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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: GRID MONITORING AND CONTROL

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: GRID MONITORING AND CONTROL

  • Voltage Conditions in Low Voltage Grid with Connected Mictogeneration


    The introduction of distributed generation into a low voltage grid may cause voltage problems in it. The paper discusses the effect of microgeneration on voltage levels in a low voltage grid. A real low voltage grid of considerable length was selected for the analysis. The grid primarily supplies residential buildings in a rural area. Results of tests that consider potential measures which could be applied in this grid to improve...

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  • Integrated algorithm for selecting the location and control of energy storage units to improve the voltage level in distribution grids


    This paper refers to the issue that mainly appears in distribution grids, where renewable energy sources (RES) are widely installed. In such grids, one of the main problems is the coordination of energy production time with demand time, especially if photovoltaic energy sources are present. To face this problem, battery energy storage units (ESU) can be installed. In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to optimizing...

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  • Charakterystyka środowiska Knowledge Grid

    Zorganizowanie wiedzy zgromadzonej w Internecie to współcześnie ważne zagadnienie badawcze. Artykuł opisuje środowisko Knowledge Grid i mechanizmy jego działania. Wiedza przechowywana w Knowledge Grid może zostać zorganizowana w trójwymiarową strukturę. Opracowany został również Knowledge Grid Operating Language, który jest językiem służącym do operowania na danych udostępnianych w tym środowisku. Za jego pomocą możliwe jest umieszczenia...

  • Comprehensive distortion compensation of grid-connected inverter currents

    The paper presents a comprehensive approach to the compensation of phase current distortion of grid-connected power inverters. Four different sources of current distortion are addressed: imperfect grid synchronization caused by the distortion in the grid voltages, voltage fluctuations in the dc link, time delays in the estimation of grid voltages, and the distortion of inverter output voltages due to dead-time effects and related...

  • Use of AMI Meters in the Process of Low Voltage Grid Optimization


    - Acta Energetica - Rok 2017

    This is a report of a project involving, inter alia, low voltage grid performance optimization with data from AMI meters . The study was supported with a European UPGRID grant, and executed by a consortium of companies from seven European countries, including Poland .

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  • Simplified Distribution Grid Modelling for Connection Analyses


    - Acta Energetica - Rok 2016

    This paper considers the modelling of medium and low voltage grids for the purpose of connection studies by distribution grid operators. Possible simplifications in grid modelling are discussed, which are acceptable from the viewpoint of the final result. The main driver of the modelling simplification is the MS Excel environment used as the computation platform, and the limitation of time for grid modelling.

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  • Mersenne Number Finding and Collatz Hypothesis Verification in the Comcute Grid System


    - Rok 2012

    In this chapter, some mathematic applications have been described to test scalability of the Comcute grid system. Especially, a verification of the Collatz hypothesis and finding Mersenne numbers were applied to prove the scalability and high performance of this grid system. Results were compared with outcomes obtained by the other grid systems.

  • Adaptacyjny system oświetlania dróg oraz inteligentnych miast


    - Rok 2024

    Przedmiotem rozprawy jest zbadanie praktycznej możliwości wykrywania w czasie rzeczywistym anomalii w systemie oświetlenia drogowego w oparciu o analizę danych ze inteligentnych liczników energii. Zastosowanie inteligentnych liczników energii elektrycznej (Smart Meter) w systemach oświetlenia drogowego stwarza nowe możliwości w zakresie automatycznej diagnostyki takich niepożądanych zjawisk jak awarie lamp, odstępstwa od harmonogramu...

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  • Microseismic Monitoring of Hydraulic Fracturing - Data Interpretation Methodology With an Example from Pomerania

    Microseismic monitoring is a method for localizing fractures induced by hydraulic fracturing in search for shell gas. The data is collected from an array of geophones deployed on the surface or underground. Ground vibrations are recorded and analysed for fracture location, magnitude and breakage mechanism. For successful microseismic monitoring one need a velocity model of underlying formations. The model is further tuned with...

