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Search results for: space engineering

  • Dielectric Spectroscopy Studies and Modelling of Piezoelectric Properties of Multiferroic Ceramics


    - Applied Sciences-Basel - Year 2023

    Compounds and solid solutions of bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3)—barium titanate (BaTiO3) system are of great scientific and engineering interest as multiferroic and potential high-temperature lead-free piezoelectric materials. In the present paper, the results of research on the synthesis and characterisation of 0.67Bi1.02FeO3–0.33BaTiO3 (67BFBT) ceramics in terms of crystal structure and dielectric and piezoelectric properties are reported....

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  • Andrzej Chybicki dr inż.

    A graduate of the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics at the Gdańsk University of Technology, PhD in technical sciences in the field of IT specializing in distributed data processing in IT . Aimed at exploiting the achievements and knowledge in the field of industrial research. He cooperated with a number of companies including OpeGieka Elbląg, Reson Inc., Powel Sp. z o. o., Wasat, Better Solutions, the European...

  • An application of blended and collaborative learning in spatial planning course


    Spatial Planning is a master course for graduate students of Environmental Engineering. The course is based on assumptions that students’ future work will be connected with spatial planning, and spatial issues will have an influence on their everyday lives. To familiarize students with environmental issues in planning, the teams of students get an assignment to design an urban space, waterfront along a stream. The whole project...

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  • Reduced-Cost Microwave Design Closure by Multi-Resolution EM Simulations and Knowledge-Based Model Management

    Parameter adjustment through numerical optimization has become a commonplace of contemporary microwave engineering. Although circuit theory methods are ubiquitous in the development of microwave components, the initial designs obtained with such tools have to be further tuned to improve the system performance. This is particularly pertinent to miniaturized structures, where the cross-coupling effects cannot be adequately accounted...

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  • Urban Design I. Urban Composition fall 2022_23

    e-Learning Courses
    • G. Rembarz
    • B. Bou Kalfouni

    The course is aimed at students of the 3rd semester of engineering studies in the field of Architecture. It is an introductory course to Urban Design. Students learn the basic concepts and principles related to town planning, urban design and urban composition. Students learn the methods of analyzing urban space and the basic principles of design during theoretical and practical classes, designing an urban composition for a specific...

  • Urban Design I. Urban Composition fall 2024/25

    e-Learning Courses
    • G. Rembarz

    The course is aimed at students of the 3rd semester of engineering studies in the field of Architecture. It is an introductory course to Urban Design. Students learn the basic concepts and principles related to town planning, urban design and urban composition. Students learn the methods of analyzing urban space and the basic principles of design during theoretical and practical classes, designing an urban composition for a specific...

  • Urban Design I. Urban Composition fall 2023_24

    e-Learning Courses
    • G. Rembarz
    • B. Bou Kalfouni

    The course is aimed at students of the 3rd semester of engineering studies in the field of Architecture. It is an introductory course to Urban Design. Students learn the basic concepts and principles related to town planning, urban design and urban composition. Students learn the methods of analyzing urban space and the basic principles of design during theoretical and practical classes, designing an urban composition for a specific...

  • Hanna Obracht-Prondzyńska dr inż. arch.


    Hanna Obracht-Prondzyńska, PhD MArch, Eng. Assistant Professor at the University of Gdańsk, Department of Spatial Management, academic teacher of urban design and spatial data analyses. Architect and urban planner experienced in data driven urban design and planning. She defended her PhD with distinction in engineering and technical sciences in the discipline of architecture and urban planning in 2020 at the Faculty of Architecture...

  • Arsalan Muhammad Soomar Doctoral Student


    Hi, I'm Arsalan Muhammad Soomar, an Electrical Engineer. I received my Master's and Bachelor's Degree in the field of Electrical Engineering from Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.  Currently enrolled as a Doctoral student at the Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland. Also worked in Yellowlite. INC, Ohio  as a Solar Design Engineer.   HEADLINE Currently Enrolled as a Doctoral...

