Search results for: air monitoring
Chapter 4. Use of permeation passive samplers in air monitoring
PublicationTechnika dozymetrii pasywnej znalazła szerokie zastosowanie w monitoringu powietrza. Z uwagi na posiadane zalety stanowi ona alternatywne rozwiązanie w stosunku do aktywnych technik wykorzystywanych w monitorowaniu poziomu zanieczyszczeń powietrza.
Assessment and Optimization of Air Monitoring Network for Smart Cities with Multicriteria Decision Analysis
PublicationEnvironmental monitoring networks need to be designed in efficient way, to minimize costs and maximize the information granted by their operation. Gathering data from monitoring stations is also the essence of Smart Cities. Agency of Regional Air Quality Monitoring in the Gdańsk Metropolitan Area (pol. ARMAAG) was assessed in terms of its efficiency to obtain variety of information. The results on one-month average concentrations...
Air Pollution: Monitoring
PublicationThe entry presents an overview of the issues in the field of air pollution monitoring. At the beginning, the general objectives of air monitoring, ambient air quality standards for so-called criteria pollutants, and their sources are discussed. In the next part, both analytical methods and instruments for monitoring of ambient air and stack gases are briefly presented. Additionally, other approaches used in air pollution monitoring,...
Monitoring of Gaseous Air Pollution
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono informacje dotyczące: - źródeł emisji zanieczyszczeń obecnych w powietrzu atmosferycznym; - norm i przepisów prawnych regulujących dopuszczalne poziomy zawartości poszczególnych ksenobiotyków w powietrzu atmosferycznym; - klasyfikacji metodyk monitoringu zanieczyszczeń obecnych w powietrzu; - zdalnego systemu monitoringu zanieczyszczeń powietrza atmosferycznego z wykorzystaniem zestawu odpowiednich czujników.
Monitoring and analytics of atmospheric air pollution
PublicationPrzedstawiono podstawowe informacje dotyczące: celów i zadań monitoringu i analityki powietrza atmosferycznego, specyficznych wymogów jakie muszą spełniać monitory zanieczyszczeń, tendencji rozwojowych w zakresie kontroli jakości powietrza atmosferycznego oraz klasyfikacji metod i technik pomiarowych.
Current air quality analytics and monitoring: A review
PublicationThis review summarizes the different tools and concepts that are commonly applied in air quality monitoring. The monitoring of atmosphere is extremely important as the air quality is an important problem for large communities. Main requirements for analytical devices used for monitoring include a long period of autonomic operation and portability. These instruments, however, are often characterized by poor analytical performance....
Mobile monitoring system for gaseous air pollution
PublicationThe concept of a mobile monitoring system for chemical agents control in the air is presented. The proposed system can be applied to measure industrial and car traffic air pollution. A monitoring station is relatively small and can be placed on cars or public transportation vehicles. Measured concentrations of air pollutants are collected and transferred via the GSM network to a central data base. Exemplary results from a measurement...
Application of Passive Samplers in Monitoring of Organic Constituents of Air
PublicationThe principles of passive dosimetry, which has been known for over 100 years, are finding an ever increasing use in analytical practice and are being used as a convenient technique for isolation and enrichment of analytes from various environmental media. Due to its simplicity, a variety of designs, as well as the possibility of using a number of different final determination techniques, passive dosimetry has been applied in...
Analytical Techniques Used in Monitoring of Atmospheric Air Pollutants
PublicationThe air pollution monitoring is one of the most pressing environmental problems today. The paper describes common air pollutants, their interaction and impact on the environment, and classifies the techniques and methods applied in air studies. Furthermore, the review characterizes the selected collection and sampling techniques used for gas sample analysis. Finally, the schematic diagrams of typical designs of systems applied...
Mobile monitoring system for control of atmospheric air quality
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono ruchomy system monitoringu powietrza, który zapewnia możliwość ciągłego pomiaru stężenia takich zanieczyszczeń powietrza jak benzen, tlenek i ditlenek azotu oraz tlenek i ditlenek węgla. Opracowany zestaw pomiarowy może być zainstalowany na rożnych pojazdach (samochód, autobus, ciężarówka).System zbudowany jest z zestawu małych przenośnych jednostek pomiarowych (elektroniczne urządzenia pomiarowe, rejestrator...