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  • Standards on Cyber Security Assessment of Smart Grid

    Security evaluation of communication systems in smart grid poses a great challenge to the developers and operators. In recent years many new smart grid standards were proposed, which paradoxically results in the difficulty in finding a relevant publication in this plethora of literature. This paper presents the results of a systematic analysis which aimed at addressing this issue by identifying standards that present sound security...

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  • Structural Health Monitoring of Overhead Power Transmission Lines


    - Rok 2013

    Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is a novel and continuously developing branch of science and technology that draws attention of scientists all over the world. It creates opportunities to detect, localize and identify structural damage of various types such as: line breakage, permissible sag, bolt loosening, fatigue cracking or insulator contamination. On the other hand the methods used to estimate the remaining operational...

  • Toward knowledge-grid model for academic purposes


    - Rok 2015

    Nowadays we face a huge amount of data and information sharing on the Web by different users worldwide. For example, the academic environment is one of such places where teachers share and manage knowledge for groups of students. This paper proposes a multi-dimensional knowledge space model, designed to distribute and manage knowledge resources efficiently. We view our model as a foundation of a knowledge grid platform. Two crucial...

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  • Experimental test results of the 150kVA 18-pulse diode rectifier with series active power filter


    - Rok 2016

    The paper presents the control system and selected results of experimental tests of the ac/dc power converter consisting of 18-pulse diode rectifier on the basis of coupled reactors and a serial active power filter. Three configurations of the 150kVA converter were tested experimentally and compared: 18-pulse diode rectifier with and without additional grid reactor and the rectifier integrated with the active power filter. The...

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  • Current harmonic controller in multiple reference frames for series active power filter integrated with 18-pulse diode rectifier

    The paper presents the control system and selected results of experimental tests of the AC/DC power converter consisting of an 18-pulse diode rectifier based on coupled reactors and a serial active power filter. Proportional integral controllers with decoupling components are implemented in multiple reference frames for selective line current harmonic suppression. The regulator is provided with a backtracking anti-windup mechanism...

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  • Control structures of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator connected to Current Source Converter


    - Rok 2024

    The control of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator can be achieved through various techniques. At present, many works published in the literature show the application of Voltage Source Converter in conjunction with Doubly-Fed Induction Generator. Recently published articles rarely involve the operational characteristics and technical aspects of the Doubly-Fed Induction Generator...

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  • Stability Analysis of Shunt Active Power Filter with Predictive Closed-Loop Control of Supply Current


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2021

    This paper presents a shunt active power filter connected to the grid via an LCL coupling circuit with implemented closed‐loop control. The proposed control system allows selective harmonic currents compensation up to the 50th harmonic with the utilization of a model‐based predictive current controller. As the system is fully predictive, it provides high effectiveness of the harmonic reduction, which is proved by waveforms achieved...

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  • Nonlinear Control of a Doubly Fed Generator Supplied by a Current Source Inverter


    Nowadays, wind turbines based on a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) are a commonly used solution in the wind industry. The standard converter topology used in these systems is the voltage source inverter (VSI). The use of reverse-blocking insulated gate bipolar transistor (RB-IGBT) in the current source inverter topology (CSI), which is an alternative topology, opens new possibilities of control methods. This paper presents...

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  • A Point Set Connection Problem for Autonomous Mobile Robots in a Grid



    Consider an orthogonal grid of streets and avenues in a Manhattan-like city populated by stationary sensor modules at some intersections and mobile robots that can serve as relays of information that the modules exchange, where both module-module and module-robot communication is limited to a straight line of sight within the grid. The robots are oblivious and move asynchronously. We present a distributed algorithm that, given...

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  • Measurement Automation Monitoring


    ISSN: 2450-2855

  • A Paradigm for HV, MV, LV Distribution Grid Development Planning


    In the literature, including that relating to businesses in the energy (and power) sector, the concept of these organizations’ operating paradigm may be found. The paper discusses the concept of the paradigm, with a focus on the power grid development planning paradigm. Against this background, issues related to energy security and power systems development trends and problems are presented. A new paradigm is proposed for distribution...

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  • Application of PL-Grid Platform for Modeling of the Selected Acoustic Phenomena

    Domain grids are specific computational environments, developed within the PLGrid Plus project. For the Acoustic domain grid two supercomputer grid based services were prepared. Dedicated software consists of the outdoor sound propagation module and psychoacoustical noise dosimeter. The results are presented in a form of maps of sound level and Temporary Threshold Shift (TTS) values, therefore the services may play an informative...

