Search results for: INTRAPRENEURSHIP
Research on entrepreneurship – the forms of entrepreneurship
PublicationThe aim of this article is to present suggestions for future directions of research on entrepreneurship, with particular emphasis on different forms of entrepreneurship. The suggestions are preceded by a brief review of research on entrepreneurship. The article is theoretical in nature and does not present any own research, although its content is based on multiple years of experience in studying this phenomenon. The forms of entrepreneurship...
Including the Dark Side of Entrepreneurship in the Entrepreneurship Education
PublicationPursuing an entrepreneurial career is often rewarding in terms of both economic and psychological outcomes. However, becoming an entrepreneur also has its darker side that affects professional and personal life. Meanwhile, the positivity bias is prevalent in entrepreneurial education and research. It is recognized as emphasizing the advantages of becoming an entrepreneur and giving considerably less attention to potential downsides....
Entrepreneurship without Borders: Do Borders Matter for International Entrepreneurship?
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Entrepreneurship in Internet Business
PublicationSklasyfikowano przedsięwzięcia elektroniczne. Zarysowano problematykę rozwoju e-biznesu od fazy startowej do formy dojrzałej. Zaprezentowano technologie informatyczne służące do tworzenia, implementacji oraz wdrożenia komercyjnych witryn internetowych. Zwrócono uwagę na możliwości pozyskiwania wsparcia finansowego od funduszy inwestycyjnych podwyższonego ryzyka. Przedstawiono szereg wniosków praktycznych mogących służyć przedsiębiorcom...
Female entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan
PublicationWomen constitute the majority of the Kazakh population and, even though they live almost 10 years longer than men on average, they are far less economically active. Less than half of the female population take up employment. Women’s wages are often as much as 30% lower than men’s. The subjective reasons for undertaking economic activity as mentioned by women included: independence from the husband, low earnings of the husband and...
Internet entrepreneurship in electronic business
PublicationZaproponowano klasyfikację przedsięwzięć Internetowych. Zaprezentowano szereg reprezentatywnych przykładów. Wyszczególniono poszczególne etapy rozwoju działalności gospodarczej w Internecie. Zwrócono uwagę zarówno na aspekty technologiczne, jak i formy pozyskiwania kapitału inwestycyjnego podwyższonego ryzyka. Artykuł może stanowić źródło odniesienia dla przedsiębiorców pragnących otworzyć działalność gospodarczą w Internecie lub...
Gender differences in entrepreneurship myths
PublicationThe article presents the research results related to the most popular entrepreneurship myths in a group of business students. The author focused on gender differences in myth intensity, credibility and importance based on subject literature. The statistic analysis does not confirm any significant differences between male and female groups in case of the majority of myths, however women’s entrepreneurial intentions proved to be...
Entrepreneurship Today: Selected Aspects
PublicationAt its very beginning, entrepreneurship was a purely economic notion. However, this growing interest in entrepreneurship-related problems prompted other sciences to participate in explaining the entrepreneurship phenomenon. Nowadays, entrepreneurship is analyzed through multiple theoretical lenses of economics, management, psychology, sociology – just to name a few. Therefore, it would be difficult to find a notion that could be...
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation
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Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation in Aging
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Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation in Aging
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The basic barriers to the development of entrepreneurship in Poland
PublicationW opracowaniu przedstawiono najważniejsze zagadnienia związane z czynnikami wpływającymi na aktywność przedsiębiorców w Polsce, w tym takie, jak: problem kosztów pracy, rola systemu podatkowego w kształtowaniu postaw przedsiębiorców, nadmiernie rozbudowana biurokracja. Wskazano także na niezbędne i oczekiwane kierunki zmian.
Legal environment of the private entrepreneurship in Poland.
PublicationW pracy dokonano prezentacji i analizy podstawowych składowych otoczenia prawnego określającego warunki kształtowania i rozwoju prywatnej przedsiębiorczości w Polsce w okresie transformacji rynkowej.
Nascent entrepreneurship and the role of self-efficacy
PublicationCelem artykułu jest opisanie roli, jaką w tworzeniu nowej firmy pełni poczucie własnej skuteczności. W pierwszej części artykułu opisane są źródła poczucia samoskuteczności oraz jego następstwa w oparciu o teorię Bandury. W drugiej części artykułu opisane jest rozróżnienie pomiędzy ogólnym poczuciem samoskuteczności a poczuciem samoskuteczności w kontekście przedsiębiorczości (ESE). Autorzy przedstawiają teoretyczne i metodologiczne...