Application of passive samplers in monitoring of organic constituents of air
PublicationTechnika dozymetrii pasywnej - znana od ponad 100 lat - cieszy się ciągłym zainteresowaniem i jest często wykorzystywana w różnych badaniach środowiskowych. Z powodu swej prostoty, różnorodności rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych i możliwości wykorzystania różnych technik oznaczeń końcowych, technika dozymetrii pasywnej może być zastosowana zarówno do oznaczeń związków organicznych jak i nieorganicznych, obecnych zarówno w powietrzu wewnętrznym,...
Toward the next generation of air quality monitoring: Mercury
PublicationMercury is a global pollutant that is ubiquitous in the environment. Enrichment of mercury in the biosphere as the result of human activities and subsequent production of methylmercury (MeHg) has resulted in elevated concentrations in fish, wildlife and marine mammals globally. Elemental mercury (Hg0) is the most common form of mercury in the atmosphere, and the form that is most readily transported long distances from its emission...
Analytical techniques used in monitoring of atmospheric air pollutants
PublicationW artykule opisano najczęściej spotykane zanieczyszczenia powietrza atmosferycznego, ich interakcje i wpływ na środowisko. Przedstawiono klasyfikację technik i metodyk stosowanych w badaniach zanieczyszczeń powietrza. Przeprowadzono przegląd technik pobierania i dozowania próbek gazowych. Zaprezentowano także przykłady typowych systemów służących do analizy zanieczyszczeń powietrza.
Mobile Systems (Portable, Handheld, Transportable) for Monitoring Air Pollution
PublicationThe monitoring and analysis of atmospheric air pollutants is a rapidly developing branch of analytical chemistry. The in situ analysis of atmospheric air quality using mobile instrumentation is becoming routine. The article provides information on devices used in various kinds of mobile laboratories. It reviews the portable gas chromatographs and handheld devices used for detecting and determining specific harmful substances in...
Monitoring and analytics of semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in indoor air
PublicationThis paper reviews literature information on the behaviour of semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in the indoor environment, as well as the most likely emission sources. The consecutive stages of analytical procedures used for monitoring SVOCs in indoor environments are described. The most common approaches used for collecting samples from the gas and particulate phases are mentioned. The paper discusses and compares various...
Concept of the mobile monitoring system for chemical agents control in the air
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono koncepcję mobilnego systemu monitoringu związków chemicznych zanieczyszczających powietrze. Nowością w przedstawionej koncepcji monitoringu jest pomiar zanieczyszczeń powietrza wzdłuż ciągów komunikacyjnych, co do tej pory nie jest realizowane. W tym celu przedstawiono propozycję rozwiązania stosunkowo małego, bezobsługowego modułu do pomiarów związków chemicznych, który z łatwością będzie montowany na...
Analytical techniques used in monitoring of atmospheric air andstack gases
PublicationPrzedstawiono klasyfikację metod i technik analitycznych wykorzystywanych w badaniach powietrza atmosferycznego i gazów odlotowych. Przedstawiono również typowe urządzenia wykorzystywane na etapie pobierania próbek.
Evaluation of the Commercial Electrochemical Gas Sensors for the Monitoring of CO in Ambient Air
PublicationAir pollution is a growing concern of civilized world, which has a significant impact on human health and the environment. Recent studies highlight that the exposure to polluted air can increase the incidence of diseases and deteriorate the quality of life. Hence, it is necessary to develop tools for real-time air quality monitoring. For air pollution monitoring a wide range of stationary gas and particulate analysers can be used....
The applicability of low-cost PM10 sensors for atmospheric air quality monitoring
PublicationDescribed in this work are the results of field tests carried out in the Tricity Agglomeration between 01 April 2018 and 30 June 2018 in order to evaluate the usefulness of low-cost PM10 sensors in atmospheric air quality monitoring. The results were juxtaposed with the results obtained using reference methods. The results were validated based on the measurement uncertainty as described in...
Mobile monitoring system for air quality control along traffic routes = Monitoring zanieczyszczeń wzdłuż ciągów komunikacyjnych
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono budowę i zasadę działania mobilnej stacji monitoringu do badania i analizy zanieczyszczeń powietrza atmosferycznego wzdłuż ciagów komunikacyjnych. Przedstawiono również wyniki badań imisji substancji emitowanych z pojazdów poruszających się wzdłuż układu komunikacyjnego Trójmiasta stosując urzadzenie ETL 2000 Bus, zamontowane na dachu samochodu osobowego. Wcześniej, uzyskane wyniki porównano z wynikami...