  • An Overview of Bidirectional EV Chargers: Empowering Traction Grid-Powered Chargers


    - Rok 2023

    In recent years, the number of electric vehicles has been at least doubling year after year. As a result, today electric vehicles already account for approximately 10% of the global automotive market, which positively affects environment in urbanized areas. However, to take full advantage of the EV integration it is necessary to use renewable sources for their charging; optimally place charging stations/terminals; optimally manage...

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  • Standards with cybersecurity controls for smart grid - A systematic analysis

    In recent years numerous standards related to the cybersecurity of smart grids have been published, which led to the challenge for operators in obtaining indications that match their specific objectives and contexts. Although several studies approached this problem by providing more or less comprehensive surveys and overviews of smart grid cybersecurity standards, none of them was dedicated to the actual and important subject of...

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  • Deepak Gautambhai Vyas PhD Student


    Pursuing Doctoral of Philosophy at Gdansk University of Technology. My research interests are sensorless control, power electronics converter, electrical machine, control system, power system, power system protection and smart grid.

  • Estimation of the Maximum Permissible PV Power to be Connected to the MV Grid


    - Rok 2023

    In recent decades, a significant increase in the share of renewable energy sources in power grids at various voltage levels has been observed. A number of articles have been published highlighting emerging problems in low-voltage grids with a large share of prosumers and in medium- and high-voltage grids to which photovoltaic (PV) plants are connected. The article analyzes the medium-voltage grid in terms of the possibility of...

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  • Quality Modeling in Grid and Volunteer-Computing Systems


    - Rok 2013

    A model of computational quality in large-scale computing systems was presented in the previous chapter of this book. This model describes three quality attributes: performance, reliability and energy efficiency. We assumed that all processes in the system are incessantly ready to perform calculations and that communication between the processes occurs immediately. These assumptions are not true for grid and volunteer computing...

  • Multi agent grid systems


    - Rok 2012

    This chapter presents an idea of merging grid and volunteer systemswith multi agent systems. It gives some basics concerning multi agentsystem and the most followed standard. Some deliberations concerningsuch an existing systems were made in order to finally present possibilities of introducing agents into the Comcute system.



    Nowadays the issue of electric energy saving in public transport is becoming a key area of interest which is connected both with a growth in environmental awareness of the society and an increase in the prices of fuel and electricity. It can be achieved by improving the usage of regenerative breaking. In 2016 the Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacji Trolejbusowej (PKT, Trolleybus Transport Company) in Gdynia began practical implementation...

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  • Efektywne zrównoleglanie obliczeń w systemie klasy grid na przykładzie hipotezy Collatza


    Zaprezentowano problem Collatza oraz sposób jego adaptacji, pozwalający na realizację obliczeń w systemie typu grid. Zidentyfikowano również pożądane cechy problemów obliczeniowych, dzięki którym mogą one zostać zrównoleglone w sposób efektywny w systemach typu grid i porównano je z cechami zadań realizowanych typowo przy użyciu klastrów obliczeniowych.

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  • Systemy bezprzewodowej łączności i transmisji danych dla potrzeb bezpieczeństwa publicznego (studium stanu i rozwiązań)

    W niniejszym rozdziale przedstawiono charakterystyki rozwiązań użytkowych zrealizowanych w Katedrze Systemów i Sieci Radiokomunikacyjnych Politechniki Gdańskiej. Autorzy scharakteryzowali opracowane przez zespół badawczy Katedry, systemy bezprzewodowego monitoringu zagrożeń bezpieczeństwa oraz zarządzania i sterowania infrastrukturami krytycznymi. W tym też kontekście omówiono następujące systemy i aplikacje użytkowe: − globalny...

  • Medium-Voltage Drives: Challenges and existing technology

    • H. Abu-Rub
    • S. Bayhan
    • S. Moinoddin
    • M. Malinowski
    • J. Guziński

    - IEEE Power Eelectronics Magazine - Rok 2016

    The article presents an overview of state-of-art solutions, advances, and design and research trends in medium-voltage (MV) drive technologies - and also discusses the challenges and requirements associated with the use of such drives. The choice and deployment of MV drives in industries are associated with numerous requirements related to the front-end converter (grid side) and inverter (machine side). The focus is on solutions...

