dr hab. inż. Sebastian Molin
- Deputy Head of Department at Department of Functional Materials Engineering
- Associate professor at Department of Functional Materials Engineering
total: 126
Catalog Publications
Year 2020
Effect of sintering temperature on electrochemical performance of porous SrTi1-xFexO3-δ (x = 0.35, 0.5, 0.7) oxygen electrodes for solid oxide cells
PublicationThis work evaluates the effects of the sintering temperature (800 °C, 900 °C, 1000 °C) of SrTi1-xFexO3-δ (x = 0.35, 0.5, 0.7) porous electrodes on their electrochemical performance as potential oxygen electrode materials of solid oxide cells. The materials were prepared by a solid-state reaction method and revealed the expected cubic perovskite structure. After milling, the powders were characterised by a sub-micrometre particle...
Electrical conductivity of nanostructured acceptor-doped ceria fabricated by spark plasma sintering (SPS)
PublicationHigh purity nanoscale powders (~10–15 nm size) of two different compositions of ceria, doped with Gd3+ and Ca2+, have been consolidated by spark plasma sintering (SPS) at different temperatures. Fully-dense samples were observed only at a sintering temperature of 980 °C. The as-sintered samples showed rather fast grain growth with an average grain size below 300 nm. The electrical properties of the samples were evaluated by impedance...
Electro-chemo-mechanical properties in nanostructured Ca-doped ceria (CDC) by field assisted sintering
PublicationRecent investigations have shown that highly oxygen defective cerium oxides generate non-classical electrostriction that is superior to lead-based ferroelectrics. In this work, we report the effect of field-assisted spark plasma sintering (SPS) on electro-chemo-mechanical properties of calcium doped ceria (CDC). Nanometric powders of Ca.10 nm are rapidly consolidated to form polycrystalline nanostructures with a high degree of...
Iron doped manganese cobaltite spinel coatings produced by electrophoretic co-deposition on interconnects for solid oxide cells: Microstructural and electrical characterization
PublicationWe report a systematic microstructural and electrical characterization of iron doped Mn–Co spinel coatings processed by electrophoretic co-deposition of Mn1.5Co1.5O4 and Fe2O3 powders on Crofer 22 APU and AISI 441 steel substrates. Iron addition to Mn–Co spinel coating leads to a reduction of the area specific resistance on both substrates, after 3200 h at 750 °C. The Fe doped Mn–Co coating both leads to a thinner oxide scale and...
MnxCo3-xO4 spinel oxides as efficient oxygen evolution reaction catalysts in alkaline media
PublicationThe design of efficient electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is an essential task in developing sustainable water splitting technology for the production of hydrogen. In this work, manganese cobalt spinel oxides with a general formula of MnxCo3-xO4 (x=0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2) were synthesised via a soft chemistry method. Non-equilibrium mixed powder compositions were produced, resulting in high electrocatalytic activity....
Preparation and characterisation of iron substituted Mn1.7Cu1.3-xFexO4 spinel oxides (x = 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5)
PublicationSpinel oxides with the general formula Mn1.7Cu1.3-xFexO4 (x= 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5) were prepared and evaluated in this work for their properties at high temperatures. The effect of partially substituting Cu by Fe has not been studied so far for this group of materials and is thus evaluated in this work. Mn1.7Cu1.3-xFexO4 powders were synthesised by a soft chemistry process and studied in terms of crystallographic phase analysis, electrical...
Preparation of Hydrogen Electrodes of Solid Oxide Cells by Infiltration: Effects of the Preparation Procedure on the Resulting Microstructure
PublicationIn this work, the infiltration technique was used to produce hydrogen electrodes for solid oxide cells. Different infiltration methodologies were tested in order to try to shorten the infiltration cycle time. The porous scaffolds used for infiltration were based on highly porous yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) obtained by etching the reduced nickel from the Ni-YSZ cermet in HNO3 acid. The support had a complex structure which...
