Search results for: SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELLS
Protonic Ceramic Fuel Cells as novel electrochemical devices
PublicationProton ceramic conductors are novel materials which are interesting from the application point of view. For example, Protonic Ceramic Fuel Cells (PCFCs) is a type of a solid oxide fuel cell, which uses proton ceramic conductors as an electrolyte. Scientists are looking for the most efficient materials for these devices. In recent years main focus has been put on the search for new proton and mixed proton-electron conductors which...
Status report on high temperature fuel cells in Poland – Recent advances and achievements
PublicationThe paper presents recent advances in Poland in the field of high temperature fuel cells. The achievements in the materials development, manufacturing of advanced cells, new fabrication techniques, modified electrodes and electrolytes and applications are presented. The work of the Polish teams active in the field of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) and molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) is presented and discussed. The review is oriented...
Femtosecond laser ablated trench array for improving performance of commercial solid oxide cell
PublicationThe performance of electrode-supported solid oxide cells (SOCs) is limited adversely by gas diffusion impedance in thick and porous support. This work focuses on the improvement of gas transport properties of commercial Ni-YSZ anode-supported SOFC by femtosecond laser-based micromachining where micro-holes of identical depth but different hole separations pitches with minimal heated affected zones were imposed. The polarization...
Oxidation kinetics and electrical properties of oxide scales formed under exposure to air and Ar–H2-H2O atmospheres on the Crofer 22 H ferritic steel for high-temperature applications such as interconnects in solid oxide cell stacks
PublicationA 100 h isothermal oxidation kinetics study for Crofer 22H was conducted in air and the Ar–H2-H2O gas mixture (p(H2)/p(H2O) = 94/6) in the range of 973–1123 K. The parabolic rate constant was independent of oxygen partial pressure in the range from 6.2 × 10−24 to 0.21 atm at 1023 and 1073 K, while at 973 and 1123 K it was higher in air than in Ar–H2-H2O. The scales consisted of Cr2O3 and manganese chromium spinel with an Mn:Cr...
Evaluating oxide nanoparticle exsolution on A-site deficient PrBaCo2O6-δ electrodes
PublicationNanoparticle exsolution is a powerful technique for functionalizing redox oxides in energy applications, particularly at high temperatures. It shows promise for solid oxide fuel cells and electrolyzers. However, exsolution of other chemistries like metal oxides is not well studied, and the mechanism is poorly understood. This work explores oxide exsolution in PrBa1−xCo2O6−δ (x = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15) double perovskites, practiced...
Utilization of molten salt synthesis route in ceramics production
PublicationThe molten salt synthesis method is widely used to prepare ceramic powders for various applications e.g. piezoelectric devices or electrolytes for solid oxide fuel cells. The usage of this method workdwide is quite common especially in piezoelectric powder synthesis. In this work several application of the method is presented and the advantages of this route are numbered.
The comparison of SrTi0.98Nb0.02O3–δ-CeO2 and SrTi0.98Nb0.02O3–δ-YSZ composites for use in SOFC anodes
PublicationComposites of Nb-doped strontium titanate mixed with yttria-stabilized zirconia or cerium oxide in 50:50, 70:30 and 85:15 weight ratios were evaluated as possible anode/electrolyte interface materials for solid oxide fuel cells in terms of chemical compatibility, electrical conductivity and mechanical properties. It has been shown that composite samples prepared by typical powder-mixing methods remain single-phase up to 1400°C....
MnCo2O4 deposited by spray pyrolysis as a protective layer for stainless steel interconects
PublicationStainless steel interconnects working in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells stacks are exposed to high temperature resulting in their corrosion. Protective layers for the hydrogen and oxygen sides are necessary to protect the interconnect material, prolongate the stack lifetime and maintain the output power. In this paper MnCo2O4 protective layer for the oxygen side of the interconnect is deposited by spray pyrolysis and is examined.
