wszystkich: 675
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: HAIRY ROOTS
Attempt to obtain hairy roots from carnivorous plants
PublikacjaCelem badań było uzyskanie kalusa roślin gatunku D. capensis. Stosowano trzy różne sposoby infekcji A. rhizogenes
Establishment of hairy root cultures of Ammi majus
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Growth and ginsenoside production in Panax quinquefolium hairy roots cultivated in flasks and nutrient sprinkle bioreactor
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Production of tropane alkaloids in Hyoscyamus niger (black henbane) hairy roots grown in bubble-column and spray bioreactors
PublikacjaHairy root cultures of Hyoscyamus niger were cultivated in shake-flasks, a bubble-column bioreactor and a hybrid bubble-column/spray bioreactor and evaluated for alkaloid production.
Linalool as a novel natural factor enhancing ginsenoside production in hairy root cultures of American ginseng
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Linalool as a novel natural factor enhancing ginsenoside production in hairy root cultures of American ginseng
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The Increase of Triterpene Saponin Production Induced by Trans-Anethole in Hairy Root Cultures of Panax quinquefolium
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The content of triterpene saponins and phenolic compounds in American ginseng hairy root extracts and their antioxidant and cytotoxic properties
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Panax quinquefolium hairy root extracts and their effect in connections with antibiotics against pathogenic bacteria – preliminary study
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Upscaling biomass production of rosmarinic acid-rich hairy root cultures of Agastache rugosa (Fisch. & C.A.Mey.) Kuntze
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Yeast Extract Stimulates Ginsenoside Production in Hairy Root Cultures of American Ginseng Cultivated in Shake Flasks and Nutrient Sprinkle Bioreactors
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Effect of sugar concentration on ginsenoside biosynthesis in hairy root cultures of Panax quinquefolium cultivated in shake flasks and nutrient sprinkle bioreactor
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Nitrogen and phosphorus as the factors affecting ginsenoside production in hairy root cultures of Panax quinquefolium cultivated in shake flasks and nutrient sprinkle bioreactor
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Carvacrol as a Stimulant of the Expression of Key Genes of the Ginsenoside Biosynthesis Pathway and Its Effect on the Production of Ginseng Saponins in Panax quinquefolium Hairy Root Cultures
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Abscisic Acid Regulates the 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA Reductase Gene Promoter and Ginsenoside Production in Panax quinquefolium Hairy Root Cultures
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Methyl jasmonate as a control factor of the synthase squalene gene promoter and ginsenoside production in American ginseng hairy root cultured in shake flasks and a nutrient sprinkle bioreactor
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Plant Root
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Panax quinquefolium L. Ginsenosides from Hairy Root Cultures and Their Clones Exert Cytotoxic, Genotoxic and Pro-Apoptotic Activity towards Human Colon Adenocarcinoma Cell Line Caco-2
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Thyroid Hormones Directly Alter Human Hair Follicle Functions: Anagen Prolongation and Stimulation of Both Hair Matrix Keratinocyte Proliferation and Hair Pigmentation
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Global Roots and Poles Finding Algorithm on Quantum Computer
PublikacjaIn this paper, the implementation of the global roots and poles finding algorithm for a complex-valued function of a complex variable on a quantum computer, which allows for solving general nonlinear algebraic equations, is presented. The considered function is sampled with the use of Delaunay’s triangulation on the complex plane and a phase quadrant, in which the value of the function is located, is computed on a classical computer...
Effects of cooking on the bioactivity of lotus roots and white onions
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu obróbki termicznej (gotowanie) na zawartość związków bioaktywnych i potencjału przeciwutleniającego korzenia lotosu i cebuli białej.Wyniki badań jednoznacznie wskazują na fakt, że taki proces obróbki wpływa w znaczącym stopniu na spadek stężenia związków bioaktywnych i potencjału przeciwutleniającego.
Chemiczne "czary-mary" i Harry (I)
PublikacjaZa sprawą książek o Harrym Potterze (ale nie tylko) nasz świat zapełnił się latającymi miotłami, magicznymi zaklęciami, cudownymi eliksirami i czarodziejami. Wszystko to - dzięki swej obrazowości - z łatwością trafia do młodego pokolenia. Które dziecko nie chciałoby się na chwilę przeistoczyć w tytułowego bohatera powieści Joanne Kathleen Rowling i przenieść się do szkoły czarów? "Zwykła" lekcja chemii może stać się zaproszeniem...
New Phenolic Compounds from the Roots of Lentil (Lens culinaris)
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Effect of biostimulants and storage on the content of macroelements in storage roots of carrot
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Effect of osmoprotectants on the survival of bacterial endophytes in lyophilized beet roots
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Evaluation of zinc content in children’s hair
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Formation of acoustic field in rooms
PublikacjaPaper describes known form literature method of sound diffusity index assesment, which utilizes impulse response of the room. Process of froming diffused sound field using this method was investigated.Increase of sound diffusity index in time was noted in rooms differing in shape,volume and reverberation time. Exponential growth of sound diffusion index was noted which correlates with other acoustical rooms measures.
