prof. dr hab. inż. Adam Szymkiewicz
- Profesor w Katedra Geotechniki i Inżynierii Wodnej
- Prodziekan ds. nauki w Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska
- Kierownik katedry w Katedra Geotechniki i Inżynierii Wodnej
wszystkich: 56
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2024
HMSE: A tool for coupling MODFLOW and HYDRUS-1D computer programs
PublikacjaA new software HMSE has been developed to facilitate external coupling between two well-known programs for subsurface flow modeling: MODFLOW-2005 (saturated zone flow) and HYDRUS-1D (unsaturated zone flow). Two coupling schemes have been implemented. In the first case the groundwater recharge flux is calculated by HYDRUS-1D assuming a fixed water table position and then passed to MODFLOW input files. In the second case the water...
Numerical modeling of PFAS movement through the vadose zone: Influence of plant water uptake and soil organic carbon distribution
PublikacjaIn this study, we investigated the effects of soil organic carbon (SOC) distribution and water uptake by plant roots on PFAS movement in the vadose zone with a deep groundwater table under temperate, humid climate conditions. Two series of numerical simulations were performed with the HYDRUS computer code, representing the leaching of historical PFOS contamination and the infiltration of water contaminated with PFOA, respectively. We...
Water retention curves of sandy soils obtained from direct measurements, particle size distribution, and infiltration experiments
PublikacjaAccurate information about soil water retention curves (SWRCs) of sands is essential for evaluating groundwater recharge and vulnerability to contamination in many shallow sandy aquifers which are widespread on post glacial areas in Northern Europe and North America. Pedotransfer functions (PTFs) allow to estimate SWRC from basic physical characteristics of soils, such as textural composition. However, in the case of clean sands...
Rok 2023
Impact of climate change on groundwater recharge in shallow young glacial aquifers in northern Poland
PublikacjaWe investigated the influence of climate change in the period 1951–2020 on shallow aquifers in the Brda and Wda outwash plains (Pomeranian Region, Northern Poland). There was a significant temperature rise (0.3 °C/10 years), which accelerated after 1980 (0.66 °C/10 years). Precipitation became increasingly irregular – extremely rainy years occurred right after or before extremely dry years, and intensive rainfall events became...
Permeability of sandy soils estimated from particle size distribution and field measurements
PublikacjaAccurate estimation of soil permeability is crucial in many geotechnical applications. Empirical and theoretical equations based on soil particle size distribution (PSD) offer a fast and cheap way for preliminary estimation of permeability in granular soils, however the results obtained from various formulas available in the literature often show significant discrepancies. While several comparative studies on this topic have been...
Time series analysis and impact assessment of the temperature changes on the vegetation and the water availability: A case study of Bakun-Murum Catchment Region in Malaysia
PublikacjaThe Bakun-Murum (BM) catchment region of the Rajang River Basin (RRB), Sarawak, Malaysia, has been under severe threat for the last few years due to urbanization, global warming, and climate change. The present study aimed to evaluate the time series analysis and impact assessment of the temperature changes on the vegetation/agricultural lands and the water availability within the BM region. For this purpose, the Landsat data for...
Rok 2022
Estimation of groundwater recharge in a shallow sandy aquifer using unsaturated zone modeling and water table fluctuation method
PublikacjaQuantification of groundwater recharge is one of the most important issues in hydrogeology, especially in view of the ongoing changes in climate and land use. In this study, we use numerical models of 1D vertical flow in the vadose zone and the water table fluctuation (WTF) analysis to investigate local-scale recharge of a shallow sandy aquifer in the Brda outwash plain in northern Poland. We show that these two methods can be...
Modelling the impact of the agricultural holdings and land-use structure on the quality of inland and coastal waters with an innovative and interdisciplinary toolkit
PublikacjaThe changes taking place in the marine coastal zones are extremely important, as about 40% of the human population currently lives in the coastal areas (within 100 kilometres of the coastline) increasing anthropogenic pressure on the marine ecosystems. Agriculture is a significant source of nutrients to the marine environment that increase hypoxia, eutrophication and may pose a threat to the services provided by ecosystems. In...
