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wyświetlamy 1000 najlepszych wyników Pomoc
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: POLICY ITERATION
Human-computer interaction approach applied to the multimedia system of polysensory integration
PublikacjaIn the paper an approach of utilizing an interaction between the human and computer in a therapy of dyslexia and other sensory disorders is presented. Bakker's neuropsychological concept of dyslexia along with therapy methods are reviewed in the context of the Multimedia System of Polysensory Integration, proposed at the Multimedia Systems Department of Gdansk Univ. of Technology. The system is presented along with the training...
Polish experience in operation of sludge treatment reed beds
PublikacjaSludge Treatment Reed Beds (STRBs) is the technology of sludge treatment, which is based on natural processes occurring in the environment, in specially designed and operated facilities to achieve benefits for the environment. Integrated dewatering and stabilization occur in reed systems. For economic and environmental reasons it is an attractive solution, especially in rural areas where there are no appropriate facilities. In...
The transformation of Polish foreign trade in European integration process
PublikacjaW artykule analizowane są przemiany handlu zagranicznego Polski w warunkach integracji ze Wspólnotami Europejskimi. Okres analizy obejmuje lata 1980-2003 i 2004 - lipiec 2005.
PublikacjaThis article is an attempt to present and evaluate tax policy Polish of the years 2015-2020, i.e. the period which resulted in formulating the new government. These time was a period of tax reforms, the introduction of new taxes and public tributes, as well as new mechanisms to control tax collection. Moreover, the policies introduced also concern changes in the level of fiscalism and tax redistribution. The research methods adopted...
Tackling microplastics pollution in global environment through integration of applied technology, policy instruments, and legislation
PublikacjaMicroplastic pollution is a serious environmental problem that affects both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Small particles with size of less than 5 mm, known as microplastics (MPs), persist in the environment and pose serious threats to various species from micro-organisms to humans. However, terrestrial environment has received less attention than the aquatic environment, despite being a major source of MPs that eventually...
The role of inland ports in integration of polish waterways with the european network
PublikacjaArtykuł zawiera główne wnioski z badan, prowadzonych przez autorke w ramach projektu EUREKA. Przedstawiono krótki opis aktualnego stanu dróg wodnych w Polsce, uwarunkowania prawne żeglugi, znaczenie transportu wodnego w systemie transportowym kraju i najważniejsze porty śródlądowe. Opisano bariery rozwoju dród wodnych w Polsce. W artykule wykorzystano zdjęcia z dwóch rejsów, w ktorych autorka brała udzial w 2006 r.
Polish entrepreneur in the global market - legal conditions of business operation
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia prawne związane z możliwością prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej przez polskich przedsiębiorców w miejscu i skali ponadkrajowej. Nawiązano w związku z tym do dokonującej się globalizacji w świecie jako przyczyny, która jest źródłem określonych zachowań różnych podmiotów gospodarczych.
Typology of towns in the peripheries of Polish coastal regions: conclusions for urban policy
PublikacjaPeripheries means the land outside metropolitan areas. One of the main problemsin these areas is a lack of growth factors. Some towns can contribute to the developmentof these regions, because there are few such factors, and it is easier to create the newones, especially in urban policy.The subject of this paper is a typology of towns within the Polish peripheral coastalregions, limited to towns with more than 5 thousand inhabitants....
Development of the Polish energy sector through transformation and harmonization with the European energy and climate policy
PublikacjaThe paper presents the dilemmas of energy sector development vs European energy policy due to the way of energy transition. The identification of barriers and opportunities for the development of the power industry is presented. The possibilities of using modern energy technologies for the processes of energy transformation are described. The path useful to achieving climate and energy goals is determined. The new method of electricity...
Aleksandra Parteka dr hab. inż.
OsobyAbout me: I am an associate professor and head of doctoral studies at the Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology (GdanskTech, Poland). I got my MSc degree in Economics from Gdansk University of Technology (2003) and Universita’ Politecnica delle Marche (2005), as well as MA degree in Contemporary European Studies from Sussex University (2006, with distinction). I received my PhD in Economics...
