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Search results for: ANTI-DRONE SYSTEMS
On the influence of a surface roughness on propagation of anti-plane short-length localized waves in a medium with surface coating
PublicationWe discuss the propagation of localized surface waves in the framework of the linear Gurtin–Murdoch surface elasticity and taking into account a roughness of a free boundary. We derive a boundary-value problem for anti-plane motions with curvilinear boundary and surface stresses. Using the asymptotic technique developed earlier, we obtain the form of a localized wave and analyze its amplitude evolution. As the main result we present...
Annual Review of Control Robotics and Autonomous Systems
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Non-destructive inspection of anti-corrosion protective coatings using optical coherent tomography
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie optycznej tomografii koherentnej (OCT) do badania antykorozyjnych powłok ochronnych. Omówiono właściwości optycznej interferometrii niskokoherentnej jako zastosowanej metody pomiarowej, opisano budowę pomiarowego systemu OCT, zbudowanego w Katedrze Metrologii i Optoelektroniki WETI PG. Przy pomocy zrealizowanego systemu przebadano grupę powierzchni metalicznych pokrytych różnymi powłokami antykorozyjnymi....
Reactivity of recombinant B3 protein with specific anti-B. burgdorferi s.l. antibodies present in human sera
Open Research DataBiotechnologically produced B3 antigens from three genospecies of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. were assessed for their reactivity with specific anti-B. burgdorferi s.l. antibodies by IgG/IgM Western blot and IgG/IgM ELISA to determine their utility for serological diagnosis of Borrelia infection in human sera.
Reactivity of recombinant B1 protein with specific anti-B. burgdorferi s.l. antibodies present in human sera
Open Research DataBiotechnologically produced B1 antigens from three genospecies of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. were assessed for their reactivity with specific anti-B. burgdorferi s.l. antibodies by IgG/IgM Western blot and IgG/IgM ELISA to determine their utility for serological diagnosis of Borrelia infection in human sera.
Coumarins modulate the anti-glioma properties of temozolomide
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The potential anti-tumor activity of neoteric solvents
PublicationCiecze jonowe stały się obiektem zainteresowania naukowców. Znajdują one coraz to szersze zastosowanie. Dlatego też ważne jest określenie ich właściwości Eko-toksycznych. Aktywność anty-nowotworowa i cytotoksyczna cieczy jonowych stała się zatem ważnym aspektem badań. Artykuł podsumowuje najnowsze wyniki badań nad cytotoksycznością tych rozpuszczalników
Immunization with an anti-idiotypic antibody against the broadly lipopolysaccharide-reactive antibody WN1 222-5 induces Escherichia coli R3-core-type specific antibodies in rabbits
PublicationThe mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb) WN1 222-5 recognizes a carbohydrate epitope in the inner core region of LPS that is shared by all strains of Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica and is able to neutralize their endotoxic activity in vitro and in vivo. Immunization of mice with mAb WN1 222-5 yielded several anti-idiotypic mAbs one of which (mAb S81-19) competitively inhibited binding of mAb WN1 222-5 to E. coli and Salmonella...
Computational collective intelligence for enterprise information systems
PublicationCollective intelligence is most often understood as a kind of intelligence which arises on the basis of a group (collective) of autonomous unites (people, systems) which is taskoriented. There are two important aspects of an intelligent collective: The cooperation aspect and the competition aspect (Levy 1997). The first of them means the possibility for integrating the decisions made by the collective members for creating the decision of...
Rule-Based Model for Selecting Integration Technologies for Smart Cities Systems
PublicationThe aim of this article is to present the stages of development for an information technology integration model for the design of systems for smart cities. The Introduction explains the need for integration technologies and presents a model for selecting integration technologies and the conditions for its use in designing smart cities systems. Then two verification stages of the presented model are discussed. In the first stage,...
Assessment of the Anti-Inflammatory, Antibacterial and Anti-Aging Properties and Possible Use on the Skin of Hydrogels Containing Epilobium angustifolium L. Extracts
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Potential Application of Solar Energy Systems for Electrified Urban Transportation Systems
PublicationThe paper presents a novel approach toward the use of solar energy systems in public transportation. The concept of energy generation in PV systems for supplying a trolleybus transportation system is proposed for the city of Gdynia (Poland). The suggested way of energy production allows reducing the environmental harm impact of the municipal transportation system. Moreover, the proposed way of green energy use can be a more profitable...