Global Complex Roots and Poles Finding Algorithm in C × R Domain
PublikacjaAn algorithm to find the roots and poles of a complex function depending on two arguments (one complex and one real) is proposed. Such problems are common in many fields of science for instance in electromagnetism, acoustics, stability analyses, spectroscopy, optics, and elementary particle physics. The proposed technique belongs to the class of global algorithms, gives a full picture of solutions in a fixed region ⊂ C × R and...
Education biases perception of social robots
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How Does Salinity Shape Bacterial and Fungal Microbiomes of Alnus glutinosa Roots?
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Self-Adaptive Mesh Generator for Global Complex Roots and Poles Finding Algorithm
PublikacjaIn any global method of searching for roots and poles, increasing the number of samples increases the chances of finding them precisely in a given area. However, the global complex roots and poles finding algorithm (GRPF) (as one of the few) has direct control over the accuracy of the results. In addition, this algorithm has a simple condition for finding all roots and poles in a given area: it only requires a sufficiently dense...
An Improvement of Global Complex Roots and Poles Finding Algorithm for Propagation and Radiation Problems
PublikacjaAn improvement of the recently developed global roots finding algorithm has been proposed. The modification allows to shorten the computational time by reducing the number of function calls. Moreover, both versions of the algorithms (standard and modified) have been tested for numerically defined functions obtained from spectral domain approach and field matching method. The tests have been performed for three simple microwave...
Occurrence and Characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Dairy Products
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Multipath Complex Root Tracing
PublikacjaThe problem of multipath root tracing is being addressed in this communication. The self-adaptive complex root tracing algorithm, which was previously utilized for the investigation of various propagation and radiation problems, is analyzed here for the cases when the traced characteristic bifurcates. A procedure of multiroute detection is proposed and demonstrated on the coaxially loaded cylindrical waveguide example.
Chromium content in the hair of children and students in Southern Poland
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Dairy Science & Technology
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Dairy Industries International
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Composition of the Essential Oil of Bidens tripartita L. Roots and Its Antibacterial and Antifungal Activities
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Mixed growth of Salix species can promote phosphate-solubilizing bacteria in the roots and rhizosphere
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3,4-Dehydro-L-proline Induces Programmed Cell Death in the Roots of Brachypodium distachyon
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Neural nets application in diagnostics of industrial robots
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki wstępnych badań nad możliwością zastosowania sztucznych sieci neuronowych w procesie diagnozowania stanu technicznego robotów przemysłowych z napędem elektrycznym. Omówiono proces projektowania sieci neuronowych, za pomocą których realizowano liniową predykcję zmian dokładności pozycjonowania jednokierunkowego robota IRB 6 powstających przy różnych obciążeniach i prędkościach manipulatora podczas pracy z celowo...
Model of human psychology for controlling autonomous robots
PublikacjaReferat przedstawia model umysłu, uzyskany w oparciu o wiedzę na temat ludzkiej psychologii, służący do sterowania systemami autonomicznych robotów. Systemy poznawczy i motywacyjny (emocje i potrzeby) stanowią jego główne części. System motywacyjny kontroluje reakcje robota w oparciu o zmienne stanu potrzeb. Z drugiej strony, emocje nadzorują i zmieniają/modyfikują zachowanie robota poprzez zmianę pewnych parametrów uwzględnianych...
Intelligent decision-making system for autonomous robots
PublikacjaAdaptacja może być oparta na różnych koncepcjach cybernetycznych (takich jak algorytmy genetyczne, rojowe, sieci neuronowe, itp.). Główna myśl opisywanej pracy opiera się na wykorzystaniu modeli psychologii żywych istot (człowieka) w konstrukcji systemów sterowania jednostek autonomicznych w celu adaptacji jednostki do zmiennego środowiska (kluczowe dla projektu jest traktowanie elementów motywacyjnych jako problemu osobowości)....
Composition of Essential Oils from Roots and Aerial Parts of Carpesium cernuum and Their Antibacterial and Cytotoxic Activities
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Global Complex Roots and Poles Finding Algorithm Based on Phase Analysis for Propagation and Radiation Problems
PublikacjaA flexible and effective algorithm for complex roots and poles finding is presented. A wide class of analytic functions can be analyzed, and any arbitrarily shaped search region can be considered. The method is very simple and intuitive. It is based on sampling a function at the nodes of a regular mesh, and on the analysis of the function phase. As a result, a set of candidate regions is created and then the roots/poles are verified...
Effect of Dispersion Treatment on Dairy Waste Activated Sludge to Hasten the Production of Biogas
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Determination of short-chain monocarboksylic acids in cattle farm and dairy industry wastewater
PublikacjaThe paper describes application of various techniques to determine short-chain monocarboksylic acids (SCMAs) in samples from the successive steps from milk production: from wastewater from cattle farm to wastewater from dairy industry. Each technique of sample preparation is followed by gas chromatographic analysis.
Smart Growth – Is It a Fairy Tale or the Best Initiative for Polish Cities and Their Functional Regions?