Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ANALIZA FEM
FEM strength analysis of sandwich panels for ship structure applications
PublikacjaW publikacji zaprezentowano wyniki analizy numerycznej stalowego panelu sandwich obciążonego siłami ściskającymi wzdłuż laserowo spawanych usztywnień. Przedstawiono sposób modelowania, pokazano i przedyskutowano uzyskane rezultaty.
Finite element method (FEM) implementation in some chosen areas in dental tytanium-ceramic crown design
PublikacjaAnaliza rozkładu naprężeń wykazała, że szczególnie duże spiętrzenia naprężeń powstają w częściach przyszyjkowych tytanowo-ceramicznej korony stomatologicznej. W przyszyjkowej części modelu występują największe naprężenia rozciągające, szczególnie niebezpieczne dla ceramiki nieodpornej na tego typu obciążenia. Mogą one stanowić przyczynę spękania i odprysków w części przyszyjkowej korony. Wyniki symulacji komputerowej metodą MES...
Non-linear FEM analysis of earthquake-induced pounding between the main building and the stairway tower of the Olive View Hospital
PublikacjaCelem artykułu jest dokładna, trójwymiarowa analiza MES dotycząca zderzeń pomiędzy budynkiem głównym a konstrukcją wolnostojącej klatki schodowej szpitala Olive View podczas trzęsienia ziemi San Fernando w roku 1971. Wyniki analizy pokazują, iż kolizje mogą prowadzić do znacznego wzrostu odpowiedzi lżejszej konstrukcji klatki schodowej, powodować uszkodzenia w miejscach kontaktu oraz potęgować uszkodzenia u podstawy tej budowli....
Modal FEM Analysis of Ferrite Resonant Structures
PublikacjaThe finite-element method (FEM) is applied for modal analysis of ferrite-loaded spherical resonators. To improve the efficiency of the numerical calculations, the body-of-revolution (BOR) technique is utilized. Due to the frequency-dependent ferrite permeability, FEM leads to a nonlinear eigenvalue problem that is challenging to solve. To this end, Beyn’s method is proposed. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is confirmed...
CFD and FEM model of an underwater vehicle propeller
PublikacjaDuring the project execution of design and optimization the Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) research on its propulsion has been carried out. The entire project was supported by CFD and FEM calculations, which taking into account the characteristics of underwater vehicle. One of the tasks was to optimize the semi-open duct for horizontal propellers, which provided propulsion and controllability in horizontal plane. In order to...
Macromodels for efficient FEM simulations of waveguides and resonators
PublikacjaThis paper introduces a novel technique for enhancing the efficiency of the finite element method (FEM) by incorporating special modules, called macromodels, into the standard eigenvalue formulation. The number of unknowns in the separated macromodel subdomain can be significantly reduced by orthogonal projection, using the efficient nodal order reduction algorithm. The idea of macromodels implementation is demonstrated on a simple...
FEM simulation of laminate failure in the three point bending
PublikacjaThe paper presents a FEM simulation of failure of laminate subjected to the three point bending. The numeri-cal model is based on the equivalent single layer approach with 6-paramater non-linear shell theory kinematics. It is implemented in the non-commercial FEM code. The failure initiation is detected with the use of Tsai-Wu criterion. After the failure onset the progressive failure process is modelled through the appropriate...
FEM modelling of screw displacement pile interaction with subsoil
PublikacjaPredicting the-settlement characteristics of piles is an important element in the designing of pile foundations. The most reliable method in evaluating pile-soil interaction is the static load test, preferably performed with instrumentation for measuring shaft and pile base resistances. This, however, is a mostly post-implementation test. In the design phase, prediction methods are needed, in which numerical simulations play an...
Study of displacements of a bridge abutment using FEM
PublikacjaSteel sheet piles are often used to support excavations for bridge foundations. When they are left in place in the permanent works, they have the potential to increase foundation bearing capacity and reduce displacements; but their presence is not usually taken into account in foundation design. In this article, the results of finite element analysis of a typical abutment foundation, with and without cover of sheet piles, are presented...
