dr hab. inż. Marcin Kujawa
- Associate professor at Department of Structural Mechanics
total: 48
Catalog Publications
Year 2025
A random field-based simulational identification of possible levels of material imperfections of adhesive-bonded joints
PublicationRecently, structural adhesives have become significant in the shaping of structural elements, especially in thin-walled structures, where they replace or supplement traditional connection methods. However, adhesive-bonded joints are highly susceptible to internal structural imperfections due to their application technique and the nature of the adhesive. These material inconsistencies impact the strength parameters and the mechanical...
Impact of thermal and humidity conditions on structural epoxy adhesives during medium-term exposure
PublicationAn experimental program was undertaken to evaluate the performance characteristics, strengths and limitations of two commercially available two-component structural epoxy resin adhesives under varying thermal and humidity conditions, focusing on their performance in scenarios relevant to engineering applications. The following adhesives were selected for investigation, 3M Scotch DP490 and DP125 Gray. In practice, DP490, a high-rigidity...
Mechanical performance investigations of a post-tensioned inter-module connection in steel buildings
PublicationConnections in modular steel structures are critical for maintaining structural integrity and facilitating ease of installation. Traditional methods, such as on-site welding, require adherence to complex technical specifications. In contrast, post-tensioned steel bolts offer a viable alternative by potentially reducing on-site labor by up to 50 %, providing substantial strength and simplifying assembly. To accurately assess the...
Predicting creep failure life in adhesive-bonded single-lap joints using machine learning
PublicationAccurately predicting the creep failure life of adhesive joints, particularly single-lap adhesive joints (SLAJs), remains still a significant challenge, requiring substantial time and resources and the ability to predict the duration of creep failure in SLAJs is critical to ensuring structural integrity and reducing the failure of creep-prone adhesive joints. In this study, machine learning (ML) was used to identify the critical...
Year 2024
Data-driven Models for Predicting Compressive Strength of 3D-printed Fiber-Reinforced Concrete using Interpretable Machine Learning Algorithms
Publication3D printing technology is growing swiftly in the construction sector due to its numerous benefits, such as intricate designs, quicker construction, waste reduction, environmental friendliness, cost savings, and enhanced safety. Nevertheless, optimizing the concrete mix for 3D printing is a challenging task due to the numerous factors involved, requiring extensive experimentation. Therefore, this study used three machine learning...
Year 2023
The Idea of Using Adhesive Bonds in Shaping of Cold-formed Thin-walled Beam-columns
PublicationThe chapter concerns the idea of using adhesive bonds in the shaping of cold-formed thin-walled beam-columns. The idea of adhesive-bonded connections is not new but is unlikely to have been used in the design and shaping of thin-walled beam-columns in civil engineering up to date. Metal bar structures, including (due to economic reasons) thin-walled structures, are the most common and effective means to build engineering superstructures/loadbearing...
Year 2021
On the current state of dovetail wall-corner joints in wooden Greek Catholic churches in Polish Subcarpathia with structural and sensitivity analyses
PublicationThis paper describes the current condition of some dovetail joints which form the wall corners of two Greek Catholic churches of wooden construction in Polish Subcarpathia. It also gives the historical background of the sacral architecture of that region. The two structures, which represent the same type of log corner joints are situated in Chotylub and Cewków. The buildings were examined e.g. for damage, wood moisture content,...
Year 2020
Finite element modelling of a historic church structure in the context of a masonry damage analysis
PublicationThe paper includes a case study of modelling a real historic church using the finite element method (FEM) based on laser scans of its geometry. The main goal of the study was the analysis of the causes of cracking and crushing of masonry walls. An FEM model of the structure has been defined in ABAQUS. A non-linear dynamic explicit analysis with material model including damage plasticity has been performed. A homogenization procedure...
Local buckling of composite channel columns
PublicationThe investigation concerns local buckling of compressed flanges of axially compressed composite channel columns. Cooperation of the member flange and web is taken into account here. The buckling mode of the member flange is defined by rotation angle a flange about the line of its connection with the web. The channel column under investigation is made of unidirectional fibre-reinforced laminate. Two approaches to member orthotropic...
