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Search results for: first ply failure
A novel one-variable first-order shear deformation theory for biaxial buckling of a size-dependent plate based on Eringen’s nonlocal differential law
PublicationPurpose – This paper aims to present a new one-variable first-order shear deformation theory (OVFSDT) using nonlocal elasticity concepts for buckling of graphene sheets. Design/methodology/approach – The FSDT had errors in its assumptions owing to the assumption of constant shear stress distribution along the thickness of the plate, even though by using the shear correction factor (SCF), it has been slightly corrected, the errors...
Comparative analysis of mechanical conditions in bone union following first metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis with varied locking plate positions: A finite element analysis
PublicationFirst metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis is a typical medical treatment performed in cases of arthritis or joint deformity. The gold standard for this procedure is arthrodesis stabilisation with the dorsally positioned plate. However, according to the authors’ previous studies, medially positioned plate provides greater bending stiffness. It is worth to compare the mechanical conditions for bone formation in the fracture callus...
The impedance method of monitoring the degradation of rubber linings in applications where progressive deterioration is the predominant failure mechanism
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Hydraulic Conditions of Flood Wave Propagation in the Valley of the Narew River after the Siemianówka Dam Overtopping Failure
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono prognozę propagacji fali powodziowej w dolinie rzeki Narwi wywołanej potencjalną przelaniem się wody przez koronę zapory Siemianówka. Do modelowania hydrodynamiki przepływu powodziowego wykorzystano model jednowymiarowy w formie równań de Saint-Venanta. Opisano również mechanizm powstawania rozmycia w ziemnej zaporze zbiornika i przedstawiono model tworzenia się wyrwy w korpusie zapory. Wykonane obliczenia...
Tonic chemoreflex activation contributes to the elevated muscle sympathetic nerve activity in patients with chronic renal failure
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Acute Hormonal and Inflammatory Responses following Lower and Upper Body Resistance Exercises Performed to Volitional Failure
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Energy-based fatigue failure characteristics of materials under random bending loading in elastic-plastic range
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Modelling of reinforced concrete beams under mixed shear-tension failure with different continuous FE approaches
PublicationW artykule omówiono wyniki modelowania numerycznego MES zachowania się wysokich belek żelbetowych podczas zniszczenia mieszanego ścinanie-rozciąganie. Obliczenia wykonano stosując różne modele dla betonu rozszerzone o długość charakterystyczną mikrostruktury w oparciu o teorie nielokalna. Otrzymano dobrą zgodność z wynikami doświadczalnymi.
Comparison of continuous and discontinuous constitutive models to simulate concrete behaviour under mixed mode failure conditions
PublicationW artykule porównano modele MES ciągłe i nieciągłe do symulacji zachowania betonu w warunkach mieszanego zniszczenia. W ramach modeli ciągłych zastosowano modele sprężysto-plastyczne oraz modele z redukcją sztywności sprężystej i nielokalnym osłabieniem. W ramach modeli nieciągłych zastosowano XFEM. Przedmiotem obliczeń były strefy lokalizacji i rysy w warunkach mieszanego zniszczenia wg testu doświadczalnego Nooru-Mohameda.
Finite element analysis on failure of reinforced concrete corner in sewage tank under opening bending moment
PublicationW artykule omówiono mechanizm uszkodzenia żelbetowego zbiornika ściekowego w narożniku ściany, który uległ uszkodzeniu podczas próby wypełnienia na skutek nadmiernych przemieszczeń poziomych ścian pod wpływem otwierającego momentu zginającego. Aby wyjaśnić przyczyny awarii, przeprowadzono kompleksowe obliczenia metodą elementów skończonych (MES) żelbetowego zbiornika w warunkach odkształcenia płaskiego. Beton zamodelowano za pomocą...
First deep eutectic solvent-based (DES) stationary phase for gas chromatography and future perspectives for DES application in separation techniques
PublicationThe paper presents the first application of deep eutectic solvents (DES) as stationary phases for gas chromatography. DES obtained by mixing tetrabutylammonium chloride (TBAC) as a hydrogen bond acceptor (HBA) with heptadecanoic acid being a hydrogen bond donor (HBD) in a mole ratio of HBA:HBD equal to 1:2 was characterized by its ability to separate volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The Rohrschneider – McReynolds constants determined...
Electronic transition dipole moment functions of the first singlet Sigma gerade plus state of the Lithium dimer
Open Research DataElectronic transition dipole moment functions (ETDMF) of the first singlet Sigma gerade plus (1sSg+) state have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. ETDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. The results of the five ETDMFs have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference...
