Monitoring of activities carried out as part of prototyping and implementation of the pilot project in the area of the "Polanki" market and its direct neighbourhood, in the Gdańsk-Oliwa district, step2; stage from September 2021 year.
Dane BadawczeThe data presents tabular monitoring lists (quantitative and qualitative documentation report in the form of tables) of activities carried out as part of prototyping and implementation of the pilot project in the area of the Polanki market and its immediate vicinity in the Gdańsk-Oliwa district in 2021 year - step 2, stage from September 2021.The monitoring...
Weronika Maria Mazurkiewicz dr inż. arch.
OsobyJest adiunktem na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej w Katedrze Urbanistyki i Planowania Regionalnego oraz czynnym architektem urbanistą.Od 2018 roku jest również członkiem Zarządu Towarzystwa Urbanistów Polskich oraz stowarzyszenia AESOP (Thematic Group for Public Spaces and Urban Cultures). Odbyła staże badawcze w kilku instytucjach badawczych w tym University of Ljubljana, University of Technology of Wiena, University...
Data from terrestrial laser scanning: The Forge in the district of Gdańsk Orunia
Dane BadawczeWithin the frames of the use of terrestrial laser scanning we find numerous examples of registration of building facilities, including also historical and valuable in their culture. Data were acquired using a Leica Geosystems C10 laser scanner. Data embrace blacksmith forges a historic building located in Gdańsk Orunia, 10 Goscinna Street. Scanning...
Robust four-node elements based on Hu–Washizu principle for nonlinear analysis of Cosserat shells
PublikacjaMixed 4-node shell elements with the drilling rotation and Cosserat-type strain measures based onthe three-field Hu–Washizu principle are proposed. In the formulation, apart from displacement and rotationfields, both strain and stress resultant fields are treated as independent. The elements are derived in the frame-work of a general nonlinear 6-parameter shell theory dedicated to the analysis of multifold irregular shells.The...
Regeneration Project of Market Places GOSPOSTRATEG – “Polanki” Market in Gdańsk-Oliwa Pilot Project Monitoring Dataset
PublikacjaThe dataset entitled Monitoring of activities carried out as part of prototyping and implementation of the pilot project in the area of the “Polanki” market and its direct neighbourhood, in the Gdańsk-Oliwa district, step1; stage from July 2020 year contains tabular monitoring lists (quantitative and qualitative documentation report in the form of tables) of activities carried out as part of the prototyping and implementation of...
Bio-inspired Urban Design: Smart Growth and Sustainable Development Frameworks for a New Urban Unit in Cracow
PublikacjaIn March 2012, architects João Diniz (Brazil) and Dorota Wiśniewska (Poland) answered a call to competition from the City of Cracow, submitting an entry for the redesign of 5600 ha of the Nowa Huta district in eastern Cracow, focusing on economic revitalization within a framework of smart growth and sustainable development. The scenario included an ArcerolMittal Steelworks and incorporated a strong ecological analysis for the easternmost...
Shaping the new face of the Imperial Shipyard in Gdańsk
PublikacjaThe main purpose of the article is to present the transformation process of the urban complex known as the Imperial Shipyard in Gdańsk. Its rich history and interesting location on the waterfront of the city as well as its proximity to the very centre makes this area a much sought-after location for the new urban development project, which is part of the wider new district in the city centre of Gdańsk – the Young City. The article...
Nuclear Co-generation: The Analysis of Technical Capabilities and Cost Estimates
PublikacjaThis paper presents a concept of the parallel connection of a nuclear power plant fitted to provide heat for district heating application, with the CHP and heat plants existing in the supply region, in this case with the heating systems of Wejherowo and Gdynia. Presented variant proposes to add heat to a nuclear power plant’s total output by supplying heat exchangers with the steam from bleeders of low pressure (LP) turbine stage...
Jan Suchorzewski dr inż.
Osobymgr inż. Jan Suchorzewski, urodzony 13.03.1990 w Gdańsku, ukończył studia na kierunku Budownictwo w specjalności Konstrukcje Budowlana i Inżynierskie na Politechnice Gdańskiej w 2014 roku, jednocześnie rozpoczął pracę na PG w charakterze doktoranta przy realizacji grantu NCN "Analiza sprzężonego deterministyczno-statystycznego efektu skali w materiałach kruchych" podejmując wykonanie badań wytrzymałości na ścinanie belek żelbetowych...
Equivalent 4-node enhanced assumed strain and hybrid stress shell elements in 6-parameter theory
PublikacjaWe discuss the equivalence of semi-enhanced assumed strain (EAS) and semi-hybrid stress (SEM) shell finite elements. We use the general nonlinear 6-field shell theory with kinematics composed of generalized displacements composed of the translation field and the rotation field. Due to the presence of rotation tensor the elements have naturally six nodal engineering degrees of freedom. We propose interpolation for a strain field...
