Search results for: Bernard Tschumi
Homage to Bernardo Sassetti.
PublicationUdział w wystawie zbiorowej rysunku w ramach Trienale Rysunku (Trienal Movimento Desenho 2012). Dwa rysunki w hołdzie pamięci pianisty jazzowego bernarda Sassetiego, który zginał tragicznie w maju 2012.
Shaw-The Journal of Bernard Shaw Studies
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Cezary Wąs Profesor
PeopleDr. habil. Cezary Was Assistant Professor at the Institute of Art History, University of Wrocław. Curator of the Museum of Architecture (1986-2021). Author of the books: Antynomie współczesnej architektury sakralnej (Antinomies of the Contemporary Sacred Architecture, 2008), Architektura a dekonstrukcja. Przypadek Petera Eisenmana i Bernarda Tschumiego (Architecture and Deconstruction. The Case of Peter Eisenman and Bernard Tschumi,...
Superconductivity in Ternary Mg4Pd7As6
PublicationThe synthesis and characterization of a new compound Mg4Pd7As6, which is found to be a superconductor with Tc = 5.45 K is reported. Powder X-ray diffraction confirms the U4Re7Si6 structure (space group Im-3m, no. 229) with the lattice parameter a = 8.2572(1) Å. Magnetization, specific heat, and electrical resistivity measurements indicate that it is a moderate-coupling ( = 0.72) type-II superconductor. The electronic and phonon...
Architektura a dekonstrukcja. Przypadek Petera Eisenmana i Bernarda Tschumiego
PublicationArchitecture and Deconstruction Case of Peter Eisenman and Bernard Tschumi Introduction Towards deconstruction in architecture Intensive relations between philosophical deconstruction and architecture, which were present in the late 1980s and early 1990s, belong to the past and therefore may be described from a greater than...
Enthalpy of Mixing of Ternary Li-Pb-Sb Alloys
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Ho2Pd1.3Ge2.7 – a ternary AlB2-type cluster glass system
PublicationWe report a successful synthesis of a ternary AlB2-type intermetallic compound. The phase purity was obtained by fine-tuning the Pd-Ge ratio out of the idealized 1-3. Attempts to synthesize an Er analogue were not successful. We discuss the instability of the Er analogue based on the atomic size ratio and also suggest that the increased stability of Ho2Pd1+xGe3−x in the Pd-rich range likely stems from a combination of atomic size...
Physical properties of the uranium ternary compoundsU3Bi4M3(M=Ni,Rh)
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Crystal structure and physical properties of a novel ternary compound La15MoxGe9
PublicationWe present the synthesis, structural characterization and physical properties measurements of a new compound, La15MoxGe9 in Mn5Si3-type derived structure with interstitial Mo. The sample was synthesized by arc-melting method. La15MoxGe9 crystallizes in non-centrosymmetric hexagonal structure P63mc (#186) with lattice parameters a = b = 15.495(5) Å and c = 6.917(2) Å. The refinement on single X-ray diffraction data show that interstitial...
Crystal structure and physical properties of a novel ternary compound La15Mo Ge9
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Thermodynamic and electrostatic properties of ternary Oxytricha nova TEBP-DNA complex
PublicationZa pomocą metod chemi obliczeniowej badano właściwości molekularne kompleksu telomerowego białka TEBP z Oxytricha nova w kompleksie trójskkładnikowym z DNA o sekwencji telomerowej. Wyliczone wartości energii kompleksowania wskazują specyficznie na jedną z dróg tworzenia kompleksu, gdzie wpierw podjednostka alfa łaczy się z DNA a następnie podjednostka beta dołącza się do takiego dwuskładnikowego kompleksu. Policzone rozkłady molekularnego...
Physical properties of the uranium ternary compounds U3Bi4M3 (M=Ni,Rh)
PublicationW pracy dyskutowany jest wzrost kryształów i właściwości fizyczne dwóch, nowych, izostrukturalnych związków U3Bi4Ni3 i U3Bi4Rh3. Pierwszy z nich jest nie-metalem, w drugim obserwowany jest tzw. ferromagnetyczny kwantowy punkt krytyczny.
Analysis of odor interactions in ternary gas mixtures using electronic nose
PublicationIn recent years there has been a noticeable increase in interest in the use of electronic noses in analytical chemistry. These devices perform a holistic analysis of the gas mixtures composition, without the separation and identification of its individual components. For this reason e-noses are increasingly replacing the conventional olfactometers, due to the significantly shorter analysis time and possible automation. In the work...
Asymptotic Expansion Method with Respect to Small Parameter for Ternary Diffusion Models
PublicationTernary diffusion models lead to strongly coupled systems of PDEs. We choose the smallest diffusion coefficient as a small parameter in a power series expansion whose components fulfill relatively simple equations. Although this series is divergent, one can use its finite sums to derive feasible numerical approximations, e.g. finite difference methods (FDMs).
Crystal structure and physical properties of NpRh2Sn, a new Np-based ternary compound
PublicationPoprzez syntezę w piecu łukowym został otrzymany nowy związek o stechiometrii NpRh2Sn. NpRh2Sn krystalizuje w strukturze ortorombowej i wykazuje przejście PM-AFM w temperaturze Neela T_N = 34K.
Ternary Bismuthide SrPtBi2: Computation and Experiment in Synergism to Explore Solid-State Materials
PublicationA combination of theoretical calculation and the experimental synthesis to explore the new ternary compound is demonstrated in the Sr–Pt–Bi system. Because Pt–Bi is considered as a new critical charge-transfer pair for superconductivity, it inspired us to investigate the Sr–Pt–Bi system. With a thorough calculation of all the known stable/metastable compounds in the Sr–Pt–Bi system and crystal structure predictions, the thermodynamic...
Synthesis and properties of AxV2Al20 (A = Th, U, Np, Pu) ternary actinide aluminides
PublicationPolycrystalline samples of AxV2Al20 (A = Ce, Th, U, Np, Pu; 0.7 ≤ x ≤ 1.0) actinide intermetallics were synthesized using the arc-melting method. Crystal structure studies were performed by means of powder x-ray diffraction and the Rietveld refinement method. All studied compounds crystallize in the CeCr2Al20-type structure (space group Fd-3m, no. 227) with the actinoid and Ce atom located in the oversized icosahedral cage formed...
Bernard Quant dr hab. inż.
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Sound velocity and parameter of nonlinearity of a ternary mixture consisting of water, vapour and dry air
PublicationRozpatruje się własności akustyczne mieszanki trójskładnikowej zawierającej wodę, parę wodną i suche powietrze. Dokładne obliczenia pozwoliły na wyprowadzenie prędkości dźwięku i parametru nieliniowości jako funkcji koncentracji pary wodnej i powietrza przy zadanych warunkach równowagowych. Rozpatrywane są dwa typy mieszanin. Przedstawiono wzory ogólne oraz symulacje numeryczne.
Novel non-covalent stable supramolecular ternary system comprising of cyclodextrin and branched polyethylenimine
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Binary and Ternary Core–Shell Crystals of Polynuclear Coordination Clusters via Epitaxial Growth
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Ternary LaNi4.75M0.25 hydrogen storage alloys: Surface segregation, hydrogen sorption and thermodynamic stability
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Crystal structure and physical properties of NpRh,Sn, a new Np-based ternary compound
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Interactions in Ternary Aqueous Solutions of NMA and Osmolytes—PARAFAC Decomposition of FTIR Spectra Series
PublicationIntermolecular interactions in aqueous solutions are crucial for virtually all processes in living cells. ATR-FTIR spectroscopy is a technique that allows changes caused by many types of such interactions to be registered; however, binary solutions are sometimes difficult to solve in these terms, while ternary solutions are even more difficult. Here, we present a method of data pretreatment that facilitates the use of the Parallel...
Hydrophobic hydration and pairwise hydrophobic interaction of Lennard-Jones and Mie particles in different water models
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Synthesis and characterization of mechanically alloyed nanostructured ternary titanium based alloy for bio-medical applications
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Surface Properties and Photocatalytic Activity of KTaO3, CdS, MoS2 Semiconductors and Their Binary and Ternary Semiconductor Composites
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Molecular dynamics simulation and MM-PBSA analysis of Oxytricha nova TEBP ternary complex with ssDNA
PublicationPraca dotyczy badań metodami chemii obliczeniowej właściwości elektrostatycznych i termodynamicznych kompleksu telomerowego białka TEBP pochodzącego z organizmu Oxytricha z jednoniciowym telomerowym DNA (ssDNA).
Cluster-spin-glass behavior in new ternary RE2PtGe3 compounds (RE = Tb, Dy, Ho)
PublicationTwo new ternary germanides Tb2Pt1.2Ge2.8, Dy2Pt1.15Ge2.85 and one already known germanium Ho2Pt1.1Ge2.9.were synthesized using an arc melting technique. The obtained samples were investigated by powder X-ray diffraction, which indicated that all of them crystallized in a hexagonal structure with P6/mmm (no. 191) space group. This structure is a disordered variant of the AlB2 aristotype that favors the formation of a spin-glass-like...
Surface properties and photocatalytic activity of KTaO3, CdS, MoS2 semiconductors and their binary and ternary semiconductor composites
PublicationSingle semiconductors such as KTaO3, CdS MoS2 or their precursor solutions were combined to form novel binary and ternary semiconductor nanocomposites by the calcination or by the hydro/solvothermal mixed solutions methods, respectively. The aim of this work was to study the influence of preparation method as well as type and amount of the composite components on the surface properties and photocatalytic activity of the new semiconducting...
Assessment of microstructure, physical and thermal properties of bitumen modified with LDPE/GTR/elastomer ternary blends
PublicationLDPE/GTR/elastomer ternary blends with variable LDPE/GTR ratio and constant elastomer content were prepared via melt-compounding. Obtained LDPE/GTR/elastomer blends were applied as thermoplastic modifiers into bitumen. Microstructure, physical and thermal properties of the modified bitumen were determined. It was observed that chemical composition of LDPE/GTR/elastomer blends has significant influence on their density and rheological...
Kinetic analysis of the reduction of a ternary system of Bi, Sb and Te oxides by hydrogen for BiSbTe3 synthesis
PublicationReduction in a hydrogen atmosphere of Bi2O3, Sb2O3 and TeO2 mixes oxides for the synthesis of BiSbTe3 was analysed. The reduction reactions of Sb2O3 and Sb2O4 oxides, as well as Bi2O3+Sb2O3 and Sb2O3+3TeO2 mix- tures, were also evaluated. The reduction of Sb2O4 is investigated for the first time. The reactions of the mixed oxides systems also were not the subject of research so far despite being used for synthesis of the (Bi,Sb)2Te3...
Comparative analysis of ternary blended cement with clay and engineering brick aggregate for high-performance 3D printing
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Studies on water - polyethylene glycol - sulfates(VI) ternary systems used in conservation of wooden historical artefacts
PublicationW pracy omówiono wyniki badań cząstkowych objętości w układach dwu i trójskładnikowych: woda - PEG - siarczany oraz degradacji PEG w zbliżonych układach. Ma to ścisły związek z konserwacją drewna, gdzie podobne układy powstają w wyniku stosowania PEG do konserwacji drewna z zabytków podwodnych. W szczególności zaś siarczany powstają w kadłubie okrętu Vasa w wyniku utleniania nagromadzonej w nim siarki. Wykazano zależność...
Solvation phenomena in ternary system tetramethylurea-methylacetamide-water: Insights from volumetric, compressibility and FTIR analysis
PublicationThe properties of the ternary systems N,N,N’,N’-tetramethylurea - N-methylacetamide - water were investigated using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), volumetric and compression measurements. Densities and sound velocities were determined in order to obtain the apparent molar volumes (VΦ) and apparent molar isentropic compressions (ΚS,Φ). These values were then extrapolated to infinite dilution. Additionally, interaction parameters...
Significant Production of Thermal Energy in Partially Ionized Hyperbolic Tangent Material Based on Ternary Hybrid Nanomaterials
PublicationNanoparticles are frequently used to enhance the thermal performance of numerous materials. This study has many practical applications for activities that have to minimize losses of energy due to several impacts. This study investigates the inclusion of ternary hybrid nanoparticles in a partially ionized hyperbolic tangent liquid passed over a stretched melting surface. The fluid motion equation is presented by considering the...
The complete list of two-dimensional number-conserving ternary cellular automata
Open Research DataThis dataset contains a complete list of all 1327 two-dimensional number-conserving cellular automata with the state set {0,1,2} (the so-called ternary cellular automata) based on adjacent cells only, i.e. with the von Neumann neighborhood. The detailed definitions and the method of enumerating are given in the paper:
Michał Bernard Pietrzak dr hab.
PeopleMichal Pietrzak is head of the Department of Statistics and Econometrics at the Faculty of Economics and Management, Gdańsk University of Technology, and Deputy Editor-in-Chief for Statistical Reviewing of the journals: Oeconomia Copernicana and Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy. Until October 2021, he worked as an associate professor at the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management, Nicolaus...
