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Search results for: nutrient discharge
Ex-situ XRD (X-ray Diffraction) results for electrodes under different charge/discharge states
Open Research DataEx-situ XRD was employed to analyze the energy storage mechanism of CPMD in ZICs system. The ZICs were firstly charged to 1.8 V from the open circuit voltage (at around 1.3 V), then discharge to 1.0 V and 0.2 V, and finally recharged to 1.0 V and 1.8 V. Sample abbreviations (CPMD) are in agreement with the markings used in the linked publication.
Nutrients, oxygen and suspended matter - Gdansk Deep (2001-2005)
Open Research DataThe results show short-term changes in the concentration of nutrients (nitrates, nitrites, ammonium ions, phosphates and total forms of nitrogen and phosphorus), dissolved oxygen and suspended particulate matter - SPM and its main components (organic carbon - POC, nitrogen - PON, phosphorus - TPP) in the water column of the Gdańsk Deep (Gdańsk Bay).
Processes and pathways of nutrients, selected heavy metal and arsenic removal from surface runoff from the agricultural and urban catchments in floating treatment wetlands - microcosm study nutrients results
Open Research DataA dataset containing results of nutrients (N and P) concentrations in synthetic effluents (simulating surface runoff contaminated with nutrients, metals - Cu, Cd, and Pb, and metalloid - As) treated with 4 native macrophytes: Phragmites australis, Iris pseudacorus, Typha latifolia, and Alisma plantago aquatica. Nitrogen and phosphorus (total phosphorus,...
Double rotation of Miscanthus x giganteus on marginal soil with biochars amendments – leachates of nutrients from plots
Open Research DataThis dataset provides the results of short and double rotations of Miscanthus giganteus on marginal soils. Biochars were added to poor soil to improve its properties. The experimental pots were also fed with alternative fertilizer, which included spent coffee grounds and NPK standard fertilizer. This dataset contains the nutrient contents of leachates...
Short rotation of Miscanthus x giganteus on marginal soil with biochars amendments – leachates of nutrients from plots
Open Research DataThis dataset provides the results of short and double rotations of Miscanthus giganteus on marginal soils. Biochars were added to poor soil to improve its properties. The experimental pots were also fed with alternative fertilizer, which included spent coffee grounds and NPK standard fertilizer. This dataset provides the nutrient contents in leachates...
Floating treatment wetland with Equisetum hyemale - performance in nutrients and potentially toxic elements removal
Open Research DataThis data set contains the results of a microcosm experiment with floating treatment wetlands (FTW) conducted under artificial conditions. The goal of this experiment was to determine the effect of stress factors (Pb, As, increased salinity) on the nutrient uptake capacity of Equisetum hyemale in FTW. The ability of E.hyemale to uptake Pb and As was...
Low frequency nois of supecapacitor
Open Research DataDataset contains results of low frequency noise observation during discharge of commercially available supercapacitor, type DRL 2.7V 10F, with a nominal capacitance 10 F and a nominal voltage 2.7 V. Supercapacitor was charged to various voltages and discharged through a resistor. In the experiment the 50 Ohm and 200 Ohm resistors were used. The supercapacitor...
Electrochemical studies of symmetrical supercapacitors based on BDD, Mn-BDD, Mn-BDD(AN) electrodes
Open Research DataElectrochemical performance of a Supercapacitor device in PVA-H2SO4 gelled electrolyte: Cyclic voltammograms at varying scan rates ranging from 10 to 1000 mV s−1, galvanostatic charge-discharge curves with varying current density, cyclic stability (88000 charge-discharge cycles).
Wetland macrophytes purification and decomposition rates
Open Research DataThis dataset contains experimental findings on the purification and decay effect of macrophytes used in floating treatment wetlands. Phragmites australis, Iris pseudacorus, Typha latifolia, Juncus inflexus, Nympha, and Limnobium were used for this project. In the first step (purification phase), the removal efficiency of chosen plants was evaluated...
Detection of UPEC IH11128 ability to form biofilm in a standard congo red (CR) method of colony staining.