Academic entrepreneurship - determinants of development and differences
PublicationRozdział w monografii dotyczy charakterystyki przedsiębiorczości akademickiej i różnych form. Porównano przedsiębiorczość akademicką na poziomie międzynarodowym i krajowym. Przedstawiono również i porównano cechy charakterystyczne środowiska akademickiego i środowiska biznesu.
Investigate or not - problems with the entrepreneurship research methodology
PublicationRozdział porusza problemy metodologiczne związane z badaniem przedsiębiorczości. Głównym problemem jest mnogość definicji, które przedstawiono na początku rozdziału. Pozostałe omówione problemy to wybór perspektywy badawczej, poziomu analizy oraz okresu analizy.
Education as a Stimulating Factor for Entrepreneurship Development
PublicationThe main purpose of the paper is to present the role of entrepreneurial education for entrepreneurship development. The paper is theoretical and includes both a literature review and world reports (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor and WEF Global Education Initiative) on entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial education.
Legal destructive entrepreneurship in the modern economy
PublicationMotivation: Usually examples of activities that have a positive impact on the economy of the state are cited. Destructive entrepreneurship refers to activities that have negative impact on the economy. This phenomenon is relatively new in the literature and does not yet have a precise definition. Aim: The aim of this article is to attempt a definition of the phenomenon of legal destructive entrepreneurship. The author also analysed...
Entrepreneurship nests in a polish edge city
PublicationThe last two decades in Poland have been a period of both a dynamic development of the small and medium-sized enterprise sector and a transformation of the city surrounding territories. This development began during the economy transformation after 1989. Population migration and movement of economic entities away from central cities resulted in development of territorial structures within some Polish suburban areas, defined as...
Entrepreneurship as the Challenge for Polish Economy in the 21st Century
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Influence of the European Enlargement Process on Entrepreneurship in Poland
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Formal Institutions: the Source of Unproductive Entrepreneurship in Poland
PublicationThe purpose of this article is to determine the entrepreneurs' perception of formal institutions in Poland as a source of non-productive behaviours. The research methodology was developed based on many years of the teams' research experience. It involved three stages of research: 1) panel of experts and 2) telephone surveys of 1,612 entrepreneurs in Poland, which were the basis for 3) development of detailed research to be conducted...
Pronouncement of embedded agency in the field of social entrepreneurship
PublicationThe paper provides insights into how social entrepreneurship and the institutional theory framework can be combined. The author situates the social entrepreneurship phenomenon here, and embarks on the traditional structure vs agency debate from social sciences, sociology of organizations in particular. The concept of embedded agency is referred to and employed to explain the phenomenon of social entrepreneurship. In this paper,...
Female entrepreneurship in transitional economies: the case of Poland
PublicationPolska przeszła skomplikowaną drogę przemian gospodarczych by ostatecznie wstąpić do UE. Jednę z sił, pomocnych na tej drodze była i jest przedsiębiorczość. Autorzy podjęli się charakterystyki przedsiębiorczości kobiet w okresie transformacji, porównując ją z przedsiębiorczością w pozostałych 15 krajach UE (przed akcesją Polski). Wykorzystano do tego badania przeprowadzone w 1992, 1999 i 2004 wśród przedsiębiorców regionu gdańskiego....
Social Entrepreneurship through Cooperatives: Founder Insights
PublicationIn this research we are interested in how social entrepreneurs think about their organizational creation process in the context of cooperatives, and how cooperatives conceptualize and actualize their ‘care for community’ social principles. In this interface of organizational purpose and form, we find a variety of interesting issues presented by our interview sample of founders of young, global organizations from six nations. Discussing...
It is not OK but it works – unproductive entrepreneurship, the case of Poland
PublicationThe concept of unproductive entrepreneurs was introduced to science by Baumol, who pointed out the differences in business output between countries. Unproductive behaviour of entrepreneurs is often a consequence of ineffective institutions used by entrepreneurs for rent seeking. The aim of this article is to examine subjective norms (S.N.) and attitudes regarding specified types of unproductive entrepreneurship, which in many cases...