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  • Integration of cloud-based services into distributed workflow systems: challenges and solutions

    The paper introduces the challenges in modern workflow management in distributed environments spanning multiplecluster, grid and cloud systems. Recent developments in cloud computing infrastructures are presented and are referring howclouds can be incorporated into distributed workflow management, aside from local and grid systems considered so far. Severalchallenges concerning workflow definition, optimisation and execution are...

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  • Balancing energy consumption in limited power grid with active front-end and three phase dual active bridge system


    - Rok 2020

    Paper deals with simulation analysis of bidirectional power converters system for charging station of electric vehicle in condition of limited power source in city infrastructure. In case of incapability to provide additional power supply through the grid by virtue of historical, architectural and economic reasons it is possible to solve this issue by implementation of mobile battery-powered supply source. The proposed bidirectional...

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  • Hydrodynamic reanalysis of ice conditions in the Baltic Sea using the PM3D model

    The dataset contains the results of numerical modeling of sea ice in the Baltic Sea since 1998. A long-term reanalysis was performed using the three-dimensional hydrodynamic model PM3D (Kowalewski and Kowalewska-Kalkowska, 2017), a new version of the M3D model (Kowalewski, 1997). A numerical dynamic-thermodynamic model of sea ice (Herman et al. 2011)...

  • The Application Of A Noise Mapping Tool Deployed In Grid Infrastructure For Creating Noise Maps Of Urban Areas

    The concept and implementation of the system for creating dynamic noise maps in PL-Grid infrastructure are presented. The methodology of dynamic acoustical maps creating is introduced. The concept of noise mapping, based on noise source and propagation models, was developed and employed in the system. The details of incorporation of the system to the PL-Grid infrastructure are presented. The results of simulations performed by...

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  • Genetic Programming for Workload Balancing in the Comcute Grid System


    - Rok 2012

    A genetic programming paradigm is implemented for reliability optimization in the Comcute grid system design. Chromosomes are generated as the program functions and then genetic operators are applied for finding Pareto-suboptimal task assignment and scheduling. Results are compared with outcomes obtained by an adaptive evolutionary algorithm.

  • Bondage number of grid graphs


    The bondage number b(G) of a nonempty graph G is the cardinality of a smallest set of edges whose removal from G results in a graph with domination number greater than the domination number of G. Here we study the bondage number of some grid-like graphs. In this sense, we obtain some bounds or exact values of the bondage number of some strong product and direct product of two paths.

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  • Integration of electric vehicle into smart grid: a meta heuristic algorithm for energy management between V2G and G2V

    • G. Srihari
    • R. S. R. Krishnam Naidu
    • P. Falkowski-Gilski
    • P. Bidare Divakarachari
    • R. K. Varma Penmatsa

    - Frontiers in Energy Research - Rok 2024

    Recently, Electric Vehicles (EV) have been providing fast response and substantial progress in the power generation model. Further, EVs are exploited as adaptable Energy Storage Systems (ESSs) and show a promising performance in ancillary service markets to increase the demand of Smart Grid (SG) integration. The expansion of Vehicle-to-Grid concept has created an extra power source when renewable energy sources are not available....

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  • Acoustics - new services for urban planning, research and education

    The main purpose of the presented design is twofold, namely: providing detailed information about the noise threats that occur every day in city areas and preventing the noise induced hearing loss especially among young people. An experimental system designed for the continuous monitoring of the acoustic climate of urban areas was developed and implemented within the PLGrid Plus project. The assessment of environmental threats...

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  • A Review of Standards with Cybersecurity Requirements for Smart Grid


    Assuring cybersecurity of the smart grid is indispensable for the reliable operation of this new form of the electricity network. Experts agree that standardised solutions and practices should be applied in the first place. In recent years many new standards for smart grids have been published, which paradoxically results in the difficulty of finding a relevant publication in this plethora of literature. This paper presents results...