Real-time Operating Systems - Seminar 2023/4
e-Learning CoursesPage to support seminar clases of Real-time Operating Systems
Periodic Solutions of Generalized Lagrangian Systems with Small Perturbations
PublicationIn this paper we study the generalized Lagrangian system with a small perturbation. We assume the main term in the system to have a maximum, but do not suppose any condition for perturbation term. Then we prove the existence of a periodic solution via Ekeland’s principle. Moreover, we prove a convergence theorem for periodic solutions of perturbed systems.
Database management systems - lecture 2024/2025
e-Learning CoursesKurs dedykowany do wykładów prowadzonych wspólnie dla przedmiotu Zarządzanie Systemami Baz Danych na kierunku Informatyka oraz Database management systems na kierunku inżynieria danych.
From Knowledge based Vision Systems to Cognitive Vision Systems: A Review
PublicationComputer vision research and applications have their origins in 1960s. Limitations in computational resources inherent of that time, among other reasons, caused research to move away from artificial intelligence and generic recognition goals to accomplish simple tasks for constrained scenarios. In the past decades, the development in machine learning techniques has contributed to noteworthy progress in vision systems. However,...
PublicationRecommender systems aim to propose potentially interesting items to a user based on his preferences or previous interaction with the system. In the last decade, researcher found out that known recommendation techniques are not sufficient to predict user decisions. It has been noticed that user preferences strongly depend on the context in which he currently is. This raises new challenges for the researchers such as how to obtain...
Context-Aware Indexing and Retrieval for Cognitive Systems Using SOEKS and DDNA
PublicationVisual content searching, browsing and retrieval tools have been a focus area of interest as they are required by systems from many different domains. Context-based, Content-Based, and Semantic-based are different approaches utilized for indexing/retrieving, but have their drawbacks when applied to systems that aim to mimic the human capabilities. Such systems, also known as Cognitive Systems, are still limited in terms of processing...
Perspectives of Transport Systems Development in the Light of Radio Communication Systems Evolution Towards 5G
PublicationIn the paper conditions of development and implementation of transport systems with reference to the development of radio communication networks towards 5G are presented. First, general properties of next generation systems are mentioned and their architecture. Moreover, planned characteristics of B4G and 5G systems are depicted which can significantly contribute to the promotion and development of transport systems. In particular...
Analysis of passenger car crash with a cable barrier installed with anti-glare screens on a horizontal convex road curve with 400 m radius
PublicationHigh-tension cable barriers have been used on roads for a relatively short period compared with other types of road barriers. Hence, there remains a need for further research on various crash scenarios. An important issue is the performance of a cable barrier on a road curve, particularly when a vehicle impacts the convex side of the barrier. To address this issue, the analysis in this study considers a system of anti-glare screens...
Editorial: Applied intelligence and knowledge based systems: approaches and case studies - part 2
PublicationWydanie Cybernetics and Systems poswiecone zagadnieniom zarzadzania wiedza.
Cognitive memory for intelligent systems of decision-making, based on human psychology
PublicationA model of memory, which allows to expand the functionality of autonomous decision-making systems for robotic and human-system-interface purposes, is discussed. The model provides functions and features which make the prospective robotic and interfacing systems more human-like as well as more efficient in solving interactive issues.
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Academy of Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine
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Expert Review of Anti-Infective Therapy
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Engineering and Management of Space Systems
PublicationDynamic development of the European space sector results in a necessity for suitable Higher Education Institution graduates. Current study programs of Aerospace Technology are focused on the field of mechanical engineering. Although engineering methods for design, construction and assembly of mechanical systems are covered, interdisciplinarity and life cycle aspects are not considered in a sufficient degree. Due to the increasing...