Polish bibliological journals - publishing policy data set
Dane BadawczeThe file contains the results of an analysis of the publishing policies of Polish bibliological journals conducted by librarians of the Library of the Gdansk University of Technology. Among the elements studied were Open Access status, Creative Commons license type and self-archiving practices.The survey was conducted from 2018 to 2023 on the basis...
The Impact of Trade Integration with the European Union on Productivity in a Posttransition Economy: The Case of Polish Manufacturing Sectors
PublikacjaThis paper addresses the relationship between productivity growth in Polish manufacturing sectors and forces stemming from trade integration with the European Union. Empirical analysis (1995-2006) is based on sector-level bilateral data concerning both domestic (Polish) and foreign (partner countries from the enlarged European Union) markets' characteristics and their degree of openness. The main results indicate that, both in...
The impackt of polish pumped-storage plants on operation of the national power system on working days and holidays
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wpływ polskich elektrowni szczytowo-pompowych na pracę krajowego systemu elektroenergetycznego w cyklu dobowym na przykładzie dni charakterystycznych roboczych i dni wolnych od pracy. Analizę przeprowadzono w oparciu o obliczenia wykonane w dwóch wariantach: system pracuje z istniejącymi elektrowniami pompowymi i system pracuje bez elektrowni pompowych.
Integration of Education
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Discourse and Interaction
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The mechanisms of technological innovation in SMEs: a Bayesian Network Analysis of EU regional policy impact on Polish firms.
PublikacjaWe study the underlying mechanisms of technological innovation in SMEs in the context of ex-post evaluation of European Union’s regional policy. Our aim is to explain the observed change in firms’ innovativeness after receiving EU support for technological investment. To do so, we take an approach that is novel in innovation studies: a Bayesian Network Analysis to assess the effectiveness of EU policy instrument for technological...
Editorial: Social, technological and health innovation: Opportunities and limitations for social policy, health policy, and environmental policy
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Indices of iterations of planar maps
PublikacjaArtykuł omawia najnowsze rezultaty badań dotyczące postaci indeksów punktu stałego iteracji odwzorowań planarnych.
Market Size, Competitiveness and Technological Frontier - the Impact of Trade Integration with the UE on Productivity in Polish Manufacturing Sectors
PublikacjaThis paper addresses the relationship between growth of relative productivity in Polish manufacturing sectors and forces stemming from trade integration with the EU. We look at the productivity growth from the perspective of relations between Polish manufacturing sectors and the foreign ones, focusing on partner countries from the enlarged EU. Empirical analysis is based on sector level bilateral data concerning both domestic (Polish)...
The Turów coal mine international dispute as a determinant of the cross-border integration of inhabitants of the Polish-Czech border
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Stanowiska czarki szkarłatnej w okolicy Gdańska-Oliwy.
PublikacjaOpisano środowiska występowania czarki szkarłatnej, rzadkiego gatunku grzyba(macromycetes) w rejonie Oliwy. Wymieniono nowe jej stanowiska oraz czynniki o charakterze antropogenicznym, negatywnie wpływające na liczebność populacji tego taksonu. Wymieniono rzadkie, chronione gatunki flory, towarzyszącej omawianemu gatunkowi grzyba. Zaproponowano jego siedliskową ochronę.
(Re)Shaping Open Access Policy to Scientific Resources at Polish Technical Universities: Gdańsk University of Technology Perspective
PublikacjaDeveloping European Open Access policy to scientific resources is one of the most important issues undertaken during the public debate about future scholarly communication trends. The Open Access landscape is determined by several factors (e.g. mandates). The open mandate: voluntary or mandatory, can be implemented at the institutional, national or international level. It requires scholars to use open repository to deposit results...
The Bridge of Knowledge – defining and implementing national Open Access policy by Polish universities. Gdansk University of Technology perspective
PublikacjaThe European Commission states that Open Access to scientific resources funded by the European Union shall facilitate the use of research results financed from the public funds. Moreover, it will cause an increase in the innovative capacity of Europe. The Open Access landscape is determined by several factors such as mandates. The open mandate may be voluntary or mandatory and implemented at the institutional, national or international...
Energy Efficiency and Economic Policy: Comprehensive Theoretical, Empirical, and Policy Review
PublikacjaIn this paper, we analyze the role of economic policy in prompting energy efficiency. This study reviews three aspects, theoretical, empirical, and existing policies to evaluate the relationship of energy efficiency and economic policy. This study furthermore identifies the existing issues from a policy perspective in energy efficiency. Although not all public policies may be justified, it suggests that these types of financial...
