Search results for: inflatable rafts
System wizyjny do nocnych poszukiwań nawodnych zintegrowany z łodzią typu RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boat)
PublicationSystem wizyjno-koordynacyjny oraz zintegrowanie go z dostosowaną łodzią motorową do prowadzenia poszukiwań w nocy realizowano w ramach projektu badawczego celowego nr UDA-POIG.01.04.00-22-008/11-00. Wszystkie prezentowane rozwiązania zostały przetestowane w warunkach rzeczywistych, przez specjalistów praktyków. Prezentowane rozwiązanie wpisuje się w priorytetowe kierunki badań naukowych i dotyczy obszaru technologicznego związanego...
Simulation of Life Raft Motions on Irregular Wave - An Analysis of Situations Leading to Raft Capsizing
PublicationSuccessful rescue action at sea is based on a. o. a correct choice of rescue means and their reliability. Operational characteristics of life-saving appliances determine their performance in a given water area. Therefore they affect duration time of rescue action and decide this way on survival time of shipwrecked persons. This paper presents impact of characteristics of circular inflatable life rafts on their dynamics in a...
PublicationEnsuring the safety of ship crews at sea is of the utmost importance. Life rafts are one of the basic components of any seagoing vessel and ensuring their stability is an important component of maritime research. This study concerns the determination of the aerodynamic drag coefficients of pneumatic life rafts in a full range of wind speed and directions. The drag coefficients are based on full-scale experimental studies and numerical...
Turning ability of hydrofoil crafts
PublicationPrzedstawiono metodę pozwalającą wyznaczać średnicę taktyczną, kąt przechyłu i kąt dryfu oraz siłę poprzeczną na sterze podczas ustalonej cyrkulacji wodolotu. W tym celu opracowano układ równań opisujących ruch wodolotu w płaszczyźnie poziomej. Współczynniki równań są wyznaczane na podstawie głównych parametrów geometrycznych jednostki oraz płatów. Przeprowadzono także szereg obliczeń dla różnych konfiguracji płatów oraz zespołu...
CD68 expression in aortocoronary saphenous vein bypass grafts
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Probability analysis of life Raft capsizing on rough sea
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia metodę obliczania prawdopodobieństwa przewrócenia się tratwy ratunkowej za pomocą symulacji ruchu na fali nieregularnej. Przedstawiono obliczenia ruchów tratwy na falowaniu nieregularnym, którego symulacje wykonano dla znanej funkcji gęstości widmowej falowania dla Bałtyku oraz niedeterministycznego (stochastycznego) rozkładu amplitudy fali.
Flow cytometric assessment of homeostatic aging of reticulocytes in rats
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A study to identify olfactory markers of fear in rats and humans
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki wstępnych badań ukierunkowanych na wykrycie podstawowych fermonów wydzielanych w sytuacji zagrożenia (fermony alarmowe) przez różne organizmy żywe.W badaniach zastosowano takie techniki jak TD-GC-MS, SPME-GC-MS stwierdzono występowanie fermonów należących do takich klas związków organicznych jak alkohole, węglowodory nasycone, aldehydy, kwasy karboksylowe i ketony.
Generation and Reactivity of 1-Imidocarbenium Cations in the Friedel–Crafts-type Reaction
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Ultrastructural variability of macrophages in the wall of selected aorto-coronary bypass grafts
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Hyperproteic diet modifies microbiota composition and associated metabolites in rats
The quantification of reticulocyte maturation and neocytolysis in normal and erythropoietin stimulated rats
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Bioactive and bioavailability of minerals in rats loaded with cholesterol and kiwi fruit
PublicationThe aim of this study was to compare the content of polyphenols (TP), minerals, ascorbic acid (AA) and total antioxidant capacities (TAC) of conventional and organic kiwifruit ‘Hayward’ treated with ethylene after harvest and to determine their influence on plasma TAC, mineral content in the liver and bioavailability (RBV — relative bioavailability value) in rats fed diet containing cholesterol. Organic and conventionally grown...
Lateral load resistance of piled raft foundation - A case study of District Jail, Saidu Sharif, Swat Pakistan
PublicationPiled raft foundations under lateral loads are usually designed as a pile group, ignoring the contribution of the raft to resisting the lateral loads. In this paper, a case study was performed to determine the raft's contribution to the lateral load resistance. This study analyzed a pile-supported reinforced concrete retaining wall for two different foundation conditions, i.e., pile group foundation and pile raft foundation. Pile group...
Oxidative Stress Level in the Testes of Mice and Rats during Nickel Intoxication
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Potential protective effect of ovocystatin on aging-related cognitive impairment in rats
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Flow cytometric analysis of reticulocyte maturation after erythropoietin administration in rats
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Cytotoxicity, acute and subchronic toxicity of ionic liquid, didecyldimethylammonium saccharinate, in rats
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Attenuation of Hyperglycemia in Diabetic Rats Assisted by Immobilized Probiotic in Sodium Alginate
PublicationDiabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) is the most common chronic disease worldwide, characterized mainly by increased glucose concentration in the blood and affecting several organs’ functionality. The daily consumption of probiotic bacteria can help control diabetes and reduce the damage caused. Cell immobilization techniques are a powerful tool that provides physical cell protection to such probiotic bacteria against gastrointestinal...
Supplementation of garlic lowers lipids and increases antioxidant capacity in plasma of rats
PublicationZbadano bioaktywność surowego i gotowanego czosnku (Allium sativium L.). Stwierdzono, że gotowanie czosnku w temperaturze 100 °C przez 20 minut nie wpływa na jego bioaktywność.Samcom szczurów (z badanej populacji) podzielonym losowo na 10 grup, podawano żywność z różnym dodatkiem czosnku. Natomiast grupa kontrolna była karmiona dietą podstawową złożoną ze skrobi pszenicznej, oleju sojowego, celulozy, minerałów i mieszaniny witamin....