On the Possibility of Improving the Oxidation Resistance of High-Chromium Ferritic Stainless Steel Using Reactive Element Oxide Nanoparticles
PublicationHigh-chromium ferritic steels are current the only viable candidates for cheap interconnect materials for application in high-temperature solid oxide fuel and electrolyzer cells (HT-SOFCs/SOECs). The durability and operating characteristics of interconnects manufactured using these materials may be improved significantly by applying a protective-conducting MoCo2O4 coating and depositing an intermediate layer consisting of nanoparticles...
Kazimierz Darowicki prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleStudia wyższe ukończyłem w czerwcu 1981 roku po zdaniu egzaminu dyplomowego i obronie pracy magisterskiej. Opiekunem pracy magisterskiej był dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Szauer. W roku 1991, 27 listopada uzyskałem stopień naukowy broniąc pracę doktorską zatytułowaną „Symulacyjna i korelacyjna analiza widm immitancyjnych inhibitowanej reakcji elektrodowej”. Promotorem pracy był prof. dr hab. inż. Józef Kubicki (Wydział Chemiczny...
Donor-substituted SrTi1+xO3−δ anodes for SOFC
PublicationNonstoichiometric Nb-substituted SrTiO3 compounds were investigated in order to discuss the influence of nonstoichiometry at the sample properties in the light of recent results reported in the literature. Structural and electrical properties of samples were characterized. Investigated compounds were also applied as anodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and their reactivity with YSZ electrolyte was examined. The defect chemistry explaining...
Signature of Oxide-Ion Conduction in Alkaline-Earth-Metal-Doped Y3GaO6
PublicationWe have studied alkaline-earth-metal-doped Y3GaO6 as a new family of oxide-ion conductor. Solid solutions of Y3GaO6 and 2% −Ca2+-, −Sr2+-, and −Ba2+-doped Y3GaO6, i.e., Y(3−0.06)M0.06GaO6−δ (M = Ca2+, Sr2+, and Ba2+), were prepared via a conventional solid-state reaction route. X-ray Rietveld refined diffractograms of all the compositions showed the formation of an orthorhombic structure having the Cmc21 space group. Scanning electron...
Badania stabilności chemicznej kompozytowego elektrolitu 3-YSZ-Al2O3 w stosunku do materiałów elektrodowych do zastosowania w średniotemperaturowych ogniwach paliwowych
PublicationJednym z podstawowych wymogów stawianych mate- riałom na elektrolity do średniotemperaturowych ogniw paliwowych IT-SOFC (ang. intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells) jest ich kompatybilność chemiczna z elektrodami w temperaturach zarówno eksploatacji, jak i wytwarzania ogniw. W celu sprawdzenia, czy badany w pracy kompozytowy elektrolit o osnowie z częściowo stabilizowanego ditlenku cyrkonu i z wtrąceniami tlenku glinu...
Warstwy funkcjonalne tlenkowych ogniw paliwowych
PublicationIn this paper, results describing current research on solid oxide fuel cells conducted at Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics are presented. The results are related to three kinds of functional layers: a thin cathode layer between the porous cathode layer and the electrolyte to improve the cathode performance, a buffer layer between the electrolyte and the cathode to slow...
Structural and electrical transport properties of Pr-doped SrTi0.93Co0.07O3-δ a novel SOEC fuel electrode materials
PublicationSolid Oxide Electrolyzer Cells (SOECs) are very promising electrochemical devices for the production of syngas (H2/CO) by H2O and CO2 co-electrolysis. The structure, microstructure and electrical properties of the fuel electrode material play a crucial role in the performance of the whole cell and efficiency of electrocatalytic reduction of steam into hydrogen. In the present work, a novel Co and Pr co-doped SrTiO3-δ material attracted...
Nanokrystaliczne warstwy ceramiczne otrzymywane metodą pirolizy aerozolowej w tlenkowych ogniwach paliwowych
PublicationNiniejsza rozprawa doktorska dotyczy badań materiałów wytwarzanych w postaci cienkich, nanokrystalicznych warstw ceramicznych metodą pirolizy aerozolowej dla zastosowań w tlenkowych ogniwach paliwowych (SOFC). Badane są trzy możliwe obszary zastosowań wytwarzanych warstw tj. osadzanie powłok ochronnych na stalowych interkonektorach dostarczających gazy do elektrody tlenowej, wytwarzanie bariery ochronnej zapobiegającej dyfuzji...