Rok 2021
Towards a multi-basin SWAT model for the migration of nutrients and pesticides to Puck Bay (Southern Baltic Sea)
PublikacjaBackground This paper analyzes the impact of changes in fertilization on crop yields and the runoff of nutrients from a small agricultural catchment (176 km2) to a shallow bay, using the SWAT model. Puck Bay is part of the Gulf of Gdansk and belongs to the Baltic Sea. The whole area of Puck Bay (364 km2) is protected (Natura 2000) yet despite this it suffers from eutrophication problems due to the relatively minimal depth and...
Rok 2020
Evaluation of the Influence of Farming Practices and Land Use on Groundwater Resources in a Coastal Multi-Aquifer System in Puck Region (Northern Poland)
PublikacjaThis study focuses on the modeling of groundwater flow and nitrate transport in a multi-aquifer hydrosystem in northern Poland, adjacent to Puck Bay (Baltic sea). The main goal was to investigate how changes in land use and farming practices may affect groundwater recharge and submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) to the sea and the associated N-NO3 fluxes. An integrated modelling approach has been developed, which couples the...
Skład chemiczny wód podziemnych dopływających z Pobrzeża Kaszubskiego do Zatoki Puckiej
PublikacjaZatoka Pucka jest płytkim akwenem morskim szczególnie wrażliwym na dopływ biogenów z otaczających obszarów lądowych. Postępujący problem eutrofizacji wód zatoki wymaga podjęcia działań badawczych i naprawczych, w tym również odpowiedzi na pytanie czy i w jaki sposób spływające do zatoki wody podziemne wpływają na zjawisko eutrofizacji. Celem przeprowadzonych badań, przedstawionych w niniejszym artykule, było określenie składu...
Rok 2019
A New Approach for Investigating the Impact of Pesticides and Nutrient Flux from Agricultural Holdings and Land-Use Structures on Baltic Sea Coastal Waters
PublikacjaKnowledge related to land-use management impacts on the Baltic Sea ecosystem is limited. The constant release of pollutants into water bodies has resulted in water quality degradation. Therefore, only the innovative approaches integrated with research will provide accurate solutions and methods for proper environment management and will enable understanding and prediction of the impacts of land-use in the Baltic Sea region. Modelling...
Nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in coastal aquifers in Puck municipality area (northern Poland)
Publikacja1. Groundwater study shows local variations in chemical composition of selected aquifers caused by human impact The diversity is mainly manifested in • time variation of groundwater chemical composition of all analyzed parameters especially in shallow aquifers (Q1) • relationship between t he ground water chemical composition and depth of the aquifer where an inverse concentration distribution occurs higher concentrations are observed...
Numerical Analysis of Recharge Rates and Contaminant Travel Time in Layered Unsaturated Soils
PublikacjaThis study focused on the estimation of groundwater recharge rates and travel time of conservative contaminants between ground surface and aquifer. Numerical simulations of transient water flow and solute transport were performed using the SWAP computer program for 10 layered soil profiles, composed of materials ranging from gravel to clay. In particular, sensitivity of the results to the thickness and position of weakly permeable...
Numerical simulations of overflow experiments on a model dike
PublikacjaDike failure due to overtopping is one of the important factors, which should be considered in the dike designing process. Although the overflow is characterized by the relatively low risk of occurrence, in many cases dikes are totally destroyed or seriously damaged. An interesting phenomenon occurring during overflow is the trapping of air in pores of the unsaturated soil material. As the infiltration progresses from all sides,...
Simulations of air and water flow in a model dike during overflow experiments
PublikacjaFlow in flood dikes, earth dams, and embankments occurs in variably saturated conditions, with pores of the earth material filled partly with water and partly with air. In routine engineering analysis, the influence of pore air is neglected and the air pressure is assumed equal to atmospheric. In some circumstances, for example, during overtopping of the dike by water, the effect of pore air on water flow and stability of the structure...