The database of interpolated RR-intervals of original length 512 of 41 patients at rest hospitalized due to the episode of acute ischemic stroke
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains the data that was a basis for the results discussed in the paper “Persistent homology as a new method of the assessment of heart rate variability” by Grzegorz Graff, Beata Graff, Paweł Pilarczyk, Grzegorz Jabłoński, Dariusz Gąsecki, Krzysztof Narkiewicz, Plos One (2021), DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0253851.
The database of interpolated RR-intervals of length 512 of 46 healthy subjects at rest
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains the data that was a basis for the results discussed in the paper “Persistent homology as a new method of the assessment of heart rate variability” by Grzegorz Graff, Beata Graff, Paweł Pilarczyk, Grzegorz Jabłoński, Dariusz Gąsecki, Krzysztof Narkiewicz, Plos One (2021), DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0253851.
The Brain of the city
PublikacjaIn order to highlight the characteristics of the West End of Wrocław, we conducted a site analysis. Using the strengths of the site, we were able to create a unique concept of the district while minimizing the impacts of weaknesses by design. The purpose of redesigning the West End of Wrocław is to attract new people to the district through the transformation of an identity. Initially, we conducted a SWOT analysis to identify the...
Objects resulting from the sequential generalization of the buildings group in Kartuzy district - scale 1:10000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
Objects resulting from the sequential generalization of the buildings group in Gdańsk district - scale 1:10000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
Further Developments of the Online Sound Restoration System for Digital Library Applications
PublikacjaNew signal processing algorithms were introduced to the online service for audio restoration available at the web address: www.youarchive.net. Missing or distorted audio samples are estimated using a specific implementation of the Jannsen interpolation method. The algorithm is based on the autoregressive model (AR) combined with the iterative complementation of signal samples. Since the interpolation algorithm is computationally...
Monument of History in Gdynia - Problems with Protection of the Main Representative Axis of the City
PublikacjaThe spatial idea of the main representative axis was presented in 1938 in the project of the Representative District of Gdynia and partly realised in 1938-1939. Although the whole area was included in the Gdynia's Monument of History, now its spatial integration is on thread by the controversial current development plans
Mariusz Zaborowski dr
OsobyMariusz Zaborowski jest adiunktem w Katedrze Przedsiębiorczości na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. W 2016 roku uzyskał stopień naukowy doktora nauk ekonomicznych w zakresie nauk o zarządzaniu. Jego zainteresowania skupiają się wokół problematyki przedsiębiorcy na rynku zamówień publicznych, problematyki barier w zamówieniach publicznych oraz organizacji zamówień publicznych i zarządzania publicznego. Jest...
The generalization by simplification operator with Sester’s method of objects representing groups of buildings in Gdańsk district - scale 1:10000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The generalization by simplification operator with Sester’s method of objects representing groups of buildings in Kartuzy district - scale 1:10000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The orthogonisation of objects simplified using the Chrobak’s method representing groups of buildings in Gdańsk district - scale 1:10000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The generalization by simplification operator with Chrobak’s method of objects representing groups of buildings in Gdańsk district - scale 1:10000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The orthogonalization of objects simplified with the Simplify Building tool representing groups of buildings in Kartuzy district - scale 1:10000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The orthogonalization of objects simplified using the Sester’s method representing groups of buildings in Kartuzy district - scale 1:10000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The orthogonisation of objects simplified using the Sester’s method representing groups of buildings in Gdańsk district - scale 1:10000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The orthogonalization of objects simplified using the Chrobak’s method representing groups of buildings in Kartuzy district - scale 1:10000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The generalization by simplification operator with Chrobak’s method of objects representing groups of buildings in Kartuzy district - scale 1:10000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The generalization by simplification operator with Chrobak’s method of objects representing groups of buildings in Kartuzy district - scale 1:25000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The generalization by simplification operator with Sester’s method of objects representing groups of buildings in Kartuzy district - scale 1:25000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The generalization by simplification operator with Chrobak’s method of objects representing groups of buildings in Gdańsk district - scale 1:25000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The generalization by simplification operator with Chrobak’s method of objects representing groups of buildings in Katowice district - scale 1:10000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The generalization by simplification operator with Chrobak’s method of objects representing groups of buildings in Katowice district - scale 1:25000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
Aproksymacja przebiegu trasy kolejowej na przykładzie krzywoliniowego odcinka połączenia Somonino-Gdańsk Osowa
PublikacjaW artykule zaprezentowano wyniki wyznaczenia współrzędnych przebiegu trasy kolejowej metodami aproksymacji wielomianowej i interpolacji krzywą kubiczną w oparciu o pomiary czasu rzeczywistego GPS zrealizowane z wykorzystanie polskiej aktywnej sieci geodezyjnej ASG-EUPOS. Rozważania teoretyczne poparte zostały praktycznym przykładem aplikacyjnym opartym o zrealizowane pomiary inwentaryzacyjne zmodernizowanego odcinka toru kolejowego...
Theory of urbanism IV
Kursy OnlineThe aim of the course is to familiarize the student with the complexity of the process of functioning and development of cities, including: - hierarchical spatial (morphology) and functional structure of cities on models (the hierarchy of services and public spaces) - networks and systems that make up the city (environmental system, technical and social infrastructure) - role and importance of the district in the structure of...
