Search results for: ON-LINE ALGORITHM
Model organizacji ruchu na sieci kolejowej z uwzględnieniem rekuperacji energii
PublicationNa wstępie przeanalizowano aktualny stan wiedzy z zakresu metod wykorzystywania energii z rekuperacji oraz istniejących modeli optymalizujących ich efektywność. Na tej podstawie za główny cel pracy wyznaczono opracowanie metody modyfikacji kolejowego rozkładu jazdy, która doprowadzi do zwiększenia efektywności wykorzystania energii pochodzącej z rekuperacji. W związku z powyższym postawiono tezę, że możliwe jest zwiększenie efektywności...
PublicationŚwiatowa literatura dostarcza przykładów wskazujących na aktualność tematyki związanej z wykorzystaniem elementów sztucznej inteligencji w zastosowaniach morskich. Komisja Europejska finansuje projekty mające na celu poprawę konkurencyjności przemysłu okrętowego. W rozprawie podjęto tematykę związaną ze wspomaganiem projektowania podsystemów elektroenergetycznych statków. W rozprawie udowodniono przyjętą na wstępie tezę pracy:...
Reduced-Cost Microwave Design Closure by Multi-Resolution EM Simulations and Knowledge-Based Model Management
PublicationParameter adjustment through numerical optimization has become a commonplace of contemporary microwave engineering. Although circuit theory methods are ubiquitous in the development of microwave components, the initial designs obtained with such tools have to be further tuned to improve the system performance. This is particularly pertinent to miniaturized structures, where the cross-coupling effects cannot be adequately accounted...
Research of electric drive systems with real time software configurable control
PublicationПредмет исследования. Представлен учебно-лабораторный стенд для исследования систем управления элек- троприводами. Стенд используется для обучения студентов системам управления электроприводами и предна- значен для повышения эффективности усвоения материала. Метод. В основу предлагаемого решения положен метод взаимного нагружения электрических машин, питаемых от силовых преобразователей с общим звеном постоянного тока. Это позволяет...
The short-term flicker severity level measured in the industrial power system supplying the rolling mill motors
Open Research DataThe dataset presents a short-term flicker severity level measured on the bus bars of the main switchgear of the industrial power network for the supply of rolling mills. The data were obtained during an experiment whose purpose was to determine a level of short-term and long-term flicker caused by voltage fluctuations. In the virtual application of...
Fluctuation-enhanced sensing of organic solvent vapors mixture by machine learning
Open Research DataThe data set consists of exemplary results of the product of voltage noise power spectral density S(f) multiplied by frequency f and normalized to squared DC voltage U^2 recorded in the graphene back-gated Field Effect Transistor under UV light assistance (275 nm) in the selected ambient atmospheres (Figure 3) and the results of gas detection by SVM...
3D Path-Following with Articulated 6DoF Robot and ToF Sensors - Control Software and Experimental Data
Open Research Data=== SET DESCRIPTION===3D Path-Following with Articulated 6DoF Robot and ToF Sensors - Control Software and Experimental Data
Malignant lymphoma, large B-cell, diffuse, centroblastic, NOS - Female, 72 - Tissue image [9300729527457751]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of LYMPH NODES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Malignant lymphoma, large B-cell, diffuse, centroblastic, NOS - Female, 72 - Tissue image [9300729527452191]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of LYMPH NODES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Malignant lymphoma, large B-cell, diffuse, centroblastic, NOS - Female, 72 - Tissue image [9300729527453631]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of LYMPH NODES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Malignant lymphoma, large B-cell, diffuse, centroblastic, NOS - Female, 84 - Tissue image [9300729527456421]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of LYMPH NODES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Malignant lymphoma, large B-cell, diffuse, centroblastic, NOS - Female, 84 - Tissue image [9300729527459551]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of LYMPH NODES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Malignant lymphoma, large B-cell, diffuse, centroblastic, NOS - Female, 84 - Tissue image [9300729527451601]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of LYMPH NODES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Determining the optimal filling of the surface with a linker with Universal Force Field and Reax Force Field
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the atomic slabs of diamond surfaces with ATP molecules in water. The calculated data includes different sized surfaces from 90 Angstrom^2 to 691 Angstrom^2. Structures were relaxed using the Reax Force Field method with the Limited Memory Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno algorithm. Structures were calculated with a convergence...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2006
Open Research DataThe product level is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1C that is result of processing the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream based on ancillary information like sensing geometry and calibration data. Then converted into geophysical variables: top-of-the atmosphere (TOA) albedo or brightness temperature. Additionally, information like geolocation has been added. Other...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2007
Open Research DataThe product level is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1C that is result of processing the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream based on ancillary information like sensing geometry and calibration data. Then converted into geophysical variables: top-of-the atmosphere (TOA) albedo or brightness temperature. Additionally, information like geolocation has been added. Other...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2012
Open Research DataThe product level is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1C that is result of processing the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream based on ancillary information like sensing geometry and calibration data. Then converted into geophysical variables: top-of-the atmosphere (TOA) albedo or brightness temperature. Additionally, information like geolocation has been added. Other...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2008
Open Research DataThe product level is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1C that is result of processing the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream based on ancillary information like sensing geometry and calibration data. Then converted into geophysical variables: top-of-the atmosphere (TOA) albedo or brightness temperature. Additionally, information like geolocation has been added. Other...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2009
Open Research DataThe product level is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1C that is result of processing the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream based on ancillary information like sensing geometry and calibration data. Then converted into geophysical variables: top-of-the atmosphere (TOA) albedo or brightness temperature. Additionally, information like geolocation has been added. Other...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2011
Open Research DataThe product level is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1C that is result of processing the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream based on ancillary information like sensing geometry and calibration data. Then converted into geophysical variables: top-of-the atmosphere (TOA) albedo or brightness temperature. Additionally, information like geolocation has been added. Other...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2010
Open Research DataThe product level is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1C that is result of processing the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream based on ancillary information like sensing geometry and calibration data. Then converted into geophysical variables: top-of-the atmosphere (TOA) albedo or brightness temperature. Additionally, information like geolocation has been added. Other...