Rok 2018
Air trapping problem during infiltration on the large areas
PublikacjaThe process of flow modeling in unsaturated porous medium is often found in many fields of sciences: geology, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, microbiology or chemistry. Problem is relatively complicated due to complexity of the system which contains three phases: water, air and soil skeleton. The flow of water in such a medium can be described using two-phase (2PH) flow formulation, which accounts the inflow of air and water phases,...
Assessing groundwater vulnerability to pollution in the Puck region (denudation moraine upland) using vertical seepage method
PublikacjaDegradation of groundwater quality can cause a serious water supply and environmental problems. The identify of potential groundwater pollution can be determined by assessment of groundwater vulnerability method. The assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution was based on estimation of migration time of potential conservative contamination through the vadose zone. Area of investigation is a type of denudation moraine...
Assessing groundwater vulnerability to sea water intrusion in the coastline of the inner Puck Bay using GALDIT method
PublikacjaIn this research, GALDIT method was used to assess seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer of the inner Puck Bay (Southern Baltic Sea). The impact of potential sea-level rise on groundwater vulnerability for years 2081-2100 was also considered. The study area was categorized into three classes of vulnerability: low, moderate and high. The most vulnerable area is the Hel Peninsula with northern part of the Kashubian Coastland....
Assessing groundwater vulnerability to sea water intrusion in the coastline of the inner Puck Bay using GALDIT method
PublikacjaIn this research, GALDIT method was used to assess seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer of the inner Puck Bay (Southern Baltic Sea). The impact of potential sea-level rise on groundwater vulnerability for years 2081-2100 was also considered. The study area was categorized into three classes of vulnerability: low, moderate and high. The most vulnerable area is the Hel Peninsula with northern part of the Kashubian Coastland....
Celebrating 50 years of SWIMs (Salt Water Intrusion Meetings)
PublikacjaThe Salt Water Intrusion Meetings, or SWIMs, are a series of meetings that focus on seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers and other salinisation processes. 2018 marks the 50th year of the SWIM and the 25th biennial meeting. The SWIM proceedings record half a century of research progress on site characterisation, geophysical and geochemical techniques, variable-density flow, modelling, and water management. The SWIM is positioning...
Estimation of Conservative Contaminant Travel Time through Vadose Zone Based on Transient and Steady Flow Approaches
PublikacjaEstimation of contaminant travel time through the vadose zone is needed for assessing groundwater vulnerability to pollution, planning monitoring and remediation activities or predicting the effect of land use change or climate change on groundwater quality. The travel time can be obtained from numerical simulations of transient flow and transport in the unsaturated soil profile, which typically require a large amount of data and...
Freshening of salinized groundwater in Gdańsk Quaternary aquifer
PublikacjaThe main Quaternary aquifer in the Gdańsk region connects directly with salt waters of the Martwa Wisła River and the Gulf of Gdańsk. This aquifer has been used for many years by large municipal and industrial intakes located on the marine lowlands, with maximum output 6236 m3 /h in 1985. Owing to an intensive exploitation, groundwater in the area of the Old Gdańsk has been salinized by intrusion of salt water from the Martwa Wisła...
Implementation of Solute Transport in the Vadose Zone into the “HYDRUS Package for MODFLOW”
PublikacjaThe “HYDRUS package for MODFLOW” is an existing MODFLOW package that allows MODFLOW to simultaneously evaluate transient water flow in both unsaturated and saturated zones. The package is based on incorporating parts of the HYDRUS‐1D model (to simulate unsaturated water flow in the vadose zone) into MODFLOW (to simulate saturated groundwater flow). The coupled model is effective in addressing spatially variable saturated‐unsaturated...
Integrated information and prediction Web Service WaterPUCK General concept
PublikacjaIn this paper, general concept of a new method as ‘Integrated information and prediction Web Service WaterPUCK’ for investigation influence of agricultural holdings and land-use structures on coastal waters of the southern Baltic Sea is presented. WaterPUCK Service is focused on determination of the current and future environmental status of the surface water and groundwater located in the Puck District (Poland) and its impact...
