Search results for: state observer
State Observer for Doubly-fed Induction Generator
PublicationIn the paper a new state observer for doubly-fed generator has been proposed. In the new approach an extended mathematical model of the doubly fed generator is used to form equations of the introduced z type observer. Stability of the observer has been verified through poles placement analyses. The active and reactive powers of the generator are controlled by a nonlinear multiscalar control method. Simulation and experimental results...
Parameter selection of an adaptive PI state observer for an induction motor
PublicationThe paper discusses problems connected with the parameters selection of the proportional-integral observer, designed for recon- struction of magnetic fluxes and angular speed of an induction motor. The selection is performed in several stages that are focused on different criteria. The first stage consists in selecting observer’s gains and provides desired dynamical properties, taking into consideration immunity to disturbances and...
Design of optimal state feedback controller with observer for multidimensional electrical system
PublicationFrom the control point of view, two-input-two-output RC electrical system is a linear and multidimensional system. In this paper, integral control and closed-loop observer are verified whether they can be used and designed. To verify this, Kalman tests are made. These structures are presented and discussed. Integral Control is tested with some base disturbances impact and checked whether it can handle them. The estimated values...
Selected dynamic properties of adaptive proportional observer of induction motor state variables
PublicationThis paper presents problems related to the design and the stability of adaptive proportional observer which is used for estimation of magnetic flux and motor speed in sensorless control systems of induction motor. The gain matrix of the observer was chosen by genetic algorithm and alternatively by pole placement method. It has been shown that adaptive proportional observer is stable if the...
Torque transmission diagnostic system for high-speed train using state-space observer
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono zagadnienie diagnostyki czujnika prędkości silnika i przekładni mechanicznej pociągu. W celach diagnostycznych zastosowano obserwatory stanu do obliczania prędkości obrotowej silnika i momentu obciążenia. Analiza chwilowych wartości obliczonej prędkości obrotowej oraz momentu obciążenia pozwala na diagnozowanie stanu układu transmisji momentu trakcyjnego. Zaprezentowano wyniki badań symulacyjnych i eksperymentalnych...
Comparison of two methods for parameters selection of the proportional observer of induction motor state variables
PublicationArtykuł opisuje problemy odtwarzania prędkości obrotowej wału maszyny indukcyjnej przy wykorzystaniu estymatorów MRAS. Porównano dwie metody doboru wzmocnień obserwatora, analityczną i bazującą na algorytmach genetycznych
State observers for diagnostic applications in modern electric traction
PublicationW rozdziale 7 monografii przedstawiono zagadnienie diagnostyki czujnika prędkości silnika i przekładni mechanicznej pociągu. Przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z diagnostyką czujnika prędkosci obrotowej silnika oraz układu transmisjii momentu trakcyjnego. Do diagnostyki wykorzystano analizę sygnałów prędkości obrotowej i momentu obciążenia silnika obliczanych przez układy obserwatorów stanu. Analiza chwilowych wartości obliczonej...
A hierarchical observer for a non-linear uncertain CSTR model of biochemical processes
PublicationThe problem of estimation of unmeasured state variables and unknown reaction kinetic functions for selected biochemical processes modelled as a continuous stirred tank reactor is addressed in this paper. In particular, a new hierarchical (sequential) state observer is derived to generate stable and robust estimates of the state variables and kinetic functions. The developed hierarchical observer uses an adjusted asymptotic observer...
Robust asymptotic super twisting sliding mode observer for non-linear uncertain biochemical systems
PublicationThe problem of state estimation (reconstruction of the state vector) for a given class of biochemical systems under uncertain system dynamics has been addressed in this paper. In detail, the bioreactor at a water resource recovery facility represents the considered biochemical systems. The biochemical processes taking place in the bioreactor have been modelled using an activated sludge model. Based on this model, an appropriate...
A robust sliding mode observer for non-linear uncertain biochemical systems
PublicationA problem of state estimation for a certain class of non-linear uncertain systems has been addressed in this paper. In particular, a sliding mode observer has been derived to produce robust and stable estimates of the state variables. The stability and robustness of the proposed sliding mode observer have been investigated under parametric and unstructured uncertainty in the system dynamics. In order to ensure an unambiguous non-linear...