  • Optimization of river network representation data models for web-based systems


    - Earth and Space Science - Year 2017

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  • Human friendly architectural design for a small Martian base



    W artykule przedstawiono architektoniczny projekt przyjaznej człowiekowi bazy marsjańskiej. Stworzony on został na podstawie analizy warunków na Marsie, dostępnych obecnie technologii i problemów socjopsychologicznych w izolowanych habitatach w warunkach ekstremalnych, a także w odniesieniu do Marsjańskiej Misji Wzorcowej opracowanej przez NASA. Autorzy szczególną uwagę poświęcili czynnikowi ludzkiemu, który nie może zostać zaniedbany...

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  • Low-cost solutions for Martian base

    • J. Kozicka


    Załogowe misje na Marsa planuje się na 2025-30 r. Wg programu DRM NASA misja trwać ma 2,5 roku, a załoga zamieszka w 2 metalowych ciasnych modułach. Jak wykazują badania socjopsychologów taka misja zakończy się niepowodzeniem. Duża i komfortowa baza wpłynie na zminimalizowanie wielu źródeł stresu. Współczesne technologie i obecny stan wiedzy o Marsie pozwalają na zaprojektowanie i wykonanie bazy marsjańskiej jako przyjaznego człowiekowi...

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  • The possibility of estimating the height of the ionospheric inhomogeneities based on TEC variations maps obtained from dense GPS network



    A state of the ionosphere can be effectively studied using electromagnetic signals received from global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). Utilization of the dual frequency observations allows estimating values of the total electron content (TEC). They can be used for a number of scientific studies such as detection and monitoring of traveling ionospheric disturbances or plasma bubbles. Moreover, maps of TEC variations allow...

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  • Intercomparison of TEC obtained from the IRI model to the one derived from GPS measurements



    IRI (International Reference Ionosphere) is a well-known standard of the ionosphere, but nowadays GPS permanent observations are also the base of the regional and global ionosphere models. In this paper, comparison of TEC (Total Electron Content) derived from the IRI model to the global TEC parameters derived from GPS measurements is presented. Global TEC maps show, that GPS derived ionosphere models, in opposition to the IRI,...

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  • Activities of the Astro-geodetic Observatory in Jozefoslaw in the frame of IGS and EUREF



    The Astrogeodetic Observatory of the Institute of Geodesy and Geodetic Astronomy of the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) in Jozefoslaw was incorporated in 1957. In 1991 it joined the International GPS Service (IGS) and started to operate as a permanent in 1993. Since then the following permanent services have been maintained: GPS observations using Trimble and Turbo Rogue receivers, tidal gravimetric observations with LaCoste&Romberg...

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  • Analysis of free‐air anomalies on the seaway of the Gulf of Gdańsk. A case study

    In this paper, we present an attempt to determine the accuracy of shipborne gravimetry for the needs of geoid determination. The shipborne gravity campaign, described in this article, is the beginning of a series of gravimetry measurements in the Polish Exclusive Economy Zone. The campaign was conducted in the area where the accuracy of geoid determination is crucial for the safety of navigation on numerous intersecting ships routes....

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  • Udział społeczeństwa w procedurze planowania przestrzennego – analiza metod i technik konsultacji społecznych na przykładzie polskich małych i średnich miast w ramach projektu POWER


    - Space-Society-Economy - Year 2023

    Udział społeczeństwa w procesie opracowywania aktów planowania przestrzennego w Polsce ma charakter informacyjny, a nie dialogiczny, co przyczynia się do jego konfliktogenności. W latach 2016–2021 zrealizowano ogólnokrajowy projekt POWER dofinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej, którego celem było przetestowanie angażujących metod i technik konsultacji społecznych, zwiększenie poziomu współdecydowania i poprawa metod...

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  • Multi-instrument analysis of L-band amplitude scintillation observed over the Eastern Arabian Peninsula

    • A. M. Darya
    • M. M. Shaikh
    • G. Nykiel
    • E. Ghamry
    • I. Fernini


    The study of scintillation-causing ionospheric irregularities is important to mitigate their effects on satellite communications. It is also important due to the spatial and temporal variability of these irregularities, given that their characteristics differ from one region to another. This study investigates the spatial and temporal characteristics of L1 amplitude scintillation-causing ionospheric irregularities over the Eastern...

