Search results for: HYPERBOLIC SYSTEM
Comparative Analysis of Two Polish Hyperbolic Systems AEGIR and JEMIOLUSZKA
PublicationGlobal Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is seen by terrorists or hostile countries as a high value target. Volpe Center report contains the following statement: “During the course of its development for military use and more recent extension to many civilian uses, vulnerabilities of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) – in the United States the Global Positioning System (GPS) – have become apparent. The vulnerabilities...
Caratheodory solutions to quasi-linear hyperbolic systems of partial differential equations with state dependent delays
PublicationW pracy udowodniono twierdzenie o istnieniu i jednoznaczności rozwiązań oraz o ich ciągłej zależności od warunków początkowych dla układów równań różniczkowych cząstkowych z opóźnionym argumentem, zależnym od funkcji niewiadomej. Posłużono się metodą bicharakterystyk a istnienia dowiedziono stosując twierdzenie Banacha o punkcie stałym.
Ground-based, Hyperbolic Radiolocation System with Spread Spectrum Signal - AEGIR
PublicationThe most popular radiolocation systems in the world (at present), is the American GPS (Global Positioning System). It is managed by the Department of Defense and there is always the possibility of the occasional inaccuracies or deliberate introduction of errors that prevent its use by the special services or armies of other countries than the U.S.A. This situation has spawned the need to develop an autonomous, ground-based radiolocation...
An facile Fortran-95 algorithm to simulate complex instabilities in three-dimensional hyperbolic systems
Open Research DataIt is well know that the simulation of fractional systems is a difficult task from all points of view. In particular, the computer implementation of numerical algorithms to simulate fractional systems of partial differential equations in three dimensions is a hard task which has no been solved satisfactorily. Here, we provide a Fortran-95 code to solve...
Hyperbolic Asynchronous Method of a Radio Navigation Technique
PublicationHumans have always wanted to determine position in an unknown environment. At the beginning methods were simple. They were based on the observation of characteristic points, in the case of shipping additional observations of the coastline. Then came navigation based on astronomical methods (astronavigation). At the beginning of the XX-century a new way of determining the current location was developed. It has used radiowave signals....
Significant Production of Thermal Energy in Partially Ionized Hyperbolic Tangent Material Based on Ternary Hybrid Nanomaterials
PublicationNanoparticles are frequently used to enhance the thermal performance of numerous materials. This study has many practical applications for activities that have to minimize losses of energy due to several impacts. This study investigates the inclusion of ternary hybrid nanoparticles in a partially ionized hyperbolic tangent liquid passed over a stretched melting surface. The fluid motion equation is presented by considering the...
A new hyperbolic-polynomial higher-order elasticity theory for mechanics of thick FGM beams with imperfection in the material composition
PublicationA drawback to the material composition of thick functionally graded materials (FGM) beams is checked out in this research in conjunction with a novel hyperbolic‐polynomial higher‐order elasticity beam theory (HPET). The proposed beam model consists of a novel shape function for the distribution of shear stress deformation in the transverse coordinate. The beam theory also incorporates the stretching effect to present an indirect...
Hyperbolic position location estimation in the multipath propagation environment
PublicationThe efficiency analysis a hyperbolic position location estimation in the multipath propagation environment in the wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA) interface was presented. Four, the most popular methods: Chan's, Foy's, Fang's and Friedlander's were considered. These algorithms enable the calculation of the geographical position of a mobile station (MS) using the time differences of arrival (TDOA) between several base...
The inverse problem in a hyperbolic section radial compressor.
PublicationNa przykładzie wirnika sprężarki porównano wyniki rozwiązania zadania odwrotnego w ramach modelu 2D prowadzącego do kształtu wirnika, z zadaniem prostym, w ramach modelu 3D, dla skonstruowanego wirnika na bazie modelu 2D.Zasadniczym celem było uzyskanie równomiernych (bez oderwań) pól parametrów w obrębie wirnika sprężarki. Pokazano jak zmiana obrysu wirnika, z klasycznego kształtu stożkowego na hiperboliczny, wpłynąć może na...