PublicationINTRODUCTION Solid oxide fuel cells are one of the fastest developing energy converters. The advancement introduced by research community provides steady state progress is stability and performance of the fuel cells. Significant influence on the cell’s performance and stability is related to cell design. The simplest design just consists of an anode, a solid electrolyte and a cathode. However, in order to improve the properties,...
Interaction of SrTi0.65Fe0.35O3-δ with LaNi0.6Fe0.4O3-δ, La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ and Ce0.8Gd0.2O2-δ
PublicationIron doped strontium titanates SrTi1-xFexO3-δ are perovskites of versatile properties. They can be used in solid oxide fuel cells or high temperature oxygen sensors. Their reactivity with electrolyte materials, cathode buffer layer materials, other cathode materials or current collector layers has not been fully tested. In this study we use X-ray diffraction to check SrTi0.65Fe0.35O3-δ compatibility with Ce0.8Gd0.2O2-δ (used as...
The Influence of Iron Doping on Performance of SrTi1-XFexO3-δ Perovskite Oxygen Electrode for SOFC
PublicationSolid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) are based on electrolytes and mixed ionic and electronic conductivity (MIEC) materials. The need to reduce costs causes an increase in interest of new compounds suitable for operating temperatures between 600 °C and 800 °C. The SrTi1-xFexO3 (STF) perovskite material is a perspective material that could be used for the oxygen electrodes. In this work STF materials with different content of iron (x =...
Forming Ni-Fe and Co-Fe Bimetallic Structures on SrTiO3-Based SOFC Anode Candidates
PublicationThe aim of this work was to verify the possibility of forming Ni-Fe and Co-Fe alloys via topotactic ion exchange exsolution in Fe-infiltrated (La,Sr,Ce)0.9(Ni,Ti)O3-δ or (La,Sr,Ce)0.9(Co,Ti)O3-δ ceramics. For this purpose, samples were synthesized using the Pechini method and then infiltrated with an iron nitrate solution. The reduction process in dry H2 forced the topotactic ion exchange exsolution, leading to the formation of...
Mn-Co spinel coatings on Crofer 22 APU by electrophoretic deposition: Up scaling, performance in SOFC stack at 850 °C and compositional modifications
PublicationCeramic coatings for metallic interconnects play a key role in limiting corrosion and chromium evaporation in solid oxide cells. This study presents the upscaling of the electrophoretic deposition (EPD) technique to process Mn-Co spinels on real-dimension Crofer 22 APU interconnects and the test in a SOFC stack. Area specific resistance of long-term test conducted for 5000 h at 850 °C demonstrated that two-steps sintering has a...
Preparation and characterisation of iron substituted Mn1.7Cu1.3-xFexO4 spinel oxides (x = 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5)
PublicationSpinel oxides with the general formula Mn1.7Cu1.3-xFexO4 (x= 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5) were prepared and evaluated in this work for their properties at high temperatures. The effect of partially substituting Cu by Fe has not been studied so far for this group of materials and is thus evaluated in this work. Mn1.7Cu1.3-xFexO4 powders were synthesised by a soft chemistry process and studied in terms of crystallographic phase analysis, electrical...
SrCe0.9In0.1O3-δ-based reversible symmetrical Protonic Ceramic Cell
PublicationIn-doped SrCe0.9In0.1O3-δ (SCI) perovskite-type oxide is utilized as the solid electrolyte, as well as a component, together with SrFe0.75Mo0.25O3-δ (SFM) compound, in the composite-type electrodes to construct symmetrical Protonic Ceramic Fuel Cells (PCFC). With good mutual stability of SCI and SFM at high temperatures in water vapor-containing reducing and oxidizing conditions, as well as sufficient ionic conductivity with high...
High temperature oxidation behavior of SUS430 SOFC interconnects with Mn-Co spinel coating in air
PublicationIn this study, SUS430 alloy is evaluated for its high temperature corrosion properties as a possible material for interconnects of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). Samples are coated with Mn-Co by commercial physical vapor deposition (PVD) process and oxidized in air for 1250 h at 800 °C. A dense cubic Mn-Co-Fe spinel layer is formed on the surface, showing great effect on corrosion reduction compared with the samples without coating....