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  • Optymalizacja równoważenia obciążeń w systemach klasy grid


    Zaprezentowano techniki równoważenia obciążeń testowane w systemie rozproszonym Comcute o architekturze typu grid. Omówiono niezbędne uwarunkowania środowiska prowadzenia obliczeń w zestawie laboratoryjnym Politechniki Gdańskiej, a także odniesiono się do kryteriów kierunkujących równoważenie obciążeń. Przedstawiono wielopoziomową metodę równoważenia obciążeń.

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  • Design of the LLC Filter for AC Grid-Based Converter


    This paper emphasizes reducing harmonic distortion in the electrical current delivered by photovoltaic (PV) inverters to the power grid. It highlights the issue of significant harmonic components present in the output voltage of inverters, which is attributed to pulse width modulation (PWM) switching techniques. This necessitates the deployment of LCL filters as a strategic approach to limit current harmonics effectively. Additionally,...

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  • Wybrane rozwiązania występujące w architekturach systemów rozproszonych klasy grid


    - Rok 2012

    Opisano wybrane rozwiązania występujące w architekturach systemów rozproszonych klasy grid. Odniesiono się do zapewnienia przezroczystości, a także do możliwości zarządzania i kontroli wykorzystania zasobów. Omówiono zasady optymalizacji zarządzania takimi systemami.

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  • Formowanie napięć wyjściowych trójfazowego przekształtnika sieciowego

    W artykule przedstawiono kompensację dwu zasadniczych zjawisk powodujących zniekształcenia prądów fazowych przekształtnika sieciowego. Pierwszym z nich są zniekształcenia napięcia sieci. W celu ich eliminacji zaproponowano uśrednianie za okres podstawowej harmonicznej uchybu regulatora napięcia obwodu pośredniczącego oraz predykcję napięcia sieci. Drugim natomiast są zniekształcenia napięć wyjściowych przekształtnika sieciowego....

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  • Genetic Positioning of Fire Stations Utilizing Grid-computing Platform


    A chapter presents a model for determining near-optimal locations of fire stations based on topography of a given area and location of forests, rivers, lakes and other elements of the site. The model is based on principals of genetic algorithms and utilizes the power of the grid to distribute and execute in parallel most performance-demanding computations involved in the algorithm.

  • Muhammad Jamshed Abbass Phd in Electrical Engineering


    Muhammad Jamshed Abbass received the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from Riphah International University, Islamabad. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland. His research interests include machine learning, voltage stability within power systems, control design, analysis, the modeling of electrical power systems, the integration of numerous decentralized...

  • Dc Leakage Current in Isolated Grid-Connected dc Nanogrid - Origins and Elimination Methods


    - Rok 2024

    The LV dc system is a relatively new trend in the distribution sector, which seems to grow widely in the near future due to its promising advantages. In this context, LV dc protection and grounding are challenging issues. Although the galvanically isolated connection mode of dc nanogrid to the ac grid has high reliability, the leakage current can still be injected into the ac grid through the interwinding capacitors and the insulation...

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  • Distributed Detection of Selected Features in Data Streams Using Grid-class Systems


    - Rok 2012

    This chapter describes basic methodology of distributed digital signal processing. A choice of distributed methods of detection of selected features in data streams using grid-class systems is discussed. Problems related to distribution of data for processing are addressed. A mitigating method for data distribution and result merging is described.

  • Improving the efficiency of street lighting electrical systems

    To derive mathematical expressions that, using the available information, will allow forecasting the levels of electricity consumption by the city’s outdoor lighting network in the main possible scenarios for several years ahead, as well as when developing an energy-efficient smart control system for the electro-complex of lighting complex. Creating an effective intelligent outdoor lighting control system involves the use of the...

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  • Smart Grid in Practise - Implementation of the Billaterall Supply in Gdynia Trolleybus Network


    - Rok 2017

    Since 2001, trolleybus system in Gdynia has been involved in many activities related to the reduction of power consumption, both in terms of implementation and research and development. In 2011 was introduced the first supercapacitor storage energy system. In PKT started applications of Smart Grid technologies in supply network: the bilateral supply. The paper presents results of these this novel investitions.

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