisting of conducting polymer and reduced graphene oxide (rGOx) as electrode materials for supercapacitors. The electrosynthesis was performed in an aqueous solution of the 3,4-ethylenedioxytiophene (EDOT) monomer and graphene oxide (GOx) without supporting electrolyte. The amount of GOx was optimized to obtain the best electrochemical performance of the nanocomposite...
Benzene-induced hydro(solvo)thermal synthesis of Cu2+ and Zn2+ coordination polymers based on 1,3-benzenedicarboxylate
PublikacjaHydro(solvo)thermal reactions of Cu(NO3)2·2.5H2O or Zn(NO3)2·6H2O with 1,3-H2bdc provided two structurally different coordination polymers; a 2D network “metallacalixarene” based on the paddlewheel-type cluster with the formula [Cu(1,3-bdc)·H2O]·H2O (1) and a 3D framework [Zn(1,3-bdc)] (2), respectively. The use of a base was unnecessary in this synthesis; however, the presence of benzene played a crucial role in the crystallization...
The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy studies of the anode material based on polymer and starch derived ceramic for lithium ion batteries
PublikacjaThe anode materials derived of preceramic polymer poly(1,2-dimethylsilazane) (PSN) and starch was study. Commercially available polysilazane (poly(1,2-dimethylsilazane (PSN 2M01 Gelest) was mixed with commercially available starch (POCH Gliwice). The ratio polymer/starch (PSN/starch) was 1/1 or 3/7. The polysialazane/starch blend was cross-linked at 230 ºC for 2 h followed by heating to the final temperature (500 ºC, 700 ºC and...
Fabrication of toughened plastic using styrene butadiene rubber-poly (methyl methacrylate) interpenetrating polymer networks
PublikacjaA standard set of interpenetrating polymeric networks (IPNs) has been contrived using an elastomerstyrene butadiene rubber and a thermoplastic poly (methyl methacrylate) through sequential polymerization protocol. This low-cost material can be hopefully engaged as a toughened plastic with cocontinuous morphology. Different morphological protocols including Raman imaging are effectively utilized to envisage the effect of blend ratio...
Highly antifouling polymer-nanoparticle-nanoparticle/polymer hybrid membranes
PublikacjaWe introduce highly antifouling Polymer-Nanoparticle-Nanoparticle/Polymer (PNNP) hybrid membranes as multi-functional materials for versatile purification of wastewater. Nitrogen-rich polyethylenimine (PEI)-functionalized halloysite nanotube (HNT-SiO2-PEI) nanoparticles were developed and embedded in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) membranes for protein and dye filtration. Bulk and surface characteristics of the resulting HNT-SiO2-PEI...
Rheology of polymer blends
PublikacjaPolymer blends are physical mixtures of two or more homopolymers or copolymers. This type of materials have wide spectrum of technological applications, and their properties are influenced, e.g., by the properties of single components and morphology of final material. The rheology of polymer blends is connected with the processing of polymer blends and is influenced by thermodynamics, morphology, and their evolution during testing....
Polymer Modified Bitumen
PublikacjaIn this paper we present the benefits of using polymers as an asphalt modifiers, especially the low molecular weight reactive compounds, which are capable of forming an polymer network with bitumen "in situ" in the process of its modification.
Synthesis and polymerisation techniques of molecularly imprinted polymers
PublikacjaMolecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) are materials that has been processed using the molecular imprinting technique which permit to obtain well-defined three-dimensional cavities, with affinity to a template molecule, in the polymer matrix. Technology involves three strategies, i.e., covalent, non-covalent and semi-covalent approach, but the most popular is non-covalent approach. The most important components for the synthesis...
Polymer electrolytes with ionic liquids
PublikacjaSolid polymer electrolytes are solutions of salts in the macromolecular polymeric compound. Excellent process ability, flexibility, non-flammability and non-reactivity make them ideal materials for electrochemical devices. The problem in their use is limited conductivity. It increases with increasing salt concentration in the polymer, but at the same time the condition is to increase the glass transition temperature of the polymer...
An experimental study on polymer mass
PublikacjaA new method of repairing damaged structures by filling the cracks with specially prepared polymer mass has been recently proposed. The technique is mainly dedicated to historical objects where minimum intervention is permitted. The flexible joint bonds the disrupted elements and ensures further safe exploitation of a damaged structure. The aim of the present paper is to show the results of an experimental study on polymer mass...
Experimental examination of an elastomeric polymer
PublikacjaA new method of repairing damaged structures by filling the cracks with a specially prepared elastomeric polymer mass has been recently proposed. This new and innovative technique, known as the Flexible Joint Method (FJM), is mainly dedicated to masonries and historical objects, where minimum intervention is permitted. The flexible joint bonds the disrupted elements and ensures further safe exploitation of a damaged structure....
