Search results for: MUSIC PROCESSING
Music Archive Metadata Processing Based on Flow Graphs.
PublicationW referacie zaproponowano metodykę wyszukiwania informacji muzycznej w bazach internetowych w oparciu o meta opis. Skonstruowany algorytm wykorzystuje grafy przepływowe Pawlaka.
Music Data Processing and Mining in Large Databases for Active Media
PublicationThe aim of this paper was to investigate the problem of music data processing and mining in large databases. Tests were performed on a large data-base that included approximately 30000 audio files divided into 11 classes cor-responding to music genres with different cardinalities. Every audio file was de-scribed by a 173-element feature vector. To reduce the dimensionality of data the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with variable...
Perception-based data processing in acoustics. Applications to music information retrieval and psychophysiology of hearing.
PublicationTematyka książki obejmuje w pierwszej kolejności opis mechanizmów kognitywnych leżących u podstaw percepcji muzyki. Przedstawione zostały również zagadnienia automatycznego rozpoznawania dźwięków instrumentów muzycznych i muzyki, zastosowanie nowych metod z dziedziny sztucznej inteligencji w szeroko rozumianej inżynierii dźwięku oraz komputerowych metod badania słuchu.
EURASIP Journal on Audio Speech and Music Processing
Journals -
Automatic music signal mixing system based on one-dimensional Wave-U-Net autoencoders
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to show a music mixing system that is capable of automatically mixing separate raw recordings with good quality regardless of the music genre. This work recalls selected methods for automatic audio mixing first. Then, a novel deep model based on one-dimensional Wave-U-Net autoencoders is proposed for automatic music mixing. The model is trained on a custom-prepared database. Mixes created using the...
New approach for determining the QoS of MP3-coded voice signals in IP networks
PublicationPresent-day IP transport platforms being what they are, it will never be possible to rule out conflicts between the available services. The logical consequence of this assertion is the inevitable conclusion that the quality of service (QoS) must always be quantifiable no matter what. This paper focuses on one method to determine QoS. It defines an innovative, simple model that can evaluate the QoS of MP3-coded voice data transported...
Data obtained via parametrization of differently mixed audio signals
Open Research DataDataset consists of audio samples and the results of their parametrization. The extraction of music parameters was performed using MIRToolbox. Information extracted from the samples was used as a database for master's thesis titled 'The influence of audio signal processing chain in mixing on the emotional state of a music piece'.
Michał Lech dr inż.
PeopleMichał Lech was born in Gdynia in 1983. In 2007 he graduated from the faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics of Gdansk University of Technology. In June 2013, he received his Ph.D. degree. The subject of the dissertation was: “A Method and Algorithms for Controlling the Sound Mixing Processes by Hand Gestures Recognized Using Computer Vision”. The main focus of the thesis was the bias of audio perception caused...
Rough Sets Applied to Mood of Music Recognition
PublicationWith the growth of accessible digital music libraries over the past decade, there is a need for research into automated systems for searching, organizing and recommending music. Mood of music is considered as one of the most intuitive criteria for listeners, thus this work is focused on the emotional content of music and its automatic recognition. The research study presented in this work contains an attempt to music emotion recognition...
Music information retrieval—The impact of technology, crowdsourcing, big data, and the cloud in art.
PublicationThe exponential growth of computer processing power, cloud data storage, and crowdsourcing model of gathering data bring new possibilities to music information retrieval (mir) field. Mir is no longer music content retrieval only; the area also comprises the discovery of expressing feelings and emotions contained in music, incorporating other than hearing modalities for helping this issue, users’ profiling, merging music with social...
Creating a Realible Music Discovery and Recomendation System
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to show problems related to creating a reliable music dis-covery system. The SYNAT database that contains audio files is used for the purpose of experiments. The files are divided into 22 classes corresponding to music genres with different cardinality. Of utmost importance for a reliable music recommendation system are the assignment of audio files to their appropriate gen-res and optimum parameterization...
Discovering Rule-Based Learning Systems for the Purpose of Music Analysis
PublicationMusic analysis and processing aims at understanding information retrieved from music (Music Information Retrieval). For the purpose of music data mining, machine learning (ML) methods or statistical approach are employed. Their primary task is recognition of musical instrument sounds, music genre or emotion contained in music, identification of audio, assessment of audio content, etc. In terms of computational approach, music databases...
Low-Level Music Feature Vectors Embedded as Watermarks
PublicationIn this paper a method consisting in embedding low-level music feature vectors as watermarks into a musical signal is proposed. First, a review of some recent watermarking techniques and the main goals of development of digital watermarking research are provided. Then, a short overview of parameterization employed in the area of Music Information Retrieval is given. A methodology of non-blind watermarking applied to music-content...