FEM approach to modeling of an irregular trabecular structure
PublikacjaThe aim of the study is elaboration of a method for creating irregular scaffolds that can be used to model the behaviour of trabecular bone placed in the proximal epiphysis of the femur. The scope of the study encompasses creating six numerical models of irregular scaffolds (two solid irregular scaffolds, two shell irregular scaffolds and two shell irregular scaffolds with fortification) and performing numerical analysis of the...
A two-scale (FEM-DEM) approach for concrete
PublikacjaArtykuł omawia dwu-skalowe podejście do betonu przy wykorzystaniu modelu Mes i DEM. Metodę elementów skończonych zastosowano na poziomie makro. Na poziomie mikro zastosowano metodę elementów dyskretnych. Macierz sztywności wyznaczono na podstawie tensora naprężeń wyznaczonego w skali mikro. Wyniki numeryczne dwusalowe porównano z wynikami dyskretnymi dla całego obszaru.
Ultrasonic Tomography of Brick Columns Based on FEM Calculations
PublikacjaUltrasonic tomography is one of the most developed method of non-destructive testing. Despite being used mainly in medicine, it is becoming more and more popular as a method for monitoring of structural elements. It allows to examine the internal structure and technical condition of the tested element. This paper investigates the influence of crosssectional geometry on an obtained tomographic image. Wave propagation signals were...
Electromagnetic Simulation with 3D FEM for Design Automation in 5G Era
PublikacjaElectromagnetic simulation and electronic design automation (EDA) play an important role in the design of 5G antennas and radio chips. The simulation challenges include electromagnetic effects and long simulation time and this paper focuses on simulation software based on finite-element method (FEM). The state-of-the-art EDA software using novel computational techniques based on FEM can not only accelerate numerical analysis, but...
Comparative modeling of shear localization in granular bodies with FEM and DEM
PublikacjaThe intention of the paper is to compare the calculations of shear zones in granular bodies using two different approaches: a continuum and a discrete one. In the first case, the FEM based on a micro-polar hypoplastic constitutive law was used. In the second case, the DEM was taken advantage of, where contact moments were taken into account to model grain roughness. The comparative calculations were performed for a passive case...
Electromagnetic Simulations with 3D FEM and Intel Optane Persistent Memory
PublikacjaAbstract—Intel Optane persistent memory has the potential to induce a change in how high-performance calculations requiring a large system memory capacity are conducted. This article presents what this change may look like in the case of factorization of large sparse matrices describing electromagnetic problems arising in the 3D FEM analysis of passive highfrequency components. In numerical tests, the Intel oneAPI MKL PARDISO was...
PublikacjaThe article presents the analysis, project, and experimental examination of an original rigid riser for Coil Tubing Pipes. The principle of riser operation is based on the use of friction forces. The research included the FEM analysis of the designed riser, calculations of the required bolt tensions, and checking the effect of the clamping force on stress distribution in the pipeline. The results of computer simulation were verified...
Effect of mesh deformation on the accuracy of 3D FEM electromagnetic analysis
PublikacjaIn this paper, the accuracy of 3D FEM electromagnetic simulations in parametric analysis using mesh deformation techniques is discussed. Mesh deformation techniques allow one to preserve the mesh topology while the geometry is changed. It is shown that the application of mesh deformation can provide accurate simulation results even for very large deformations. On the other hand, it is also shown that the technique has to be used...
Torsional Stability Assessment of Columns Using Photometry and FEM
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Young’s modulus distribution in the FEM models of bone tissue
PublikacjaThis paper presents how differences of Young’s modulus in adjacent finite elements typical for organic materials such as bone tissue, influence stress calculating. Emphasizing high computational cost of variable Young’s modulus in parts of the model, where the number of finite elements has been raised, the authors wants to prove that new model of finite element which has variable Young’s modulus in its volume needs to be created....