PI observer stability and application in an induction motor control system
PublicationThe paper discusses the problem of stability of a proportional-integral Luenberger observer, designated for the state variables reconstruction of a linear, time-invariant dynamical system.
A Novel Speed Observer for Doubly-Fed Induction Generator
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to show a new state observer for doubly-fed generator. A proposed z-type observer algorithm based on mathematical model of doubly fed generator with additional variables treated as a disturbances has been used. A nonlinear multiscalar control method has been used to control active and reactive power of the generator. All analyses were verified by simulations and experiments tests.
Z type Observer Backstepping For Induction Machines
PublicationThis paper contains a relatively new synthesis method for non-linear objects, named backstepping. This method can be used to obtain the observer structure. The paper presents the structure of the speed observer which is a new proposition of observer backstepping with additional state variables marked Z. The rotor speed can be estimated in three different ways. The first is based on the adaptive approach, the second on the nonadaptive...
Interval estimator for chlorine monitoring in drinking water distribution systems under uncertain system dynamics, inputs and state measurement errors
PublicationThe design of interval observer for estimation of unmeasured state variables for application to drinking water distribution systems is described in this paper. In particular, it considers the design of such observer for estimation of water quality described by free chlorine concentration. An interval observer is derived to produce robust interval bounds on the estimated water quality state variables. The stability and robustness...
An interval estimator for chlorine monitoring in drinking water distribution systems under uncertain system dynamics, inputs and chlorine concentration measurement errors
PublicationThe design of an interval observer for estimation of unmeasured state variables with application to drinking water distribution systems is described. In particular, the design process of such an observer is considered for estimation of the water quality described by the concentration of free chlorine. The interval observer is derived to produce the robust interval bounds on the estimated water quality state variables. The stability...
Non-proportional full-order Luenberger observers of induction motors
PublicationThe paper recapitulates recently conducted investigations of non-proportional Luenberger observers, applied to reconstruction of state variables of induction motors. Three structures of non-proportional observers are analyzed, a proportional-integral observer, modified integral observer and observer with integrators. Criteria for gain selection of the observer are described, classical ones based on poles, as well as additional,...
Sensorless low speed PMSM motor control with cogging torque compensation
PublicationThe paper presents sensorless control of a low speed permanent magnet synchronous machine with use of modified state observer. An overview of the PMSM motor used in the research setup was presented. The problem of drive torque ripple, resulting mainly from the occurrence of a significant cogging torque, was discussed. A solution compensating the torque ripple of the PMSM motor was proposed. A start-up procedure of the speed control...
A Universal Gains Selection Method for Speed Observers of Induction Machine
PublicationProperties of state observers depend on proper gains selection. Each method of state estimation may require the implementation of specific techniques of finding those gains. The aim of this study is to propose a universal method of automatic gains selection and perform its verification on an induction machine speed observer. The method utilizes a genetic algorithm with fitness function which is directly based on the impulse response...
Comparison of state feedback and PID control of pressurizer water level in nuclear power plant
PublicationThe pressurizer water level control system in nuclear power plant with pressurized water reactor (PWR) is responsible for coolant mass balance. The main control goal is to stabilize the water level at a reference value and to suppress the effect of time-varying disturbances (e.g. coolant leakage in primary circuit pipeline system). In the process of PWR power plant operation incorrect water level may disturb pressure control or...
Analiza działania rozszerzonego obserwatora prędkości w szerokim zakresie zmian prędkości maszyny indukcyjnej
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z odtwarzaniem zmiennych stanu maszyny indukcyjnej. Wykorzystano obserwator oparty na modelu matematycznym maszyny z dodatkowymi zmiennymi. Przedstawiono macierz stanu zlinearyzowanych równań błędu odtwarzania. Opisano sposób definiowania wyznacznika jakości na podstawie rozkładu biegunów obserwatora. Zaproponowano metodę korekcji wzmocnień wraz ze zmianą warunków pracy maszyny. Wykazano...
Respiration rate estimation using non-linear observers in application to wastewater treatment plant
PublicationA problem of respiration rate estimation using two new non-linear observers for a wastewater treatment plant is addressed in this paper. In particular, a non-linear adaptive Luenberger-like observer and a super twisting sliding mode observer have been derived to produce stable and bounded estimates of the respiration rate. During the synthesis of the particular observer, an appropriate mathematical utility model was used. The observability...