A study on signal processing methods applied to hearing aids
PublicationThis paper presents a short survey on current technology available in hearing aids with a focus on digital signal processing techniques used. First, factors influencing the hearing aid effectiveness are introduced. Then, examples of the present DSP methods and strategies are provided. Also, a description of current limitations of hearing aids and future trends of development are shown. Finally, the notion of computational auditory...
Introduction to the special issue on machine learning in acoustics
PublicationWhen we started our Call for Papers for a Special Issue on “Machine Learning in Acoustics” in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, our ambition was to invite papers in which machine learning was applied to all acoustics areas. They were listed, but not limited to, as follows: • Music and synthesis analysis • Music sentiment analysis • Music perception • Intelligent music recognition • Musical source separation • Singing...
A Study on Influence of Normalization Methods on Music Genre Classification Results Employing kNN Algorithms
PublicationThis paper presents a comparison of different normalization methods applied to the set of feature vectors of music pieces. Test results show the influence of min-nlax and Zero-Mean normalization methods, employing different distance functions (Euclidean, Manhattan, Chebyshev, Minkowski) as a pre-processing for genre classification, on k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) algorithm classification results.
EEG data recorded in three mental states
Open Research DataElectroencephalographic (EEG) signals were acquired from 17 (14 males, 3 females) participants aged between 20 and 30 years.
Automatic music genre classification based on musical instrument track separation / Automatyczna klasyfikacja gatunku muzycznego wykorzystująca algorytm separacji dźwięku instrumentó muzycznych
PublicationThe aim of this article is to investigate whether separating music tracks at the pre-processing phase and extending feature vector by parameters related to the specific musical instruments that are characteristic for the given musical genre allow for efficient automatic musical genre classification in case of database containing thousands of music excerpts and a dozen of genres. Results of extensive experiments show that the approach...
A Concept of Automatic Film Color Grading Based on Music Recognition and Evoked Emotions
PublicationThe article presents the aspects of the final selection of the color of shots in film production based on the psychology of color. First of all, the elements of color processing, contrast, saturation or white balance in the film shots were presented and the definition of color grading was given. In the second part of the article the analysis of film music was conducted in the context of stimulating appropriate emotions while watching...
A Study on Audio Signal Processed by "Instant Mastering"
PublicationAn increasing amount of music produced in home- and project-studios results in development and growth of "automatic mastering services". The presented investigation explores changes introduced to audio signal by various online mastering platforms. A music set consisting of 10 songs produced in small facilities was processed by eight on-line automatic mastering services. Additionally, some laboratory-constructed signals were tested....
SYNAT Music Genre Parameters PCA 19
Open Research DataThe dataset contains feature vector after Principal Component Analysis (PCA) performing, so there are 11 music genres and 19-element vector derived from music excerpts. Originally, a feature vector containing 173 elements was conceived in earlier research studies carried out by the team of authors [1-6]. A collection of 52532 music excerpts described...
Open Research DataThis is the original dataset containing 51582 music tracks (22 music genres) and 173 element-feature vector [1-6,9]. A collection of more than 50000 music excerpts described with a set of descriptors obtained through the analysis of 30-second mp3 recordings was gathered in a database called SYNAT. The SYNAT database was realized by the Gdansk University...
Grzegorz Szwoch dr hab. inż.
PeopleGrzegorz Szwoch was born in 1972 in Gdansk. In 1991-1996 he studied at the Technical University of Gdansk. In 1996 he graduated as a student from the Sound Engineering Department. His thesis was related to physical modeling of musical instruments. Since that time he has been a member of the research staff at the Multimedia Systems Department as a PhD student (1996-2001), Assistant (2001-2004), Assistant professor (2004-2020) and...
Open Research DataThere is a series of datasets containing feature vectors derived from music tracks. The dataset contains 51582 music tracks (22 music genres) and feature vector after Principal Component Analysis (PCA) performing, so there are 48-element vectors derived from music excerpts. Originally, a feature vector containing 173 elements was conceived in earlier...
Open Research DataThe dataset contains 51582 music tracks (22 music genres) and feature vector after Principal Component Analysis (PCA) performing, so there are 11-element vectors derived from music excerpts. Originally, a feature vector containing 173 elements was conceived in earlier research studies carried out by the team of authors [1-6]. A collection of more than...