Investigations of ternary complexes of Co(II) and Ni(II) with oxydiacetate anion and 1,10-phenanthroline or 2,2′-bipyridine in solutions
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Strategic improvement of second and third harmonic generation in multifunctional Cu-Sn-S3 ternary semiconducting thin films
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Studies in Carbohydrate Based Glues and Thickeners for Foodstuffs. Part I: Glucose - Sucrose - Apple Pectin Ternary System
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Material Design and Optimisation of Electrochemical Li-Ion Storage Properties of Ternary Silicon Oxycarbide/Graphite/Tin Nanocomposites
PublicationIn this work, we present the characterization and electrochemical performance of various ternary silicon oxycarbide/graphite/tin (SiOC/C/Sn) nanocomposites as anodes for lithium-ion batteries. In binary SiOC/Sn composites, tin nanoparticles may be produced in situ via carbothermal reduction of SnO2 to metallic Sn, which consumes free carbon from the SiOC ceramic phase, thereby limiting the carbon content in the final ceramic nanocomposite....
A finite element analysis of thermal energy inclination based on ternary hybrid nanoparticles influenced by induced magnetic field
PublicationThe use of hybrid nanoparticles to improve thermal processes is a key method that has implications for a variety of interventions utilized in many sectors. This paper aimed to look into the impacts of ternary nanoparticles on hyperbolic tangent materials to establish their thermal characteristics. Flow describing equations have been explored in the presence of heat production, non-Fourier heat flux, and an induced magnetic field....
Oprawy ze średniowiecznych rękopisów muzycznych w księgozbiorze Jana Bernarda Bonifacia = Medieval musical manuscript leaves as bookbindings in the book-collection of Giovanni Bernardino Bonifacio
PublicationNiniejsza praca zawiera analizę jakościową i ilościową zespołu analogów, składającego się z około 30 druków (XVI wiek), oprawionych w średniowieczne rękopisy muzyczne na pergaminie z zapisem neumatycznym (XIV/XV wiek) z księgozbioru Jana Bernarda Bonifacia (1517-1597), fundatora Biblioteki Rady Miejskiej w Gdańsku (Bibliotheca Senatus Gedanensis). W centrum interesowania autorki znalazły się wyżej wymienione oprawy, a w szczególności...
Oprawy ze średniowiecznych rękopisów muzycznych w księgozbiorze Jana Bernarda Bonifacia = Medieval musical manuscript leaves as bookbindings in the book-collection of Giovanni Bernardino Bonifacio
PublicationNiniejsza praca zawiera analizę jakościową i ilościową zespołu analogów, składającego się z około 30 druków (XVI wiek), oprawionych w średniowieczne rękopisy muzyczne na pergaminie z zapisem neumatycznym (XIV/XV wiek) z księgozbioru Jana Bernarda Bonifacia (1517-1597), fundatora Biblioteki Rady Miejskiej w Gdańsku (Bibliotheca Senatus Gedanensis). W centrum interesowania autorki znalazły się wyżej wymienione oprawy, a w szczególności...
Solvent Screening for Solubility Enhancement of Theophylline in Neat, Binary and Ternary NADES Solvents: New Measurements and Ensemble Machine Learning
PublicationTheophylline, a typical representative of active pharmaceutical ingredients, was selected to study the characteristics of experimental and theoretical solubility measured at 25 °C in a broad range of solvents, including neat, binary mixtures and ternary natural deep eutectics (NADES) prepared with choline chloride, polyols and water. There was a strong synergistic effect of organic solvents mixed with water, and among the experimentally...
Investigations of ternary complexes of Co(II) and Ni(II) with thiodiacetate anion and 1,10-phenanthroline or 2,2’-bipyridine in aqueous solutions
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Właściwości fizyczne mieszanek trójskładnikowych zawierających masło kakaowe. Physical properties of ternary fat blends containing cocoa butter.
PublicationBadano właściwości fizyczne (zawartość fazy stałej i charakterystyki topnienia) trójskładnikowych mieszanek zawierających obok masła kakaowego, tłuszcz mleczny oraz frakcję łoju o wąskim zakresie topienia. W porównaniu z tłuszczem mlecznym, frakcja łoju w mniejszym stopniu ograniczała powstawanie formy beta oraz obniżała zawartość fazy stałej w mieszance.
Physicochemical properties of ternary oxovanadium(IV) complexes with oxydiacetate and 1,10-phenanthroline or 2,2′-bipyridine. Cytoprotective activity in hippocampal neuronal HT22 cells
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Interactions between hydration spheres of two different solutes in solution: The least squares fitting with constraints as a tool to determine water properties in ternary systems
PublicationBiological systems are complex and the problem of their description lies in mutual interactions between their components. This paper is focused on model experiment-based studies which can reduce these difficulties. The ternary aqueous N-methylacetamide (NMA)–Na2HPO4 system has been studied by means of the FTIR spectroscopy. A novel difference spectra method aimed to extract the spectral contribution of water affected simultaneously...