Open Research DataA standard method of testing E. coli's ability to form biofilm is based on the analysis of morphologyof bacterial colonies grown on yeast extract/casamino acids (YESCA) nutrient agar medium containing congored (CR) as an indicator dye of ECM production. The CR dye adsorbed from the culture medium bybacteria binds to the components of the ECM, including...
Sorption of ammonia nitrogen and phosphate phosphorous by straw and wood-derived biochars
Open Research DataThis dataset comprises the results of NH4-N and PO4-P sorption kinetics using straw and wood biochars that were pyrolyzed at 450 degrees Celsius. The adsorption capacity (mg/g) and equilibrium concentration (mg/L) are calculated.
Scanning Electrone Microscope images of biochar produced from straw and wood chips
Open Research DataThis dataset contains scanning electron microscope images of two types of biochars derived from waste plant biomass: straw and wood chips. Imaging was performed using a scanning electron microscope, FEI Quanta FEG250. with a SE-ETD detector (secondary electron – Everhart-Thornley detector), using 20 kV accelerating voltage.
Short-term evaluation of FTW-MFC efficiency in heavy metal-loaded wastewaters (Cu/Pb) - microscale experiment
Open Research DataThis dataset presents the results of short-term experiment of floating treatment wetlands combined with microbial fuel cells with wastewater loaded with heavy metals - copper and cadmium (Cu/Pb). The experiment took place in a greenhouse and lasted 14 days. The analyses include the determination of nutrients in wastewaters (TN, TP, COD, N-NO3, N-NH4),...
Short-term evaluation of FTW-MFC efficiency in heavy metal-loaded wastewaters (Cd/Pb) - microscale experiment
Open Research DataThis dataset presents the results of short-term experiment of floating treatment wetlands combined with microbial fuel cells with wastewater loaded with heavy metals - cadmium and lead (Cd/Pb). The experiment took place in a greenhouse and lasted 14 days. The analyses include the determination of nutrients in wastewaters (TN, TP, COD, N-NO3, N-NH4),...
Short-term evaluation of FTW-MFC efficiency in heavy metal-loaded wastewaters (Cu/Cd) - microscale experiment
Open Research DataThis dataset presents the results of short-term experiment of floating treatment wetlands combined with microbial fuel cells with wastewater loaded with heavy metals - copper and cadmium (Cu/Cd). The experiment took place in a greenhouse and lasted 14 days. The analyses include the determination of nutrients in wastewaters (TN, TP, COD, N-NO3, N-NH4),...
Input files for the Floodsar software
Open Research DataInput files for the Floodsar softwareAuthor: Tomasz Berezowski, Gdansk University of Technology,
Evaluation of the electrochemical performance of CPMD in ZICs with 3M ZnSO4 electrolyte
Open Research DataThese data contain the results of the electrochemical performance measurements of CPMD in ZICs with 3M ZnSO4 electrolyte, incl. CGD (galvanostatic charge-discharge ) curve and cycling stability of CPMD. Sample abbreviations (CPMD) are in agreement with the markings used in the linked publication.
Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) analysis of wood and straw based biochars
Open Research DataThis data set includes the BJH and BET analysis results for straw and wood chips-based biochars generated at 450 Celsius degrees.
Short & double rotation of Miscanthus x giganteus on marginal soil with biochars amendments - elemental composition of plant biomass
Open Research DataThis dataset provides the results of short and double rotations of Miscanthus giganteus on marginal soils. Biochars were added to poor soil to improve its properties. The experimental pots were also fed with alternative fertilizer, which included spent coffee grounds and NPK standard fertilizer. This data set contains the elemental composition results...
Miscanthus × giganteus light microscope observation - short and double rotation
Open Research DataThis dataset includes light microscope images of cross root, leaf, and rhizome sections from Miscanthus × giganteus. The experiment was performed under work package 2: Energy plantation - field trial, research task 1: Energy biomass cultivation in short and double rotation. The plants were planted in marginal soils that had been amended with biochar...
Miscanthus × giganteus growth and photosynthetic rate measurements
Open Research DataThis data set contains the findings of the growth development, gas exchange, and specific leaf area of the plants during the experiment in which straw and wood chips-based biochars were used as soil amendment for Miscanthus × giganteus (M×g) cultivation.