Nomination Dossier, The Modernist Centre of Gdynia, Part 2b, History and Development
PublikacjaHistory and development of Gdynia, from Medieval times up until today. The project concerns such chapters as: Introduction; The village of Gdynia; Gdynia as a seaside resort; Construction of the port and the city in the interwar period; The modernist city centre – layout; architecture;Architecture of the city centre; South Pier and Grand District; Post-war development of Śródmieście: a continuation
A highly-efficient technique for evaluating bond-orientational order parameters
PublikacjaWe propose a novel, highly-efficient approach for the evaluation of bond-orientational order parameters (BOPs). Our approach exploits the properties of spherical harmonics and Wigner 3jj-symbols to reduce the number of terms in the expressions for BOPs, and employs simultaneous interpolation of normalised associated Legendre polynomials and trigonometric functions to dramatically reduce the total number of arithmetic operations....
Wybrane problemy zastosowań układów sterowania i nadzoru sieci ciepłowniczych
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono główne problemy zastosowania układów sterowania i nadzoru sieci ciepłowniczych. Scharakteryzowano najczęściej spotykane układy sterowania i nadzoru. Przedstawiono techniczne i ekonomiczne uwarunkowania wdrożenia układów sterowania i nadzoru w ciepłownictwie.
The orthogonalization of simplified objects representing groups of buildings in Gdańsk district using the Simplify Building tool - scale 1:10000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The generalization of objects representing groups of buildings in the Kartuzy district by simplification operator with the Simplify Building tool - scale 1:10000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The generalization by simplification operator with the Simplify Building tool of objects representing groups of buildings in Gdańsk district - scale 1:10000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The generalization of objects representing groups of buildings in the Kartuzy district by simplification operator with the Simplify Building tool - scale 1:25000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The generalization by simplification operator with the Simplify Building tool of objects representing groups of buildings in Katowice district - scale 1:10000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The generalization by simplification operator with the Simplify Building tool of objects representing groups of buildings in Gdańsk district - scale 1:25000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
The generalization by simplification operator with the Simplify Building tool of objects representing groups of buildings in Katowice district - scale 1:25000
Dane BadawczeThe process of automatic generalization is one of the elements of spatial data preparation for the purpose of creating digital cartographic studies. The presented data include a part of the process of generalization of building groups obtained from the national geodesy and cartography resource from BDOT10k (10k topographic database) [1].
Analiza SWOT i analiza 5 sił Portera dla rynku podstawowej opieki medycznej na obszarze miasta Gdańska
PublikacjaIn recent years we have seen the dynamic development of medical services sector inPoland. Private health centres focus on aggressive development strategy. The role of primaryhealth care facilities, which provide services financed from public funds, declined. The purpose of article is to describe medical services market in Gdańsk, especially in Gdańsk-South district. Itincludes demographics, the number and characteristics...
Automated microwave planar filter design with generalized Chebyshev characteristics.
PublikacjaIn this paper a technique of automatization of design of microwave filters with generalized Chebyshev characteristics is presented. A full wave electromagnetic simulator linked with the Matlab computing environment is used to ensure a rigorous numerical analysis while at the same time allowing automatization. To decrease time of optimization and overall design process, the Cauchy interpolation technique was used. An automated design...
Looking for New Ideas of Public Space – Public Space Projects in Gdansk Reinforced by Art Activities
PublikacjaRevitalization of public open spaces is a complex enterprise in Poland in terms of the art, cultural andinformation aspects of this process. Simultaneously the public space should play an important role whenbuilding the quality of revitalization programs and the quality of city development. The new art and culturalactivities are the revitalization tools, which are also the good examples of bottom up ideas helping to start aprocess...
Online sound restoration system for digital library applications
PublikacjaAudio signal processing algorithms were introduced to the new online non-commercial service for audio restoration intended to enhance the content of digitized audio repositories. Missing or distorted audio samples are predicted using neural networks and a specific implementation of the Jannsen interpolation method based on the autoregressive model (AR) combined with the iterative restoring of missing signal samples. Since the distortion...
Adaptive CAD-Model Construction Schemes
PublikacjaTwo advanced surrogate model construction techniques are discussed in this paper. The models employ radial basis function (RBF)interpolation scheme or artificial neural networks (ANN) with a new training algorithm. Adaptive sampling technique is applied withrespect to all variables. Histograms showing the quality of the models are presented. While the quality of RBF models is satisfactory, theperformance of the ANN models obtained...
Detection of impulsive disturbances in archive audio signals
PublikacjaIn this paper the problem of detection of impulsive disturbances in archive audio signals is considered. It is shown that semi-causal/noncausal solutions based on joint evaluation of signal prediction errors and leave-one-out signal interpolation errors, allow one to noticeably improve detection results compared to the prediction-only based solutions. The proposed approaches are evaluated on a set of clean audio signals contaminated...