Corrigendum: Assessment of the anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-aging properties and possible use on the skin of hydrogels containing Epilobium angustifolium L. extracts
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Survey of Radio Navigation Systems
PublicationAt present, there is a growing demand for radio navigation systems, ranging from pedestrian navigation to consumer behavior analysis. These systems have been successfully used in many applications and have become very popular in recent years. In this paper we present a review of selected wireless positioning solutions operating in both indoor and outdoor environments. We describe different positioning techniques, methods, systems,...
Introduction to the special issue on intelligent systems to aid the handicapped.
PublicationWśród wielu zastosowań sztucznej inteligencji i technologii bazodanowych pojawiają się zastosowania wspierające osoby niepełnosprawne. Z chwilą pojawienia są każdej nowej technologii komputerowej świat naukowy proponuje zastosowania tej technologii do celu poprawy komunikacji z osobami niepełnosprawnymi bądź technologie wspierające te osoby bezpośrednio. Niniejsze wydanie specjalne czasopisma Journal of Intelligent Information...
Potential diagnostic utility of recombinant Toxoplasma gondii proteins for detecting anti-Toxoplasma gondii IgG antibodies in goat serum samples
Open Research DataToxoplasmosis is caused by an intracellular protozoan, Toxoplasma gondii, and is a parasitic disease that occurs in all warm-blooded animals, including humans. Toxoplasmosis is one of the most common parasitic diseases of animals and results in reproductive losses. Diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is currently based on serological assays using native antigens...
Potential diagnostic utility of recombinant Toxoplasma gondii proteins for detecting anti-Toxoplasma gondii IgG antibodies in feline serum samples
Open Research DataToxoplasmosis is caused by an intracellular protozoan, Toxoplasma gondii, and is a parasitic disease that occurs in all warm-blooded animals, including humans. Toxoplasmosis is one of the most common parasitic diseases of animals and results in reproductive losses. Diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is currently based on serological assays using native antigens...
Potential diagnostic utility of recombinant Toxoplasma gondii proteins for detecting anti-Toxoplasma gondii IgG antibodies in horses serum samples
Open Research DataToxoplasmosis is caused by an intracellular protozoan, Toxoplasma gondii, and is a parasitic disease that occurs in all warm-blooded animals, including humans. Toxoplasmosis is one of the most common parasitic diseases of animals and results in reproductive losses. Diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is currently based on serological assays using native antigens...
Geometric methods in dynamical systems modelling: electrical, mechanical and control systems
PublicationRozważono zagadnienia modelowania systemów dynamicznych z zastosowaniem metod geometrii różniczkowej. Równania dynamiczne otrzymano w postaci inkluzji różniczkowych. Przestrzenie konstytucyjne przyjęto w postaci subwiązek włóknistych. Rozważono przestrzenie konstytucyjne układów elektrycznych, układów mechanicznych i układów sterowania. Podstawowe wyniki pracy dotyczą struktury przestrzeni rozwiązań rozważanych systemów.
Effective anti-plane properties of piezoelectric fibrous composites
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The presence of anti-Yersinia pseudotuberculosis immunoglobulins in equine serum
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Dynamic Execution of Engineering Processes in Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems Toolchains
PublicationEngineering tools support the process of creating, operating, maintaining, and evolving systems throughout their lifecycle. Toolchains are sequences of tools that build on each others' output during this procedure. The complete chain of tools itself may not even be recognized by the humans who utilize them, people may just recognize the right tool being used at the right place in time. Modern engineering processes, however, do...
Developing Methods for Building Intelligent Systems of Information Resources Processing Using an Ontological Approach
PublicationThe problem of developing methods of information resource processing is investigated. A formal procedure description of processing text content is developed. A new ontological approach to the implementation of business processes is proposed. Consider that the aim of our work is to develop methods and tools for building intelligent systems of information resource processing, the core of knowledge bases of which are ontology’s, and...
Andrzej Czyżewski prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleProf. zw. dr hab. inż. Andrzej Czyżewski jest absolwentem Wydziału Elektroniki PG (studia magisterskie ukończył w 1982 r.). Pracę doktorską na temat związany z dźwiękiem cyfrowym obronił z wyróżnieniem na Wydziale Elektroniki PG w roku 1987. W 1992 r. przedstawił rozprawę habilitacyjną pt.: „Cyfrowe operacje na sygnałach fonicznych”. Jego kolokwium habilitacyjne zostało przyjęte jednomyślnie w czerwcu 1992 r. w Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej...