Preliminary estimation of groundwater recharge on Brda river outwash plain
PublikacjaEstimation of groundwater recharge is one of the most challenging subjects in hydrogeology. It is a critical factor influencing the pollution migration, assessment of aquifer vulnerability to contamination, small-scale groundwater budget calculation, modeling of nutrient cycling and detailed flow path calculations. In Poland an infiltration rate method is widely used, which depends on a system of rate coefficients referring to...
Seawater intrusion due to pumping mitigated by natural freshwater flux: a case study in Władysławowo, northern Poland
PublikacjaThe paper presents a case study of seawater intrusion into a coastal aquifer, caused by a groundwater intake located close to the seashore in Władysławowo, northern Poland. Evolution of the basic hydrogeochemical parameters for the 50-year period from 1964 to 2014 indicates progressing encroachment of saline seawater into the aquifer. However, the spatial pattern of salinity was influenced by the variability of hydraulic gradient...
Simulations of freshwater lens recharge and salt/freshwater interfaces using the HYDRUS and SWI2 packages for MODFLOW
PublikacjaThe paper presents an evaluation of the combined use of the HYDRUS and SWI2 packages for MODFLOW as a potential tool for modeling recharge in coastal aquife rs subject to saltwater intrusion. The HYDRUS package for MODFLOW solves numerically the one-dimensional form of the Richards equation describing water flow in variably- saturated media. The code computes groundwater recharge to or...
Updating the Coupling Algorithm between HYDRUS and MODFLOW in the HYDRUS Package for MODFLOW
PublikacjaThe HYDRUS-based flow package for MODFLOW (the HPM or the HYDRUS package) is an existing unsaturated zone flow package for MODFLOW. In MODFLOW with the HPM, the groundwater modeling domain is discretized into regular grids that can be combined into multiple zones based on similarities in soil hydrology, topographical characteristics, and the depth to the groundwater. Each of these zones is assigned one unsaturated soil profile...
Rok 2017
Analiza wahań zwierciadła płytkich wód podziemnych na obszarze sandru Brdy
PublikacjaW pracy przeprowadzono analizę wahań zwierciadła wód podziemnych na obszarze sandru Brdy, na podstawie obserwacji z 10 punktów pomiarowych sieci obserwacyjno badawczej wód podziemnych Polskiego Instytutu Geologicznego – Polskiego Instytutu Badawczego (PIG-PIB), publikowanych w Rocznikach Hydrogeologicznych w latach 2003–2016. Na podstawie danych z Roczników określono trendy położenia zwierciadła wód podziemnych, analizowano stany...
Influence of the air phase on water flow in dikes
PublikacjaNumerical models are often used to describe flow and deformation processes occurring in dikes during flood events. Modeling of such phenomena is a challenging task, due to the complexity of the system, consisting of three material phases: soil skeleton, pore water and pore air. Additional difficulties are transient loading caused by variable in time water levels, heterogeneity of the soil or air...
Rok 2016
Dynamics of algae growth and nutrients in experimental enclosures culturing bighead carp and common carp: Phosphorus dynamics
PublikacjaThis is the third paper of the series about “Dynamics of algae growth and nutrients in experimental enclosures culturing bighead carp and common carp”. In this paper, phosphorus dynamics were investigated under the condition of culturing bighead carp and common carp with added fish food (nitrogen dynamics is discussed in the second paper because their behaviors are so different from each other). Nearly fifty days’ observation results...
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Air Trapping in a Porous Medium with Coarse Textured Inclusions
PublikacjaThe paper presents a 2D upward infiltration experiment performed on a model porous medium consisting of fine sand background with two inclusions made of coarser sands. The purpose of the experiment was to investigate the effects of structural air trapping, which occurs during infiltration as a result of heterogeneous material structure. The experiment shows that a significant amount of air becomes trapped in each of the inclusions. Numerical...
Monitoring Salt Water Intrusion During Construction of a Road Tunnel under the Martwa Wisła River in Gdańsk
PublikacjaThe paper presents results of groundwater monitoring carried out during the construction of a road tunnel under the Martwa Wisła river in Gdańsk, Poland. Martwa Wisła is one of the branches of Wisła (Vistula) river, heavily influenced by storm surges and saline water inflow from the Bay of Gdańsk. Increased values of chloride concentration were observed on both sides of the river, in particular on the western side, which was caused...