Processing of Ce0.8Gd0.2O2-δ barrier layers for solid oxide cells: The effect of preparation method and thickness on the interdiffusion and electrochemical performance
PublicationCe0.8Gd0.2O1.9 (CGO) barrier layers are required to mitigate the chemical reactions between Sr-containing oxygen electrode materials and Zr-based oxygen ion conductors in high-temperature solid oxide cells. Barrier layers produced by different methods were studied in this work. As a reference, a cell with no barrier layer was measured. The application of the powder-processed barrier layers, considerably increases the performance....
Study of oxygen electrode reactions on symmetrical porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-δ electrodes on Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9 electrolyte at 800 °C–500 °C
PublicationIron doped strontium titanates (SrTi1-xFexO3-δ) are an interesting mixed ionic-electronic conductor model used to study basic oxygen reduction/oxidation reactions. In this work, we performed an impedance spectroscopy study on symmetrical porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-δ (STF70) electrodes on a ceriabased electrolyte. The sample was measured in varying oxygen concentration: from 0.3% to 100% in 800 °C - 500 °C temperature range. Low polarisation...
The Influence of the Electrodeposition Parameters on the Properties of Mn-Co-Based Nanofilms as Anode Materials for Alkaline Electrolysers
PublicationIn this work, the influence of the synthesis conditions on the structure, morphology, and electrocatalytic performance for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) of Mn-Co-based films is studied. For this purpose, Mn-Co nanofilm is electrochemically synthesised in a one-step process on nickel foam in the presence of metal nitrates without any additives. The possible mechanism of the synthesis is proposed. The morphology and structure...
The influence of thermal treatment on electrocatalytic properties of Mn-Co nanofilms on nickel foam toward oxygen evolution reaction activity
PublicationThis work evaluates electrodeposited and differently treated Mn-Co catalysts for their oxygen evolution reaction activity. Catalysts are evaluated in the as-deposited and heat treated state: after 350 C and 600 C. Results show that the highest electrochemical activity is obtained for the as-deposited Mn-Co oxyhydroxide, which possibly possess a layered double hydroxide structure. After the heat treatment process, especially after...
Year 2019
9 - Solid oxide fuel and electrolysis cells
PublicationIn this chapter, the fundamental reactions, the geometrical designs, the material requirements, and the status of SOFCs and SOECs are presented. In the following seven chapters, the most important components of an SOC are described and the chapter ends with a summary and outlook. The described components are: (i) oxygen-ion conductors (electrolyte), (ii) anode materials for SOFCs (cathode in SOEC mode), (iii) cathode materials...
Badania tytanianu strontu podstawianego żelazem jako potencjalnego materiału katodowego dla tlenkowych ogniw paliwowych
PublicationW publikacji przedstawiono motywację podjętych badań nad podstawianymi żelazem tytanianem strontu do zastosowań w wysokotemperaturowych ogniwach paliwowych oraz ukazano wstępne wyniki badań elektrycznych oraz elektrochemicznych.
Deposition and Electrical and Structural Properties of La0.6Sr0.4CoO3 Thin Films for Application in High-Temperature Electrochemical Cells
PublicationLow-temperature deposition of electroceramic thin films allows the construction of new devices and their integration with existing large-scale fabrication methods. Developing a suitable low-cost deposition method is important to further advance the development of microdevices. In this work, we deposited a 1-lm-thick La0.6Sr0.4CoO3d (LSC) perovskite with high electrical conductivity on sapphire substrates at 400C and analyzed its...
Effective yttrium based coating for steel interconnects of solid oxide cells: Corrosion evaluation in steam-hydrogen atmosphere
PublicationThis work describes manufacture, analysis and test of a new well conducting corrosion-protection coating that can be applied on steel types with high chromium content. Electrolytic deposition of yttrium salts is used to form thin (<100 nm) coatings on both flat steel sheets (material: Crofer 22 APU) and its properties are proven on woven wire-meshes (materials from two different sources: SUS316 and SUS316L). The oxide scale on...