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  • Can architecture be 11-dimensional? The nature of space in the architecture of the digital world era

    This research aims to explore the development of architectural theories about ‘architectural dimensions’ and look at architecture as a multidimensional space. It is important to understand that with today's development of virtual reality technology and through the combination of theories of physics and architecture, a new possibility of creating space has emerged. The arguments are made through inductive reasoning and grounded...

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  • Ionosphere variability I: Advances in observational, monitoring and detection capabilities

    • I. Tsagouri
    • A. Belehaki
    • D. R. Themens
    • N. Jakowski
    • T. Fuller-Rowell
    • M. M. Hoque
    • G. Nykiel
    • W. J. Miloch
    • C. Borries
    • A. Morozova... and 3 others


    The paper aims to review recent advances regarding the observational and monitoring capabilities of the ionization conditions in the Earth's upper atmosphere. The analysis spans both ground and space-based experiments, seeking for new installations and/or missions, new or upgraded instrumentation and/or observational network establishments as means for advancing current understanding and prediction ability of the ionosphere variability....

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  • Ionosphere variability II: Advances in theory and modeling

    • I. Tsagouri
    • D. R. Themens
    • A. Belehaki
    • J. Shim
    • M. M. Hoque
    • G. Nykiel
    • C. Borries
    • A. Morozova
    • T. Barata
    • W. J. Miloch


    This paper aims to provide an overview on recent advances in ionospheric modeling capabilities, with the emphasis in the efforts relevant to electron density variability. The discussion spans a wide range of model formulations (e.g., from purely empirical to physics-based ones and data-driven approaches) seeking for advances or gaps with regard to present challenges. This discussion is further supported by consideration of the...

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  • Accuracy and coverage of the modernized Polish Maritime differential GPS system

    • C. Specht


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  • Comparative analysis of positioning accuracy of GNSS receivers of Samsung Galaxy smartphones in marine dynamic measurements

    • C. Specht
    • P. Dabrowski
    • J. Pawelski
    • M. Specht
    • T. Szot
    • P. Dąbrowski
    • C. Specht


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    This paper discusses the results of a study of the quality of space in hospital buildings in the context of solutions facilitat- ing the orientation of patients in the space of the Outpatient Clinic, in the clinic building complex of the National Institute of Oncology in Gliwice (NIO). By combining qualitative research methods with a syntactic description of the space, the aim was to record the experiences of users and define objective...

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    19-11-2020 09:00 - 19-11-2020 15:15

    Konferencja poświęcona jest omówieniu stanu badań i zastosowań sztucznej inteligencji AI z wykorzystaniem technologii satelitarnych

  • Fast multi-objective design optimization of microwave and antenna structures using data-driven surrogates and domain segmentation

    Purpose Strategies and algorithms for expedited design optimization of microwave and antenna structures in multi-objective setup are investigated. Design/methodology/approach Formulation of the multi-objective design problem oriented towards execution of the population-based metaheuristic algorithm within the segmented search space is investigated. Described algorithmic framework exploit variable fidelity modeling, physics- and...

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  • Marcin Jasiukowicz mgr inż.


    Tinkerer obsessed with space 🚀

  • 2022_Elective Design II_S_Hudnik_K_Zyczkowska_There is no Planet B

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Życzkowska

    There is no Planet B The studio will use practical interventions to explore how climate change is affecting transformations in urban / non-urban space in Gdansk. Through the identification of problems and the importance of reading the consequences in space and architecture, students will learn about the method of opening a critical public debate. Through a variety of topics and actions – micro interventions, they will record their...

  • Planning the City Against Barriers. Enhancing the Role of Public Spaces


    Contemporary cities are being fragmented by growing number of technical barriers like roads, railways, infrastructural objects, that generate variety of problems of different nature. The aim of the research is to present the issues connected with such barriers in the city and the ways of solving them. Main problems are e.g.: the destruction of the complexity of urban fabric, functional disadvantages, environmental and landscape...