A New Type of Macro-Elements for Efficient Two-Dimensional FEM Analysis
PublikacjaThis letter deals with a model order reduction technique applicable for driven and eigenvalue problems solved using the finite element method (FEM). It allows one to efficiently compute electromagnetic parameters of structures comprising small features that require strong local mesh refinement. The subdomains of very fine mesh are separated from the global domain as so called macro-elements that undergo model reduction. The macro-elements...
FEM approach to estimate the behaviour of biocomposite metal-surface coating system
PublikacjaA three dimensional (3D) model of biocomposite metal-surface coating system, which is influenced byknown external forces, is proposed. This model consists of the metallic substrate (Ti6Al4V) and thehydroxyapatite (HA) coating. Using FEM (finite element method), strain-stress maps of model weregenerated for investigating relations between the extreme stress of HA coating and the magnitude ofexternal force and the thickness of the...
The FEM analysis of pressure installation elements after simulated accidental overheating
PublikacjaThe paper presents innovative analysis focused on the safety aspects of existing pressure installation operation after overheating accidents. Results presented here can be applied in decision-making process concerning further operation of existing pressure installation after cooling system failure. In this paper the results of FEM analysis performed for a straight pipe and 90 degrees elbow, made of super duplex stainless steel,...
Reference FEM model for SHM system of cable-stayed bridge in Rzeszów
PublikacjaThe paper presents the references model for structural health monitoring system (SHM) of cable-stayed bridge recently constructed in Rzeszów over Wisłok River. The SHM system is design to provide on-line information on the structure state and facilitate its maintenance procedures. The main feature of the SHM system is permanent observation of the dynamic behavior of the bridge with focus on cable vibrations. The paper discusses...
Comparison of natural frequencies of a circular saw blade obtained empirically and with FEM
PublikacjaThe knowledge of the natural frequencies’ values of circular saw blades is necessary to determine the minimal critical rotational speed in which they can work with required stability. Moreover, testing the circular saw blades with more complicated shapes, e.g. which have additional holes inside blades for cleaning knifes or additional indirect teeth in gullets, reveals some kind of problematic properties of these saw blades. The...
Efficient model order reduction for FEM analysis of waveguide structures and resonators
PublikacjaAn efficient model order reduction method for three-dimensional Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis of waveguide structures is proposed. The method is based on the Efficient Modal Order Reduction (ENOR) algorithm for creating macro-elements in cascaded subdomains. The resulting macro-elements are represented by very compact submatrices, leading to significant reduction of the overall number of unknowns. The efficiency of the model...
FEM modeling of structures based on close range digital photogrammetry
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy metodologii przygotowania modelu konstrukcji istniejącej do analizy mechanicznej metodą element ow skończonych. MOdelowanie geometrii budowli jest oparte na danych pozyskanych z pomiarów fotogrametrycznych. Praca wskazuje na możliwości oraz efektywność zastosowania metod optometrycznych w rewitalizacji budowli zabytkowych, an przykładzie modelu dachu drewnianego.
VOF-DEM-FEM combined model of the reef breakwater collapse
PublikacjaZespolony model numeryczny (metoda modelowania przepływu ze swobodną powierzchnią rozdziału faz ciekłej i gazowej w siatce nieruchomej (ang. Volume of Fluid - VOF, metoda elementów dyskretnych (ang. Distinct Element Method, metoda elementów skończonych (MES)) został wykorzystany do zbadania odkształceń falochronu narzutowego i jego piaszczystego podłoża w wyniku oddziaływania falowania powierzchniowego. Wyniki analizy numerycznej...
Prediction of the properties of PVD/CVD coatings with the use of FEM analysis
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Elastoplastic nonlinear FEM analysis of FGM shells of Cosserat type
PublikacjaThe paper is a continuation of [1] where the formulation of the elastic constitutive law for functionally graded materials (FGM) on the grounds of nonlinear 6-parameter shell theory with the 6th parameter (the drilling degree of freedom) was presented. Here the formulation is extended to the elasto-plastic range. The material law is based on Cosserat plasticity and employs the well-known Tamura-Tomota-Ozawa (TTO) [2] mixture...