Electronic transition dipole moment functions of the first triplet Sigma ungerade plus state of the Lithium dimer
Open Research DataElectronic transition dipole moment functions (ETDMF) of the first triplet Sigma ungerade plus (1tSu+) state have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. ETDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. The results of the five ETDMFs have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference...
Color prediction from first principle quantum chemistry computations: a case of alizarin dissolved in methanol
PublicationThe electronic spectrum of alizarin (AZ) in methanol solution was measured and used as reference data for color prediction. The visible part of the spectrum was modelled by different DFT functionals within the TD-DFT framework. The results of a broad range of functionals applied for theoretical spectrum prediction were compared against experimental data by a direct color comparison. The tristimulus model of color expressed in terms...
Double-Layer Agar (DLA) Modifications for the First Step of the Phage-Antibiotic Synergy (PAS) Identification
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First-order magnetic transition in single-crystalline CaFe2As2 detected by 75As nuclear magnetic resonance
PublicationPrzedstawione są wyniki badań jądrowego rezonansu magnetycznego na 75As dla kryształów CaFe2As2. Wyniki wskazują, że strukturalne i magnetyczne przejścia w CaFe2As2 są silnie skorelowane i są pierwszego rodzaju.
House dust as a source of analytical information on concentration of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) - first approach
PublicationPolybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), which are best recognized as flame retardants, were in 2001, by virtue of Stockholm Convention, listed in a group of Persistent Organic Compounds (POPs). Increasing concentration levels of PBDEs, reported in human tissues (e.g., blood, serum, breast milk, etc.) haverecently caught worldwide concern due to their potential tendency to disrupt thyroid hormones, neurobehavioral deficits and endocrine...
Isolation and molecular characterization of Fowl adenovirus strains in Black grouse: First reported case in Poland
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First Diagnostic Questionnaire for Assessing Patients’ Social Functioning: Comprehensive DDX3X Syndrome Patient Profile
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Generalized solution of mixed problems for first order partial differential equations with state dependent delays
PublicationW pracy zostało udowodnione twierdzenie o istnieniu i jednoznaczności rozwiązań dla zagadnień początkowo-brzegowych z cząstkowym równaniem różniczkowo-funkcyjnym z opóźnionym argumentem zależnym od funkcji niewiadomej. Użyto metody bicharakterystyk. Jednoznaczność rozwiązań wykazano metodą porównawczą, istnienie - metodą ciągów przybliżeń.
First Evidence of Rhombic (NaCl)2-. Ab Initio Reexamination of the Sodium Chloride Dimer Anion
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Modelling of First- and Second-order Chemical Reactions on ARUZ – Massively-parallel FPGA-based Machine
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Prevalence of human pathogens of the clade Nakaseomyces in a culture collection—the first report on Candida bracarensis in Poland
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Novel psychopathological picture during the COVID-19 pandemic based on a first episode of psychotic depression.
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First Report of the Global SYMPLICITY Registry on the Effect of Renal Artery Denervation in Patients With Uncontrolled Hypertension
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Experimental immunology First report of cylindrospermopsin effect on human peripheral blood lymphocytes proliferation in vitro
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Tri(mesityloxy)silanethiol - The First Structurally CharacterizedOrganoxysilanethiol (Contributions to the Chemistry of Silicon-SulfurCompounds. 77 [1])
PublicationTri(mezytyloksy)silanotiol (TMST) wyizolowano jako jedyny produkt reakcji pomiędzy disiarczkiem krzemu a 2,4,6-trimetylofenolem. TMSTkrystalizuje w układzie trójskośnym. Dobra jakość kryształów pozwoliła na udokładnienie grupy SH bez narzuconych więzów. Długość wiązania S-H określono na 1,29(4) ang., a kąt Si-S-H na 95,4(17) deg. Cząsteczki TMST nie tworzą wiązań wodorowych w kryształach.
The Conference Report of Why R? Turkey 2022: The First R Conference with Call For Papers in Turkey
PublicationWhy R? Turkey 2022 was a non-profit conference that aimed to bring Turkish R users together and encourage them to attend the R conferences. The targeted audience of the conference consisted of, data scientists, data analysts, and all R users from academia and industry. The three-day conference, which consisted of several events such as workshops, regular talks, lightning talks, short tutorials, and panels, was free of charge and...
Computer aided registration of current pulses in polyethylene insulation during the first stage of electrical treeing.
