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Search results for: ceramika tlenkowa
Balanand Santhosh Ph.D.
PeopleDr. Balanand Santhosh, obtained his Ph.D. (cum laude) in Materials, Mechatronics and Systems engineering from the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Trento, Italy. He is currently working as Research Assistant Professor at Gdansk Univerity of Technology, Poland. Formerly he was working as a post-doctoral researcher at University of Trento, Italy. His research expertise is mainly in the area of ceramic processing...
Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society
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Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society
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Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology
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Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies
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Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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InterCeram: International Ceramic Review
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Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society
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Sebastian Lech Wachowski dr inż.
PeopleBorn in 1987 in Bydgoszcz, Poland. In 2012 graduated MSc in Applied Physics: Nanotechnology and in 2017 finished, with honours, PhD in physics at Gdańsk University of Technology. Since the beginning of his academic journey interested in functional materials, especially in high-tech ceramics. Devoted to the development of high temperature protonic conductors for water vapour electrolyzers and fuel cells. During his career has several...
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Oxyfluoride transparent glass-ceramics: a promising family of materials for photonic applications
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Spectroscopic properties of Eu-doped antimony-germanate glass and glass-ceramics
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Effect of Semiconductor Element Substitution on the Electric Properties of Barium Titanate Ceramics
PublicationThe investigated ceramics were prepared by a solid-state reaction from simple oxides and carbonates with the use of a mixed oxide method (MOM). The morphology of BaTi0.96Si0.04O3 (BTSi04) ceramics was characterised by means of a scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was found that Si+4 ion substitution supported the grain growth process in BT-based ceramics. The EDS results confirmed the high purity and expected quantitative composition...
Microstructural and electrical properties of Y0:07Sr0:93−xTiO3− perovskite ceramics
PublicationIn order to find a relationship between electrical and microstructural properties, yttrium-doped strontium titanate (7 mol%) with various values of strontium nonstoichiometry was investigated and shown in this work. It has been observed that yttrium doping can affect the electrical properties of SrTiO3 to a great extent. Moreover, the microstructural and electrical properties can be influenced by strontium nonstoichiometry. The...
Additive manufacturing of Proton-Conducting Ceramics by robocasting with integrated laser postprocessing
PublicationA hybrid system combining robocasting and NIR laser postprocessing has been designed to fabricate layers of mixed proton-electron conducting Ba0.5La0.5Co1-xFexO3-δ ceramic. The proposed manufacturing technique allows for the control of the geometry and microstructure and shortens the fabrication time to a range of a few minutes. Using 5 W laser power and a scanning speed of 500 mm⋅s− 1, sintering of a round-shaped layer with an...
Electrical properties of A-site Ca-doped LaNb1-xAsxO4-δ ceramics
PublicationThe electrical properties of A-site Ca-doped LaNbO4 with the addition of As in the B-site, have been investigated. Total, grain- and specific grain boundary electric conductivities in different oxygen partial pressure, and water vapour partial pressure were determined. Additional conductivity measurements were performed in nitrogen, to suppress the possible p-type conductivity, focusing on protonic conductivity. The maximum measured...
Effects of Na+, K+ and B3+ Substitutions on the Electrical Properties of La10Si6O27 Ceramics
PublicationDoping of Na and K at La sites and of B at Si site in La10Si6O27 with oxyapatite structure and fabrication of their ceramics were made by the solid-state reaction method. It was found that partial substitution of Na+ and K+ on La sites decreased the sinterability of the La10Si6O27 based ceramics, whereas partial substitution of B3+ on the Si site improved the sinterability. Na+ and K+ substitutions in La10−xNaxSi6O27−x and La10−xKxSi6O27−x...
Synthesis and structure of Bi 5 FeTi 3 O 15 ceramics
PublicationAim of the present research was to fabricate and study crystal structure and phase composition of Bi5FeTi3O15 (BTFO) ceramics exhibiting Aurivillius - type structure. By means of simultaneous thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction analysis the process of synthesis of BTFO ceramics has been studied. Mixed oxide method followed by pressureless sintering was used for ceramics preparation. Three endothermic thermal effects have been...
