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Search results for: komórki car-t
Acute and Critical Care
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ACR Open Rheumatology
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Critical Care Explorations
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The CLR James Journal
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Journal of Neurocritical Care
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Journal of Interprofessional Care
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Strategies for overcoming ABC-transporters-mediated multidrug resistance (MDR) of tumor cells. Review
PublicationOporność wielolekowa (MDR) nowotworów jest główną przyczyną niepowodzeń w chemoterapii przeciwnowotworowej. Jest ona wynikiem nadprodukcji w komórkach opornych transporterów białkowych z nadrodziny ABC, eksportujących cytostatyk z komórki, których działanie uniemożliwia utrzymanie terapeutycznego stężenia leku. W publikacji dokonano przeglądu różnych strategii przeciwdziałania zjawisku MDR. Strategie te dotyczą zarówno kontroli...
The induction of autophagy in human colon wt p53 and p53-null HCT116 cells by 4-methyl-1-nitroacridine derivative C-1748
PublicationPrzeprowadzone badania miały na celu określenie zdolności pochodnej 4-metylo-1-nitroakrydyny C-1748 do uruchomienia autofagii komórek ludzkiego raka okrężnicy HCT116 posiadających dziki gen p53 oraz podlinii nie posiadającej tego genu. Wszystkie eksperymenty przeprowadzone zostały przy stężeniu hamującym proliferację komórek nowotworowych w 90%. Wykazano, że indukowana przez C-1748 autofagia w komórkach raka okrężnicy jest zależna...
Techniki minimalizacji interferencji zewnętrznych w systemie LTE / LTE-advanced w łączu w dół
PublicationW referacie opisano ważne aspekty badawcze dotyczące sieci komórkowej LTE / LTE-Advanced. Scharakteryzowano techniki zmniejszenia wpływu interferencji współnokanałowych, pochodzących od stacji bazowych z komórek sąsiadujących z komórką macierzystą, na jakość sygnałów odbieranych. Metody te polegają na odpowiednim sposobie przydziału zasobów radiowych w stacjach bazowych.
Ryszard Woźniak dr inż.
PeopleRyszard Woźniak received his M.Sc. (1984) from the Lublin University of Technology specializing in Cars and Tractors. In 2002, at the Gdansk University of Technology he defended his doctoral thesis on: "Tyre/road noise when large longitudinal forces are applied in tyre/road contact patch" and obtained a doctorate degree in technical sciences in the field of construction and operation of machines. Currently he is an adjunct at the...
The new type of [Zr6(μ3-O)4 (μ3-OH)4] cluster core: Crystal structure and spectral characterization of [Zr6O4(OH)4(OOCR)12] (R = Bu^t^,C(CH3)2Et)
PublicationSześciojądrowe oxo karboksylowe kompleksy cyrkonu(IV) zostały otrzymane z Zr(OR')4 i odpowiednich kwasów organicznych HOOCR (R=t-Bu, CMe2Et) w stosunku molowym 1:2. Struktury krystaliczne dwóch związków o wzorze [Zr6O4(OH)4(OOCR)12] (1 dla R=t-Bu i 2 dla R=-CMe2Et) zostały rozwiązane w grupie przestrzennej R-3. Substancje zostały przebadane termograwimetrycznie (TGA/DTA) oraz przy użyciu spektroskopii w podczerwieni ze zmienną...
Kształtowanie pojemności interfejsu radiowego WCDMA/FDD w sieci UMTS o strukturze hierarchicznej
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono wyniki badań symulacyjnych mechanizmu przenoszenia pojemności pomiędzy komórkami w różnych warstwach hierarchicznej struktury komórek w sieci UMTS. Sieć komórkowa została zaplanowana na cyfrowej mapie miasta Gdańska
Dziedzictwo polsko-ukraińskie T.2 - recenzja pracy pod redakcją Selima Chasbijewicza, Marka Melnyka, Krzysztofa Kluczborskiego [wyd. Inst. Nauk Politycznych UWM w Olsztynie, Olsztyn 2008, s. 500]
PublicationZamierzeniem artykułu jest ukazanie dziedzictwa polsko-ukraińskiego na wielu płaszczyznach by podkreślić jego wieloaspektowość i wielokulturowość. Dziedzictwo polsko-ukraińskie jest możliwe do scharakteryzowania dzięki funkcjonującym przez wieki obszarom pogranicza, na którym dochodziło do zetknięcia się 2-ch społeczeństw i 2-ch kultur ukraińskiej i polskiej.