Wpływ błędów parametrów modelu maszyny indukcyjnej na działanie rozszerzonego obserwatora prędkości
PublicationW artykule opisano metodę odtwarzania prędkości wirnika maszyny indukcyjnej przy wykorzystaniu rozszerzonego obserwatora prędkości. Zbadano wpływ błędów parametrów modelu maszyny indukcyjnej na właściwości dynamiczne obserwatora poprzez porównanie macierzy stanu obserwatora obarczonego oraz nieobarczonego błędami parametrów. Zbadany został także wpływ błędów parametrów na jakość odtwarzania zmiennych maszyny w stanie ustalonym.
Monitoring of Chlorine Concentration in Drinking Water Distribution Systems Using an Interval Estimator
PublicationThis paper describes the design of an interval observer for the estimation of unmeasured quality state variables in drinking water distribution systems. The estimator utilizes a set bounded model of uncertainty to produce robust interval bounds on the estimated state variables of the water quality. The bounds are generated by solving two differential equations. Hence the numerical efficiency is sufficient for on-line monitoring...
An analysis of observability and detectability for different sets of measured outputs - CSTR case study
PublicationA problem of proving the observability/detectability at a given measured output for non-linear biochemical systems has been addressed in this paper. A theory of indistinguishable state trajectories has been used to prove the properties of the observability or detectability of this system. It is related to taking system dynamics into consideration depending on initial conditions and the impact of inputs taking into account a given...
Designing Particle Kalman Filter for Dynamic Positioning
PublicationThe article presents a comparative analysis of two variants of the Particle Kalman Filter designed by using two different ship motion models. The first filter bases only on the kinematic model of the ship and can be used in many types of vehicles, regardless of the vehicle dynamics model. The input value to the filter is the noisy position of the ship. The second filter makes use of the kinematic and dynamic models of the moving...
Sensorless control of five-phase induction machine supplied by the VSI with output filter
PublicationIn this paper, a novel sensorless control structure based on multi-scalar variables is proposed. The tatic feedback control law is obtained by using the multi-scalar variables transformation, where the multi-scalar variables approach allows a full linearization of the nonlinear system. The control system could be described as “optimized” because of the minimized number of controllers. Furthermore, control system is divided into...
Analiza właściwości rozszerzonego obserwatora prędkości maszyny indukcyjnej
PublicationRozszerzony obserwator prędkości został zaproponowany przez prof. Krzemińskiego i jest oparty na rozszerzonym modelu maszyny indukcyjnej, gdzie wprowadzona został nowa zmienna ζ. Jest to nowe podejście do estymacji zmiennych stanu maszyny indukcyjnej i nie wszystkie problemy zostały do tej pory rozwiązane. Zaproponowano wykorzystanie algorytmów ewolucyjnych do doboru wzmocnień obserwatora. W celu redukcji nakładów obliczeniowych...
Possibility of Fault Detection in Sensorless Electric Drives
PublicationThe work presents a fault detection method for an induction motor drive system with inverter output filter. This approach make use of a load torque state observer, which complete structure is presented along with the used control structure. Moreover, the demonstrated drive system operates without rotor speed measurement in conjunction with the multiscalar control. The verification of the demonstrated idea was performed on an experimental...
Control of induction machine supplied by a current source inverter using the multi-scalar transformation and backstepping approach
PublicationThe paper describes the voltage control technique of squire-cage induction machines supplied by a current source inverter. The control system is based on new transformation of the electric drive system (machine and inverter) state variables to the multi-scalar variables form. The backstepping approach is used to obtain the feedback control law. The control system contains the structure of the observer...
Obserwatory prędkości dla bezczujnikowego sterowania maszynami prądu przemiennego
PublicationPrzedstawiono model matematyczny uogólnionej maszyny elektrycznej rozszerzony przez wprowadzenie dodatkowych zmiennych. Na podstawie modelu rozszerzonego opracowano strukturę obserwatora prędkości maszyny uogólnionej. Zaprezentowano struktury obserwatorów prędkości dla poszczególnych rodzajów maszyn prądu przemiennego. Pokazano, że prędkość kątową wirnika można odtwarzać dla różnych typów maszyn stosując odpowiednie zmienne stanu...