Effects of Na+, K+ and B3+ Substitutions on the Electrical Properties of La10Si6O27 Ceramics
PublicationDoping of Na and K at La sites and of B at Si site in La10Si6O27 with oxyapatite structure and fabrication of their ceramics were made by solid-state reaction method. It was found that partial substitution of Na+ and K+ on La sites decreased the sinterability of the La10Si6O27 based ceramics, whereas partial substitution of B3+ on Si site imporved the sinterability. Na+ and K+ substitutions in La10-xNaxSi6O27-x and La10-xKxSi6O27-x...
Low temperature broad band dielectric spectroscopy of multiferroic Bi6Fe2Ti3O18 ceramics
PublicationIn the present research the tool of broadband dielectric spectroscopy was utilized to characterize dielectric behavior of Bi6Fe2Ti3O18 (BFTO) Aurivillius-type multiferroic ceramics. Dielectric response of BFTO ceramics was studied in the frequency domain (Δν=0.1Hz – 10MHz) within the temperature range ΔT=-100°C – 200°C. The Kramers-Kronig data validation test was employed to validate the impedance data measurements and it was found...
PublicationGoal of the present research was to apply a solid state reaction route to fabricate bismuth layer-structured multiferroic ceramics described with the formula Bi5FeTi3O15 and reveal the influence of processing conditions on its crystal structure and phase composition. Simple oxide powders Bi2O3, TiO2 and Fe2O3 were used to fabricate Aurivillius-type bismuth layer-structured ferroelectrics. Pressureless sintering in ambient air was...
Magnetoelectric, spectroscopic, optical and elastic properties of Co-doped BaTiO3 ceramics
Publicationhe BaTiO3 perovskite is widely used in the electronic technology due to its dielectric, piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties and is a well-known base for obtaining a promising multifunctional material. In this paper we report the extensive studies on the Co-doped BaTiO3 ceramics for the wide range cobalt content. Full structural characterization of studied samples in a 20–450 K range was provided. The results of research...
PublicationIn the present study, the lead-free BaTi1-xZrxO3 (for x = 0, 0.05 and 0.15) ceramics were prepared by High-Energy Ball Milling and heat treatments. The performed X-ray, SEM and EDS measurements confirmed high purity, good quality and the expected quantitative composition of the obtained samples. The study of dielectric properties was performed by means of broadband dielectric spectroscopy at the frequency ranging from 0.1 Hz to...
Badania jakości docierania elementów z ceramiki technicznej i węglików spiekanych na docierarce jednotarczowej.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań docierania elementów płaskich na docierarce jednotarczowej zawiesiną z węglika krzemu. Docierano elementy z tlenkowej ceramiki technicznej Al2O3 i Al2O3-ZrO2 oraz węgliki spiekane SM25, H15X i H20S. Badano wydajność obróbki oraz chropowatość powierzchni po docieraniu. Czynnikami zmiennymi badań była prędkość docierania, nacisk jednostkowy i czas docierania.
Wytwarzanie, budowa i właściwości warstw tlenkowych uzyskanych na stopach tytanu do zastosowań biomedycznych
PublicationPraca koncentruje się na zagadnieniach związanych z metodami modyfikacji warstwy wierzchniej stopów tytanu, z ukierunkowaniem na stop tytanu Ti13Nb13Zr, którego skład chemiczny stanowią pierwiastki obojętne dla organizmu żywego, a moduł Yong’a jest zbliżony do kości. Odpowiednia modyfikacja warstwy wierzchniej umożliwia przyspieszenie procesów łączenia żywej tkanki z wprowadzonym elementem i powoduje wydłużenie czasu użytkowania...
Research into properties of wear resistant ceramic metal plasma coatings
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Preparation and physicochemical characterization of ceramic supports for supported liquid membranes
PublicationImmobilizowane membrany ciekłe stały się przedmiotem intensywnych badań w ostanich latach, głównie w procesach oczyszczania strumieni gazowych. Kluczowym czynnikiem mającym wpływ na efektywność tych procesów ma czas życia układu membranowego, a zatem odpowiedni dobór nośnika i fazy membranowej. W porównaniu do nośników polimerowych, ceramiczne charakteryzują się większą grubością, jednak są bardziej stabilne termicznie. Praca...
Aluminium surface treatment with ceramic phases using diode laser
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The ultrafiltration ceramic membrane used for broth separation in membrane bioreactor
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Polyaryletherketone polymer nanocomposite engineered with nanolaminated Ti3SiC2 ceramic fillers
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Thermal and Chemical Expansion in Proton Ceramic Electrolytes and Compatible Electrodes
PublicationThis review paper focuses on the phenomenon of thermochemical expansion of two specific categories of conducting ceramics: Proton Conducting Ceramics (PCC) and Mixed Ionic-Electronic Conductors (MIEC). The theory of thermal expansion of ceramics is underlined from microscopic to macroscopic points of view while the chemical expansion is explained based on crystallography and defect chemistry. Modelling methods are used to predict...
Proton Conducting Ceramic Powder Synthesis by a Low Temperature Method
PublicationMolten salt synthesis (MSS) is a simple method for the preparation of ceramic powders with specific morphology. The main role of the molten salts is to increase the reaction rate and lower the reaction temperature. It occurs because of much higher mobility of reactants in the liquid medium than in the solid state. In this work the molten salt synthesis was applied to produce ceramic powders of La0995Ca0005NbO4 and BaCe09−xZrxY01O3....
Polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography for ceramic materials inspection
PublicationCeramics production is looking for a fast, reliable and non-destructive method that can be implemented on site for defect detection and analysis. In this paper we present polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography (PS-OCT) as a method for defect inspection. Proposed extensions to standard OCT provide additional information for complete characterization of tested object. We compare OCT and microscope imaging that can easily...
SrCe0.9In0.1O3-δ-based reversible symmetrical Protonic Ceramic Cell
PublicationIn-doped SrCe0.9In0.1O3-δ (SCI) perovskite-type oxide is utilized as the solid electrolyte, as well as a component, together with SrFe0.75Mo0.25O3-δ (SFM) compound, in the composite-type electrodes to construct symmetrical Protonic Ceramic Fuel Cells (PCFC). With good mutual stability of SCI and SFM at high temperatures in water vapor-containing reducing and oxidizing conditions, as well as sufficient ionic conductivity with high...
A New Microwave Ceramic – Polymer Composite with 0-3 Connectivity
PublicationGoal of the present research was to fabricate and study two-phase BiNbO4//PVDF composites with 0-3 connectivity. Such composite consists of there-dimensionally connected polymer matrix loaded with dielectric ceramic particles. In the present case BiNbO4 powder acted as an active phase (dispersed phase) whereas polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) acted as a non-active (passive) phase (matrix). BiNbO4//PVDF composites with the volume...
Impact of blending with polystyrene on the microstructural and electrochemical properties of SiOC ceramic
PublicationIn this work, we present the electrochemical behavior and microstructural analysis of silicon oxycarbide (SiOC) ceramics influenced by an addition of polystyrene (PS). Polymer-derived ceramics were obtained by pyrolysis (1000°C, Ar atmosphere) of different polysiloxanes prepared by sol–gel synthesis. This method is very effective to obtain desired composition of final ceramic. Two alkoxysilanes phenylthriethoxysilane and diphenyldimethoxysilane...
Raman Spectroscopy for Investigation of Sol-Gel Materials and Ceramic Materials.
PublicationPrzedstawiono rezultaty prac nad zastosowanie spektroskopii ramanowskiej do badania polimerów hybrydowych wytwarzanych metodą zol-żel oraz ceramik ferroelektrycznych. Wykonano pomiary dla próbek objętościowych i struktur cienkowarstwowych. Zademonstrowano możliwośc monitorowania procesu syntezy w czasie rzeczywistym.
Efekty docierania jednotarczowego ceramiki Al2O3 narzędziem z poliamidu PA2200 wykonanym metodą selektywnego spiekania laserowego
PublicationPrzedmiot badań niniejszej rozprawy doktorskiej stanowi analiza procesu docierania jednotarczowego powierzchni płaskich z wykorzystaniem spiekanych z proszku poliamidowego metodą selektywnego spiekania laserowego prototypowych narzędzi ściernych. Tarcze docierające zbudowane zostały z niezależnych segmentów ściernych tworzących płaską powierzchnię czynną narzędzia przeznaczoną do docierania materiałów metalowych i niemetalowych,...
Electronic conduction in (Bi,Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O glass-ceramics
PublicationAmorficzny materiał (Bi,Pb)4Sr3Ca3Cu4Ox wygrzewany w odpowiednich warunkach staje się nieuporządkowanym metalem i nadprzewodnikiem. Przedstawiono model mechanizmu przewodnictwa elektrycznego tych materiałów. Przeprowadzono dyskusję istniejących teorii do opisu badanych materiałów.
Influence of pore formers on electrical properties of CaTi0.9Fe0.1O3-δ perovskite-type ceramics
PublicationPorous CaTi0.9Fe0.1O3-δ (CTF) perovskites were synthesized by the standard solid state method at different sintering temperatures with carbon black (CB), corn starch (CS) and potato starch (PS) as pore-forming agents. The ceramic samples of porosity between 9% and 42% with 5 - 40 μm pore sizes, were obtained by a 6 h sintering at either 1130º C or 1200º C of precursor powder prepared at 1470º C. X-ray diffraction analysis proved...
Increase in circulating sphingosine-1-phosphate and decrease in ceramide levels in psoriatic patients
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Electronic conduction in (Bi,Pb)–Sr–Ca–Cu–O glass-ceramics
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Nonlinear electrical properties of glass-ceramics nanocomposites containing ferroelectric nanocrystallites of Bi2VO5.5
PublicationNonlinear A.C. impedance measurements were conducted in the 50BiV-50SrBAlO nanocomposite as a function of frequency, temperature and A.C. voltage. This material is ferroelectric below temperature of 730 K, and above 730 K is a good ion-conductor. For this nanocomposite a low A.C. voltage of 1 V rms is enough to observe high nonlinearities. The origin of these nonlinear effects depends on the temperature and frequency. In the high...
Investigation of structural, thermal, and electrical properties of sodium-doped oxynitride glass-ceramics
PublicationThis study aimed to investigate the influence of Na2O addition on the structural, thermal, and electrical characteristics of oxynitride glass-ceramics within the Na–K–Mg–Ca–Al–Si–O–N system. Oxynitride glass-ceramic samples were prepared via spark plasma sintering (SPS) with sodium oxide doping levels ranging from 0 wt% to 12 wt%. FESEM analysis revealed changes in sample morphology with increasing sodium content, indicating the...
Nonlinear and linear impedance of bismuth vanadate ceramics and its relation to structural properties
PublicationThe nonlinear and linear electrical properties, topography, and microstructure of bismuth-vanadate ceramics, were studied. The structurewas observed with the use of X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electronmicroscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and confocal microscopy methods. The obtained results showed that ceramic is porous. Two phase transitionswere determinedwith the use of DSC measurements. The linear and nonlinear ac...
Fabrication and Structural Properties of LaNb 1‐x As x O 4 Ceramics
PublicationLanthanum niobate substituted with arsenic was synthesized by three methods: solid state reaction from binary oxides and two different methods combining co-precipitation and solidstate reaction. In the first of the combined methods LaNb1- xAsxO4 was synthesized from LaAsO4, obtained from coprecipitation method, and lanthanum and niobium oxides. In the second LaNbO4 was first synthesized from binary oxides and then mixed with LaAsO4...
PublicationGoal of the present research was to study immittance properties of BiNbO4 ceramics fabricated by the solid state reaction route followed by pressureless sintering. Four sets of samples were examined, namely the one fabricated from the stoichiometric mixture of oxides, viz. Bi2O3 and Nb2O5 as well as the ones with an excess of 3%, 5% and 10% by mole of Bi2O3. The immittance properties were studied by impedance spectroscopy. Measurements...