PublicationTlenkowe ogniwa paliwowe (z ang. Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, SOFCs) zasilane paliwami innymi niż czysty wodór podlegają procesom szybszego niszczenia i utraty zdolności do generowania prądu. Głównymi przyczynami takiego zachowania jest osadzanie się węgla na powierzchni anody oraz zatruwanie materiałów ceramicznych śladowymi ilościami siarki, fosforu lub chloru w paliwach węglowodorowych. W niniejszej pracy dokonano przeglądu przez...
Sustainable energy system combined biogas-feedSolid Oxide Fuel Cell and Microalgae technology
PublicationIn the new frontier of energy and environmental safety, new efficient and clean safe energy conversion systems are required. In this sense, the present work is framed within the context of Circular Economy and proposes a multidisciplinary study for the development of more efficient, economically viable and non-polluting energy conversion systems, based on the synergetic combination of different technologies: fuel cells, biofuels,...
Materials for energy storage and conversion devices 2022/2023
e-Learning CoursesElectrodes: Metals as electrodes in aqueous and non-aqueous systems, metal nanoparticles. Collectors current. 3D, 2D, 1 D carbons, carbon nanomaterials. Organic semiconductors "Synthetic metals" - p-type, n-type. Inorganic semiconductors: oxides, selenides, sulfides, others. Intercalated electrodes. Mixed conductors (MIEC). Photo-active semiconductor materials. Electrolytes. Water electrolytes in commercial products. Electroactive...
Performance of a single layer fuel cell based on a mixed proton-electron conducting composite
PublicationMany of the challenges in solid oxide fuel cell technology stem from chemical and mechanical incompatibilities between the anode, cathode and electrolyte materials. Numerous attempts have been made to identify compatible materials. Here, these challenges are circumvented by the introduction of a working single layer fuel cell, fabricated from a composite of proton conducting BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.2O3-δ and a mixture of semiconducting...
CeO2/La2O3/MWCNTs as an efficient nano-electrocatalyst for use in the anode of alcohol fuel cells
PublicationOne of the most important challenges in commercializing Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells (DAFCs) is the significant expense of advanced catalysts used in their anodes and cathodes and the CO poisoning of these catalysts with alcohol oxidation by-products. Alcohols oxidation reaction occurred in the anode of DAFCs. Within this study, a tripartite catalyst, comprising cerium oxide (CeO2) and lanthanum oxide (La2O3) integrated with multi-walled...
Three-component NiO/Fe3O4/rGO nanostructure as an electrode material towards supercapacitor and alcohol electrooxidation
PublicationA nanocomposite made of nickel oxide and iron oxide (NiO/Fe3O4) and its hybrid with reduced graphene oxide (rGO) as a conductive substrate with a highly functional surface (NiO/Fe3O4/rGO) was synthesized using a simple hydrothermal approach. This study addresses the challenge of developing efficient materials for energy storage and alcohol fuel cells. After confirming the synthesis through structural analysis, the potential of...
Materiały dla jednowarstwowych ogniw paliwowych
PublicationA composite material, which may be further applied as a single layer fuel cell, was synthesizes using solid state synthesis method. Composite consisted of two components. The first was a nanoeramic proton conductor - calcium doped lanthanum niobate. The second one was a nanoceramic semiconductor oxide composed of lithium, nickel and zinc oxides respectively.
High temperature corrosion resistance of porous hastelloy alloy
PublicationTo further understand the suitability of Ni-Cr-base alloy for solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC), a commercial Ni-Cr-Fe-Mo alloy, Hastelloy X was selected and evaluated for oxidation behaviour under high temperature conditions. HastelloyX was chosen due to its unusual resistance to oxidizing, reducing and neutral atmospheres. For long term stability of metal supported fuel cell, the corrosion resistance plays a vital role and must be...