Multiscalar Control Based Airgap Flux Optimization of Induction Motor for Loss Minimization
PublicationBased on the induction motor model, considering the core loss resistance that accounts for magnetic characteristic saturation, a speed control approach is devised with an adaptive full-order (AFO) speed observer. The induction motor model analysis is done sincerely in a stationary reference frame. The control approach incorporates a flux reference generator designed to meet optimal operational circumstances and a nonlinear speed...
Adaptive Optimal Discrete-Time Output-Feedback Using an Internal Model Principle and Adaptive Dynamic Programming
PublicationIn order to address the output feedback issue for linear discrete-time systems, this work suggests a brand-new adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) technique based on the internal model principle (IMP). The proposed method, termed as IMP-ADP, does not require complete state feedback, merely the measurement of input and output data. More specifically, based on the IMP, the output control problem can first be converted into a stabilization...
Broken rotor symptoms in the sensorless control of induction machine
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to investigate the need for a universal method for sensorless controlled induction motor drive diagnosis. The increasing number of sensorless control systems in industrial applications require a universal method for the drive diagnosis, which provides reliable diagnostic reasoning independent of control system structure and state variables measurement or estimation method.Simulations and experimental...
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono propozycję rozwiązania problemu bezczujnikowego sterowania wolnoobrotową maszyną synchroniczną z magnesami trwałymi PMSM. Przedstawiono silnik PMSM, który zastosowano w stanowisku badawczym. Omówiono problem występowania tętnień momentu napędowego wynikający głównie ze znacznego momentu zaczepowego. Pokazano rozwiązanie kompensujące tętnienia momentu napędowego w silniku PMSM. Przygotowano procedurę startową...
Maria Jastrzębska dr hab.
PeopleMaria Jastrzębska is an employee of the Department of Finance. She is the author of over 170 publications, including 8 monographs - Financial Management of Municipalities. Theoretical aspects; Budgetary policy of local government units; Debt management of local government units; Finances of local government units; Risk management in the activity of local government units with special consideration of catastrophic risk (co-author...
Non-Adaptive Speed and Position Estimation of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator in Grid-Connected Operations
PublicationThe nonadaptive speed and position estimation scheme for a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) is presented in this article. The observer structure is based on the extension of the mathematical model of DFIG to the introduced H vector. Based on the defined H vector, the nonadaptive position and speed estimation is proposed. The Lyapunov method is extended to the practical stability theorem to stabilize the structure. The classic...
Sensorless Field Oriented Control of Five Phase Induction Motor with Third Harmonic Injection
PublicationIn this paper, a sensorless field oriented control system of five-phase induction machine with the 3rd harmonic rotor flux is presented. Two vector models, α1-β1 and α3-β3, were transformed into d1-q1, d3-q3 models oriented in rotating frames, which correspond to the 1st and 3rd harmonic plane respectively. The authors proposed the linearization of the model in d-q coordinate frames by introducing a new variable “x” which is proportional...
Non-Adaptive Speed and Position Observer of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator
PublicationThe non-adaptive speed and position estimation of a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) is presented in this paper. The speed observer is based on the mathematical model of DFIG and to stabilize the structure the Lyapunov method is used. The classic stator field-oriented control to active and reactive power control is used in the sensorless control system. The performance of the proposed algorithm of a speed observer is validated...
Application of sliding switching functions in backstepping based speed observer of induction machine
PublicationThe paper presents an analysis of the speed observer which is based on the backstepping and sliding mode approach. The speed observer structure is based on the extended mathematical model of an induction machine. The observer structure is based on the measured phase stator currents and transformed to ( αβ ) coordinate system. The stator voltage vector components are treated as known values. Additionally, such an observer structure...
Genetic Algorithm Approach for Gains Selection of Induction Machine Extended Speed Observer
PublicationThe subject of this paper is gains selection of an extended induction machine speed observer. A high number of gains makes manual gains selection difficult and due to nonlinear equations of the observer, well-known methods of gains selection for linear systems cannot be applied. A method based on genetic algorithms has been proposed instead. Such an approach requires multiple fitness function calls; therefore, using a quality index...