Perfect thermal contact of hyperbolic conduction semispaces with an interfacial heat source
PublicationThe problem of thermal contact between two bodies with a heat source at their interface presents great scientific and practical interest. On the time scale of a nanosecond or shorter, heat propagation should be considered in the form of thermal waves of finite speeds. This study investigated the thermal behaviour of hyperbolic conduction semispaces in perfect thermal contact subjected to the action of an interfacial heat source....
Numerical method of bicharacteristics for quasilinear hyperbolic functional differential systems
PublicationPraca dotyczy numerycznej aproksymacji rozwiązań zagadnień początkowo brzegowych dla układów quasiliniowych równań różniczkowo funkcyjnych pierwszego rzędu. Stosuje się metodę różnicową typu Eulera. Siatka otrzymywana jest za pomocą numerycznego rozwiązywania równań różniczkowo funkcyjnych bicharakterystyk.Stabilność schematu różnicowego jest dowodzona metodą porównawczą. O danych funkcjach zakłada się, że spełniają nieliniowe...
Continuous wave sonar with hyperbolic frequency modulation keyed by pseudo-random sequence
PublicationA CW FM type sounding signal is used in the classical solution of silent sonar. While the signal provides a relatively simple implementation of digital signal processing, and ensures good detection conditions, unfortunately, in the presence of the Doppler effect, distance measurement results tend to be wrong. This is due to the fact that the received signal’s instantaneous frequency value is dependent both on the distance to the...
Differential difference inequalities related to hyperbolic functional differential systems and applications
PublicationZagadnienie początkowo brzegowe dla ukadów quasiliniowych równań różniczkowo funkcyjnych przeksztacane jest w układ równań różniczkowych zwyczajnych poprzez dyskretyzację względem zmiennej przestrzennej. Podane są warunki wystarczające dla zbieżności metody prostych. Otrzymany układ równań różniczkowo funkcyjnych zwyczajnych jest rozwiązywany uwikłaną metodą różnicową. Zbieżność schematu różnicowego jest dowodzona metodą porównawczą....
Caratheodory solutions to hyperbolic functional differential systems with state dependent delays
PublicationMetodą bicharakterystyk i metodą nierówności całkowych dowodzi się istnienia uogólnionych rozwiązań układów równań różniczkowo-funkcyjnych cząstkowych z odchylonym argumentem zależnym od funkcji niewiadomej.
Implicit difference methods for infinite systems of hyperbolic functional differential equations
PublicationPraca dotyczy klasycznych rozwiązań problemów początkowo brzegowych dla nieskończonych układów nieliniowych równań rózniczkowo funkcyjnych. Skonstruowane są dwa typy schematów różnicowych. Pokazujemy, ze rozwiązania rozważanego zagadnienia różniczkowego można przybliżyć przy pomocy rozwiązań nieskończonych układów równań różnicowych. W drugiej części pracy udowadniamy, że również rozwiązania skończonych układów równań różnicowych...
Buried Object Characterization by Data-Driven Surrogates and Regression-Enabled Hyperbolic Signature Extraction
PublicationThis work addresses artificial-intelligence-based buried object characterization using FDTD-based electromagnetic simulation toolbox of a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) to generate B-scan data. In data collection, FDTD-based simulation tool, gprMax is used. The task is to estimate geophysical parameters of a cylindrical shape object of various radii, buried at different positions in the dry soil medium simultaneously and independently...
Hyperbolic heat conduction at a microscopic sliding contact with account of adhesion-deformational heat generation and wear
PublicationDifferent non-Fourier models were proposed to simulate temperatures in materials subjected to extremely fast thermal disturbances, when the speed of heat propagation should be concerned. The present study investigated temperature and heat balance at a microscopic sliding contact during a single frictional interaction based on the Cattaneo-Vernotte hyperbolic heat conduction equation. Two fundamental features of friction, namely,...