Synthetic lipopeptides as potential topical therapeutics in wound and skin care: in vitro studies of permeation and skin cells behaviour
PublicationSeveral Gly-His-Lys analogues were obtained to investigate their antimicrobial properties. Three lipophilic analogues with the structure numbering 1b, 2b, 4b, exhibit significant effect against bacteria and were selected for in vitro evaluation of skin cells behaviour. In the present studies, an in vitro model of wound repair, proliferative cell staining, and tracking of living cells were used. Cell proliferation and cell migration,...
Fiscal Contractions in Eurozone in the Years 1995–2013: Can Non-Keynesian Effects Be Helpful in Future Deleverage Process?
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“We are also here”—Spiritual Care Practitioners’ Experiences of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study from Poland
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Oxidation, Glycation, and Carbamylation of Salivary Biomolecules in Healthy Children, Adults, and the Elderly: Can Saliva Be Used in the Assessment of Aging?
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Physical and Mechanical Evaluation of Silicone-Based Double-Layer Adhesive Patch Intended for Keloids and Scar Treatment Therapy
PublicationGrowing interest in silicone elastomers for pharmaceutical purposes is due to both theirbeneficial material effect for scar treatment and their potential as drug carriers. Regarding their morphological structure, silicone polymers possess unique properties, which enable a wide range of applicability possibilities. The present study focused on developing a double-layer adhesive silicone film (DLASil) by evaluating its physical...
Nondestructive Methodology for Identification of Local Discontinuities in Aluminide Layer-Coated MAR 247 during Its Fatigue Performance
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Physical and Mechanical Evaluation of Silicone-Based Double-Layer Adhesive Patch Intended for Keloids and Scar Treatment Therapy
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Comparison of the effect of montmorillonite, magnesium hydroxide and a mixture of both on the flammability properties and mechanism of char formation of HDPE composites
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Deep Eutectic Solvent Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction: A Rapid Microextraction Technique for the Determination of Vitamin D3 by Spectrophotometry
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GB-SAR in the Diagnosis of Critical City Infrastructure—A Case Study of a Load Test on the Long Tram Extradosed Bridge
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The rationing of nursing care phenomenon in the light of scientific reports – definitions, system solutions, assessment methods – PART I
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The rationing of nursing care phenomenon in the light of scientific reports – personnel shortages, system requirements, consequences – PART II
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Can your behaviour blow you away? Contextual and phenotypic precursors to passive aerial dispersal in phytophagous mites
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Can Post-Activation Performance Enhancement (PAPE) Improve Resistance Training Volume during the Bench Press Exercise?
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Investigations into Particulate Emissions from Euro 5 Passenger Cars with DISI Engines Tested at Multiple Ambient Temperatures
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Bacteria Residing at Root Canals Can Induce Cell Proliferation and Alter the Mechanical Properties of Gingival and Cancer Cells
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The antioxidative properties of white cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. alba) fresh and submitted to culinary processing
PublicationKapusta biała stanowi jeden z podstawowych składników diety w Europie centralnej. W publikacji autorzy skupili się na określeniu właściwościach przeciwutleniających kapusty świeżej, kiszonej i poddanej obróbce termicznej. Te właściwości zostały oszacowane dla soków przy wykorzystaniu systemów pozakomórkowych, w komórkach HT29 pod kątem ochrony przed utlenieniem DNA oraz poprzez symulację GSTs i naprawę DNA. Wszystkie badane soki...
Can local infiltration analgesia supplemented with tranexamic acid reduce blood loss during total knee arthroplasty?
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Newly marketed seed oils. What we can learn from the current status of authentication of edible oils
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Green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii can effectively remove diclofenac from the water environment – A new perspective on biotransformation
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Koi Herpes Virus: Do Acipenserid Restitution Programs Pose a Threat to Carp Farms in the Disease-Free Zones?
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Structural and molecular indices in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) fed n-3 PUFA enriched diet
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New invertebrate species as potential CyHV‐3 reservoirs: A case study of common carp mortalities in hyperthermal conditions
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Can Grand Design Doctrines Go Well with Locally Reinvented Urbanisms? Notes from Polish Cities in Transition
PublicationThe text explores how New Urbanism ideas, a comprehensive global design doctrine, transgress into the context of Polish planning practice. New Urbanism is considered through the perspective of the decentralization of a discussion on a planning policy and a modernization of a State, resulting form its post-Socialist urban change. In the text, New Urbanism is understood as a neotraditionalist movement i.e. drawing from the pre-modernist...