Multi agent grid systems
PublicationThis chapter presents an idea of merging grid and volunteer systemswith multi agent systems. It gives some basics concerning multi agentsystem and the most followed standard. Some deliberations concerningsuch an existing systems were made in order to finally present possibilities of introducing agents into the Comcute system.
Security and Anonymity in Agent Systems
PublicationMany agent systems have been developed and suggested for commercial application. However, in spite of the significant potential offered by the agent paradigm, the lack of such important properties as security, anonymity and untracebility especially in open dynamical environment, such as the Internet, has blocked the active implementation of agent technologies. Protecting agent systems poses a more demanding challenge comparing...
From the pills to environment – Prediction and tracking of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug concentrations in wastewater
PublicationThe extend of environment pollution by pharmaceuticals is in a stage that required more automatic and integrated solutions. The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are one of the most popular pharmaceutical in the world and emerging pollutants of natural waters. The aim of the paper was to check the correlation of the sales data of selected NSAIDs (ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac) and their concentration in the WWTP...
Journals -
Computer Controlled Systems lecture summer 2024-2025
e-Learning Coursesmateriały wspierające wykład na studiach II stopnia na kierunku ACR pod tytułem komputerowe systemy automatyki 1. Computer system – controlled plant interfacing technique; simple interfacing and with both side acknowledgement; ideas, algorithms, acknowledge passing. 2. Methods of acknowledgement passing: software checking and passing, using interrupt techniques, using readiness checking (ready – wait lines). The best solution...
2024/2025 Powertrain and Control Systems of Autonomous Vehicles
e-Learning CoursesPowertrain and Control Systems of Autonomous Vehicles In this class, you will learn the operating principles of key components in autonomous vehicles, including the powertrain, engine, and batteries. We will explore modeling and control techniques used in these systems, demonstrating the practical applications of the algorithms you have studied so far.
Combined Heat & Power Generating Systems
PublicationSteam cycles in combined heat and power plants. Efficiency of combined heat and power systems. Characteristics of steam-turbine CHP plants. Choice of equipment in CHP generating systems. Economic effects of combined heat and power production. Costs and energy produced CHP generating systems. Future development trends in CHP generating systems.
Identification of Continuous Systems - Practical Issues of Insensitivity to Perturbations
PublicationIn this paper the issue of continuous systems estimation, insensitive to certain perturbations, is discussed. Such an approach has rational advantages, especially when robust schemes are used to assist a target system responsible for industrial diagnostics. This requires that estimated model parameters are generated on-line, and their values are reliable and to a great extent accurate. Practical hints are suggested to challenge...
Investigation of tracking systems properties in CAVE-type virtual reality systems
PublicationIn recent years, many scientific and industrial centers in the world developed a virtual reality systems or laboratories. One of the most advanced solutions are Immersive 3D Visualization Lab (I3DVL), a CAVE-type (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) laboratory. It contains two CAVE-type installations: six-screen installation arranged in a form of a cube, and four-screen installation, a simplified version of the previous one. The...
Geographical Information Systems GIS (project) [2022/23]
e-Learning CoursesSubject: Geographical Information Systems GIS, Inter-faculty (field of study: Energy Technologies), undergraduate studies, full-time studies (semester 6) Teacher: dr inż. Andrzej Augusiak, doc. PG Abstract: The course aims to teach the practical implementation of a simple project in the field of GIS geographical information systems. As part of the project, the course participant will learn how to use the basic methods and tools...
A system automating repairs of IT systems
PublicationThis paper presents two problems that are important nowadays: the problem of IT systems monitoring and the problem of repairing them. It shows the developed solution, aimed to automate the existing industrial repair process and to integrate it with the existing monitoring solutions and mechanisms. Described solution is a part of a bigger whole, called the Repair Management Framework (RMF). This paper presents also briefly a case...
Non-regular, incomplete and singular dynamical systems: impasse points indynamical systems
PublicationRozważono nieregularne, niezupełne i osobliwe różniczkowe systemy dynamicznez zastosowaniem metod geometrii różniczkowej.