Electrochemical properties of porous Sr0.86Ti0.65Fe0.35O3 oxygen electrodes in solid oxide cells: Impedance study of symmetrical electrodes
PublicationThis work evaluates porous Sr0.86Ti0.65Fe0.35O3 (STF35) as a possible oxygen electrode material for Solid Oxide Cells. The powder synthesis was performed by solid state method. Characterization included DC electrical conductivity study of sintered bulk samples and impedance spectroscopy study of symmetrical electrodes deposited on gadolinium doped ceria substrates. Measurements were carried out in atmospheres with different pO2...
Electrophoretic co-deposition of Fe2O3 and Mn1,5Co1,5O4: Processing and oxidation performance of Fe-doped Mn-Co coatings for solid oxide cell interconnects
PublicationThe “in-situ” Fe-doping of the manganese cobalt spinel was achieved by electrophoretic co-deposition of Mn1,5Co1,5O4 and Fe2O3 powders followed by a two-step reactive sintering treatment. The effects on the coating properties of two different Fe-doping levels (5 and 10 wt.% respectively) and two different temperatures of the reducing treatment (900 and 1000 °C) are discussed. Samples with Fe-doped coatings demonstrated a lower...
Evaluation of Praseodymium and Gadolinium Doped Ceria as a Possible Barrier Layer Material for Solid Oxide Cells
PublicationIn this work, nanocrystalline layers based on the Pr, Gd co-doped CeO2 were investigated. For the preparation of thin layers, lowtemperature spray pyrolysis technique was used. Different stoichiometries of the layers were produced for comparison on polished sapphire substrates. The microstructure of the prepared thin layers was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energydispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffractometry (XRD)....
High temperature oxidation behavior of SUS430 SOFC interconnects with Mn-Co spinel coating in air
PublicationIn this study, SUS430 alloy is evaluated for its high temperature corrosion properties as a possible material for interconnects of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). Samples are coated with Mn-Co by commercial physical vapor deposition (PVD) process and oxidized in air for 1250 h at 800 °C. A dense cubic Mn-Co-Fe spinel layer is formed on the surface, showing great effect on corrosion reduction compared with the samples without coating....
High-temperature kinetics study of 430L steel powder oxidized in air at 600–850 °C
PublicationThe 430L stainless steel powder with a mean particle size of 95 μm was studied to determine its high-temperature oxidation properties. Continuous thermogravimetric measurements were carried out for 100 h in air at temperatures in the range of 600–850 °C. Even though a considerable amount of Cr (up to ˜5 wt.% Cr) inside the grains was depleted – especially inside small grains – no breakaway oxidation was observed. This indicates...
High-temperature oxidation of the Crofer 22 H ferritic steel with Mn1.45Co1.45Fe0.1O4 and Mn1.5Co1.5O4 spinel coatings under thermal cycling conditions and its properties
PublicationThe aim of the presented study was to deposit protective-conducting Mn1.45Co1.45Fe0.1O4 and Mn1.5Co1.5O4 spinel coatings on the Crofer 22 H ferritic steel by means of electrophoresis and to evaluate their physicochemical properties after high-temperature oxidation under thermal cycling conditions. When the Crofer 22 H steel – whether uncoated or coated with the two spinels – was oxidized in 48-h cycles involving a temperature of...
In-situ Cu-doped MnCo-spinel coatings for solid oxide cell interconnects processed by electrophoretic deposition
PublicationThe Cu doping of the Mn–Co spinel is obtained “in-situ” by electrophoretic co-deposition of CuO and Mn1.5Co1.5O4 powders and subsequent two-step reactive sintering. Cu-doped Mn1.5Co1.5O4 coatings on Crofer22APU processed by electrophoretic co-deposition method are tested in terms of long term oxidation resistance and area specific resistance tests up to 3600 h. The introduction of Cu in the spinel lead to higher level of densification...
The Influence of Iron Doping on Performance of SrTi1-XFexO3-δ Perovskite Oxygen Electrode for SOFC
PublicationSolid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) are based on electrolytes and mixed ionic and electronic conductivity (MIEC) materials. The need to reduce costs causes an increase in interest of new compounds suitable for operating temperatures between 600 °C and 800 °C. The SrTi1-xFexO3 (STF) perovskite material is a perspective material that could be used for the oxygen electrodes. In this work STF materials with different content of iron (x =...