Selected local stability problems of channel section flanges made of aluminium alloys
PublicationThe paper addresses the issue of local buckling of compressed flanges of cold-formed thin-walled channel columns and beams with nonstandard flanges composed of aluminium alloys. The material behaviour follows the Ramberg–Osgood law. It should be noted that the proposed solution may be also applied for other materials, for example: stainless steel, carbon steel. The paper is motivated by an increasing interest in nonstandard cold-formed...
Year 2019
Buckling and initial post-local buckling behaviour of cold-formed channel member flange
PublicationThe initial post-buckling behaviour of a cold-formed channel member flange after its local buckling is investigated. An axially compressed column or beam subjected to pure bending is considered. The member material is assumed to follow a linear stress-strain relationship. The governing non-linear differential equation of the problem is derived using the minimum total potential energy principle. An approximate solution for the equation...
Distortional buckling of composite thin-walled columns of a box-type cross section with diaphragms
PublicationDistortional buckling of axially compressed columns of box-like composite cross sections with andwithout internal diaphragms is investigated in the framework of one-dimensional theory. The channel membersare composed of unidirectional fibre-reinforced laminate. Two approaches to the member orthotropic materialare applied: homogenization based on the theory of mixture and periodicity cells, and homogenization basedon the Voigt–Reuss...
Flexural buckling and post-buckling of columns made of aluminium alloy
PublicationThe paper concerns flexural buckling and initial post-buckling of axially compressed columns made of aluminium alloy described by the Ramberg-Osgood relationship. The non-linear differential equation of the problem is derived using the stationary total energy principle and the assumptions of classical beam theory within a finite range. The approximate analytical solution of the equation leading to the buckling loads and initial...
Modelling and Measurement of Folk Guitar: Truss Rod and Strings in Numerical Analysis of Tone
PublicationThe study makes an attempt to model a complete vibrating guitar including its non-linear features, specifically the tension-compression of truss rod and tension of strings. The purpose of such a model is to examine the influence of design parameters on tone. Most experimental studies are flawed by uncertainties introduced by materials and assembly of an instrument. Since numerical modelling of instruments allows for deterministic...
Selected Stability Problems of Thin-Walled Columns and Beams
PublicationThe article reviews a number of papers in the light of buckling analy- sis of thin-walled columns and beams. Stability of thin-walled columns and beams are considered a vital engineering science issue in both historical and present-day approaches. The paper refers to the recent authors’ works of the 2012–2019 period, published in leading journals. Similar review of stability problems of thin-walled structures developed at Gdansk...
Sensitivity analysis of flexural and torsional buckling loads of laminated columns
PublicationThe paper concerns first order sensitivity analysis of flexural and torsional bucklin g loads of axiallycompressed thin-walled columns with bisymmetric or axisymmetric cross-section made of unidirectional fibre-reinforcedlaminate. The first variation of critical loads versus some variations of the column material properties and cross-sectionaldimensions is derived. Numerical examples dealing with simply supported I-columns are...
Sensitivity analysis of free torsional vibration frequencies of thin-walled laminated beams under axial load
PublicationThe paper addresses sensitivity analysis of free torsional vibration frequencies of thin-walled beams of bisymmetric open cross-section made of unidirectional fibre-reinforced laminate. The warping effect and the axial end load are taken into account. The consideration is based upon the classical theory of thin-walled beams of non-deformable cross-section. The first-order sensitivity variation of the frequencies is derived with...
Stress analysis of a strip under tension with a circular hole
PublicationThe paper addresses stress analysis of a strip with a circular hole under uniform uniaxial tension based oncircumferential stress expressionρπ. Stresses are analyzed in the infinite-length strips under tension with holes, the ratioof the hole radiusa to the strip half-widthb is either equal to:κ =a/b = 0.1 orκ = 0.5. Circumferential stresses aredetermined in selected cross-sections of the strip. The stress diagrams display local...
Year 2018
Local buckling of compressed flange of cold-formed channel members made of aluminum alloy
PublicationThe paper deals with local buckling of a compressed single flange of thin-walled channel cold- formed columns and beams made of aluminum alloy. Material is described by means of the Ramberg-Osgood constitutive equation. Axial compression of the columns and beams undergoing bending is taken into consid- eration. A simple model of the member flange in the form a long beam elastically connected to the web is used to find the critical...