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono aplikację w programie Labview do automatycznej rejestracji impulsów prądowych zjawisku drzewienia elektrycznego w izolacji polietylenowej.
The TEMPUS PROGRAM - Computational Geometry for Ships i.e. our first step towards the European Union.
PublicationPraca prezentuje genezę, zakres merytoryczny i realizację europejskiego programu TEMPUS pt. "Geometria Komputerowa dla Statków" zorganizowanego i przeprowadzonego na Wydz. OiO PG w latach 1993-95. Projekt miał charakter dydaktyczny i oferował zaawansowany kurs nowoczesnej metodologii modelowania geometrycznego i analizy hydrodynamicznej kształtu kadłuba okrętu dla studentów wydziału i młodych inżynierów polskiego przemysłu okrętowego....
Electro-mechanical shear buckling of piezoelectric nanoplate using modified couple stress theory based on simplified first order shear deformation theory
PublicationThis paper studies the electro-mechanical shear buckling analysis of piezoelectric nanoplate using modified couple stress theory with various boundary conditions.In order to be taken electric effects into account, an external electric voltage is applied on the piezoelectric nanoplate. The simplified first order shear deformation theory (S-FSDT) has been employed and the governing differential equations have been obtained using...
Rationale and design of Mind-HF: randomized trial of the original Mindfulness-Based Heart Training for patients with heart failure
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Long-term effects of device-guided slow breathing in stable heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction
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Vitamin D serum levels in multiorgan failure critically ill patients undergoing continuous renal replacement therapies
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Metallurgical characterization and high-temperature tensile failure of Inconel 617 alloy welded by GTAW and SMAW—a comparative study
PublicationTwo types of the weld joint of Inconel 617 alloy were produced using gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) and shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) processes with ERNiCrCoMo-1 filler metal and ENiCrCoMo-1 electrode, respectively. The weld metal showed the segregation of the principle alloying elements like Mo and Cr along the inter-dendritic spaces, triggering the formation of secondary phases. The microstructure characterization of the...
Non-wage factors for choosing the first job
Open Research DataThe creation of an effective remuneration system depends on a number of factors. However, some components are relatively versatile and commonly used. Therefore, employees report fairly standard expectations, which are then verified by employers. Mutual expectations are also the subject of many analyzes and scientific studies.
First highly effective non-catalytic nitrobenzene reduction in UV/dithionite system with aniline production – Advanced reduction process (ARP) approach
PublicationAdvanced reduction processes (ARPs) are currently intensively investigated as an alternative to Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs). The study presents efficient reduction of nitrobenzene under non-catalytic conditions through reaction with free radicals having reductive potential. Effective conversion of nitrobenzene in a model wastewater solution, was obtained for sodium dithionite (SDT)/ dithionite (DTN). The developed process...
Displacements of bones during bending test of first metatarsophalangeal joint after arthrodesis with medially or dorsally positioned locking plate and lag screw.
Open Research DataThe Dataset contains the values of displacements of bone control points during the bending test of first metatarsophalangeal (MTP1) joint specimens after arthrodesis.
ECG measurement from the hand with first elbow rests on the armrest, second elbow in the air - Man 30 age
Open Research DataThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with first elbow rests on the armrest, second elbow in the air - Woman 24 age
Open Research DataThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with first elbow rests on the armrest, second elbow in the air - Woman 30 age
Open Research DataThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with first elbow rests on the armrest, second elbow in the air - Man 53 age
Open Research DataThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with first elbow rests on the armrest, second elbow in the air - Woman 49 age
Open Research DataThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with first elbow rests on the armrest, second elbow in the air - Woman 27 age
Open Research DataThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with first elbow rests on the armrest, second elbow in the air - Man 29 age
Open Research DataThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
Insulin-like growth factor type 2 is better than insulin-like growth factor type 1 a survival marker in patients after acute decompensation of heart failure
PublicationIntroduction:A decreased IGF-1 has been found in heart failure (HF). There are no reports assessing IGF-2 in HF, although in vitro study has shown, that IGF-2 stimulates cardiomyocyte proliferation more than IGF-1. The study aim was to compare the IGF-1 and IGF-2 concentration depending on HF exacerbation and annual survival.Material and methods:Among 75 patients hospitalized...
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Cardiac Failure Review
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The effect of a polyharmonic structure of the perturbation signal on the results of harmonic analysis of the current of a first-order electrode reaction
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Renal Regulation of Potassium Homeostasis in Calves in the First Week of Life Including the Role of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide