dr inż. Joanna Pilch
- Kierownik projektu w Politechnika Gdanska
wszystkich: 14
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2024
In vitro biological evaluation of a novel folic acid-targeted receptor quantum dot−β−cyclodextrin carrier for C-2028 unsymmetrical bisacridine in the treatment of human lung and prostate cancers
PublikacjaTraditional small-molecule chemotherapeutics usually do not distinguish tumors from healthy tissues. However, nanotechnology creates nanocarriers that selectively deliver drugs to their site of action. This work is the next step in the development of the quantum dot−β−cyclodextrin−folic acid (QD−β−CD−FA) platform for targeted and selected delivery of C−2028 unsymmetrical bisacridine in cancer therapy.Herein, we report an initial...
Rok 2023
Fatty acids as molecular carriers in cleavable antifungal conjugates
PublikacjaConjugates composed of C2-18 fatty acid (FA) residues as a molecular carrier and 5-fluorocytosine (5-FC) as an active agent, released upon the action of intracellular esterases on the ester bond between FA and “trimethyl lock” intramolecular linker, demonstrate good in vitro activity against human pathogenic yeasts of Candida spp. The minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) values for the most active conjugates containing caprylic...
pH-Responsive Drug Delivery Nanoplatforms as Smart Carriers of Unsymmetrical Bisacridines for Targeted Cancer Therapy
PublikacjaSelective therapy and controlled drug release at an intracellular level remain key challenges for effective cancer treatment. Here, we employed folic acid (FA) as a self-navigating molecule in nanoconjugates containing quantum dots (QDs) and β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) for the delivery of antitumor unsymmetrical bisacridine compound (C-2028) to lung and prostate cancers as well as normal cells. The bisacridine derivative can form the...
Rok 2022
A Novel Method of Endotoxins Removal from Chitosan Hydrogel as a Potential Bioink Component Obtained by CO2 Saturation
PublikacjaThe article presents a new approach in the purification of chitosan (CS) hydrogel in order to remove a significant amount of endotoxins without changing its molecular weight and viscosity. Two variants of the method used to purify CS hydrogels from endotoxins were investigated using the PyroGene rFC Enzymatic Cascade assay kit. The effect of the CS purification method was assessed in terms of changes in the dynamic viscosity of...
Foliate-Targeting Quantum Dots-β-Cyclodextrin Nanocarrier for Efficient Delivery of Unsymmetrical Bisacridines to Lung and Prostate Cancer Cells
PublikacjaTargeted drug delivery by nanocarriers molecules can increase the efficiency of cancer treatment. One of the targeting ligands is folic acid (FA), which has a high affinity for the folic acid receptors, which are overexpressed in many cancers. Herein, we describe the preparation of the nanoconjugates containing quantum dots (QDs) and β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) with foliate-targeting properties for the delivery of anticancer compound...
Nanocząstki w chemioterapii: charakterystyka, strategie projektowania, mechanizm wnikania oraz degradacja wewnątrzkomórkowa
PublikacjaPomimo znaczącego postępu w leczeniu nowotworów skuteczne metody ich leczenia po-zostają ograniczone. Wciąż jedną z głównych metod terapii pozostaje chemioterapia, jednakże często wywołuje ona wiele efektów ubocznych. Związane jest to m. in. z brakiem istotnych różnic pomiędzy komórkami nowotworowymi a prawidłowymi, właściwościami fizykochemicznymi samych chemioterapeutyków, a także zjawiskiem lekooporności. W celu obniżenia...
Rok 2021
Odpowiedź komórkowa indukowana przez niesymetryczne bisakrydyny skoniugowane z nanocząstkami w komórkach ludzkich raków okrężnicy i płuc
PublikacjaPomimo znaczącego postępu w terapii nowotworów, wciąż pozostają one drugą przyczyną umieralności na świecie. Związane jest to przede wszystkim z brakiem istotnych różnic pomiędzy komórkami nowotworowymi a prawidłowymi, co przekłada się na problemy z terapią. Ponadto, chemioterapia często związana jest z dystrybucją silnie toksycznych związków, w dawkach które mogą powodować niespecyficzne działanie leku. W celu podniesienia specyficzności...