Year 2018
Badania stabilności chemicznej kompozytowego elektrolitu 3-YSZ-Al2O3 w stosunku do materiałów elektrodowych do zastosowania w średniotemperaturowych ogniwach paliwowych
PublicationJednym z podstawowych wymogów stawianych mate- riałom na elektrolity do średniotemperaturowych ogniw paliwowych IT-SOFC (ang. intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells) jest ich kompatybilność chemiczna z elektrodami w temperaturach zarówno eksploatacji, jak i wytwarzania ogniw. W celu sprawdzenia, czy badany w pracy kompozytowy elektrolit o osnowie z częściowo stabilizowanego ditlenku cyrkonu i z wtrąceniami tlenku glinu...
Influence of yttria surface modification on high temperature corrosion of porous Ni22Cr alloy
PublicationProtective coatings for porous alloys for high temperature use are relatively new materials. Their main drawback is high temperature corrosion. In this work protective coatings based the on Y-precursor infiltrated into the sintered Ni22Cr alloys are studied at 700°C. Effects of the amount of the protective phase on the resulting corrosion properties are evaluated in air and humidified hydrogen. Weight gain of the samples, their...
Low temperature deposition of dense MnCo 2 O 4 protective coatings for steel interconnects of solid oxide cells
PublicationIn this work manganese cobalt spinel (MnCo2O4) coatings were deposited on steel substrates by spray pyrolysis at 390 °C. This is at much lower temperatures than previously reported (typically in excess of 900 °C). It was possible to produce coatings with well controlled thickness (2-5-10 μm). The as-deposited coatings were evaluated for their microstructural changes and electrical conductivity up to 800 °C. Results confirm the...
MnCo2O4 deposited by spray pyrolysis as a protective layer for stainless steel interconects
PublicationStainless steel interconnects working in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells stacks are exposed to high temperature resulting in their corrosion. Protective layers for the hydrogen and oxygen sides are necessary to protect the interconnect material, prolongate the stack lifetime and maintain the output power. In this paper MnCo2O4 protective layer for the oxygen side of the interconnect is deposited by spray pyrolysis and is examined.
Year 2017
Status report on high temperature fuel cells in Poland – Recent advances and achievements
PublicationThe paper presents recent advances in Poland in the field of high temperature fuel cells. The achievements in the materials development, manufacturing of advanced cells, new fabrication techniques, modified electrodes and electrolytes and applications are presented. The work of the Polish teams active in the field of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) and molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) is presented and discussed. The review is oriented...
Year 2016
Warstwy funkcjonalne tlenkowych ogniw paliwowych
PublicationIn this paper, results describing current research on solid oxide fuel cells conducted at Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics are presented. The results are related to three kinds of functional layers: a thin cathode layer between the porous cathode layer and the electrolyte to improve the cathode performance, a buffer layer between the electrolyte and the cathode to slow...
Year 2015
High temperature corrosion and corrosion protection of porous Ni22Cr alloys
PublicationIn this work corrosion kinetics of the porous IN625 alloy is studied in the temperature range of 700 °C – 800 °C in air and humidified hydrogen for up to 1000 hours. Moreover, an effective and simple method of reducing corrosion rates of porous alloys by the infiltration of the rare earths elements is shown. Modification by the yttrium containing precursor reduces the corrosion rate by a factor of 50 in air at 700 °C so that the...
Year 2013
Application of wet powder spraying for anode supported solid oxide fuel cell with a perowskite SrTi0.98Nb0.02O3-d anode
PublicationAnode-supported solid oxide fuel cell with SrTi0.98Nb0.02O3–d anode, yttria-stabilized zirconia electrolyte and La(Ni0.6Fe0.4) O3d cathode has been successfully fabricated and evaluated. Process of anode support fabrication has been presented. Wet powder spraying and high temperature sintering method have been studied and applied to deposit the thin electrolyte layer.In order to improve catalytic properties of the anode, it has...