Monitoring and efficiency assessment of biofilter air deodorization using electronic nose prototype
PublicationBiofiltration is one of the techniques used to reduce odorants in the air. It is based on the aerobic degradation of pollutants by microorganisms located in the filter bed. The research presents the possibility of using the electronic nose prototype for monitoring and efficiency assessment of air biofiltration. The study was conducted using model gas mixtures containing representatives of three groups of chemical compounds: n-hexane...
Application of electronic nose to effectiveness monitoring of air contaminated with toluene vapors biofiltration process
PublicationThe research presents the application of electronic nose (combined with MLR model) to on-line effectiveness monitoring of biofiltration of air contaminated with hydrophobic, odorous compound (toluene vapors). The research was conducted using two-section biotrickling filter inhabited by Candida environmental isolates. Gas chromatography was used as the comparative technique to obtain reliable quantification of toluene concentration...
Monitoring of Selected CBRN Threats in the Air in Industrial Areas with the Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
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Testing and sampling devices for monitoring volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds in indoor air
PublicationAdults spend most of their time in enclosed spaces (e.g., apartment, office and public buildings). According to research conducted by scientists, air quality indoors is much worse than the ambient air quality outdoors. Hazardous chemicals found in air indoors can adversely affect the functioning of the human body and cause many respiratory and circulatory diseases. Harmful chemical compounds (mainly volatile organic compounds and...
Monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in atmospheric air. Part II. Sample collection and preparation
PublicationThe paper reviews literature information on air sampling techniques commonly used for monitoring volatile organic compounds (VOCs) levels in atmospheric air. It describes containers for collecting samples of atmospheric air, such as vacuum canisters and bags made from synthetic materials. It discusses dynamic, passive and denudational techniques for sampling analytes from air combining isolation with preliminary enrichment, and...
Monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in atmospheric air. Part I. On-line gas analyzers
PublicationThe paper reviews the subject literature concerning the analytical instruments routinely used for monitoring volatile organic compounds in atmospheric air. The analyzers are classified as stationary or mobile according to their ease of transport. Stationary DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) analyzer is characterized, as are MIMS (Membrane Introduction Mass Spectrometry), MESI (Membrane Extraction with Sorbent...
Średnio - i trudnolotne związki organiczne w powietrzu wewnętrznym. Analityka i monitoring = Semivolatile organic compounds in indoor air. Analytics and monitoring
PublicationZwiązki organiczne występujące w powietrzu wewnętrznym na różnych poziomach stężeń mogą stanowić poważną przyczynę problemów zdrowotnych mieszkańców i użytkowników pomieszczeń. Bardzo ważnym staje się zagadnienie monitoringu obecności związków organicznych, należących do grupy trwałych zanieczyszczeń organicznych (POP).
Application of passive sampling technique in monitoring research on quality of atmospheric air in the area of Tczew, Poland.
PublicationThis paper presents the results of atmospheric air quality research in Tczew (adjacent to the Vistula River) on the content of BTEX compounds. Analytical procedure applied during the sampling of the analytes from the air used the passive sampling technique (diffusive passive sampler, Radiello®). For determination of BTEX compounds in atmospheric air, two-stage thermal desorption technique combined with gas chromatography (TD-GC-FID)...
Application of a Gas Sensor Array to Effectiveness Monitoring of Air Contaminated with Toluene Vapors Absorption Process
PublicationThis article demonstrates the application of a gas sensor array to monitor the effectiveness of the absorption process of air stream purification from odorous compounds (toluene vapors). A self-constructed matrix consisting of five commercially available gas sensors was used. Multiple linear regression (MLR) was selected as the statistical technique used to calibrate the matrice. Gas chromatography coupled with a flame ionization...
The Progress in Electron Microscopy Studies of Particulate Matters to Be Used as a Standard Monitoring Method for Air Dust Pollution
PublicationThe present article reviews studies on air solid particles carried out with the use of electron microscopy. Particle analysis combining scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) can be used to derive size-resolved information of the composition, mixing state, morphology, and complex refractive index of atmospheric aerosol particles. It seems that electron microscopy is more widely used in atmospheric particulate...