Automatic audio signal mixing system based on one-dimensional Wave-U-Net autoencoders
PublicationThe purpose of this dissertation is to develop an automatic song mixing system that is capable of automatically mixing a song with good quality in any music genre. This work recalls first the audio signal processing methods used in audio mixing, and it describes selected methods for automatic audio mixing. Then, a novel architecture built based on one-dimensional Wave-U-Net autoencoders is proposed for automatic music mixing. Models...
PublicationThe microseismic monitoring is a method of monitoring of fracture propagation during hydraulic fracturing (HF)process. An array of several hundred geophones is placed on the surface to record little ground tremors induced by fracturing process. Filtration and summation of signals from geophones is essential to identify and locate fracturing events from underground. Authors propose a method of matched filtering, that is usually...
Australasian Computer Music Conference
Conferences -
Multimedia services applied to noise and hearing monitoring and measuring
PublicationThe goal of this chapter is to show a research study related to processing of data acquired by the multimedia services engineered at the multimedia systems department (MSD) of the Gdansk University of Technology. This concerns a survey on noise threat employing the multimedia noise monitoring system (MNMS) and hearing tests performed by the "I can hear. . . " system. The obtained results of the noise measurements revealed that...
The influence of sound track on the viewer’s emotions and correction of the color in the film
PublicationThe article presents the aspects of the final selection of colors in film production based on the emotions caused by the soundtrack of the film. First, the processing of colors, contrast, saturation and white balance of shots in the film was presented. The definition of color grading is also described, i.e. the color changes in the film's views. In the second part of the article, the soundtracks of the film were analyzed, in particular...
Marek Sylwester Tatara dr inż.
PeopleMarek Tatara achieved his master's degree in the field of Automatic Control and Robotics with specialization Intelligent Decision-making Systems in 2014 at Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics of Gdańsk University of Technology. Earlier this year achieved bachelor's degree in the field of Technical Physics with Nanotechnology specialization. In 2014 started job as lecturer in the Department of Robotics and...
Silence/noise detection for speech and music signals
PublicationThis paper introduces a novel off-line algorithm for silence/noise detection in noisy signals. The main concept of the proposed algorithm is to provide noise patterns for further signals processing i.e. noise reduction for speech enhancement. The algorithm is based on frequency domain characteristics of signals. The examples of different types of noisy signals are presented.
Comparison of the effectiveness of automatic EEG signal class separation algorithms
PublicationIn this paper, an algorithm for automatic brain activity class identification of EEG (electroencephalographic) signals is presented. EEG signals are gathered from seventeen subjects performing one of the three tasks: resting, watching a music video and playing a simple logic game. The methodology applied consists of several steps, namely: signal acquisition, signal processing utilizing z-score normalization, parametrization and...
Audio Content and Crowdsourcing: A Subjective Quality Evaluation of Radio Programs Streamed Online
PublicationRadio broadcasting has been present in our lives for over 100 years. The transmission of speech and music signals accompanies us from an early age. Broadcasts provide the latest information from home and abroad. They also shape musical tastes and allow many artists to share their creativity. Modern distribution involves transmission over a number of terrestrial systems. The most popular are analog FM (Frequency Modulation) and...
Music Genre Recognition in the Rough Set-Based Environment
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to investigate music genre recognition in the rough set-based environment. Experiments involve a parameterized music data-base containing 1100 music excerpts. The database is divided into 11 classes cor-responding to music genres. Tests are conducted using the Rough Set Exploration System (RSES), a toolset for analyzing data with the use of methods based on the rough set theory. Classification effectiveness...
Online sound restoration system for digital library applications
PublicationAudio signal processing algorithms were introduced to the new online non-commercial service for audio restoration intended to enhance the content of digitized audio repositories. Missing or distorted audio samples are predicted using neural networks and a specific implementation of the Jannsen interpolation method based on the autoregressive model (AR) combined with the iterative restoring of missing signal samples. Since the distortion...
Online sound restoration system for digital library applications.
PublicationAudio signal processing algorithms were introduced to the new online non-commercial service for audio restoration intended to enhance the content of digitized audio repositories. Missing or distorted audio samples are predicted using neural networks and a specific implementation of the Jannsen interpolation method based on the autoregressive model (AR) combined with the iterative restoring of missing signal samples. Since the distortion...
Further Developments of the Online Sound Restoration System for Digital Library Applications
PublicationNew signal processing algorithms were introduced to the online service for audio restoration available at the web address: Missing or distorted audio samples are estimated using a specific implementation of the Jannsen interpolation method. The algorithm is based on the autoregressive model (AR) combined with the iterative complementation of signal samples. Since the interpolation algorithm is computationally...