Integration of the Eurasian Economic Union in Comparison to European Union Integration
PublikacjaThe aim of the article is to show the specificity of the integration of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) on the example of the integration of the European Union (EU). The EEU is a relatively young grouping that was established in 2015 by Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation. Its creators try to give the Eurasian integration process a different...
Public Policy: Ethics
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Public Policy: Ethics
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The migration policy of Armenia
PublikacjaAbstract: The aim of this study is to describe the legal bases of the migration policy of Armenia and its practical implementation in 1995–2013. The author examined the international and national documents that provide the legal bases of Armenia’s migration policy, as well as the balance between departures and arrivals in the period 1995–2013, Armenian citizens’ reasons for emigrating and the occupations of emigrants. The study...
PublikacjaRola zabytków w gospodarce rynkowej jest dwojaka. Z jednej strony budują tożsamość narodową i pełnią funkcje społeczne, a z drugiej – stanowią produkt rynkowy, który wspiera rozwój regionalny pod względem atrakcyjności turystycznej oraz inwestycyjnej. Polskie zabytki nieruchome mogą być wykorzystywane do budowy przewagi konkurencyjnej kraju, jednak z uwagi na ich zły stan techniczny, wymagają nieustannych prac konserwatorskich....
State tax policy and reform tools as a risk of running a business. Case study based on Polski Ład – Polish tax reform
PublikacjaThe aim of the article is to describe and present the Polish tax reform introduced at the beginning of 2022. Tax changes introduced in Poland had a strong impact on the risk of running a business in Poland because in their assumption they directly changed the rules of running a business. Due to the pace of the introduced changes, as well as the scope of the reform, the new tax law was subject to numerous criticisms of taxpayers...
The Effectiveness of Basic Resuscitation Activities Carried out by Combat Paramedics of the Police, as Exemplified by Polish Counterterrorist Units
PublikacjaThe tasks carried out by Police officers are often accompanied by dangerous situations that threaten the life and health of the people involved, the police themselves, and bystanders. It concerns especially counter-terrorism police units whose activities are aimed at terrorists and particularly dangerous criminals, and their course is violent and aggressive. In conjunction with the inability to bring civilian rescue services into...
Rozwiązania braków kadrowych w policji w Polsce analiza i rekomendacje
PublikacjaRozwiązanie problemu braków kadrowych w policji w Polsce jest niezwykle ważnym zagadnieniem, szczególnie w kontekście rosnących wyzwań w obszarze bezpieczeństwa publicznego. Niedobór funkcjonariuszy nie tylko wpływa na efektywność działań policji, ale także przekłada się na poczucie bezpieczeństwa obywateli. Aby skutecznie stawić czoła temu problemowi, konieczna jest dogłębna analiza przyczyn oraz wdrożenie kompleksowych rozwiązań,...
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Diversity of Ageing Policy Concepts
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Understanding Public Policy on Ageing
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Asian Powers in Eu Policy
PublikacjaEU policy towards Japan, China, India and South Korea has evolved. This allows the separation of its three stages: before the EU, early EU and mature EU. The global ambitions of the EU, as expressed, inter alia, for the CFSP, is determined to strengthen cooperation with Asian powers, as well as strategic partnerships. The powerful attributes of the strongest Asian states are varied. On the one hand the many similarities and common...
Knowledge Societies Policy Handbook
PublikacjaThe Handbook builds upon existing knowledge and practices to provide policy-makers with an actionable conceptual framework for understanding and assessing the relationships between the Sustainable Development Goals and Knowledge Societies. By identifying gaps as well as strengths, the Handbook will enable countries to more effectively deploy resources and implement appropriate policy measures.
Knowledge Societies Policy Library
PublikacjaThe Knowledge Societies Policy Library is a collection of relevant research literature, policies, indicators, case studies and other resources relevant to the development of public policies for Knowledge Societies, and to support the use of the accompanying Knowledge Societies Policy Handbook.
Language Policy
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Policy and Society
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Evidence & Policy
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Policy Studies
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Global Policy
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Utilities Policy
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Law & Policy