Speed Observer Structure of Induction Machine Based on Sliding Super-Twisting and Backstepping Techniques
PublicationThis paper presents an analysis of the two speed observer structures which are based on the backstepping and sliding super twisting approach. The observer stabilizing functions result from the Lyapunov theorem. To obtain the observer tuning gains the observer structure is linearized near the equilibrium point. The rotor angular speed is obtained from non-adaptive dependence. In the sensorless control system structure the classical...
Stabilization Method for Speed Observer of Induction Machine
PublicationThis article proposes the speed estimation principles dedicated to the observer structures based on the machine mathematical model. The rotor speed is reconstructed based on the mathematical model of a machine by using both adaptive and nonadaptive schemes. The presented principle is generalized to the classical nonlinear system in the vector form and can be applied to induction machines. The proposed rotor speed reconstruction...
Sensorless Rotor Position Estimation of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator Based on Backstepping Technique
PublicationThis paper proposes a speed observer algorithm for the sensorless control of a doubly-fed induction generator based on classical adaptive backstepping technique. The sensorless control is shown using classic stator field oriented control which is used to active and reactive power control. Performance of the proposed algorithm of a speed observer is validated by simulation and experimental results obtained using a small-rating generator...
Non-Adaptive Rotor Speed Estimation of Induction Machine in an Adaptive Full-Order Observer
PublicationIn the sensorless control system of an induction machine, the rotor speed value is not measured but reconstructed by an observer structure. The rotor speed value can be reconstructed by the classical adaptive law with the integrator. The second approach, which is the main contribution of this paper, is the non-adaptive structure without an integrator. The proposed method of the rotor speed reconstruction is based on an algebraic...
Dynamic Positioning System with Vectorial Backstepping Controller
PublicationThe problem of synthesis a dynamic positioning system for low frequency model of surface vessel was considered in this paper. The recursive vectorial backstepping control design was used to keep a fixed position and heading in presence of wave disturbances. The passive observer was introduced to smooth the measurements and to estimate the velocities needed for the control algorithm. Some parameters of observer were optimized off-line...
Rotor flux and EEMF observer for interior permanent magnet synchronous machine
PublicationIn recent years, the use of the interior permanent magnet synchronous machine (IPMSM) in various applications has grown significantly due to numerous benefits. Sensors are used to achieve high efficiency and good dynamic response in IPMSM drives but due to their high cost and reduced overall size of the system, sensorless control techniques are preferred. Non-sinusoidal distribution of rotor flux and slot harmonics are present...
Sensorless control system of induction machine supplied by voltage source inverter with output filter
PublicationThe paper focuses on sensorless control of the induction machines supplied by inverter with the output filters. “The novel” idea of the speed observer which is based on the backstepping approach is shown. The standard structure of the exponential observer is extended by the integrators and additional Z vector. The simulation and experimental results validate the proposed solution.
Speed observer of induction machine based on backstepping and sliding mode for low‐speed operation
PublicationThis paper presents a speed observer design based on backstepping and slidingmode approaches. The inputs to the observer are the stator current and thevoltage vector components. This observer structure is extended to the integra-tors. The observer stabilizing functions contain the appropriate sliding surfaceswhich result from the Lyapunov function. The rotor angular speed is obtainedfrom the non‐adaptive formula with a sliding...
Rotor-Flux Vector based Observer of Interior Permanent Synchronous Machine
PublicationThe sensorless control system of the interior permanent magnet machine is considered in this paper. The control system is based on classical linear controllers. In the machine, there occurs non-sinusoidal distribution of rotor flux together with the slot harmonics, which are treated as the control system disturbances. In this case, the classical observer structure in the (d-q) is unstable for the low range of rotor speed resulting...
Robust Monitoring of Water Quality in Drinking Water Distribution System
PublicationThe paper develops a novel open loop set bounded observer for robust estimation of water quality in DWDS based on the advanced nonlinear quality dynamics model including disinfections by-products (DBPs). The observer utilises a cooperativeness of the quality dynamics model and is computationally efficient, hence applicable to on-line quality monitoring. The simulation results illustrate its good and sustainable performance.