Listening to Live Music: Life beyond Music Recommendation Systems
PublicationThis paper presents first a short review on music recommendation systems based on social collaborative filtering. A dictionary of terms related to music recommendation systems, such as music information retrieval (MIR), Query-by-Example (QBE), Query-by-Category (QBC), music content, music annotating, music tagging, bridging the semantic gap in music domain, etc. is introduced. Bases of music recommender systems are shortly presented,...
AUDITORY DISPLAY FROM THE MUSIC TECHNOLOGY PERSPECTIVE . Obecność wirtualnego środowiska dźwiękowego w technologiach muzycznych
PublicationThis paper presents some applications of Auditory Displays (AD) in the domain of music technology. First, the scope of music technology and auditory display areas are shortly outlined. Then, the research trends and system solutions within the fields of music technology, music information retrieval and music recommendation are discussed. Finally, an example of an auditory display that facilities music annotation process based on...
Music Information Retrieval in Music Repositories
PublicationThis chapter reviews the key concepts associated with automated Music Information Retrieval (MIR). First, current research trends and system solutions in terms of music retrieval and music recommendation are discussed. Next, experiments performed on a constructed music database are presented. A proposal for music retrieval and annotation aided by gaze tracking is also discussed.
Music Mood Visualization Using Self-Organizing Maps
PublicationDue to an increasing amount of music being made available in digital form in the Internet, an automatic organization of music is sought. The paper presents an approach to graphical representation of mood of songs based on Self-Organizing Maps. Parameters describing mood of music are proposed and calculated and then analyzed employing correlation with mood dimensions based on the Multidimensional Scaling. A map is created in which...
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to evaluate the relationship between perception of music genres and subjective features of music that can be assigned to them. For this purpose a group of subjective features such as loudness, melody, rhythm, volume, instrumentation was chosen to describe music genres. A group of 30 listeners with normal hearing, ranging from 20 to 40, was created. Each sub-ject participating in listening tests was asked...
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to evaluate the relationship between perception of music genres and subjective features of music that can be assigned to them. For this purpose a group of subjective features such as loudness, melody, rhythm, volume, instrumentation was chosen to describe music genres. A group of 30 listeners with normal hearing, ranging from 20 to 40, was created. Each sub-ject participating in listening tests was asked...
Classification of Music Genres by Means of Listening Tests and Decision Algorithms
PublicationThe paper compares the results of audio excerpt assignment to a music genre obtained in listening tests and classification by means of decision algorithms. A short review on music description employing music styles and genres is given. Then, assumptions of listening tests to be carried out along with an online survey for assigning audio samples to selected music genres are presented. A framework for music parametrization is created...
Musical Instrument Separation Applied to Music Genre Classification . Separacja instrumentów muzycznych w zastosowaniu do rozpoznawania gatunków muzycznych
PublicationThis paper outlines first issues related to music genre classification and a short description of algorithms used for musical instrument separation. Also, the paper presents proposed optimization of the feature vectors used for music genre recognition. Then, the ability of decision algorithms to properly recognize music genres is discussed based on two databases. In addition, results are cited for another database with regard to...
Musical inspiration in contemporary architecture - to build a music and to hear an architecture
PublicationThe goal of this research is chosen from a wide range of subjects within two fields of knowledge on the crossroads between music and architecture There are many designs in modern contemporary architecture that would illustrate the relationship between music and architecture, mainly through musical inspiration. The article shows contemporary musical and architectural discussion that cross over from the theoretical to the practical...
The Application of the IODA Document Architecture to Music Data
PublicationThis paper is concerned with storing music data with the use of document architecture called Interactive Open Document Architecture (IODA). This architecture makes it possible to create documents which are executable, mobile, interactive and intelligent. Such documents consist of many files that are semantically related to each other. Semantic links are defined in XML files which are a part of a document. IODA documents with music...
Auditory Display Applied to Research in Music and Acoustics . Obrazowanie dźwiękowe w muzyce i akustyce.
PublicationThis paper presents a relationship between Auditory Display (AD) and the domains of music and acoustics. First, some basic notions of the Auditory Display area are shortly outlined. Then, the research trends and system solutions within the fields of music technology, music information retrieval and music recommendation and acoustics that are within the scope of AD are discussed. Finally, an example of AD solution based on gaze...
Exploring music listening patterns: an online survey
PublicationAn online survey was carried out to explore how respondents listen to music recordings. It was anticipated that the listener’s preferences would be influenced by various factors, such as age, music genre, the contexts in which they listen, and their favored methods of music consumption. Consequently, the data were collected to analyze these relationships. The survey, structured as a web application, encompassed 23 questions,...