Stability of difference problems generated by hyperbolic first order partial differential systems.
PublicationPraca dotyczy numerycznej aproksymacji rozwiązań zagadnień początkowych dla nieliniowych układów równań różniczkowych cząstkowych pierwszego rzędu. Podano konstrukcję układu quasiliniowego równań różnicowych typu Eulera. Wykazano, że przy naturalnych założeniach jest on stabilny. Dowód zbieżności wykorzystuje metody porównawcze.
Numerical solutions for blood flow in elastic vessels
PublicationWe consider the differential–algebraic system for the blood flow and pressure in the systemic arteries. By the operator splitting method, we transform the system into the hyperbolic one, introduce the bicharacteristics, and perform the time–space nonuniform discretization, obtaining the innovative difference scheme. Our results are illustrated with numerical experiments.
GPR investigation of the strengthening system of a historic masonry tower
PublicationIn this paper the condition assessment of the strengthening system of a masonry tower was carried out by the GPR method. The study provided unique experimental data acquired during measurements of the reinforced concrete frame embedded in masonry walls. Conducted numerical and experimental investigations were focused on the phenomenon of the diffraction-refraction scattering of the electromagnetic energy. A hyperbola resulting...
Topological Behaviour of Solutions of Vibro-Impact Systems in the Neighborhood of Grazing
PublicationThe grazing bifurcation is considered for the Newtonian model of vibro-impact systems. A brief review on the conditions, sufficient for the existence of a grazing family of periodic solutions, is given. The properties of these periodic solutions are discussed. A plenty of results on the topological structure of attractors of vibro-impact systems is known. However, since the considered system is strongly nonlinear, these attractors...
Digital microcontroller for sonar waveform generator
PublicationGenerating sounding signals is essential for the operation of active sonar. The system should be highly reliable. This can be achieved through architecture, communication between the devices, and a well-designed and self–testing software. The system presented in the article is responsible for the generation of hydroacoustic sounding signals, and ensures proper interaction between power amplifiers and power supplies. Thanks to its...
Measurement of Impulse Response of Shallow Water Communication Channel by Correlation Method
PublicationPerformances of underwater acoustic communication (UAC) systems are strongly related to specific propagation conditions of the underwater channel; conditions that can additionally change in time due to the movement of the acoustic system transmitter and receiver or to reflection by underwater objects of the transmitted signal. The time-varying impulse response is a comprehensive description of dynamically changing transmission...
The shallow sea experiment with usage of linear hydrophone array
PublicationPurpose of this article is to present designed and made linear hydrophone array and the results obtained during in situ trails on Gulf of Gdańsk. The measuring system allowed to localize hydrophones in the selected points and perform measurements in both the horizontal antenna positioning and vertical. Made in this way recordings allow creating accurate 3D imaging of sound intensity/propagation. During research three floating objects...
Infinite systems of hyperbolic functional differential equations. Ukr.Mat. Zurn.*2003 t. 55 nr 12 s. 1678-1696 bibliogr. 21 poz. Nieskończone układy hiperboliczne równań różniczkowo-funkcyjnych.
PublicationWykazano istnienie prawie klasycznego rozwiązania zagadnienia Cauchy´ego.Dowód wykorzystuje metodę bicharakterystyk i nierówności całkowo-funkcyjne.
Balance errors generated by numerical diffusion in the solution of non-linear open channel flow equations
PublicationThe paper concerns the untypical aspect of application of the dissipative numerical methods to solve nonlinear hyperbolic partial differential equations used in open channel hydraulics. It is shown that in some cases the numerical diffusion generated by the applied method of solution produces not only inaccurate solution but as well as a balance error. This error may occur even for an equation written in the conservative form not...