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  • ELECTIVE PROJECT II _sem 5_Green Story - Free Time Space

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Życzkowska

    The topic of the course - Green Story - Free Time Space, joins green architecture and a place to spend free time - inside and outside – to read, to eat, to relax. The idea is to design green – to give back the greenery to the public square – to make a city space more friendly for users and more friendly to the environment.  You can design a story, to make a space more attractive. You can design a Green Story, to make people more...

  • Art Workshop III

    e-Learning Courses
    • E. Urwanowicz

    The influence of light on form and space. Drawing and painting studies of light and shadow based on the observation of a single object and interior (or architectural space) are a pretext to show the variability of light and its influence on the perception of form, color, space and building a mood. An important element of the task is to express the value and color differences within the same matter depending on the type of light,...

  • New Materiality-towards ‘Media Environments

    Article presents media solutions providing new materiality of architectural spaces. Media solutions in architecture evolve in new forms. Articlepresentsboth the developmentof new technological solutionsas well as new ways of application of media solutions in relation toarchitectural form. The aim of the article is to show technical aspects of new materiality - intelligent materials, allowing transmission of changeable visual content...

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  • Scalability of surrogate-assisted multi-objective optimization of antenna structures exploiting variable-fidelity electromagnetic simulation models

    Multi-objective optimization of antenna structures is a challenging task due to high-computational cost of evaluating the design objectives as well as large number of adjustable parameters. Design speedup can be achieved by means of surrogate-based optimization techniques. In particular, a combination of variable-fidelity electromagnetic (EM) simulations, design space reduction techniques, response surface approximation (RSA) models,...

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  • Contemporary architecture within the context of architectural education

    Analysed in this article are the diploma projects of students of architecture in European countries. The aim was to examine how students approach an important issue related to sustainable development, i.e. the integration of newly designed architecture into the existing historical, cultural and natural context. The rational use and protection of the environment requires the skilful shaping of urbanised space. Many changes in the...

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  • Shape and force control of cable structures with minimal actuators and actuation


    - International Journal of Space Structures - Year 2021

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  • The significance of the underground experience: Selection of reference design cases from the underground public transport stations and interchanges of the European Union


    Abstract Background Recent research into the way public transport users appreciate stations and interchanges has highlighted several key aspects. Importantly, the optimization of these facilities should not simply aim to resolve dissatisfiers, but should also focus on addressing satisfiers, through the incorporation of factors such as comfort and experience. ‘Soft requirements,’ which have emerged in architecture and urban design,...

  • Shape and force control of cable structures with minimal actuators and actuation


    - International Journal of Space Structures - Year 2021

    Shape adjustment and stress control can be considered as one of the effective parameters in prestressed cable structures since such structures are widely constructed nowadays due to their characteristics. The assembly errors and applied loads hugely affect the cables’ nodal positions and stress due to their delicacy. The former could disturb the shape, which affects the appearance and the function of the structure. In contrast,...

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  • Fawad Ahmed PhD Scholar


    I am Ph.D. Scholar in Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Gdansk University of Technology, Poland. My research focuses on improving the thermal management of batteries that are used in Electric Vehicles.  I received my MS in Thermal Energy Engineering from the National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan. My MS thesis was related to the application of thermal energy storage systems for space heating. I tried to improve...

  • Variable-fidelity CFD models and co-Kriging for expedited multi-objective aerodynamic design optimization



    Purpose – Strategies for accelerated multi-objective optimization of aerodynamic surfaces are investigated, including the possibility of exploiting surrogate modeling techniques for computational fluid dynamic (CFD)-driven design speedup of such surfaces. The purpose of this paper is to reduce the overall optimization time. Design/methodology/approach – An algorithmic framework is described that is composed of: a search space reduction,...

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  • City walk: a didactic innovative experiment in architectural education

    Walking is an activity that involves studying physical space and requires careful observation to be immersed in the surrounding reality. City walks are popular ways of encountering an urban space, spatial relation, its history, and recognising the problems and needs of space users, as well as future development of the city. City walks also may be educationally p owerful: the exploration of certain...