Accelerator of the entrepreneurship: suburbs in the coastal metropolis of GOM
PublicationPolish model of suburban structure is made of variety types of enterprises in different scales, and a range of housing. However this mass of unordered structure with its urban development problems, often leads to the establishment of business and also the development of local entrepreneurship. This article investigates SME sector located in the suburban area of costal metropolis GOM to prove the thesis that the positive effect...
The Housing Pattern and Entrepreneurship in Polish Suburban Landscape
PublicationAbstract. Housing stimulates the development of SMEs (small and medium enterprises) in the suburbs. The multidisciplinary research in fields of urban planning and economics, carried out by the Authors, confirms this trend. The purpose of this paper is to present the multidisciplinary results of the research on the determinants of SME localization in the suburban areas of Gdansk, Gdynia and Sopot (the Metropolitan Area Gdansk–Gdynia-Sopot...
Journal of Entrepreneurship
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Corporate Entrepreneurship: A Literature Review and Future Research Perspectives
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Female entrepreneurship - on the nexus of person and context - merging pigeonholes
PublicationPoprzez opisową analizę przypadku, autor proponuje połączenie osobowego podejścia do przedsiębiorczości kobiet, które wywodzi się z psychologii z podejściem kontekstualnym, pochodzącym z ujęcia socjologicznego. Praca kończy się wnioskiem, iż przedsiębiorczość jest zjawiskiem zbyt złożonym, aby analizować je jedynie w kategoriach nauk ekonomicznych.
The Pomerania Design Faktory as an Example of 50+ Entrepreneurship Promotion
PublicationThe article presents one of the programmes carried out by The Gdańsk Entrepreneurs' Foundation and The Gdansk Labor Office in 2013/14, dedicated to seniors. It is a great example of an innovative project aimed at the activation of individuals aged 50+ by using their own talents and interests in business. It also shows the results of intergenerational cooperation because the trainers — especially the designers — were much younger...
Entrepreneurship in Virtual Economy: the Case of Currency One SA
PublicationPurpose: The scientific purpose of the study is an attempted synthesis of interpretation of “the virtual economy” and “the virtual environment” in the Polish and foreign literature on the subject. The cognitive purpose thereof is to offer an identification and a qualitative analysis of the factors that determine the development of e-entrepreneurship using an example of business practice. Methodology: The theoretical basis of the...
Corporate Entrepreneurship: A Literature Review and Future Research Perspectives
PublicationBackground. Nowadays, corporate entrepreneurship (CE) is perceived as an essential approach to boost the innovation and creativity within existing organizations for achieving higher opportunities in the market. This paper examines this concept, which has been largely discussed in the Anglo-Saxon world over the last thirty years. Like for many other phenomena, also in case of CE, this discussion has provided numerous conceptualizations,...
The impact of bankruptcy regimes on entrepreneurship and innovation. Is there any relationship?
PublicationThe literature review indicates that bankruptcy law may play an important role in and be one of the factors infuencing the development of entrepreneurship, innovation, and thus economic growth, among other things. In previous studies, the analysis of the impact of bankruptcy law on individual variables has been conducted independently. Our aim was to conduct a holistic analysis, taking several factors into account simultaneously....
Innovation Capability Development in Regional Entrepreneurship: The Case of Economies in Transition
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Methodological challenges in social entrepreneurship – on the nexus of economics and management area
PublicationIn this paper we make an attempt distinguishing challenges in SE research agenda in Polish and beyond. We identify what can impede the development of this area in Polish discourse These challenges vary in scope. They involve the dilemma between either economics or management as disciplinary settings. Also the understanding of social economy as such determines the chaos. Additionally, divergences in paradigms where researchers situate...
Supporting local entrepreneurship by creating innovativeness incubators - example of Gdansk
PublicationW pracy przedstawiona koncepcję budowy inkubatora przedsiębiorczości i innowacyjności w Gdańsku, zawierającą zarówno strukturę właścicielską, uwarunkowania prowadzenia działalności przez inkubator, jak i koncepcję jego organizacji i funkcjonowania, wstępną analizę finansową oraz charakterystykę klientów inkubatora. W koncepcji tej podkreślono znaczenie społeczne przedsięwzięcia i powiązania priorytetów społecznych z prowadzonym...