Heart rate PPG signals with acceleration captured at wrist during small and moderate body movements
Open Research DataHeart rate PPG signals with acceleration captured at wrist during small and moderate body movements
Images of apples for the use of the Viola-Jones method. Data set no. 1 - multicolor.
Open Research DataThe database contains pictures of apples made at different angles, from different sides and containing different varieties. In this way, two bases of apple images were created (each database contains over 1,100 images). This set is data set no. 1 - multicolor: processed images in multicolor. The photos were prepared for the best possible detection process...
3D Path-Following with Articulated 6DoF Robot and ToF Sensors - Video Data Set
Open Research Data=== SET DESCRIPTION===3D Path-Following with Articulated 6DoF Robot and ToF Sensors - Video Data Set
Chemical investigation of the Al2O3 ultra-thin films
Open Research DataUltra-thin layers of oluminum oxide (Al2O3) were deposited by ALD method. Atomic layer deposition provides precise thickness control down to a single atomic layer. The precursors used were trimethylaluminum (Sigma-Aldrich) and purified water. The deposition of the atomic layer was carried out at 200 °C. Samples with a thickness of 2 and 8 nm of alumina...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2001
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data derived from recordings of the AVHRR/3 radiometer operating on board the NOAA POES (Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites) Series - 5th Generation Satellites covering the Baltic Sea area. The satellite data was recorded in the years 2000-2012 directly by the HRPT station installed at the University of Gdańsk. The registration...
Sea surface temperature in the Baltic Sea derived from Landsat 8 satellite data - path 191
Open Research DataThe data set contains high resolution sea surface temperature (SST) maps estimated from Landsat 8 Level 1 Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) data using NLSST algorithm. SST was calculated only for granules (185 x 180 km) from satellite path number 191, that covered at least 2000 km2 of the cloud-free area of the Baltic Sea.
Sea surface temperature in the Baltic Sea derived from Landsat 8 satellite data - path 190
Open Research DataThe data set contains high resolution sea surface temperature (SST) maps estimated from Landsat 8 Level 1 Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) data using NLSST algorithm. SST was calculated only for granules (185 x 180 km) from satellite path number 190, that covered at least 2000 km2 of the cloud-free area of the Baltic Sea.
Sea surface temperature in the Baltic Sea derived from Landsat 8 satellite data - path 194
Open Research DataThe data set contains high resolution sea surface temperature (SST) maps estimated from Landsat 8 Level 1 Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) data using NLSST algorithm. SST was calculated only for granules (185 x 180 km) from satellite path number 194, that covered at least 2000 km2 of the cloud-free area of the Baltic Sea.
Sea surface temperature in the Baltic Sea derived from Landsat 8 satellite data - path 192
Open Research DataThe data set contains high resolution sea surface temperature (SST) maps estimated from Landsat 8 Level 1 Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) data using NLSST algorithm. SST was calculated only for granules (185 x 180 km) from satellite path number 192, that covered at least 2000 km2 of the cloud-free area of the Baltic Sea.
Sea surface temperature in the Baltic Sea derived from Landsat 8 satellite data - path 193
Open Research DataThe data set contains high resolution sea surface temperature (SST) maps estimated from Landsat 8 Level 1 Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) data using NLSST algorithm. SST was calculated only for granules (185 x 180 km) from satellite path number 193, that covered at least 2000 km2 of the cloud-free area of the Baltic Sea.
Database of the estimations of the numbers of simplices of triangulation of some classical Lie groups
Open Research DataIt is know that any smooth manifold can be triangulated. The number of simplices of triangulation of a given manifold depends on its topological and combinatorial structure. The data consists of the lower bounds for the numbers of simplices of each dimension of any triangulation of classical Lie groups U(n), SU(n), Sp(n), and SO(n) for n up to 25. Each...