On the FEM implementation of the large rotation shell theory for elasticanisotropic shells.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono problemy implementacji MES teorii powłok o dużych obrotach w statycznej, geometrycznie nieliniowej analizie konstrukcji warstwowych. Zwrócono uwagę na właściwą interpretacje rotacyjnych stopni swobody w algorytmie MES. Omówiono wariant dużych i skończonych obrotów. Przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń dla znanego w literaturze przykładu analizy paneli kompozytowej w zakresie dużych obrotów.
Some theoretical models of technical woven fabric and their use in FEM.
PublikacjaCelem pracy było przedstawienie niektórych typów równań konstytutywnych opisujących zachowanie powłok membranowych używanych do konstrukcji przekryć wiszących. Ocena zastosowanego modelu izotropowego i sieci gęstej w analizie tkanin technicznych. Dokonano porównania wyników uzyskanych własnymi algorytmami metody elementów skończonych z powszechnie dostępnym na rynku programem komercyjnym MARC firmy MSC. Uzyskano dobrą zgodność...
Macro-elements and Model Order Reduction for Efficient Three-Dimensional FEM Analysis
PublikacjaAn efficient model order reduction (MOR) methodology for three dimensional vector finite element method (FEM) is developed to accelerate simulations of the structures containing features that cause strong variations of mesh density. As the result of presented algorithm, FEM subsystems of equations corresponding to the selected refined region are converted into a very compact sets of linear equations, called macro-elements.Numerical...
DEM-FEM model of highly saturated soil motion due to seepage force
PublikacjaArtykuł poświęcono nowej propozycji rozwiązania problemu modelowania zjawiska transportu, które występuje wewnątrz wysoko-nawodnionego gruntu ziarnistego na skutek ciśnienia spływowego. Teoria oparta została na połączeniu metody elementów skończonych (FEM - Finite Element Method) - rozwiązania równań poro-elastycznych oraz metody poszczególnych elementów (DEM - Distinct Element Method), które dały podwójny model numeryczny. FEM...
FEM analysis of composite materials failure in nonlinear six field shell theory
PublikacjaThe monography deals with the problem of failure initiation in thin laminated composites. Known techniques of laminate structures modelling are briefly characterised. Eventually, shell based approach is chosen for the purpose of the description of the composite structures behaviour, as it predicts their deformation and states of stress effectively in a global sense. The nonlinear six parameter shell theory (6p theory) with asymmetric...
On FEM analysis of Cosserat-type stiffened shells. Static and stability linear analysis
PublikacjaThe present research investigates the theory and numerical analysis of shells stiffened with beams in the framework based on the geometrically exact theories of shells and beams. Shell’s and beam’s kinematics are described by the Cosserat surface and the Cosserat rod respectively, which are consistent including deformation and strain measures. A FEM approximation of the virtual work principle leads to the conforming shell and beam...
FEM Calculations in Analysis of Steel Subsea Water Injection Flowlines Designing Process
PublikacjaPaper describes the result of theoretical research aimed at assessing the loads and operating conditions of a Coiled Tubing pipeline injecting water, suspended to the mining platform of Lotos Petrobaltic. For this purpose, appropriate calculation models have been developed using the Finite Element Method (FEM), taking into account the nature of the analyzed object and its loads. The analyzes were carried out for two pipes (previously...
PublikacjaPorous structures made of metal or biopolymers with a structure similar in shape and mechanical properties to human bone can easily be produced by stereolithographic techniques, e.g. selective laser melting (SLM). Numerical methods, like Finite Element Method (FEM) have great potential in testing new scaffold designs, according to their mechanical properties before manufacturing, i.e. strength or stiffness. An example of such designs...
Fem analysis of cosserat plates and shells based on some constitutive relations
PublikacjaPrzeprowadzono studium doboru mikropolarnych współczynników konstytutywnych w pewnym modelu płyty Cosseratów. Wyznaczono ograniczenia na ich wartości i przeprowadzono parametryczną analizę wpływu tych współczynników na geometrycznie nieliniowe deformacje powłok z ortogonalnymi przecięciami płatów.