The impact of entrepreneurship on regional economy - evidence from empirical studies
PublicationRozdział poświęcony jest analizie wyników badań empirycznych dotyczących relacji pomiędzy przedsiębiorczością a wzrostem gospodarczym, prowadzonych w ostatnich latach na całym świecie. Autorzy przedstawiają rolę tzw. tkanki przedsiębiorczości i powiązań pośrednich (intermediate linkages).W rozdziale zaprezentowano również model relacji pomiędzy przedsiębiorczością a wzrostem gospodarczym.
MOOCs in SP4CE - case studies (Strategic Partnership for Creativity and Entrepreneurship)
PublicationSP4CE stands for Strategic Partnership for Creativity and Entrepreneurship project which has been funded with support from the European Commission under the ERASMUS+ Programme in the period 1st September 2014 - 31st August 2017. The main purpose of SP4CE project is to design innovative e-learning tools for collaboration between students, enterprises and teachers. It concentrates on identifying users’ needs and supports the development...
Gendered entrepreneurship and its impact on firm innovativeness - a literature review.
PublicationEntrepreneurs gain a lot of attention in recent decades. Even if a precise definition of entrepreneur and entrepreneurship remains problematic, it is clear that there is a strong link between entrepreneurship and innovativeness, as well as between entrepreneur and innovation. In the current era of globalisation, the importance of innovations is as great as never before. And so is the importance of innovativeness determinants. Investigating...
Social entrepreneurship and its hybridity determining resource challenges and chances
PublicationIn this conceptual paper, the author aims to grasp what are the particular challenges and opportunities in social entrepreneurship, in terms of resource access and mobilization, considering the hybrid nature of social enterprise. To this end, the author points to the nature of hybridity and discusses what advantages and disadvantages are inherent in financial, human and physical resources access for social enterprises as hybrid...
Social Entrepreneurship Research – Challenges, Explanations and Suggestions for the Field Development
PublicationEmploying critical review and reflection on the key literature in the area of entrepreneurship and management studies in social entrepreneurship field, this paper aims to outline the current challenges this field is facing, while introducing related explanations and suggesting required changes. The current field of social entrepreneurship research is at its nascent stage, which is determined by ongoing definitional debates and...
Entrepreneurial Orientation and Business Internationalisation Process: The Theoretical Foundations of International Entrepreneurship
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The impact of equity pledge on inefficient investment: a perspective from family entrepreneurship
PublicationAs an efficient and convenient financing method, equity pledges may have a heterogeneous impact on the inefficient investment of family firms. In order to verify this point, this paper takes A-share listed family enterprises from 2010 to 2021 as a research sample. It conducts an empirical test on the impact of equity pledges on inefficient investment in family firms by constructing a panel regression model. The results show...
The entrepreneurship of host cities of the Olympic Games – Between success and social destruction
PublicationMany publications focus on the deficit nature of the Olympic Games organisation, when considered from the point of view of host cities – organisers of such events. However, does such an event actually affect the region and the host country in a positive way? The presented article aims at the assessment of the organisation of mass sports events, such as the Olympic Games, taking into consideration entrepreneurial activities which...
Professional activity and women entrepreneurship in Poland – Europe 2020 Strategy perspective
PublicationThe level of economic activity of women in Poland is the lowest among Baltic Sea Region countries. The analysis of Europe 2020 targets, shows that at least 3 of the 5 main objectives relate, more or less, to women (e.g. participation in labor market). The objective concerning social inclusion assumes the increase in the employment rate of men and women (aged 20-64) in Poland up to 71%. To achieve this goal, support programs to...
The relationship between entrepreneurship and economic growth: a review of recent research achievements
PublicationRozdział przedstawia przedląd najnowszych badań światowych dotyczących relacji zachodzących pomiędzy przedsiębiorczością a wzrostem gospodarczym. Autorzy prezentują własną propozycję ujęcia powiązań pomiędzy przedsiębiorczością a makroekonomicznymi efektami wzrostu z uwzględnieniem różnorodnych - tak zwanych - ''powiązań pośrednich''(intermediate linkages).
Youth attitude to entrepreneurship in Eastern and Central European countries: Gender aspect
PublicationCurrent business conditions pose new challenges to youth entrepreneurship, which is a significant component of countries’ economic growth. In addition, Generation Z differs from previous generations and requires new approaches. In this context, a comprehensive study of the peculiarities and various aspects of youth entrepreneurship development is highly-demanded and relevant. Furthermore, the lower representation of women among...
Journal of Social Entrepreneurship