Torsional buckling and post-buckling of columns made of aluminium alloy
PublicationThe paper concerns torsional buckling and the initial post-buckling of axially compressed thin-walled aluminium alloy columns with bisymmetrical cross-section. It is assumed that the column material behaviour is described by the Ramberg–Osgood constitutive equation in non-linear elastic range. The stationary total energy principle is used to derive the governing non-linear differential equation. An approximate solution of the equation...
Year 2017
Buckling of thin-walled columns accounting for initial geometrical imperfections
PublicationThe paper is devoted to the effect of some geometrical imperfections on the critical buckling load of axially compressed thin-walled I-columns. The analytical formulas for the critical torsional and flexural buckling loads accounting for the initial curvature of the column axis or the twist angle respectively are derived. The classical assumptions of theory of thin-walled beams with non-deformable cross-sections are adopted. The...
Distortional buckling of thin-walled columns of closed quadratic cross-section
PublicationThe elastic stability of axially compressed column related to the cross-section distortion is investigated. Two kinds of closed quadratic cross-sections are taken into consideration with internal walls and without it. The governing differential equation is derived with aid of the principle of stationary total potential energy. The critical loads for the simply supported columns are found in an analytical form and compared with...
Dynamic Research of Masonry Vault in a Technical Scale
PublicationThe paper presents preliminary results of dynamic tests of the masonry barrel vault in a technical scale. Experimental studies are intended to identify material properties of homogenized masonry vaults under dynamic loads. The aim of the work is to create numerical models to analyse vault’s dynamic response to dynamic loads in a simplest and accurate way. The process of building the vault in a technical scale is presented in the...
Local buckling of thin-walled channel member flange made of aluminum alloy
PublicationThe paper deals with local stability of the thin-walled compressed flange of channel columns and beams made of aluminum alloy. The aim of paper is to find critical stress of local buckling of the flange member taking into account the web-flange interaction in linear and nonlinear elastic range of the member material. The governing differential equation of the problem is derived with aid of the principle of stationary total potential...
Nonlinear Modeling in Time Domain Numerical Analysis of Stringed Instrument Dynamics
PublicationMusical instruments are very various in terms of sound quality with their timbre shaped by materials and geometry. Materials' impact is commonly treated as dominant one by musicians, while it is unclear whether it is true or not. The research proposed in the study focuses on determining influence of both these factors on sound quality based on their impact on harmonic composition. Numerical approach has been chosen to allowed independent...
Year 2016
On local buckling of cold-formed channel members
PublicationThe paper deals with local buckling of the compressed flanges of cold-formed thin-walled channel beams subjected to pure bending or axially compressed columns. Arbitrarily shaped flanges of open cross-sections and the web-flange interactions are taken into account. Buckling deformation of a beam flange is described by displacement related to torsion of the flange about the line of its connection with the web. Total potential energy...
Year 2015
Strength parameters of masonry walls in modelling historic constructions
PublicationThe paper presents the determination of the basic material properties of a historic brickwork. Experimental studies were used to identify the basic material properties of bricks. The mechanical properties of the masonry, as an orthotropic homogenized material, were calculated. Then, numerical simulations using the Finite Element Method (FEM) were performed to verify the experimental outcomes. Macromodels with element sizes of 40,...
Year 2014
Numerical and experimental investigation of rotational stiffness of zed-purlins connection with sandwich panels
PublicationA rotational resistant stiffness of the zed-purlins connection with sandwich panels is investigated. A simple finite element method model of the connection is proposed. The numerical analysis of the model performed by ABAQUS software, in physically linear and geometrically nonlinear ranges, leads to the rotational resistant stiffness sought. The numerical solution obtained is verified experimentally. Two variants of distribution...
Wpływ losowych imperfekcji środnika na siłę krytyczną skrętną słupa cienkościennego o przekroju otwartym
PublicationPrzeprowadzono analizę wpływu losowych lokalnych imperfekfcji geometrycznych na nośność krytyczną elementów cienkościennych. Rozpatrzono odchyłki geometryczne środnika dwuteownika w postaci pojedynczych wgłębień i o kształcie sinusoidy. Wykazano znaczny wpływ na imperfekcji na nośność elementu.