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  • Elżbieta Marczak dr inż. arch.

      Elżbieta Marczak (Architect, Phd) –  Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Architecture, Gdańsk University of Technology, Department of Urban Architecture and Waterscapes (since 1997). Studies at the Faculty of Architecture GUT graduated in 1995. Degree of Doctor obtained in 2006 presenting dissertation The ship’s architecture against the background of the maritime transport development. Her research and publications focus on...

  • Strategies for computationally feasible multi-objective simulation-driven design of compact RF/microwave components

    Multi-objective optimization is indispensable when possible trade-offs between various (and usually conflicting) design objectives are to be found. Identification of such design alternatives becomes very challenging when performance evaluation of the structure/system at hand is computationally expensive. Compact RF and microwave components are representative examples of such a situation: due to highly compressed layouts and considerable...

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  • How to teach architecture? – Remarks on the edge of Polish transformation processes after 1989


    The political changes in Poland after 1989 have resulted in a whole range of dynamic processes including the transformation of space. Until that time the established institutional framework for spatial, urban and architectural planning policy was based on uniform provisions of the so-called planned economy. The same applied to the training of architects, which was based on a unified profile of education provided at the state’s...

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  • e-Learning Courses
    • A. Gębczyńska-Janowicz
    • K. Zielińska-Dąbkowska
    • J. Szczepański
    • P. Czyż
    • M. Podwojewska

    Contemporary Theories in Architecture and Perception of Space Thursdays 14.15-16.00 on-line 1. 01.12.2022 Characteristics of Architecture of Public Buildings 2. 08.12.2022 Light for Public Buildings 3. 15.12.2022 The issues of contemporary architectural theories from the late nineteenth century to the present December 22, 2022 - classes according to Friday's schedule4. 05.01.2023 The issues of contemporary architectural...

  • Sociology of Space

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Dymnicka

    The course is aimed at discussing the significance of the city as a topic of sociological analysis. During the seminar students will discuss the relation between sociology, architecture and space. Moreover, the debate will touch on the field of culture and its role in (re)creating and (re)constructing space. Discussions will also be related to the aspect of interactions in time and space. Contemporary dilemmas and challenges in...

  • City and Urbanity in the Social Discourse

    The aim of our article is an attempt to present the concept of urbanity that has been shaped throughout centuries along with the development of European civilisation and now entered a new phase of social production of space based on cultural dimensions. The future of the majority of World’s population is connected currently with the urban life with the assumption that qualitative characteristics of life in the 21st century define...

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  • Art Workshop III

    e-Learning Courses
    • Ł. Ławrynowicz
    • E. Urwanowicz
    • P. Sasin
    • K. Wróblewski

    Exploring the influence of light on form and space. Developing the ability to synthesise on the basis of analysis of phenomena and forms observed in nature. To become familiar with the basic elements of the sculpture workshop. Examples of issues: contrast of light and shadow; drawing study of light based on observation of a single object, light in interiors and architectural space; painting, sculpture: bust - interpretation;...

  • DC-link voltage balancing in cascaded H-Bridge converters

    In the paper a DC-link voltage balancing strategy for multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge (CHB) converter is proposed. Presented solution bases on optimal choice of active vector durations in Space-Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SV-PWM). It makes it possible to DC-link voltages control and to properly generate the output voltage vector in the case of DC-link voltage unbalance. Results of simulation and experimental researches...

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  • Błażej Prusak dr hab.

    Błażej Prusak is Head of the Department of Finance at the Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology and Editor-in-Chief of the journal Research on Enterprise in Modern Economy - theory and practice (REME), as well as a member of editorial boards of such journals as Intellectual Economics; Space. Economics. Society; Academy of Management. He is the author or co-author of several scientific monographs including:...

  • Justyna Szostak dr inż.

    I Gdańsk University of Technology: Chair of the Rector’s Internationalization Committee (October 2020 - Present) Erasmus + Coordinator for students and staff members, Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics (Mar 2017 - Present) Dean's Proxy for Internationalization, Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics (October 2020 - Present) Coordinator of the International Relations Office of the Faculty of Applied Physics and...