Corrosion Study of Ceria Protective Layer Deposited by Spray Pyrolysis on Steel Interconnects
PublicationSingle fuel cells and electrolysis cells are assembled into stacks using interconnects in order to increase power and gas production capacity. The most common choice for the interconnect material is stainless steel. It has good electrical and mechanical properties and is also cost effective. One of the problems when using steel is the formation of a thermally grown oxide scale during use which has a lower electrical conductivity...
Structural and Transportation Properties of Strontium Titanate Composites with Ion Conductive Oxides
PublicationThis paper has been written based on the author’s doctoral dissertation “Structural and transportation properties of strontium and titanate composites with ion conductive oxides”, prepared under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Hab. Eng. Bogusław Kusz at the Department of Solid State Physics of Gdańsk University of Technology. It reports the idea of the thesis and conclusions from the study. Niobium doped strontium titanate (Sr(Ti,Nb)O3)...
The electrical properties mesurements of SOFC with Ce0.8Co0.15Cu0.05O2-s functional layer
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the electrical properties mesurements of SOFC with Ce0.8Co0.15Cu0.05O2-s layer. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods (microemulsion method) and applied in form of a layer onto the anode of the commercial SOFC. The SOFC was working under biogas feeding at 750oC. The layers were sintered at 1100oC.
The electrical properties mesurements of SOFC with Ce0.9Co0.1O2-s functional layer
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the electrical properties mesurements of SOFC with Ce0.9Co0.1O2-s layer. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods (microemulsion method) and applied in form of a layer onto the anode of the commercial SOFC. The SOFC was working under biogas feeding at 750oC. The layers were sintered at 1100oC.
The electrical properties mesurements of SOFC with Ce0.8Co0.1Cu0.1O2-s functional layer
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the electrical properties mesurements of SOFC with Ce0.8Co0.1Cu0.1O2-s layer. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods (microemulsion method) and applied in form of a layer onto the anode of the commercial SOFC. The SOFC was working under biogas feeding at 750oC. The layers were sintered at 1100oC.
The electrical properties mesurements of SOFC with Ce0.9Cu0.1O2-s functional layer
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the electrical properties mesurements of SOFC with Ce0.9Cu0.1O2-s layer. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods (microemulsion method) and applied in form of a layer onto the anode of the commercial SOFC. The SOFC was working under biogas feeding at 750oC. The layers were sintered at 1100oC.
Ceria Based Protective Coatings for Steel Interconnects Prepared by Spray Pyrolysis
PublicationStainless steels can be used in solid oxide fuel/electrolysis stacks as interconnects. For successful long term operation they require protective coatings, that lower the corrosion rate and block chemical reactions between the interconnect and adjacent layers of the oxygen or the hydrogen electrode. One of the promising coating materials for the hydrogen side is ceria. Using standard sintering techniques, ceria sinters at around...
Ionic conductivity behavior by activated hopping conductivity (AHC) of barium aluminoborosilicate glass–ceramic system designed for SOFC sealing
PublicationNon-conducting BaO-B2O3-Al2O3-SiO2 parent glasses designed for solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) sealing applications were prepared using the melt-quenching technique. The glass formation region was determined according to phase equilibrium relations and was found to be in the composition range 70BaO-(x)Al2O3-(10−x)B2O3-20SiO2 where 3.0 < x < 6.0 wt%. The conductivity values obtained conductivity ranged from 10−5 to 10−10 S/cm at temperatures...
Wykorzystanie fourierowskiej spektroskopii w podczerwieni do badania stężenia gazów wylotowych z tlenkowego ogniwa paliwowego zasilanego biogazem
PublicationW dzisiejszych czasach bardzo ważne jest pozyskiwanie energii ze źródeł odnawialnych i bezpiecznych dla środowiska. Jedną z obiecujących technologii są tlenkowe ogniwa paliwowe (ang. Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, SOFC). Stanowią one bezpieczną i ekologiczną alternatywę dla energii uzyskanej z paliw kopalnych. SOFC charakteryzuje się sprawnością energetyczną na poziomie 45-60 %, podczas gdy sprawność klasycznych elektrowni cieplnych nie...