"FEM Parametric Study on Ultimate Bearing Capacity of CFST Arch Bridge
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Isotropic damage in viscoplastic flow conditions, fem applications with practical examples
PublikacjaW pracy omówiono niektóre zagadnienia zniszczenia w warunkach płynięcia lepkoplastycznego. Podano podstawowe prawa konstytutywne jakie mogą tu być zastosowane oraz sposoby identyfikacji parametrów materiałowych. Pokazano przykład zastosowania.
Application of mesh deformation for modeling of conformal RF components with 3D FEM
PublikacjaIn this paper, a method of analysis of conformal RF components has been proposed. In this approach, modeling of a curved structure is based on mesh deformation of planar objects rather than the construction of conformal geometry at CSG level. Since the model is represented as a 3D mesh, the deformation only requires the calculation of nodes position in the bent structure. The results of the proposed algorithm have been validated...
Nonlinear FEM analysis of irregular shells composed of fiber metal laminates
PublikacjaThe paper deals with the analysis of failure initiation in shells made of Fiber Metal Laminates (FML). The elas-tic material law for orthotropic lamina is stated accounting for asymmetric in-plane stress and strain measures. The asymmetry results from the employed general nonlinear 6-field shell theory where the generalized dis-placements involve the translation and the proper rotation field. The novelty of the presented results...
Sophistication assessment of existing FEM models of orbital blowout trauma: Is models valuation justified?
PublikacjaAfter a thorough study of the work entitled “Development and validation of an optimized finite element model of the human orbit”, some doubts aroused concerning the sophistication assessment of the existing finite element method (FEM) models of orbital blow-out. Although the work was unquestionably innovative, and the results were not only fascinating but also invaluable, the authors stated that their model was the most sophisticated...
Nondestructive methods complemented by FEM calculations in diagnostics of cracks in bridge approach pavement
PublikacjaNondestructive methods of road pavement diagnostics are an alternative to traditional approach to pavement failure investigation. The article presents a detailed multidisciplinary inspection carried out using ground-penetrating radar (GPR), laser scanning technology and finite element method (FEM) calculations. It was done in order to assess the factors that contributed to occurrence of premature cracks of a bridge approach pavement....
A simple finite difference approach using unstructured meshes from FEM mesh generators.
PublikacjaPrezentujemy metodologię używania dwuwymiarowych różnic skończonych wykorzystujących siatki trójkątne z metody FEM. Określiliśmy wyrażenia opisujące pierwsząi drugą pochodną w oparciu o wartości pól w saśiednich punktach. Metodę przetestowaliśmy na strukturze rezonatora z prostokątnym rdzeniem dielektrycznym.
PublikacjaUnderstanding the dynamical properties of the circular saw blade is necessary, since, there is a really need for a stable work at working rotational speeds, which are determined by frequencies at which the circular saw blade tends to vibrate. It was observed that the resonant frequency depend on the circular saw blade shape, a collar diameter and on saw’s teeth shape. In the presented work an attention was paid to the effect of...
FEM simulations applied to the failure analysis of RC structure under the influence of municipal sewage pressure
PublikacjaThe paper discusses a failure mechanism of reinforced concrete (RC) structure with steel cover that failed under the influence of municipal sewage pressure. To explain the reasons of failure, in-situ measurements, laboratory experiments and comprehensive Finite Element Method (FEM) computations were performed. Non-destructive in-situ scanning tests were carried out to determine quantity and cover thickness of embedded reinforcement...
Application of Hybrid FEM-DIC Method for Assessment of Low Cost Building Structures
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FEM (Finite Element Method) Numeric Analyses of the Syrenka S201 Car Model
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FEM modelling of stress and strain distribution in weld joints of steel sandwich panels
PublikacjaThe development of laser welding technology has enabled the mass production of thin-walled structures, including steel sandwich panels. The technology of joining plating panels with stiffeners by welding allows us to create joints with a specific geometry and material properties. In comparison with other types of joints, laser welds are characterized by their specific behaviour under cyclic load and, as a consequence, a different...