Employment of passive sampling in monitoring indoor air quality in selected residences in a Tri-city area in Poland
PublicationTime-weighted average concentrations of selected volatile compounds were measured in chosen residences in a Tri-City area of Poland by means of passive sampling. The results were compared to those obtained by dynamic technique – sorption tubes filled with Tenax TA sorbent. Results obtained by employing the two techniques were similar. Total volatile organic compound (TVOC) parameters were also determined. An attempt was also...
Employment of passive sampling in monitoring indoor air quality in selected residences in a Tri-city area in Poland
PublicationNa etapie pobierania próbek analitów zastosowano dwie techniki: pasywną - wykorzystującą permeacyjne dozymetry pasywne oraz technikę klasyczną - wykorzystującą rurki sorpcyjne. Wyznaczono sumaryczną zawartość TVOC lotnych związków organicznych.
Universal mobile monitoring system for gaseous air pollution = Uniwersalny system mobilnego monitoringu gazowych zanieczyszczeń powietrza
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono koncepcję systemu do mobilnego monitoringu substancji chemicznych w powietrzu. Proponowany system może być zastosowany do pomiaru zanieczyszczeń powietrza emitowanych przez komunikację. Stacja monitoringowa jest stosunkowo małych rozmiarów i może być zamontowana na pojazdach prywatnych lub publicznych. Zmierzone stężenia są zbierane i przenoszone poprzez sieć GSM do centralnej bazy danych. Przedstawiono także...
Simultaneous Removal of Hexane and Ethanol from Air in a Biotrickling Filter—Process Performance and Monitoring Using Electronic Nose
PublicationBiofiltration is a well-accepted method for the removal of malodorous compounds from air streams. Interestingly, the mechanisms underlying this process are not fully understood. The aim of this paper was to investigate the simultaneous removal of hydrophobic hexane with hydrophilic ethanol, resulting in the enhanced removal of hexane in the presence of ethanol. Investigations were performed in a peat-perlite packed biotrickling...
Application of a catalytic combustion sensor (Pellistor) for the monitoring of the explosiveness of a hydrogen-air mixture in the upper explosive limit range
PublicationA new technique is presented for continuous measurements of hydrogen contamination by air in the upper explosive limit range. It is based on the application of a catalytic combustion sensor placed in a cell through which the tested sample passes. The air content is the function of the quantity of formed heat during catalytic combustion of hydrogen inside the sensor. There is the possibility of using the method in industrial installations...
Challenges of Green Chemistry in monitoring and air protection. Wyzwania Zielonej Chemii w monitoringu i ochronie powietrza.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono podstawowe założenia Zielonej Chemii do syntezy i przerobu związków chemicznych. W szczególnośi opisano nowe podejście w opracowywaniu metod analitycznych pozwalających na ocenę stanu zanieczyszczenia środowiska - w tym i powietrza. Podkreślono rolę analityki procesowej jako narzędzia kontroli procesu chemicznego, pozwalającego na szybkie wykrycie zagrożenia zanieczyszczenia powietrza.
Monitoring Lead Concentration in the Surrounding Environmental Components of a Lead Battery Company: Plants, Air and Effluents—Case Study, Kenya
PublicationLead (Pb) pollution from smelters and lead–acid battery has become a serious problem worldwide owing to its toxic nature as a heavy metal. Stricter regulations and monitoring strategies have been formulated, legislated and implemented in various parts of the world on heavy metal usage. Developed countries such as the USA and in Europe largely operate within the set standards, however, developing countries such as Kenya, Nigeria...
Application of passive sampling technique for monitoring of BTEX concentration in urban air: Field comparison of different types of passive samplers
PublicationW efekcie przeprowadzonych badań potwierdzono przydatności techniki dozymetrii pasywnej wykorzystywanej na etapie izolacji i wzbogacania analitów do uzyskania informacji o poziomie stężeń zanieczyszczeń z grupy BTEX w powietrzu atmosferycznym na terenie aglomeracji Trójmiejskiej. Dodatkowo, porównano wyniki oznaczeń uzyskanych z wykorzystaniem dwóch typów dozymetrów pasywnych.