Wpływ początkowych losowych odchyłek geometrycznych środnika na siłę krytyczną skrętną słupa cienkościennego o przekroju dwuteowym
PublicationW pracy przeprowadzono analizę probabilistyczną słupa stalowego o przekroju dwuteowym. Niezawodność tego typu konstrukcji jest uzależniona od imperfekcji geometrycznych i materiałowych. Do szacowania wartości oczekiwanej i odchylenia standardowego obciążenia granicznego konstrukcji z imperfekcjami zastosowano metodę Monte Carlo. Obliczenia wykonano dla różnej liczby zmiennych losowych opisujących problem. Na tej podstawie przeprowadzono...
Year 2013
Effect of initial imperfection on buckling of thin-walled I columns
PublicationEffects of initial geometrical imperfections on critical buckling loads of thin-walled I columns are investigated. Torsional and flexural buckling are taken into account. The column behaviour is described in accord to the theory of thin-walled beams with nondeformable cross-section. Some numerical examples and conclusions related to effects of imperfections on properties of the critical loads are presented.
Elastic distortional buckling of thin-walled bars of closed quadratic cross-section
PublicationIn this study a tin-walled bar with closed quadratic cross-section is considered. The elastic stability of axially compressed bar related to the cross-section distortion is investigated. The governing differential equatio is derived with aid of the principle of stationary potential energy. The critical load for simply supported bar is found in an analytical form and it is copared with the FEM solution. Sufficient accuracy of the...
Year 2012
Distorsional analysis of I-section beam
PublicationAn elastic stiffness matrix was derived in the case of distortion of a restrained thin-walled I-section beam using the minimum total stationary elastic energy condition. The function describing the angle of distortion was adopted form the solution of differential equation in the case of restrained distortion. The example presented in the paper helps to assess the correctness of the proposed solution. The proposed elastic stiffness...
Elastic distortional buckling of thin-walled bars of closed quadratic cross-section
PublicationIn this study a thin-walled bar with closed quadratic cross-section is considered. The elastic stability of axially compressed bar related to the cross-section distortion is investigated. The governing differential equation is derived with aid of the principle of stationary total potential energy. The critical load for the simply supported bar is found in analytical form and it is compared with the FEM solution. Sufficient accuracy...
Thin-walled frames and grids - statics and dynamics
PublicationFrames and grids assembled with thin-walled beams of open cross-section are widely applied in various civil engineering and vehicle or machine structures. Static and dynamic analysis of theses structures may be carried out by means of different models, startingfrom the classical models made of beam elements undergoing the Kirchhoff assumptions to the FE discretization of whole frame into plane elements. The former model is very...
Torsion of restrained thin-walled bars of open constant bisymmetric cross-section
PublicationElastic and geometric stiffness matrices were derived using Castigliano's first theorem, for the case of torsion of restrained thin-walled bars of open constant bisymmetric cross-section. Functions which describe the angles of torsion were adopted from the solutions of thedifferential equation for restrained torsion. The exact solutions were simplified by expanding them in a power series. Numerical examples were taken from Kujawa...
Year 2010
Orzeczenie techniczne dotyczące badań kontrolnych zmienności stanu konstrukcji stalowej i żelbetowej stropu nad parkingiem obiektu REAL w Gdańsku przy ul. Kołobrzeskiej
PublicationPrzedmiotem orzeczenia jest ocena zmiany stanu konstrukcji stalowej i żelbetowej stropu nad parkingiem w Centrum Usługowo-Administracyjnym REAL w Gdańsku.
Year 2009
Statyka i analiza wrażliwości rusztów zbudowanych z prętów cienkościennych. Analiza teoretyczna i badania doświadczalne/ M. Kujawa.
PublicationW monografii opisano badania prowadzone w ramach grantu KBN Nr 4 T07E 051 28, zakończonego pracą doktorską obronioną na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska PG w 2007 roku. Praca dotyczy analizy statycznej i analizy wrażliwości cienkościennych dźwigarów załamanych w planie usztywnionych miejscowo przez przepony lub przewiązki. Przedstawiono w niej koncepcję metody modelowania konstrukcji dźwigarów cienkościennych z wykorzystaniem...
Year 2007
Modelling and static analysis of thin-walled structures, problems and applications
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono pewne problemy związane z modelowaniem i analizą statyczną konstrukcji cienkościennych: belek, ram i rusztów zbudowanych z elementów o bisymetrycznym przekroju poprzecznym. Zachowanie elementów opisano za pomocą klasycznej teorii prętów cienkościennych o przekroju nieodkształcalnym. Uwzględniono tym samym efekty bimomentowe od skręcania belek. Niestyty brakuje koniecznych do przeprowadzenia analizy styacznej...