Quantum Dots as a Good Carriers of Unsymmetrical Bisacridines for Modulating Cellular Uptake and the Biological Response in Lung and Colon Cancer Cells
PublikacjaNanotechnology-based drug delivery provides a promising area for improving the efficacy of cancer treatments. Therefore, we investigate the potential of using quantum dots (QDs) as drug carriers for antitumor unsymmetrical bisacridine derivatives (UAs) to cancer cells. We examine the influence of QD–UA hybrids on the cellular uptake, internalization (Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope), and the biological response (flow cytometry...
Rok 2020
New Unsymmetrical Bisacridine Derivatives Noncovalently Attached to Quaternary Quantum Dots Improve Cancer Therapy by Enhancing Cytotoxicity toward Cancer Cells and Protecting Normal Cells
PublikacjaThe use of nanoparticles for the controlled drug delivery to cells has emerged as a good alternative to traditional systemic delivery. Quantum dots (QDs) offer potentially invaluable societal benefits such as drug targeting and in vivo biomedical imaging. In contrast, QDs may also pose risks to human health and the environment under certain conditions. Here, we demonstrated that unique combination of nanocrystals core components...
Obtaining and Characterization of the PLA/Chitosan Foams with Antimicrobial Properties Achieved by the Emulsification Combined with the Dissolution of Chitosan by CO2 Saturation
PublikacjaA new method of obtaining functional foam material has been proposed. The materials were created by mixing the poly lactic acid (PLA) solution in chloroform, chitosan (CS) dissolved in water saturated with CO2 and polyethylene glycol (PEG), and freeze-dried for removal of the solvents. The composite foams were characterized for their structural (SEM, FT-IR, density, porosity), thermal (DSC), functional (hardness, elasticity, swelling...
Rok 2019
Obtaining and Characterization of the PLA/Chitosan Foams with Antimicrobial Properties Achieved by the Emulsification Combined with the Dissolution of Chitosan by CO2 Saturation
PublikacjaA new method of obtaining functional foam material has been proposed. The materials were created by mixing the poly lactic acid (PLA) solution in chloroform, chitosan (CS) dissolved in water saturated with CO2 and polyethylene glycol (PEG), and freeze-dried for removal of the solvents. The composite foams were characterized for their structural (SEM, FT-IR, density, porosity), thermal (DSC), functional (hardness, elasticity, swelling...
Rok 2018
Analiza zawartości metali w miodach o różnym pochodzeniu botanicznym
PublikacjaW ostatnim czasie wzrasta zainteresowanie produktami naturalnymi. Ze względu na postępującą chemizację środowiska chętnie wraca się do produktów tradycyjnych, które jawią się jako te wolne od wszechobecnej chemii. Jednym z takich produktów jest miód. Produkt ten, oprócz walorów prozdrowotnych jest wiarygodnym źródłem informacji na temat stanu środowiska naturalnego i może być wskaźnikiem jego skażenia ze względu na mały zasięg...
Essential oils as potential anti-staphylococcal agents
PublikacjaAntibiotic therapy of staphylococcal mastitis is characterized by significantly lower cure rates compared to infections caused by other microorganisms. Thus, it is necessary to search for new, alternative, non-antibiotic agents that are effective in the eradication of these bacteria. The aim of our research was to investigate the antimicrobial, especially anti-staphylococcal potential of a large collection (n=36) of essential oils...
Quantum dots conjugates with unsymmetrical bisacridines enhance cytotoxicity of these antitumor compounds in lung cancer cells and have protecting effects on normal cells
PublikacjaBackground: In recent years, with the rapid development of nanotechnology and its extensive applications in the medicine, nanocarriers for anticancer drug delivery have gained a great importance. Spherical semiconductor nanocrystals, frequently called quantum dots (QDs) are very attractive nanomaterials for bioimaging applications and they possess properties as potential candidates for drug carrier. Unsymmetrical bisacridines (UAs),...
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