Implementation of an Interdisciplinary Educational Path Within "Glassworks in Pomerania Region, Crafts and Industry" Project
PublicationTeaching practical skills for work in field during academic lessons for students of geodesy and cartography and students of archaeology is crucial to prepare young students of the profession to participate in apprenticeships, professional realizations excavations and carry out their geodetic services. Another aspect of teaching of future archaeologists and surveyors working with them, is the ability to mutual understanding between...
The Characterization of Ground Raspberry Seeds and the Physiological Response to Supplementation in Hypertensive and Normotensive Rats
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Effects of Single and Repeated Footshock on Dopamine Release and Metabolism in the Brains of Fischer Rats
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Conventional free-radical and RAFT copolymerization of poly(ethylene oxide) containing macromonomers
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Assessment of Hepatoprotective Effect of Chokeberry Juice in Rats Treated Chronically with Carbon Tetrachloride
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Catalyst-free Friedel-Crafts reaction of 1-(N-acylamino)- and 1-imidoalkyltriarylphosphonium salts with arenes
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Chronic treatment with zinc hydroaspartate induces anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcerogenic activity in rats
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Effect of high added-value components of acid whey on the nutritional and physiological indices of rats
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The bioactivity of processed garlic (Allium sativum L.) as shown in vitro and in vivo studies on rats
PublicationCzosnek w trakcie procesu obróbki traci znaczną część swojej bioaktywności. Właściwości przeciwutleniające zmierzone metodą FRAP i DPPH stwierdzono na najwyższym poziomie w przypadku czosnku surowego oraz po krótkim okresie gotowania. Badania na szczurach poddanych diecie z dodatkiem krótkogotowanego czosnku potwierdziły, że proces ten nie zaburza właściwości przeciwutleniających surowego czosnku. U zwierząt stwierdzono poprawę...
Protective Effect of Morus alba Leaf Extract on N-Nitrosodiethylamine-induced Hepatocarcinogenesis in Rats
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Nanosized zinc, epigenetic changes and its relationship with DMBA induced breast cancer in rats
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Proof-of-concept study on improved efficacy of rHuEPO administered as a long-term infusion in rats
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An automated, low-latency environment for studying the neural basis of behavior in freely moving rats
PublicationBackground Behavior consists of the interaction between an organism and its environment, and is controlled by the brain. Brain activity varies at sub-second time scales, but behavioral measures are usually coarse (often consisting of only binary trial outcomes). Results To overcome this mismatch, we developed the Rat Interactive Foraging Facility (RIFF): a programmable interactive arena for freely moving rats with multiple feeding...
Catalyst-free Friedel-Crafts reaction of 1-(N-acylamino)alkyltriarylphosphonium salts with electron-rich arenes
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Histological evaluation of age-related variations in saphenous vein grafts used for coronary artery bypass grafting
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Renoprotective and Cardioprotective Potential of Moricandia sinaica (Boiss.) against Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Toxicity in Rats
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Effect of acid whey-fortified breads on caecal fermentation processes and blood lipid profile in rats
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Nutritional and Health-Related Effects of a Diet Containing Apple Seed Meal in Rats: The Case of Amygdalin
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Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy Promotes Corneal Allograft Survival in Rats by Local and Systemic Immunomodulation
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Prolonged Quercetin Administration Diminishes the Etoposide-Induced DNA Damage in Bone Marrow Cells of Rats
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Mydriasis model in rats as a simple system to evaluate α2-adrenergic activity of the imidazol(in)e compounds
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Melatonin stimulates the activity of protective antioxidative enzymes in myocardial cells of rats in the course of doxorubicin intoxication
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Acute and subacute (28-Day) toxicity studies of ionic liquid, didecyldimethyl ammonium acesulfamate, in rats
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The analysis of temperature changes of the saliva traces left on the fur during laboratory rats social contacts
PublicationAutomatic analysis of complex rodent social be- havior, especially aggressive ones, is of important scientific interest. In this paper we analyze the properties of the data created as a result of aggressive rodent social behavior. Detec- tion of specific aggressive behaviors is based on the event of leaving traces of saliva on the fur of the attacked individual, which are clearly visible in the thermal imaging. The traces change...
Dose-dependent influence of commercial garlic (Allium sativum) on rats fed cholesterol-containing diet
PublicationCelem badań było określenie, czy handlowy preparat czosnku może być użyty jako wartościowy składnik diety zapobiegającej wystąpieniu arteriosklerozy. Jako miarę takiego działania przyjęto ograniczenie wzrostu poziomu lipidów, obniżenie poziomu wybranych białek oraz zachowanie poziomu antyoksydantów w surowicy krwi.Wiadomo, że badany produkt ma dużą zawartość włókien błonnika, mikroelementów i polifenoli. Ogólna zawartość przeciwutleniaczy...
Immunocytochemical and biochemical detection of EMMPRIN in the rat tooth germ: differentiation-dependent co-expression with MMPs and co-localization with caveolin-1 in membrane rafts of dental epithelial cells
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Obesity and inflammatory markers effect on grafts blood flow in off-pump coronary artery bypass - preliminary report.
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Cytokeratin 8 in venous grafts: A factor of unfavorable long-term prognosis in coronary artery bypass grafting patients
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Effect of polyphenols from Aronia melanocarpa on the total oxidative and antioxidative bone status of cadmium-exposed rats