Static analysis of grids assembled with thin-walled beams of the open cross-section
PublicationPraca dotyczny analizy statycznej rusztów zbudowanych z prętów cienkościennych. Przedstawiono w niej koncepcję metody modelowania konstrukcji dźwigarów cienkościennych i rusztów z wykorzystaniem superelementów w połączeniu z klasyczną teorią belek cienkościennych o przekroju nieodkształcalnym. Zamieszczono wyniki przeprowadzonej eksperymentalnej weryfikacji badań teoretycznych.
Statyka i analiza wrażliwości rusztów zbudowanych z prętów cienkościennych. Analiza teoretyczna i badania doświadczalne
PublicationPrezentowana praca jest kontynuacją badań prowadzonych w latach 2000 - 2003 (KBN Nr 7 T07E 015 19) przez: C. Szymczaka, I. Kreję, T. Mikulskiego, M. Kujawę i powstała, między innymi, dzięki wsparciu finansowemu KBN w ramach grantu Nr 4 T07E 051 28.Dysertacja dotyczy głównie analizy statycznej i analizy wrażliwości cienkościennych dźwigarów załamanych w planie i rusztów (wzmocnionych stężeniami w postaci przepon lub przewiązek).Przedstawiono...
Year 2006
Discussion. Numerical analysis of thin-walled frames with flexible joints
PublicationPrzedstwiono uwagi do artkułu Tews R., Rachowicz W. ''Numerical Analysis of Thin-Walled Frames with Flexible Joints'', Archives of Civil Engineering, 51, 3, 2005, ss. 344-369.
Year 2004
Reduction of steel chimney vibrations with a pendlum damper.
PublicationKarman vortices observed around chimneys may induce dangerous structural vi-brations at certain wind velocities. The aim of this paper is to analyse theeffectiveness of pendulum damper in vibration reduction of a steel chimney. A two degree-of-freedom system is used to model the behaviour of the struc-ture equipped with a damper. The results of the study show that the use of pendulum with tuned frequency leads to significant...
Year 2003
Analiza statyczna rusztów zbudowanych z prętów cienkościennych
PublicationPraca dotyczy analizy statycznej cienkościennych konstrukcji rusztowych poddanych obciążeniom powodującym skręcanie ich elementów. Przedstawiono metodę modelowania układów rusztowych z wykorzystaniem superelementów węzłowych, w której podatny węzeł modelowany jest za pomocą elementów płytowo-tarczowych MES. Rozważania zilustrowano prostym przykładem liczbowym. Dla porównania zestawiono wyniki dla trzech różnych modeli numerycznych.
Modeling and simulation of thin-walled beams and frames
PublicationPrzedstawiono koncepcję zastosowania superelementów węzłowych do modelowania połączeń słupów i rygli ram zbudowanych z prętów cienkościennych oraz stężeń konstrukcyjnych w belkach cienkościennych. Przeprowadzono analizę pracy ramy stalowej zbudowanej z prętów cienkościennych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem problemu przekazywania bimomentu poprzez węzeł takiej ramy.
Sensitivity analysis of beams and frames made of thin-walled members
PublicationMonografia dotyczy analizy wrażliwości w problemach statyki układów zbudowanych z prętów cienkościennych. Przedstawiono w niej nowe podejście do modelowania belek i ram z różnego rodzaju stężeniami ograniczającymi spaczenie przekroju poprzecznego, w przypadku skręcenia. Wprowadzono pojęcie superelementu belkowego i węzłowego. Przeprowadzono analizę statyczną belek i ram poddanych skręceniu lub skręceniu ze zginaniem, wzmocnionych...
Stan przed awaryjny wolnostojącego komina stalowego
PublicationWiry Karmana wzbudzają drgania, które przy wystąpieniu zjawiska rezonansu mogą doprowadzić do zniszczenia bądź uszkodzenia konstrukcji komina. W referacie przedstawiono efektywny sposób redukcji drgań przy użyciu tłumika wahadłowego.
Year 2002
Numerical simulation of behaviour of thin-walled frames subjected to static loads
PublicationArtykuł poświęcony jest problemowi zachowania się ramy, zbudowanej z elementów cienkościennych o przekroju bisymetrycznym obciążonej momentem skręcającym.
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