Synthesis of amides under microwave irradiation
PublikacjaAmides belong to the most important carboxylic acid derivatives. They are constituents of natural compounds like peptides and proteins. They found applications in many branches of science and industry, especially in pharmaceutical and polymer science. Conventional procedures for amide preparation involve reaction between amine and carboxylic acid or their more active derivatives such as acid chlorides, acid anhydrides or esters....
Synthesis and electrochemical characteristics of novel dithiocarbamate polymers
PublikacjaNovel dithiocarbamate compounds have been obtained by reacting a linear poly(ethylenimine)polymer, MW 50,000, with CS2. The resulting anionic polymers contain, depending on the reaction conditions, up to two sulfur atoms per one nitrogen atom (approx. 40% w/w). The polymers are soluble in dimethylsulfoxide and insoluble in acetonitrile solutions. In both solvents they are electrochemically active, in the latter case as a cast film...
Interface analysis of compatibilized polymer blends
PublikacjaThis chapter seeks to address the interface location in the compatibilized polymer blends and paves the way for quantitative analysis of interface in terms of interfacial tension and interfacial adhesion to provide support for understanding the relationship between morphology and ultimate properties in the compatibilized polymer blends through the lens of interface. Since understanding and analysis of interfacial phenomena in the...
Structure-rheology relationship of fully bio-based linear polyester polyols for polyurethanes - Synthesis and investigation
PublikacjaThe synthesis of polyols from renewable substances as an alternative for petrochemical-based polyols play important matter in the polyurethane industry. In this work, the fully bio-based linear polyester polyols with different catalyst amounts were synthesized via two-step polycondensation method. The effect of various catalyst content on the structure and rheological behavior were established. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy,...
PublikacjaPolymeric linings of sliding surfaces of the hydrodynamic bearings have been used successfully for over 50 years. Despite of their long history of operation and research, they have not become wide spread in industrial applications. This fact may be surprising, considering th e conclusions that have been published concerning bearing operation and design. This paper summarizes the current...
Electrochemical synthesis and characterization of nanocomposites based on poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) and functionalized carbon nanotubes
PublikacjaThis work is focused on new composite materials consisting of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (pEDOT) and functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes synthesized electrochemically. Three types of composites were synthesized: the first one containing carbon nanotubes with carboxyl groups (covalent functionalization), the second one containing oxidized carbon nanotubes ox-MWCNTs (with different oxygen-rich polar groups) (covalent...
Daniel Gromadzki Phd., Eng., Assistant Professor dr inż.
OsobyDr. Daniel Gromadzki, PhD, specjalizuje się w chemii polimerów, biomateriałach i technologiach zrównoważonych. Uzyskał tytuł doktora w dziedzinie chemii makromolekularnej na Akademii Nauk Republiki Czeskiej oraz Uniwersytecie Karola w Pradze, co ugruntowało jego wiedzę w zakresie zaawansowanej syntezy polimerów i ich zastosowań. Biegle włada wieloma językami, w tym polskim, angielskim, niemieckim, czeskim i francuskim, dzięki czemu...
Kinetics study of the fully bio-based poly(propylene succinate) synthesis. Functional group approach
PublikacjaCurrently, the increasing importance of the bio-based chemical compounds development is visible in the polymer chemistry, chemical engineering and materials science. It is well-known that the various purity level and different contaminants characterize petrochemical-based compounds compared to their biobased counterparts. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the contaminants impact on the bio-based monomers synthesis. One of...
Potential applications of crude glycerol in polymer technology–Current state and perspectives
PublikacjaThe increasing use of bio-based fuels and fuel additives, among them biodiesel, causes significant surplus of crude glycerol on the market which creates new challenges in terms of its sustainable utilization. A lot of ways for the incorporation of this by-product into different branches of industry requires purification by expensive and complicated processes. Therefore, researchers are seeking for applications of untreated crude...
Inhibition of Polymer Photodegradation by Incorporation of Coffee Silverskin
PublikacjaOver the last years, the trend associated with the incorporation of materials from renewable resources into polymer technology is getting significantly more vital. Researchers are trying to transfer the properties of natural raw materials into the polymer world. Therefore, different natural materials are more often investigated as potential additives for polymers. Such an effect is noted for the coffee industry by-products, such...
Biodegradable Polymer Packaging Materials in Seawater Environment
PublikacjaIn this chapter, our interest is directed into dea/ocean/lakes biodegradable environment for polymer packaging materials from two different points of view.