Electrochemical studies of Boron-Doped Diamond enriched Laser Induced Graphene structures
Open Research DataThis dataset contains electrochemical studies aimed to evaluate the capability of the utilization of laser-induced graphene (LIG) with incorporated boron-doped diamond nanowall (BDNW) hybrid nanostructures for microsupercapacitors. Selected results from this dataset were published in Advanced Functional Materials journal:
SEM micrographs of V2O5 nanorods as cathode material in Li-ion batteries
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs of V2O5 nanorods as cathode materials before and after the galvanostatic charge/discharge curves.
SEM micrographs of V2O5 nanocrystals as cathode material in Li-ion batteries
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs of V2O5 nanocrystals as cathode materials before and after the galvanostatic charge/discharge curves.
Rate performance of (NH4)2V10O25·8H2O as cathode material in Li-ion batteries
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the galvanostatic charge/discharge curves of the ammonium vanadate nanostructures obtained by the hydrothermal method under an initial pressure of 50 bar ((NH4)2V10O25·8H2O). The battery tests of the samples were performed using the ATLAS 0961 MBI multichannel battery testing system with different current densities in the voltage...
Rate performance of the V2O5 nanocrystals as cathode material in Li-ion batteries
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the galvanostatic charge/discharge curves of the V2O5 nanocrystals obtained by the sol-gel method. The battery tests of the samples were performed using the Atlas-Sollich 0961 (Atlas-Sollich, Poland) with different current densities in the voltage range between 2.0 V and 4.0 V vs. Li/Li+. Here 1C is 294 mAh g-1.
Rate performance of the V2O5 nanorods as cathode material in Li-ion batteries
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the galvanostatic charge/discharge curves of the V2O5 nanorods obtained by the sol-gel method. The battery tests of the samples were performed using the Atlas-Sollich 0961 (Atlas-Sollich, Poland) with different current densities in the voltage range between 2.0 V and 4.0 V vs. Li/Li+. Here 1C is 294 mAh g-1.
Rate performance of mixture (NH4)2V6O16 and (NH4)2V10O25·8H2O as cathode material in Li-ion batteries
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the galvanostatic charge/discharge curves of the ammonium vanadate nanostructures obtained by the hydrothermal method without initial pressure (mixture (NH4)2V6O16 and (NH4)2V10O25·8H2O). The battery tests of the samples were performed using the ATLAS 0961 MBI multichannel battery testing system with different current densities...
Bacteria in the area of influence of sewage tretment plant Gdynia - Dębogórze
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of microbiological analysis of sea waters from Gulf of Puck in area of municipal sewage discharges from the Gdynia Dębogórze sewage treatment plant. The tested material consisted of water samples (surface water and bottom water) collected in 2012. The number of Enterobacteriaceae genus bacteria, number of Escherichia...
Chromium FTW dataset
Open Research DataThis dataset contains the results of chromium and nutrients (N and PO4-P) removal in floating treatment wetland microcosm experiment with two cosmopolitan species of parennials: Phragmites australis and Iris pseudacorus.
Cycling performances of the V2O5 nanorods as cathode material in Li-ion batteries
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the next one hundred galvanostatic charge/discharge curves of the V2O5 nanorods obtained by the sol-gel method. The battery tests of the samples were performed using the Atlas-Sollich 0961 (Atlas-Sollich, Poland) with C/5 and 2C current densities in the voltage range between 2.0 V and 4.0 V vs. Li/Li+. Here 1C is 294 mAh g-1. The...
Cycling performances of the V2O5 nanocrystals as cathode material in Li-ion batteries
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the next one hundred galvanostatic charge/discharge curves of the V2O5 nanocrystals obtained by the sol-gel method. The battery tests of the samples were performed using the Atlas-Sollich 0961 (Atlas-Sollich, Poland) with C/5 and 2C current densities in the voltage range between 2.0 V and 4.0 V vs. Li/Li+. Here 1C is 294 mAh g-1. ...
