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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: translation studies


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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: translation studies

  • On Dynamic Extension of a Local Material Symmetry Group for Micropolar Media

    For micropolar media we present a new definition of the local material symmetry group considering invariant properties of the both kinetic energy and strain energy density under changes of a reference placement. Unlike simple (Cauchy) materials, micropolar media can be characterized through two kinematically independent fields, that are translation vector and orthogonal microrotation tensor. In other words, in micropolar continua...

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  • Polish Adaptation of the Pregnancy-Related Anxiety Questionnaire—Revised 2 for All Pregnant Women

    • A. Michalik
    • L. Wójcicka
    • A. Zdun-Ryżewska
    • A. Czerwińska-Osipiak
    • M. Krzemiński
    • J. Olszewska
    • D. Klasa-Mazurkiewicz
    • A. C. Huizink

    - Healthcare - Rok 2021

    Pregnancy-related anxiety (PrA) is a specific type of anxiety characteristic of the perinatal period. PrA can affect pregnancy and birth. However, no validated tool exists to measure PrA in Polish obstetric practice. The aim of this study was to translate the Pregnancy-Related Anxiety Questionnaire—Revised 2 (PRAQ-R2) into Polish and to evaluate its reliability and factorial and construct validity. This study was conducted in Poland...

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  • c-Myc Protein Level Affected by Unsymmetrical Bisacridines Influences Apoptosis and Senescence Induced in HCT116 Colorectal and H460 Lung Cancer Cells

    Unsymmetrical bisacridines (UAs) are highly active antitumor compounds. They contain in their structure the drugs previously synthesized in our Department: C-1311 and C-1748. UAs exhibit different properties than their monomer components. They do not intercalate to dsDNA but stabilize the G-quadruplex structures, particularly those of the MYC and KRAS genes. Since MYC and KRAS are often mutated and constitutively expressed in cancer...

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  • Quantifying inconsistencies in the Hamburg Sign Language Notation System

    • M. Ferlin
    • S. Majchrowska
    • M. A. Plantykow
    • A. Kwaśniewska
    • A. Mikołajczyk-Bareła
    • M. Olech
    • J. Nalepa


    The advent of machine learning (ML) has significantly advanced the recognition and translation of sign languages, bridging communication gaps for hearing-impaired communities. At the heart of these technologies is data labeling, crucial for training ML algorithms on a huge amount of consistently labeled data to achieve models that generalize well. The adoption of language-agnostic annotations is essential to connect different sign...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Functional similarities and differences among subunits of the nascent polypeptide-associated complex (NAC) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

    • B. A. Schilke
    • T. Ziegelhoffer
    • P. Domański
    • J. Marszalek
    • B. Tomiczek
    • E. Craig


    Protein factors bind ribosomes near the tunnel exit, facilitating protein trafficking and folding. In eukaryotes, the heterodimeric nascent polypeptide-associated complex (NAC) is the most abundant - equimolar to ribosomes. Saccharomyces cerevisiae has a minor β-type subunit (Nacβ2) in addition to abundant Nacβ1, and therefore two NAC heterodimers, α/β1 and α/β12. The additional beta NAC gene arose at the time of the whole genome...

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  • Molecular Strategy for Survival at a Critical High Temperature in Eschierichia coli

    • M. Murata
    • H. Fujimoto
    • K. Nishimura
    • K. Charoensuk
    • H. Nagamitsu
    • S. Raina
    • T. Kosaka
    • T. Oshima
    • N. Ogasawara
    • M. Yamada

    - PLOS ONE - Rok 2011

    The molecular mechanism supporting survival at a critical high temperature (CHT) in Escherichia coli was investigated. Genome-wide screening with a single-gene knockout library provided a list of genes indispensable for growth at 47°C, called thermotolerant genes. Genes for which expression was affected by exposure to CHT were identified by DNA chip analysis. Unexpectedly, the former contents did not overlap with the latter except...

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    - Advances in Wound Care - Rok 2024

    Significance: Chemotherapy is a primary method to treat cancer, but while cytotoxic drugs are designed to target rapidly dividing cancer cells, they can also affect other cell types, including dermal cells and macrophages involved in wound healing, which often leads to the development of chronic wounds. The situation becomes even more severe when chemotherapy is combined with surgical tumor excision. Recent advances: Despite its...

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  • Magnetic field mapping along a NV-rich nanodiamond-doped fiber

    • A. Filipkowski
    • M. Mrózek
    • G. Stępniewski
    • M. Ficek
    • D. Pysz
    • W. Gawlik
    • R. Buczyński
    • A. M. Wojciechowski
    • M. Klimczak


    Integration of NV−-rich diamond with optical fibers enables guiding quantum information on the spin state of the NV− color center. Diamond-functionalized optical fiber sensors have been demonstrated with impressive sub-nanotesla magnetic field sensitivities over localized magnetic field sources, but their potential for distributed sensing remains unexplored. The volumetric incorporation of diamonds into the optical fiber core allows...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Healthier and Environmentally Responsible Sustainable Cities and Communities. A New Design Framework and Planning Approach for Urban Illumination


    Although sustainability and sustainable development are both considered necessary practices in various fields today, a recent analysis showed that the Sustainable Development Goal SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities established by the United Nations does not address urban illumination and its impact. This oversight is of concern because research carried out in the last 20+ years indicates artificial light at night (ALAN)...

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  • Declarative ship arenas under favourable conditions

    According to maritime regulations, a collision-avoidance action shall be taken at an “ample time” while strict interpretation of this term is ambiguous. Evasive manoeuvres, executed by marine navigators on a daily basis, are usually carried out well in advance, while the distance at which they decide to perform such a manoeuvre is mostly subjective and results, e.g., from the navigator's seagoing experience. A proper understanding...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • The method of analysis of damage reinforced concrete beams using terrestial laser scanning

    The authors present an analysis of the possibility to assess deformations and mechanisms of destructing bent reinforced concrete beams using the terrestrial laser scanning. As part of the experiments carried out at the Regional Laboratory of Construction of the Concrete Structures Division of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty at Gdansk University of Technology, the reinforced concrete beams were subjected to destruction...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Progress in ATRP-derived materials for biomedical applications



    The continuing wave of technological breakthroughs and advances is critical for engineering well- defined materials, particularly biomaterials, with tailored microstructure and properties. Over the last few decades, controlled radical polymerization (CRP) has become a very promising option for the synthesis of precise polymeric materials with an unprecedented degree of control over mo lecular architecture. Atom transfer radical...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Spectroscopic Optical Coherence Tomography for Thin Layer and Foil Measurements

    The main goal of this research was to assess if it is possible to evaluate the thickness of thin layers (both thin films on the surface and thin layers below the surface of the tested object) and foils using optical coherence tomography (OCT) for thickness assessment under the resolution of the standard commercially available OCT measurement system. In the proposed solution, light backscattered from the evaluated thin layer has...

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  • Architektura a dekonstrukcja. Przypadek Petera Eisenmana i Bernarda Tschumiego


    - Rok 2015

    Architecture and Deconstruction Case of Peter Eisenman and Bernard Tschumi   Introduction Towards deconstruction in architecture Intensive relations between philosophical deconstruction and architecture, which were present in the late 1980s and early 1990s, belong to the past and therefore may be described from a greater than...

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