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Search results for: SALAMI SCIENCE
How to stop salami science: promotion of healthy trends in publishing behavior
PublicationThe career of scientists often depends on the number of their published works. This fact leads to the overproduction of low quality papers burying the important articles and making the knowledge less accessible. One of the methods to counteract these negative aspects might lie in the promotion of healthy trends in publishing behavior. In the present work, the theoretical analysis of a new bibliometric measure is presented, and...
Postbiotics in oncology: science or science fiction?
PublicationThe gut microbiome has been increasingly understood to play a critical role in carcinogenesis and cancer disease progression. The most recent research advancements have shown that different tools of microbiota manipulation contribute to gut microbiome–immune–oncology axis modulation, offering exciting opportunities for targeted interventions aimed at improving the efficacy of established anti-cancer therapy. Postbiotics are a new...
Science diplomacy of Poland
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Where science meets business...
PublicationArtykuł opisujący integrację środowisk naukowo-biznesowych za pośrednictwem Uniwersyteckiego Centrum Kompetencyjnego Technologii Oprogramowania na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii.
Collective creativity in management science
PublicationPurpose: The purpose of this paper is to establish the current state of knowledge on collective creativity in management science on the basis of a systematic literature review. Methodology: A systematic review was performed based on the three-step SPL procedure proposed by Tranfield et al. (2003). Two databases (Scopus and Web of Science) were searched electronically up until March 2022. Based on the secondary data a literature...
Building the Image of women in science with the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Scholarship Program - case studies
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The International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) in the Changing Arctic. Between International Scientific Cooperation and Science Diplomacy
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Science-Nonscience Research Partnership in Poland
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Gender, equality, science and information systems
PublicationIn the entire Europe more women than men graduate from tertiary education institutes1. However, they are underrepresented in scientific and engineering disciplines. Women researchers still constitute a minority in the Government and Higher Education Sectors that both are related to power. A number of industry reports highlight a low number of women in IT occupations2. The EU Member States have, on political levels, committed themselves...
Comparison of oil yield and quality obtained by different extraction procedures from salmon (Salmo salar) processing byproducts
PublicationThe content and composition of lipids in different byproducts (skins, heads, and backbones) from mechanically processed farmed Atlantic salmon were determined and compared with that obtained from wild salmon. Three different procedures were used to establish the optimal conditions of oil extraction (at high temperature −95°C, “cold” extraction at temperature not exceeding 15°C and enzyme assisted with Alcalase). “Cold” extraction...
Reactions of solute species at an electrode modified with titanocene functionalized polypyrrole film: ferrocene and titanocene dichloride
PublicationPo raz pierwszy zbadano możliwość intermediacji ładunku poprzez centra tytanocenowe polimeru modyfikowanego chemicznie związanymi grupami dichloro tytanocenowymido polipirolu. Badano reakcje elektrodowe ferrocenu i dichlorotytanocenu. Wykazano aktywność elektrodową w zakresie potencjałów redoks pary Ti(IV/TiIII)w stosunku do reakcji redoks ferrocenu i reakcji dichlorotytanocenu. Wykazano, że centra TcCl2 polimeru są zadowalająco...
Zastosowanie modeli Markowa z ukrytymi stanami do analizy aktywności wzrokowej w procesie oceny wirtualnych opakowań techniką porównywania parami
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Science and/or Miracle? The System Approach to Miracle Events
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Accelerator science and technology in Europe 2008–2017
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Accelerator science and technology in Europe: EuCARD 2012
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Accelerator Science and Technology in Europe EuCARD 2012
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Special Issue: Recent Advances in Corrosion Science
PublicationThe dynamic development of the global industry and growing demand for new material technologies generates constantly increasing problems regarding premature material degradation and the requirement to determine corrosion mechanisms and to develop new protection/evaluation approaches. This Special Issue, “Recent Advances in Corrosion Science”, brings together fourteen articles and one review, providing a snapshot of the recent activity...
Adaption of Open Science Paradigm at Gdańsk University of Technology
PublicationOpen Access plays growing role in sharing results of today's research. The movement is very strong and many Universities, including Gdańsk University of Technology, are adapting this approach. This paper presents general information about Open Access movement and the approach adapted by the Gdańsk University of Technology. The components of Open Science platform as well as the procedures are described.
Adaption of Open Science Paradigm at Gdańsk University of Technology
PublicationThe paper describes the basic principles standing behind Open Access and will try to dispel the doubts behind them. Further the solution adapted by the Gdańsk University of Technology is presented. Later on the systems that the University uses and means of their integration into a complex Open Science platform are described. Finally the procedures needed to publish a document in the repository alongside the University's policy...
PublicationEditorial on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Advances in Materials Science journal.
S&YP + Mentors + Peace + Love = Science and Growing
PublicationIn this extraordinarily difficult time, we understand better that only peace, love, and cooperation are the keys to growing in technology for humanity. Let us learn from our mentors how they grow from their hard work and international cooperation. Thanks to Prof. Giuseppe Buja and Prof. Zbigniew Krzemiński, we have unique schools of adjustable speed drives that are helping people convert electrical to mechanical power and vice...
Development of optical sciences in Poland
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Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: An Exploratory Study of a Sample of Professors from the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Commercial Sciences, and Management Sciences at the University of Médéa
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The ICTBioMed NCIP Hub: Cancer research in a science gateway consortium
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Creative attitude in a group of youths gifted in the domain of science subjects
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The Recent Past and Possible Futures of Citizen Science: Final Remarks
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Science centres in post-pandemic reality – educational and market context
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Social responsibility of universities - the example of AGH University of Science and Technology
PublicationThe key question here is how to achieve a symbiotic relationship between the university and its environment. The evolution of the Polish higher education system since 1990 shows how the mutual relations between the university and its surroundings may change over time. The conclusions published in the OECD report on higher education are juxtaposed with the description of the status quo of the Polish universities and compared with...
Shaping the brand awareness of science and technology parks in Eastern Poland
PublicationThe main aim of the paper is the analysis of the effects of actions undertaken so far that have aimed at shaping brand awareness of the parks in Eastern Poland, supported under the OP DEP. The authors focused on the demand-side perspectiveand scrutinized two vectors of conscious branding: the surrounding environment and communication with customers. The group of potential customers underwent qualitative research (ITI interviews)....
Temperature distribution in laser-clad multi-layers
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono porownanie rezultatów numerycznej symulacji rozkładu temperatur w warstwach nakładanych laserowo z wynikami pomiarów doświadczalnych. Otrzymano bardzo dobrą zgodność wyników co pozwala wnioskować, że przedstawiony model numeryczny może służyć jako efektywne narzędzie wstępnego doboru parametrów procesu laserowego nakładania warstw.
Experimental study of the fuel jet combustion in high temperature and low oxygen content exhaust gases
PublicationPrzeprowadzono badania eksperymentalne spalania pojedynczego strumienia paliwa gazowego. Paliwo podawano współosiowo do generowanych przez konwencjonalny palnik gazowy spalin o wysokiej temperaturze i niskiej zawartości tlenu. Badano wpływ zawartości tlenu w utleniaczu na widzialność płomienia i skład produktów spalania.
Isolation and characterization of Acid Soluble Collagen from the Skin of African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus), Salmon (Salmo salar) and Baltic cod (Gadus morhua)
PublicationAcid-soluble collagen (ASC) from the fish skin of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus), Salmon (Salmo salar) and Baltic cod (Gadus morhua) was extracted and characterized. The ASC extraction yield was 75%, 73% and 68%, respectively. The denaturation and melting temperatures of African catfish ASC (29.3°C and 100.0°C) were significantly higher than ASC of Salmon and Baltic cod (20.6°C and 90.5°C; 15.2°C and 86.7°C, respectively), assessed...
In search of a common ground for the space sciences
PublicationThe paper discusses the relations between various aspects of human activities performed in space, taking into consideration the past, present and future contexts. Interdisciplinarity and integrity of technological issues combined with legal and management issues were emphasized. Consequently, it was recognized that it is necessary to build a network of universities, research-and-development companies and engineering companies....