Air Pollution Research Based on Spider Web and Parallel Continuous Particulate Monitoring—A Comparison Study Coupled with Identification of Sources
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Passive sampling techniques in monitoring of BTEX in urban air = Technika dozymetrii pasywnej w monitoringu analitów z grupy BTEX w powietrzu atmosferycznym na obszarach miejskich
PublicationLotna związki organiczne, a wśród nich związki z grupy BTEX, odgrywają istotną rolę w chemii środowiska. Mogą one oddziaływać znacząco na abiotyczną jak i biotyczną część środowiska. Nie bez znaczenia jest również wpływ LZO na organizmy żywe w tym na zdrowie ludzkie. Ponadto posiadają one zdolność do kumulowania się w organizmach żywych zwiększając ryzyko zachorowań. Niektóre z nich mogą również niekorzystnie oddziaływać na organizmy...
Passive sampling techniques in monitoring of BTEX in urban air = Technika dozymetrii pasywnej w monitoringu analitów z grupy BTEX w powietrzu atmosferycznym na obszarach miejskich
PublicationLotna związki organiczne, a wśród nich związki z grupy BTEX, odgrywają istotną rolę w chemii środowiska. Mogą one oddziaływać znacząco na abiotyczną jak i biotyczną część środowiska. Nie bez znaczenia jest również wpływ LZO na organizmy żywe w tym na zdrowie ludzkie. Ponadto posiadają one zdolność do kumulowania się w organizmach żywych zwiększając ryzyko zachorowań. Niektóre z nich mogą również niekorzystnie oddziaływać na organizmy...
Remote Monitoring of Environmental Pollutants
PublicationAtmospheric air quality is one of the key factors influencing human health. Air quality evaluation is not an easy task as the atmosphere is a complex system subjected to continuous changes in time. Observed progress in the development of measurement devices and technologies is fundamental for acquisition of more reliable information about condition and quality of atmospheric air. Unfortunately, this process leads to an increase...
Evaluation of the Electronic Nose Used for Monitoring Environmental Pollution
PublicationAir pollution is a one of the major concern of civilized world, which has a significant impact on human health and the environment. Recent studies highlight that the exposure to polluted air can increase the incidence of diseases and deteriorate the quality of life. Hence, it is necessary to develop tools for real-time air quality monitoring. Electronic-nose systems based on sensors are an interesting and promising technology in...
Chapter 8 – Active Sampling of Air
PublicationThis chapter reviews the literature information on analytical techniques and laboratory equipment used for active sampling of air (atmospheric and indoor) in regular monitoring research. It describes popular analytical devices applied for sample collection using various types of polymeric bags, e.g. Tedlar bags, Teflon or Nafion bags, and/or stainless steel vacuum containers. It reviews literature data about the application of...
Wireless systems of threats monitoring
PublicationThe concept of wireless system of threats monitoring with self-organizing network of multipurpose data transfer nodes are presented. Two practical applications of this system are also presented. The first of these is the Global Wireless Monitoring System for Containers, and the second is the Mobile Monitoring System for Gas Air Pollution Measurements.
Wireless systems of threats monitoring
PublicationThe concept of wireless system of threats monitoring with self-organizing network of multipurpose data transfer nodes are presented. Two practical applications of this system are also presented. The first of these is the Global Wireless Monitoring System for Containers, and the second is the Mobile Monitoring System for Gas Air Pollution Measurements.
Wireless Systems of Threats Monitoring
PublicationConcept of wireless system of threats monitoring with self-organizing network of multipurpose data transfer nodes are presented. Two practical applications of this system are also presented. The first of these is the Global Wireless Monitoring System for Containers and the second is the Mobile Monitoring System for Gas Air Pollution Measurements.
Wireless Systems of Threats Monitoring
PublicationThe concept of wireless system of threats monitoring with self-organizing network of multipurpose data transfer nodes are presented. Two practical applications of this system are also presented. The first of these is the Global Wireless Monitoring System for Containers, and the second is the Mobile Monitoring System for Gas Air Pollution Measurements. Presented practical applications of the wireless threats monitoring system is...
Self-Organizing Wireless Nodes Monitoring Network
PublicationThe concept of data monitoring system and self-organizing network of multipurpose data transfer nodes are presented. Two practical applications of this system are also presented. The first of these is the wireless monitoring system for containers, and the second is the mobile monitoring system for gas air pollution measurements.
Monitoring of odour nuisance in the Tricity Agglomeration
PublicationThe paper describes a principle of operation of odour nuisance monitoring network, which is being designed in the Tricity Agglomeration. Moreover, it presents the preliminary results of an investigation on ambient air quality with respect to odour nuisance in a vicinity of the municipal landfill. The investigation was performed during spring-winter season using a prototype of electronic nose and the Nasal Ranger field olfactometers. The...