Fabrication, Microstructure and High Temperature Corrosion Resistance of Porous Alloys for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
PublicationPorous alloys find use in modern Solid Oxide Fuel Cells as the supporting structures. As they are exposed to high temperatures (> 500°C) an oxide scale forms on their surface due to high temperature corrosion phenomena. Since the ratio between the surface area and volume is much higher than for planar samples, formation of the oxide can lead to a breakaway oxidation after relatively short times. Therefore corrosion properties of...
Investigation of functional layers of solid oxide fuel cell anodes for synthetic biogas reforming
PublicationSolid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are one of the most promising energy conversion devices due to their high efficiency, low pollution and fuel flexibility. Unfortunately, when hydrocarbons are used as a fuel, for example in the form of a biogas, solid carbon can deposit on the anode surface. This process leads to the degradation of the fuel cell performance. A possible solution to this problem is to apply an additional catalytic material,...
Year 2012
Evaluation of porous ferritic Fe22Cr stainless steel for solid oxide fuel cells at high temperature
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań korozji stali Fe22Cr w wysokich temperaturach.
High temperature corrosion resistance of porous hastelloy alloy
PublicationTo further understand the suitability of Ni-Cr-base alloy for solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC), a commercial Ni-Cr-Fe-Mo alloy, Hastelloy X was selected and evaluated for oxidation behaviour under high temperature conditions. HastelloyX was chosen due to its unusual resistance to oxidizing, reducing and neutral atmospheres. For long term stability of metal supported fuel cell, the corrosion resistance plays a vital role and must be...
High temperature corrosion resistance of porous hastelloy alloy
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono badania korozyjne stopu Hastelloy w wysokich temperaturach.
Impedance spectroscopy as a diagnostic tool of degradation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells = Spektroskopia impedancyjna jako narzędzie diagnostyczne degradacji tlenkowych ogniw paliwowych
PublicationTlenkowe ogniwa paliwowe SOFC sa obecnie bliskie komercjalizacji. Wiedza na temat mechanizmów degradacji ogniw paliwowych jest niezbędna do dalszej poprawy ich działania. Spektroskopia impedancyjna jest skutecznym narzędziem diagnostycznym. Pozwala ona na wskazanie który element ogniwa SOFC ulega pogorszeniu oraz pozwala poznać dokładniej naturę procesu degradacji. W tej pracy degradacja ogniwa SOFC została zbadana przy użyciu...
Optimization of microstructure and properties of acceptor-doped barium cerate
PublicationThe presented research concerns acceptor doped barium cerate and the attempts of improvement of its production method that would allow obtaining the solid electrolyte characterized by the particular properties. The authors suggest combining two production methods, molten salt synthesis and self-combustion, in order to achieve the compound material that has some of the advantages of both of the initial methods. An impact of nickel...
Oxide layers fabricated by spray pyrolysis on metallic surfaces = Warstwy tlenkowe wytworzone metoda pirolizy aerozolowej na podłożach metalicznych
PublicationW pracy przebadane zostały możliwości zastosowania metody pirolizy aerozolowej do wytwarzania warstw z tlenku cyrkonu stabilizowanego itrem na podłożu ze stali nierdzewnej 316L.
Perovskites in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
PublicationPrzeglądowa publikacja dotycząca wykorzystania ceramicznych materiałów perowskitowych w tlenkowych ogniwach paliwowych.
Solid Oxide Fuel Cells with Ni infiltrated perovskite anode
PublicationNiobium-doped strontium titanate was used as the anode for a solid oxide fuel cell. Electrolyte-supported cells were prepared with pure perovskite and composite perovskite–yttria–stabilized-zirconia (YSZ) anodes. Fuel cell tests demonstrated significant improvement in power density after infiltration with a small amount of Ni. The obtained values of power densities are comparable with conventional Ni/YSZ cermet anode. In addition,...