Rok 2015
Examples of numerical simulations of two-dimensional unsaturated flow with VS2DI code using different interblock conductivity averaging schemes
PublikacjaFlow in unsaturated porous media is commonly described by the Richards equation. This equation is strongly nonlinear due to interrelationships between water pressure head (negative in unsaturated conditions), water content and hydraulic conductivity. The accuracy of numerical solution of the Richards equation often depends on the method used to estimate average hydraulic conductivity between neighboring nodes or cells of the numerical...
Rok 2014
Influence of heterogeneous air entry pressure on large scale unsaturated flow in porous media
PublikacjaThe paper presents numerical simulations of water infiltration in unsaturated porous media containing coarse-textured inclusions embed- ded in fine-textured background material. The calculations are performed using the two-phase model for water and air flow and a simplified model known as the Richards equation. It is shown that the Richards equation cannot correctly describe flow in the presence of heterogeneities. How- ever, its...
Numerical Simulations of Seepage in Dikes Using unsaturated and Two-Phase Flow Models
PublikacjaModeling of water flow in variably saturated porous media, including flood dikes, is often based on the Richards equation, which neglects the flow of pore air, assuming that it remains at constant atmospheric pressure. However, there is also evidence that the air flow can be important, especially when the connectivity between the pore air and atmospheric air is lost. In such cases a full two-phase air-water flow model should be...
Właściwości retencyjne, przewodność hydrauliczna i naprężenia efektywne w gruntach nienasyconych
PublikacjaZnaczenie gruntów nienasyconych we współczesnej inżynierii. Funkcje retencji gruntów. Funkcje przewodności hydraulicznej. Określanie naprężenia efektywnego.
Rok 2013
Modelling water flow in unsaturated porous media: Accounting for nonlinear permeability and material heterogeneity
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono problematykę matematycznego modelowania przepływów w nienasyconych ośrodkach porowatych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem dwóch aspektów. Pierwszym z nich jest obliczanie średniego współczynnika przewodności hydraulicznej między węzłami siatki w numerycznym rozwiązaniu równania przepływu nienasyconego. Drugim zagadnieniem jest wpływ lokalnej zmienności parametrów ośrodka porowatego (współczynnika przewodności...
Rok 2012
Upscaling unsaturated flow in binary porous media with air entry pressure effects
PublikacjaArtykuł dotyczy przepływu w gruntach nienasyconych, zawierających soczewki (inkluzje) materiału gruboziarnistego. Materiał inkluzji charakteryzuje się niższą wartością ciśnienia wejścia powietrza niż materiał tła. Podczas infiltracji część powietrza zostaje zamknięta w inkluzjach, po całkowitym wypełnieniu wodą materiału tła. Z drugiej strony, drenaż inkluzji rozpoczyna się dopiero wtedy, gdy przekroczone zostanie ciśnienie wejścia...
Rok 2011
Comparison of conductivity averaging methods for one-dimensional unsaturated flow in layered soils
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono numeryczne rozwiązania równania Richardsa, opisującego nieustalony przepływ wody w uwarstwionym gruncie nienasyconym. Przeanalizowano różne metody obliczania średniej przewodności hydraulicznej między węzłami siatki numerycznej oraz różne możliwości położenia węzłów względem granic warstw gruntu. Najlepsze wyniki otrzymano stosując metodę uśredniania stanowiącą adaptację wcześniejszej propozycji jednego...
Computing internodal conductivities in numerical modeling of two dimensional unsaturated flow on rectangular grid
PublikacjaW artykule porównano rozwiązania numeryczne dwuwymiarowego równania przepływu nienasyconego z użyciem różnych metod uśredniania współczynnika przewodności hydraulicznej między sąsiednimiwęzłami. Uwzględniono średnia arytmetyczną, geometryczną, "pod prad" oraz całkową, a także niedawno zaproponowany sposób uśredniania oparty na analizie przepływu ustalonego. Ten ostatni sposób okazałsię najbardziej uniwersalny, gdyż umożliwiał otrzymanie...