Structure and electrical properties of Y, Fe-based perovskite mixed conducting composites fabricated by a modified polymer precursor method
PublicationIn this work, samples of Y0.07Sr0.93Ti1-xFexO3-d with 20, 40, 60 and 80 mol% of iron amount were prepared by a low-temperature polymer precursor method. The SEM-EDS analysis proved that analyzed Y0.07Sr0.93Ti1-xFexO3-d samples were composites of two Ti- and Fe-rich perovskite samples. This kind of composite consists of two phases in which one has a good ionic and the other electronic conductivity, which makes such a composite a...
Water uptake kinetics and electrical transport in BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1M0.1O3−δ (M = Tb, Pr, Fe) protonic conductors
PublicationBaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1M0.1O3−d (M = Fe, Pr, Tb) is a mixed conducting oxide in which three mobile charge carriers – oxygen ion, electron/hole, and protonic defects – are present. These types of materials have gained much interest as electrode materials for protonic ceramic fuel cells (PCFCs) and protonic ceramic electrolysis cells (PCECs). In this study, the water uptake and oxygen transport properties of different BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1M0.1O3−d...
PublicationT his study is dedicated to investigations of the working process in a dual-fuel low-emission combustion chamber for a floating vessel’s gas turbine. As the object of the research, a low-emission gas turbine combustion chamber with partial premixing of fuel and air inside the outer and inner radial-axial swirls was chosen. The method of the research is based on the numerical solution of the system of differential...
X-Ray Computer Tomography Study of Degradation of the Zircaloy-2 Tubes Oxidized at High Temperatures
PublicationThe investigations of high-temperature oxidation of zirconium alloys, applied for fuel pellets in nuclear power plants, are usually limited to oxidation kinetics, phase transformations and microstructural characterization. The purpose of this research was to characterize the degradation phenomena occurring within oxide layer and at the interface oxide/metal, on internal and external Zircaloy-2 tube...
Oxidation kinetics of Zircaloy-4 alloy at 673 K determined by GDOES technique
PublicationOxidation of zirconium alloys is a process that takes place during the operation of nuclear reactors and is essential for assessing the durability of fuel claddings. The present study was aimed to determine the oxidation kinetics of the Zircaloy-4 alloy using GDOES (glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy) at temperature 673 K corresponding to the conditions of use of fuel pellets. The tests were performed on non-oxidized...
Glass-ceramic sealants and steel interconnects: accelerated interfacial stability and reactivity tests at high temperature
PublicationHigh-temperature reactions between glass-ceramic sealants and Fe-Cr alloy interconnects may lead to the formation of undesirable phases, and consequently degradation of solid oxide fuel/electrolyser devices. In this work, three different glass-ceramic sealants (Na-containing, Ba-containing, Sr-containing compositions) and Fe22Cr stainless steel powders (raw and pre-oxidised) are considered in order to test their chemical reactivity...
Cement kiln dust
PublicationThe volume of cement production in the world has remained at the level of approxi mately 4.1 billion tons/year. The cement production process is energy intensive and is the world’s leading emitter of carbon dioxide. Therefore, the main activities cement plants are aimed at introducing technologies changes in production of clinkier.The construction industry is responsible for the majority of CO2 emissions to the atmosphere: the...
Performance and emission characteristics of diesel engines running on gaseous fuels in dual-fuel mode
PublicationConventional fossil fuels are being substituted with alternative green fuels because of their greenhouse gas emissions and pollution problems, which pose a severe threat to the environment. Several studies have reported the usage of biodiesel and gaseous fuels in both single and dual-fuel modes. Gaseous fuels such as producer gas, biogas, syngas, and hydrogen produced from renewable biomass could potentially be used along with...
Novel Structures and Applications of Graphene-Based Semiconductor Photocatalysts: Faceted Particles, Photonic Crystals, Antimicrobial and Magnetic Properties
PublicationGraphene, graphene oxide, reduced graphene oxide and their composites with various compounds/materials have high potential for substantial impact as cheap photocatalysts, which is essential to meet the demands of global activity, offering the advantage of utilizing “green” solar energy. Accordingly, graphene-based materials might help to reduce reliance on fossil fuel supplies and facile remediation routes to achieve clean environment...