Some kind of joints in composite polymer bridges
PublikacjaContemporary, polymer composites bridge structures are of two types: truss or arch structures(with many joints along the length) and beam structures with limited number of joints. Both of them have special types of composite polymer decks. An ideal solution is to join advantages of two types of structuresdescribed below and create long span FRP beam bridge structure system using joints along the length. Theproblem is to find the...
Review: synthetic polymer hydrogels for biomedical applications
PublikacjaSynthetic polymer hydrogels constitute a group of biomaterials, used in numerous biomedical disciplines, and are still developing for new promising applications. The aim of this study is to review information about well known and the newest hydrogels, show the importance of water uptake and cross-linking type and classify them in accordance with their chemical structure.
Biodegradable polymer packaging materials - influence on environment
PublikacjaAwareness of the waste problem and its impact on the environment has awakened new interest in the area of biodegradable polymers. Biodegradation of various polymers have been studied under diverse environments like in soil, in sewage sludge, in compost conditions and in sea water by different research groups. The aim of this paper is to present the research methods on the biodegradation of the commercially available biodegradable...
Rheology and Processing of Polymer/ POSS Nanocomposites
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Hybrid hydrophilic polymer/montmorillonite systems
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Synthesis and structural characterization of bio-based bis(cyclic carbonate)s for the preparation of non-isocyanate polyurethanes
PublikacjaBio-based cyclic carbonates are of significant research interest as monomers for non-isocyanate polyurethane (NIPU) synthesis. This research describes the synthesis of a series of five-membered bis(cyclic carbonate)s using bio-based polyether polyols (PO3G) with different molecular weights (250, 650 and 1000 g mol−1) and carbon dioxide as green feedstocks. The utilization of CO2 as a source of carbon in the chemical reaction is...
The effectiveness of polymer adhesive in reduction of vibrations of structural members
PublikacjaIn this paper, the idea of using polymer adhesive as a damping layer is proposed. An experimental study of two aluminium cantilevered beams has been conducted. One of them presents a plain cantilevered beam, while the second one considers two aluminium beams bonded with a polymer adhesive of different thickness (0,5; 1,2; 1,75; 3,1 and 5 mm). The polymer adhesive considered in the study is a specially designed flexible...
Unveiling of polymer/fullerene blend films morphology by ellipsometrically determined optical order within polymer and fullerene phases
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Study on polymer modified road asphalt mixture
PublikacjaThe formulation of ternary asphalt-additives blend composed of crumb rubber : low-density polyethylene (CR : LDPE) and crumb rubber : textile fiber (CR : TF) couples, and quaternary asphalt additives-blend composed of (CR : LDPE : TF) triplets on the virgin asphalt to optimize the asphalt basic and rheological properties and to use the extrusion process of two or three additives to obtain composite materials of them, as well as...
Interrelated shape memory and Payne effect in polyurethane/graphene oxide nanocomposites
PublikacjaWe report the fabrication of graphene oxide (GO) based polyurethane (PU) nanocomposites by a simple method of mixing and their shape memory properties at different temperatures. Both the polymer and the filler were synthesized in the laboratory by simple and easy methods – PU by pre-polymer method and GO by improved graphene oxide synthesis method. High molecular level dispersion of GO platelets within the PU matrix and thus good...
Experimental determination of basic mechanical properties of elastomeric polymer
PublikacjaThere are a lot of different methods of repairing and reinforcing damaged structures, but when it comes to historical buildings and other cultural heritage objects, it is as much about mechanical safety as the aesthetical aspects. Recently, a new and innovative method of repairing damaged structures by filling the cracks with a specially prepared polymer mass has been proposed. This new and innovative technique, known as the Flexible...
Synthesis, Structure and Properties of Poly(ester-Urethane-Urea)s Synthesized Using Biobased Diamine
PublikacjaModern polymer science and technology is focused on the development of partial or fully green polymers. This focus is related to green chemistry trends, which propose using natural and renewable resources as monomers in the synthesis of polymers. In this study, biobased diamine was used as a chain extender of ester-urethane prepolymer. Obtained poly(ester-urethane-urea) contains 16 wt% of biobased diamine. There is mention of an...
Experimental study on static and dynamic properties of polymer mass
PublikacjaA new method of repairing damaged structures by filling the cracks with a specially prepared polymer mass has been recently proposed. This new and innovative technique, known as the Flexible Joint Method (FJM), is mainly dedicated to masonries and historical objects, where minimum intervention is permitted. The flexible joint bonds the disrupted elements and ensures further safe exploitation of a damaged structure. The aim of the...