PublicationThe purpose of this article was to introduce the design and construction of tiled walls in accordance to codes' restrictions. The construction of the Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk was chosen to be an example of its successful use in practice. Theoretical knowledge was based on PN-EN 1992-1-1:2008 and fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010. Although codes' recommendations seem curt, practice prove structural advance....
Move into the open space – what can we expect from moving artistic interventions to open urban spaces?
PublicationThe paper discuses the role of incorporating creative engagement into the processes of urban and social development using cultural means of action and expression and the potential of artistic interventions in public space. The block of initiatives within the People’s Smart Sculpture EU project, realized by Gdańsk City Gallery, has been named “Move Into The Open Space”. This paper will provide...
Higher platelet counts correlate to tumour progression and can be induced by intratumoural stroma in non-metastatic breast carcinomas
PublicationBackground Platelets support tumour progression. However, their prognostic significance and relation to circulating tumour cells (CTCs) in operable breast cancer (BrCa) are still scarcely known and, thus, merit further investigation. Methods Preoperative platelet counts (PCs) were compared with clinical data, CTCs, 65 serum cytokines and 770 immune-related transcripts obtained using the NanoString technology. Results High normal...
Evaluation of pounding effects between reinforced concrete frames subjected to far-field earthquakes in terms of damage index
PublicationIn this paper, three different damage indexes were used to detect nonlinear damages in two adjacent Reinforced Concrete (RC) structures considering pounding effects. 2-, 4- and 8-story benchmark RC Moment Resisting Frames (MRFs) were selected for this purpose with 60%, 75%, and 100% of minimum separation distance and also without any in-between separation gap. These structures were analyzed using the incremental dynamic analysis...
Effect of crystallinity on structural, thermal, and in vitro dissolution properties of Na2O-CaO-Nb2O5/MgO-P2O5 glass-ceramics
PublicationThe impact of the crystallinity on structural, thermal, and in vitro dissolution properties were examined for Na2O- CaO-Nb2O5/MgO-P2O5 glasses/glass-ceramics. Glass-ceramics were synthesized via a spontaneous crystallization process. The Nb content in the materials increased with melting temperature, furthermore, the crystallinity is proportional to the Nb content. The presence of crystalline niobates and phosphates is confirmed...
Shear Cap Size Selection Method Based on Parametric Analysis of ACI-318 Code and Eurocode 2 Standard
PublicationThe scope of the paper is to propose a method for determining the size of shear caps in a slab–column-connections-reinforced concrete structure. Usually, shear heads are used to enhance slab–column connection, especially when the transverse reinforcement does not give the required punching shear load capacity. The dimensions of the shear head should provide the punching shear resistance of the connection inside and outside the...
Physical and sealing properties of BaO–Al2O3–SiO2–CaO–V2O5 glasses for solid oxide fuel cell applications
PublicationIn this study, the properties of BaO–Al2O3–SiO2 (SAB) glasses incorporated with CaO and V2O5 as the network modifier and additive, respectively, are evaluated. The electrical resistivities of the glasses decrease upon the addition of CaO but increase upon increasing their V2O5 content because the V5+ species lower the ionic mobility of the glasses. The addition of V2O5 improves the wettability of the glasses on the Crofer 22 APU...
The effects of crystallization on the magnetic properties and critical cur-rent in Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O glass-ceramics
PublicationW publikacji przedstawiono wpływ procesu krystalizacji na podatność magnetyczną oraz wewnątrzziarnowe i międzyziarnowe prądy krytyczne krystalizowanego szkła Bi4Sr4Ca3Cu4Ox. Próbki krystalizowano w temperaturze 800C w czasie od0,5 godz do 216 godz. Wszystkie próbki poniżej temp. 80k wykazywały cechy diamagnetyczne. Otrzymano małe wartości prądów krytycznych w badanych próbkach (50-100Acm-2 dla prądów wewnątrzziarnowych, w zależności...
Influence of Ultrasound on the Characteristics of CaP Coatings Generated Via the Micro-arc Oxidation Process in Relation to Biomedical Engineering
PublicationOver the past decade, bone tissue engineering has been at the core of attention because of an increasing number of implant surgeries. The purpose of this study was to obtain coatings on titanium (Ti) implants with improved properties in terms of biomedical applications and to investigate the effect of ultrasound (US) on these properties during the micro-arc oxidation (MAO) process. The influence of various process parameters, such...