Depth profile of the composition of 8 nm Al2O3 thin film
Open Research Data8 nm layer of aluminum oxide (Al2O3) was deposited by ALD method on a s. Atomic layer deposition provides precise thickness control down to a single atomic layer. The precursors used were trimethylaluminum (Sigma-Aldrich) and purified water. The deposition of the atomic layer was carried out at 200 °C. To investigate the profile of concenration of...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2003
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data derived from recordings of the AVHRR/3 radiometer operating on board the NOAA POES (Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites) Series - 5th Generation Satellites covering the Baltic Sea area. The satellite data was recorded in the years 2000-2012 directly by the HRPT station installed at the University of Gdańsk. The registration...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2005
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data derived from recordings of the AVHRR/3 radiometer operating on board the NOAA POES (Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites) Series - 5th Generation Satellites covering the Baltic Sea area. The satellite data was recorded in the years 2000-2012 directly by the HRPT station installed at the University of Gdańsk. The registration...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2002
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data derived from recordings of the AVHRR/3 radiometer operating on board the NOAA POES (Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites) Series - 5th Generation Satellites covering the Baltic Sea area. The satellite data was recorded in the years 2000-2012 directly by the HRPT station installed at the University of Gdańsk. The registration...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2004
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data derived from recordings of the AVHRR/3 radiometer operating on board the NOAA POES (Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites) Series - 5th Generation Satellites covering the Baltic Sea area. The satellite data was recorded in the years 2000-2012 directly by the HRPT station installed at the University of Gdańsk. The registration...
Database of the minimal sets of Lefschetz periods for Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms of a connected sum of g real projective planes.
Open Research DataMorse–Smale diffeomorphisms, structurally stable and having relatively simple dynamics, constitute an important subclass of diffeomorphisms that were carefully studied during past decades. For a given Morse–Smale diffeomorphism one can consider “Minimal set of Lefschetz periods”, which provides the information about the set of periodic points of considered...
The database of odd algebraic periods for quasi-unipotent self-maps of a space having the same homology group as the connected sum of g tori
Open Research DataThe dataset consists of 20 files indexed by numbers g=1,...,20. Each file provides sets of odd algebraic periods for all quasi-unipotent self-maps of a space having the same homology groups as the connected sum of g tori. Let us remark that each data set covers all algebraical restrictions that come from zeta functions for the sets of minimal Lefschetz...
An facile Fortran-95 algorithm to simulate complex instabilities in three-dimensional hyperbolic systems
Open Research DataIt is well know that the simulation of fractional systems is a difficult task from all points of view. In particular, the computer implementation of numerical algorithms to simulate fractional systems of partial differential equations in three dimensions is a hard task which has no been solved satisfactorily. Here, we provide a Fortran-95 code to solve...
Data obtained by numerical simulation for X-ray focusing using a finite difference method
Open Research DataThe propagation of X-ray waves through an optical system consisting of many X-ray refractive lenses is considered. For solving the problem for an electromagnetic wave, a finite-difference method is applied.
Malignant lymphoma, large B-cell, diffuse, centroblastic, NOS - Female, 72 - Tissue image [9300729527452791]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of LYMPH NODES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Malignant lymphoma, large B-cell, diffuse, centroblastic, NOS - Female, 72 - Tissue image [9300729527456391]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of LYMPH NODES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Malignant lymphoma, large B-cell, diffuse, centroblastic, NOS - Female, 72 - Tissue image [9300729527455891]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of LYMPH NODES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
SoundShape - Headphone Transfer Function database
Open Research DataThis publication introduces the SoundShape database, which contains closed-ear headphone transfer functions (HpTF) for fifteen headphone models. Several models included in this database are also found in other well-known databases, such as Virtuoso and Binaural Decoders. However, for some models found in the literature, HpTF filters were unavailable,...
XPS analysis of TBBO glass
Open Research DataGlasses and glass-ceramics with nominal composition 73 TeO2– 4BaO– 3Bi2O3–18SrF2-2RE2O3 (where RE = Eu, Dy) have been synthesized by conventional melt-quenching technique and subsequent heat treatment at 370 °C for 24 h in air atmosphere. Various Eu3+ to Dy3+ molar ratio have been applied to investigate luminescence properties in both glass and glass-ceramic...
Chemical composition of tellurium oxides thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering method
Open Research DataThin films were prepared by radio frequency reactive magnetron sputtering technique. Metallic Te target was sputtered for about 45 min in argon-oxygen atmosphere what resulted in 300 nm film thickness deposition. The pressure in the chamber was below 0.2 Pa and substrate was heated at 200 °C. The distance between sputtered target and the Corning 1737...
Malignant lymphoma, large B-cell, diffuse, centroblastic, NOS - Female, 72 - Tissue image [3300730069435441]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of LYMPH NODES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Malignant lymphoma, large B-cell, diffuse, centroblastic, NOS - Female, 72 - Tissue image [9300729527454701]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of LYMPH NODES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Malignant lymphoma, large B-cell, diffuse, centroblastic, NOS - Female, 72 - Tissue image [9300729527454361]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of LYMPH NODES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.