Cycling performances of the V2O5 nanostructures as cathode material in Na-ion batteries
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the next one hundred galvanostatic charge/discharge curves of the V2O5 nanostructures with different morphology obtained by the sol-gel method. The battery tests of the samples were performed using the Atlas-Sollich 0961 (Atlas-Sollich, Poland) with C/5 current densities in the voltage range between 2.0 V and 4.0 V vs. Li/Li+. Here...
Miscanthus × giganteus root anatomical traits measurements
Open Research DataThis data set presents the optical microscope measurements/ images of Miscanthus × giganteus (M×g) roots. The experiment was performed under work package 1: "Properties characterisation of two types of biochar", task D_RT: Phyto-analyses (stress response of plants on biochar amendments) in cooperation with Aarhus University. A short term pot experiment...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 2,7 V at 33 mA. Sample 51.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 2,7 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 33 mA.The images were taken with thermographic camera VigoCAM V50. The sample was covered by black graphite paint to ensure uniform surface emission....
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 2,7 V at 204 mA. Sample 51, run #1.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 2,7 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 204 mA. Experiment run #1.The images were taken with thermographic camera VigoCAM V50. The sample was covered by black graphite paint to ensure uniform...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 2,7 V at 306 mA. Sample 51, run #1.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 2,7 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 306 mA. Experiment run #1. The images were taken with thermographic camera VigoCAM V50. The sample was covered by black graphite paint to ensure uniform...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 2,7 V at 204 mA. Sample 51, run #8.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 2,7 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 204 mA. Experiment run #8. The images were taken with thermographic camera VigoCAM V50. The sample was covered by black graphite paint to ensure uniform...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 2,7 V at 51 mA. Sample 51.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 2,7 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 51 mA.The images were taken with thermographic camera VigoCAM V50. The sample was covered by black graphite paint to ensure uniform surface emission....
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 2,7 V at 204 mA. Sample 51, run #7.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 2,7 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 204 mA. Experiment run #7. The images were taken with thermographic camera VigoCAM V50. The sample was covered by black graphite paint to ensure uniform...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 2,7 V at 204 mA. Sample 51, run #6.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 2,7 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 204 mA. Experiment run #6. The images were taken with thermographic camera VigoCAM V50. The sample was covered by black graphite paint to ensure uniform...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 2,7 V at 102 mA. Sample 51, run #1.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 2,7 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 102 mA. Experiment run #1.The images were taken with thermographic camera VigoCAM V50. The sample was covered by black graphite paint to ensure uniform...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 2,7 V at 204 mA. Sample 51, run #9.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 2,7 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 204 mA. Experiment run #9. The images were taken with thermographic camera VigoCAM V50. The sample was covered by black graphite paint to ensure uniform...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 2,7 V at 204 mA. Sample 51, run #5.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 2,7 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 204 mA. Experiment run #5. The images were taken with thermographic camera VigoCAM V50. The sample was covered by black graphite paint to ensure uniform...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 2,7 V at 306 mA. Sample 51, run #4.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 2,7 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 306 mA. Experiment run #4. The images were taken with thermographic camera VigoCAM V50. The sample was covered by black graphite paint to ensure uniform...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 2,7 V at 320 mA. Sample 42.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 2,7 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 320 mA. Sample 42.The images were taken with thermographic camera VigoCAM V50. The sample was covered by black graphite paint to ensure uniform surface...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 2,7 V at 560 mA. Sample 42, run #1.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 2,7 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 560 mA. Sample 42. Experiment run #1.The images were taken with thermographic camera VigoCAM V50. The sample was covered by black graphite paint to...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 2,7 V at 54 mA. Sample 61.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 2,7 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 54 mA. Sample 61.The images were taken with thermographic camera VigoCAM V50. The sample was covered by black graphite paint to ensure uniform surface...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 2,7 V at 306 mA. Sample 51, run #3.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 2,7 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 306 mA. Experiment run #3. The images were taken with thermographic camera VigoCAM V50. The sample was covered by black graphite paint to ensure uniform...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 2,7 V at 81 mA. Sample 61.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 2,7 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 81 mA. Sample 61.The images were taken with thermographic camera VigoCAM V50. The sample was covered by black graphite paint to ensure uniform surface...