On the generalized model of shell structures with functional cross-sections
PublicationIn the present study, a single general formulation has been presented for the analysis of various shell-shaped structures. The proposed model is comprehensive and a variety of theories can be used based on it. The cross-section of the shell structure can be arbitrarily analyzed with the presented equations. In other words, various types of shell structures, including cylindrical, conical, spherical, elliptical, hyperbolic, parabolic,...
Distance measurement errors in silent FM-CW sonar with matched filtering
PublicationThe secretiveness of sonar operation can be achieved by using continuous frequency-modulated sounding signalswith reduced power and significantly prolonged repeat time. The application of matched filtration in the sonarreceiver provides optimal conditions for detection against the background of white noise and reverberation, and avery good resolution of distance measurements of motionless targets. The article shows that target...
Partial hyperbolicity and central shadowing
PublicationWe study shadowing property for a partially hyperbolic diffeomor- phism f. It is proved that if f is dynamically coherent then any pseudotrajec- tory can be shadowed by a pseudotrajectory with “jumps” along the central foliation. The proof is based on the Tikhonov-Shauder fixed point theorem.
Difference functional inequalities and applications.
PublicationThe paper deals with the difference inequalities generated by initial boundary value problems for hyperbolic nonlinear differential functional systems. We apply this result to investigate the stability of constructed difference schemes. The proof of the convergence of the difference method is based on the comparison technique, and the result for difference functional inequalities is used. Numerical examples are presented.
Numerical Methods
e-Learning CoursesNumerical Methods: for Electronics and Telecommunications students, Master's level, semester 1 Instructor: Michał Rewieński, Piotr Sypek Course description: This course provides an introduction to computational techniques for the simulation and modeling of a broad range of engineering and physical systems. Concepts and methods discussed are widely illustrated by various applications including modeling of integrated circuits,...
Comparative analysis of numerical with optical soliton solutions of stochastic Gross–Pitaevskii equation in dispersive media
PublicationThis article deals with the stochastic Gross–Pitaevskii equation (SGPE) perturbed with multiplicative time noise. The numerical solutions of the governing model are carried out with the proposed stochastic non-standard finite difference (SNSFD) scheme. The stability of the scheme is proved by using the Von-Neumann criteria and the consistency is shown in the mean square sense. To seek exact solutions, we applied the Sardar subequation...
Mutual Clutter Suppression Techniques for FM Sonars
PublicationThe article presents methods that help in the elimination of mutual clutter as well as the consequences of two FM sounding signal sonars operating in the same body of water and frequency band. An in-depth analysis of mutual clutter was carried out. The effects of sounding signal differentiation were determined, as was the Doppler effect on mutual clutter suppression. One of the methods analysed is of particular interest in a situation...
Effect of MgSO4 nutrition on Theobroma cacao L. susceptibility to Phytophthora megakarya infection
PublicationA new strategy to reduce the severity of black pod disease (BPD) in T. cacao plants using MgSO4 nutrition was investigated. The dynamics of the tolerance to BPD of 18 susceptible T. cacao plantlets coming from the cross (♀SNK64 × ♂UPA14) was monitored during weekly (8 weeks) supply of MgSO4 into the soil. Prior to MgSO4 application, disease scores of the 18 plantlets (in six sets of three plantlets per set) were varying between...
Some aspects of the constitutive modelling of natural fine grained soils
PublicationThe monograph deals with selected problems of the constitutive modelling of natural fine grained soils commonly known as clays. The main idea is not to propose a unified model which is capable of describing all known features of mechanical behaviour of fine grained soils. Instead, separate models are proposed describing the mechanical behaviour of heavily overconsolidated, lightly overconsolidated and normally consolidated clays....
Diagnostics of pillars in St. Mary’s Church (Gdańsk, Poland) using the GPR method
PublicationThe main goal of this study was non-destructive evaluation of pillars in the St. Mary’s Church (Gdańsk, Poland) using the ground penetrating radar (GPR) technique. The GPR inspection was conducted on four brick masonry pillars and five pillars strengthened by reinforced concrete jacketing. Data were acquired with a 2 GHz antenna along longitudinal and transverse profiles. The study involved the estimation of the electromagnetic...