Modeling two phase flow in large scale fractured porous media with an extended multiple interacting continua method
PublikacjaWe present a two phase flow conceptual model, the corresponding simulator (2pMINC) and a workflow for large-scale fractured reservoirs, based on a continuum fracture approach which uses the multiple interacting continua (MINC) method complemented with an improved upscaling technique. The complex transient behavior of the flow processes in fractured porous media is captured by subgridding the coarse blocks in nested volume elements...
Obliczanie współczynnika filtracji piasków i żwirów na podstawie krzywej uziarnienia: przegląd wzorów empirycznych
PublikacjaPodstawy teoretyczne opisu współczynnika filtracji. Propozycja wyodrębnienia trzech grup wzorów określających współczynnik filtracji. Zasady ustalania krzywej uziarnienia gruntu, obliczania średnicy miarodajnej gruntu i porowatości gruntu. Zestawienie porównawcze wzorów i wartości współczynnika filtracji.
Two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media with non-wetting phase trapping
PublikacjaThis article presents amathematical model describing flowof two fluid phases in a heterogeneous porous medium. Zaproponowano model matematyczny przepływu dwufazowego w drobnoziarnistym ośrodku porowatym zawierającym inkluzje gruboziarniste. Inkluzje charakteryzują się niższą wartością ciśnienia wejścia dla płynu niezwilżającego (np. powietrze, ropa naftowa) niż materiał podstawowy. Podczas nawadniania takiego ośrodka dochodzi do...
Unstructured finite-volume meshes for two-dimensional flow in variably saturated porous media
PublikacjaW pracy opisano rozwiązanie równania przepływu nienasyconego w ośrodkach porowatych z wykorzystaniem metody objętości skończonych. Przedstawiono różne sposoby tworzenia siatki numerycznej. Przeprowadzono analizę wpływu sposobu uśredniania współczynnika filtracji między sąsiednimi objętościami skończonymi na dokładność wyników.
Rok 2009
Approximation of internodal conductivities in numericalsimulation of one-dimensional infiltration, drainage, and capillaryrise in unsaturated soils
PublikacjaW rozwiązaniu numerycznym jednowymiarowego równania przepływu nienasyconego wymagane jest oszacowanie średniej wartości przewodności hydraulicznej między sąsiednimi węzłami. W artykule zaproponowano nową metodę uśredniania która, w odróżnieniu od metod dotychczas proponowanych, charakteryzuje się dużą dokładnością i szerokim zakresem stosowalności. Nowa metoda oparta jest na analizie przybliżonego profilu potencjału hydraulicznego...
Obliczanie równoważnego współczynnika filtracji w gruntach niejednorodnych
PublikacjaNaturalne ośrodki porowate (grunty i skały) często charakteryzują się znacznym zróżnicowaniem współczynnika filtracji. W celu uproszczenia numerycznych symulacji przepływu ośrodek niejednorodny można zastąpić równoważnym ośrodkiem jednorodnym o uśrednionym współczynniku filtracji. W artykule przedstawiono szereg metod uśredniania współczynnika filtracji dla różnych typów ośrodka porowatego.
Rok 2007
Simulation of water flow in double -porosity soils on unstructured grids with the finite element method.
PublikacjaRozważa sie model przepływu wody w gruntowym ośrodku o podwójnej porowatości. Model matematyczny uzyskano poprzez zastosowanie teorii homogenizacji zastosowanej do gruntów o bardzo dużej różnicy przepuszczalności.
Rok 2005
Infiltration in a double-porosity medium: Experiments and comparison with a theoretical model
PublikacjaThis paper presents experimental verification of the mathematical model of unsaturated flow in double‐porosity soils developed by the asymptotic homogenization method. A series of one‐dimensional infiltration experiments was carried out in a column filled with a double‐porosity medium composed of a mixture of sand and sintered clayey spheres arranged in a periodic manner. The unsaturated hydraulic properties of each porous material...
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