Solid oxide fuel cells with Ni-infiltrated perovskite anode
PublicationWytworzono próbki na bazie tytanianu strontu domieszkowanego niobem i przebadano wpływ nasączania niklem na właściwości tych materiałów.
Structural and electrical properties of Sr(Ti,Fe)O3-δ materials for SOFC cathodes
PublicationW niniejszym artykule, dwa związki SrTiO3 domieszkowanego Fe przebadano pod względem przydatności na katody w tlenkowych ogniwach paliwowych. SrTi0.65Fe0.35O3 i SrTi0.5Fe0.5O3 zostały przebadane pod względem reaktywności chemicznej z elektrolitem YSZ. Stwierdzono, że przewodnictwo elektryczne tych związków jest stosunkowo niskie: 0,4 S/cm i 2 S/cm odpowiednio dla STF35 i STF50.
The comparison of SrTi0.98Nb0.02O3–δ-CeO2 and SrTi0.98Nb0.02O3–δ-YSZ composites for use in SOFC anodes
PublicationComposites of Nb-doped strontium titanate mixed with yttria-stabilized zirconia or cerium oxide in 50:50, 70:30 and 85:15 weight ratios were evaluated as possible anode/electrolyte interface materials for solid oxide fuel cells in terms of chemical compatibility, electrical conductivity and mechanical properties. It has been shown that composite samples prepared by typical powder-mixing methods remain single-phase up to 1400°C....
The comparison of SrTi0.98Nb0.02O3-δ-CeO2 and SrTi0.98Nb0.02O3-δ-YSZ composites for use in SOFC anodes
PublicationWytworzono i przebadano właściwości strukturalne i elektryczne kompozytów SrTi0.98Nb0.02O3-δ-CeO2 i SrTi0.98Nb0.02O3-δ-YSZ. Przeprowadzono testy materiałów zastosowanych jako anody w tlenkowych ogniwach paliwowych.
Year 2011
Charakteryzacja warstw tlenkowych na stali 316L dla potzeb implantów biomedycznych
PublicationW pracy sprawdzony został wpływ warstw ochronnych na poprawę odporności korozyjnej stali 316L. Jako warstwy ochronne zastosowano materiał tlenku cyrkonu stabilizowanego itrem.
Coatings for improvement of high temperature corrosion resistance of porous alloys
PublicationPorowate stopy metaliczne są potencjalnymi podłożami nośnymi dla tlenkowych ogniw paliwo. Ich stosowanie obniża cenę ogniw paliwowych, co zaowocuje ich szybszą komercjalizacą. Jednak są one podatne na korozję w wysokich temperaturach. Dotychczas brak jest metod, które mogą poprawić rezystancję korozyjną porotawych stopów w wysokich temperaturach porowatych stopy do zastosowań SOFC. W tym artykule zaproponowano sposób na poprawę...
Fabrication and characterization of anode supported solid oxide fuel cells
PublicationW tej pracy, napylanie aerozolowe zawiesiny proszków jest oceniane jako metoda osadzania cienkich elektrolitów tlenkowych ogniw paliwowych. Metoda ta jest tania, prosta i mam zalety w stosunku do szeroko stosowanej metody sitodruku. Wpływ parametrów osadzania: stężenie zawiesiny, ciśnienie robocze są w artykule omawiane.
Impedance Spectroscopy as a Diagnostic Tool of Degradation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Publicationw pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań degradacji tlenkowych ogniw paliwowych przeprowadzone metodą spektroskopii impedancyjnej. Ogniwa paliwowe zostały przetestowane w eksperymentalnych warunkach, które pozwalają na uzyskanie szybkiego spadku wydajności ogniw paliwowych. impedancja i parametry uzyskane z dopasowania widm do elektrycznego obwodu zastępczego zostały skorelowane z poziomem degradacji elementów ogniw paliwowych - anody...
Metal Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cells - Selected Aspects
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań nad tlenkowymi ogniwami paliwowymi zbudowanymi na stalowym interkonektorze.
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