Introductory Chapter: Why Austenitic Stainless Steels are Continuously Interesting for Science?
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Some remarks on the significance of paradox for science in the context of photometric paradox case
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Tip-Based Nanofabrication as a Rapid Prototyping Tool for Quantum Science and Technology
PublicationTip-Based Nanofabication as a Rapid Prototyping Tool for Quantum Science and Technology discusses the development of cantilevered nanotips techniques of quantum devices prototyping and how they evolved from scanning probe microscopy. Also covered are the advantages and future prospects of atomic resolution capability and how to use this enabling technology as a rapid prototyping tool for quantum science and technology.
The analysis of the empathy factor in students of medical sciences
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A sector-an industry? Definitional challenges in economic sciences
Publicationthe aim of our paper is to present definitional challenges that we as scholars and teachers face while attempting to relate to a sector and an industry terms in economic analyses and from strategic management perspective. we employ secondary research and analyse the state of the academic discourse and common usages of the above terms. we argue that for an economic statistician classifications should be consistent and highlight...
Problemy informacji naukowo-technicznej w Polsce : Koncepcja Centralnej Biblioteki Nauk Przyrodniczych i Technicznych = Problems of science and technology information in Poland : A concept of Central Library for Science and Technology
PublicationJednym z największych dóbr każdego uniwersytetu i placówki naukowo-badawczej jest biblioteka naukowa. Obecna sytuacja bibliotek naukowych w naszym kraju jest trudna. Lawinowemu wzrostowi liczby publikacji towarzyszy znaczny wzrost cen wszystkich wydawnictw. Rozwój nauki zależy od dostępu do informacji naukowo-technicznej. W artykule omówiono aktualny model finansowania dostępu polskich naukowców do światowych zasobów elektronicznych...
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Sleep Knowledge, Beliefs and Practices in Youth Sports Coaches and Science Support Staff
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ROHub — A Digital Library of Research Objects Supporting Scientists Towards Reproducible Science
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The Application of Metabolomics in Forensic Science with Focus on Forensic Toxicology and Time-of-Death Estimation
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Online Pest Warning System—Support for Agriculture and Transfer from Science to Practice
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Gene set enrichment for reproducible science: comparison of CERNO and eight other algorithms
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Ranking the rankers. An analysis of science-wide author databases of standardised citation indicators
PublicationIn this paper, we investigate the properties of the science-wide author databases’ stand- ardised citation indicators produced since 2015 by a team of researchers led by John P. A. Ioannidis. Based on data from Scopus, the researchers published close to 200,000 of the most-cited authors across all scientific fields and ranked them using a composite indica- tor that includes six citation metrics (total citations; Hirsch h-index;...
Key concepts for implementation a Web-based project management in wordwide science project
PublicationPraca prezentuje koncepcję stworzenia systemu wspomagania zarządzaniem międzynarodowym projektem naukowym. Szczególny nacisk położono na stworzenie przestrzeni roboczej dla członków projektu, umożliwiającej szybkie i efektywne tworzenie dokumentów oraz efektywną komunikację.
Malawi Medical Journal
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PublicationOdnajdywanie informacji w internecie lub w dużych bazach tekstowychwymaga wiedzy o słowach indeksujących dokumentu.Jednnym z podejść poprawiających jakość i szybkość wyszukiwaniajest zastosowanie klasteryzacji i wizualizacji danych. W artykuleprzedstawione zostało podejście do wyszukiwania informacji winternecie oparte o baze wiedzy o języku. Implementacja takiegokontenera wiedzy zrealizowana została w oparciu o kognitywne teorieorganizacji...
Nanoparticles: Synthesis, characteristics, and applications in analytical and other sciences
PublicationNanoparticles (NPs) are widely employed in different research areas, ranging from analytical chemistry and environmental science to medicine, the agriculture and pharmaceutical industry. This is mainly due to the unique characteristics of NPs and the novelty they introduce in such applications. In analytical chemistry, the role of NPs can differ depending on the nature of the steps involved in analytical process. NPs are probably...