Inverse shadowing and related measures
PublicationWe study various weaker forms of the inverse shadowing property for discrete dynamical systems on a smooth compact manifold. First, we introduce the so-called ergodic inverse shadowing property (Birkhoff averages of continuous functions along an exact trajectory and the approximating one are close). We demonstrate that this property implies the continuity of the set of invariant measures in the Hausdorff metric. We show that the...
On effective surface elastic moduli for microstructured strongly anisotropic coatings
PublicationThe determination of surface elastic moduli is discussed in the context of a recently proposed strongly anisotropic surface elasticity model. The aim of the model was to describe deformations of solids with thin elastic coatings associated with so-called hyperbolic metasurfaces. These metasurfaces can exhibit a quite unusual behaviour and concurrently a very promising wave propagation behaviour. In the model of strongly anisotropic...
Strongly anisotropic surface elasticity and antiplane surface waves
PublicationWithin the new model of surface elasticity, the propagation of anti-plane surface waves is discussed. For the proposed model, the surface strain energy depends on surface stretching and on changing of curvature along a preferred direction. From the continuum mechanics point of view, the model describes finite deformations of an elastic solid with an elastic membrane attached on its boundary reinforced by a family of aligned elastic...
A finite element analysis of thermal energy inclination based on ternary hybrid nanoparticles influenced by induced magnetic field
PublicationThe use of hybrid nanoparticles to improve thermal processes is a key method that has implications for a variety of interventions utilized in many sectors. This paper aimed to look into the impacts of ternary nanoparticles on hyperbolic tangent materials to establish their thermal characteristics. Flow describing equations have been explored in the presence of heat production, non-Fourier heat flux, and an induced magnetic field....
Blood Pressure Estimation Based on Blood Flow, ECG and Respiratory Signals Using Recurrent Neural Networks
PublicationThe estimation of systolic and diastolic blood pressure using artificial neural network is considered in the paper. The blood pressure values are estimated using pulse arrival time, and additionally RR intervals of ECG signal together with respiration signal. A single layer recurrent neural network with hyperbolic tangent activation function was used. The average blood pressure estimation error for the data obtained from 21 subjects...
Bearing estimation using double frequency reassignment for a linear passive array
PublicationThe paper demonstrates the use of frequency reassignment for bearing estimation. For this task, signals derived from a linear equispaced passive array are used. The presented method makes use of Fourier transformation based spatial spectrum estimation. It is further developed through the application of two-dimensional reassignment, which leads to obtaining highly concentrated energy distributions in the joint frequency-angle domain...
Some Aspects of Shear Behavior of Soft Soil–Concrete Interfaces and Its Consequences in Pile Shaft Friction Modeling
PublicationThis paper examines the stiffness degradation and interface failure load on soft soil–concrete interface. The friction behavior and its variability is investigated. The direct shear tests under constant normal load were used to establish parameters to hyperbolic interface model which provided a good approximation of the data from instrumented piles. Four instrumented piles were used to obtain reference soil–concrete interface behavior....
Displacement piles - classification and methods for the calculation of bearing capacity.
PublicationDisplacement piles belong to a group of technologies whose main idea is to install or make a pile without extracting ground material. According to definition, contained in PN-EN:1997-1:2008, displacement piles should be considered as driven, pressed in using vibrators and made with the use of spread augers. The classification of piles used so far with regard to the technology of execution is modified. An additional element is the...
Autonomous, Ground Based, Self-Organizing Radiolocation Systems - AEGIR
PublicationThis article describes the construction and operation of autonomous ground-based radiolocation system that was developed as a technology demonstrator at the Technical University of Gdansk. Preliminary results and conclusions will be presented as well as analysis of its effectiveness. There will be also described the basic blocks of the system.