wszystkich: 309
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: theoretical physics
Topological extraordinary optical transmission
PublikacjaΤhe incumbent technology for bringing light to the nanoscale, the near-field scanning optical microscope, has notoriously small throughput efficiencies of the order of 10^4-10^5 or less. We report on a broadband, topological, unidirectionally guiding structure, not requiring adiabatic tapering and, in principle, enabling near-perfect (∼100%) optical transmission through an unstructured single arbitrarily subdiffraction slit at...
Global Complex Roots and Poles Finding Algorithm in C × R Domain
PublikacjaAn algorithm to find the roots and poles of a complex function depending on two arguments (one complex and one real) is proposed. Such problems are common in many fields of science for instance in electromagnetism, acoustics, stability analyses, spectroscopy, optics, and elementary particle physics. The proposed technique belongs to the class of global algorithms, gives a full picture of solutions in a fixed region ⊂ C × R and...
The role of Herzberg-Teller effects on the resonance Raman spectrum of trans-porphycene investigated by time dependent density functional theory.
PublikacjaThe S1 excited state properties as well as the associated absorption and resonance Raman (RR) spectra of trans-porphycene are investigated by means of time dependent density functional theory calculations. The relative magnitude of the Franck-Condon (FC) contribution and of the Herzberg-Teller (HT) effects is evaluated for both the absorption and RR intensities. The accuracy of the calculated spectra is assessed by employing different...
A spectroscopic study of the cis/trans-isomers of penta-2,4-dienoic acid attached to gold nanoclusters
PublikacjaIn this theoretical work, we present a spectroscopic analysis of the cis/trans-isomers of a molecular switch, penta-2,4-dienoic acid, attached to gold clusters of different size (1, 2 and 20 gold atoms). We have simulated 4 different spectroscopic techniques: Infrared spectroscopy, normal Raman scattering, absorption spectra and resonance Raman scattering. We discuss how the position and the conformation of the molecule determine...
Non-Newtonian Mathematics Instead of Non-Newtonian Physics: Dark Matter and Dark Energy from a Mismatch of Arithmetics
PublikacjaNewtonian physics is based on Newtonian calculus applied to Newtonian dynamics. New paradigms such as ‘modified Newtonian dynamics’ (MOND) change the dynamics, but do not alter the calculus. However, calculus is dependent on arithmetic, that is the ways we add and multiply numbers. For example, in special relativity we add and subtract velocities by means of addition β1⊕β2=tanh(tanh−1(β1)+tanh−1(β2)), although multiplication β1⊙β2=tanh(tanh−1(β1)⋅tanh−1(β2)),...
H2O˙+ and OH+ reactivity versus furan: experimental low energy absolute cross sections for modeling radiation damage
PublikacjaRadiotherapy is one of the most widespread and efficient strategies to fight malignant tumors. Despite its broad application, the mechanisms of radiation-DNA interaction are still under investigation. Theoretical models to predict the effects of a particular delivered dose are still in their infancy due to the difficulty of simulating a real cell environment, as well as the inclusion of a large variety of secondary processes. This...
Day-ahead Solar Power Forecasting Using LightGBM and Self-Attention Based Encoder-Decoder Networks
PublikacjaThe burgeoning trend of integrating renewable energy harvesters into the grid introduces critical issues for its reliability and stability. These issues arise from the stochastic and intermittent nature of renewable energy sources. Data-driven forecasting tools are indispensable in mitigating these challenges with their rugged performance. However, tools relying solely on data-driven methods often underperform when an adequate...
Optimization of parallel implementation of UNRES package for coarse‐grained simulations to treat large proteins
PublikacjaWe report major algorithmic improvements of the UNRES package for physics-based coarse-grained simulations of proteins. These include (i) introduction of interaction lists to optimize computations, (ii) transforming the inertia matrix to a pentadiagonal form to reduce computing and memory requirements, (iii) removing explicit angles and dihedral angles from energy expressions and recoding the most time-consuming energy/force terms...
Electronic structure of intertwined kagome, honeycomb, and triangular sublattices of the intermetallics MCo2Al9 ( M = Sr, Ba)
PublikacjaIntermetallics are an important playground to stabilize a large variety of physical phenomena, arising from their complex crystal structure. The ease of their chemical tunabilty makes them suitable platforms to realize targeted electronic properties starting from the symmetries hidden in their unit cell. Here, we investigate the family of the recently discovered intermetallics MCo2Al9 (M=Sr, Ba) and we unveil their electronic structure....
Electron scattering cross sections for 1-pentene, H2C=CH-(CH2)2CH3, molecules
PublikacjaCross sections, both experimental and theoretical, are reported for electron scattering from 1-pentene (C5H10) molecules. Absolute grand-total cross sections (TCSs) were measured at electron impact energies ranging from 1 to 300 eV, using a linear electron-transmission technique. The dominant behaviour of the experimental TCS energy function is a distinct asymmetric enhancement with the maximum located around 6.5 eV. Discernible...
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Seeking genetic signature of radiosensitivity - a novel method for data analysis in case of small sample sizes
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The use of response surface methodology for reliability estimation of composite engineering structures
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Fe-Al based composite reinforced with ultra-fine Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> oxides for high temperature applications
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Assessment of fatigue life of aluminized, coarse-grained MAR247 alloy supported by full-field ESPI measurements
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Theoretical and experimental assessment of parameters for the non-linear viscoelastic model of structural pounding
PublikacjaZjawisko zderzeń pomiędzy sąsiednimi konstrukcjami budowlanymi podczas trzęsień ziemi jest w ostatnim czasie intensywnie badane z wykorzystaniem różnych modeli numerycznych siły zderzenia w czasie kontaktu. Wyniki badań eksperymentalnych pokazują, iż nieliniowy model lepko-sprężysty jest najdokładniejszy wśród modeli stosowanych do analizy. Model ten zdefiniowany jest poprzez dwa parametry: liczbę tłumienia zderzenia oraz parametr...
Parameter estimation of a discrete model of a reinforced concrete slab
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Experimental validation of the use of energy transfer ratio (ETR) for damage diagnosis of steel-concrete composite beams
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The inverse problem in a hyperbolic section radial compressor.
PublikacjaNa przykładzie wirnika sprężarki porównano wyniki rozwiązania zadania odwrotnego w ramach modelu 2D prowadzącego do kształtu wirnika, z zadaniem prostym, w ramach modelu 3D, dla skonstruowanego wirnika na bazie modelu 2D.Zasadniczym celem było uzyskanie równomiernych (bez oderwań) pól parametrów w obrębie wirnika sprężarki. Pokazano jak zmiana obrysu wirnika, z klasycznego kształtu stożkowego na hiperboliczny, wpłynąć może na...
The Smith-Watson-Topper parameter and fracture surface topography relationship for additively manufactured 18Ni300 steel subjected to uniaxial variable-amplitude loading
PublikacjaIn this paper, the association between Smith-Watson-Topper (SWT) parameter and fracture surface topography is studied in additively manufactured maraging steel exposed to variable-amplitude fatigue loading. The post-failure fracture surfaces were examined using a non-contact 3D surface topography measuring system and the entire fracture surface method. The focal point is on the correspondence between fatigue characteristics, articulate...
Analysis of the influence of geometrical imperfections on the equivalent load stabilizing roof truss with lateral bracing system
PublikacjaThe paper is focused on the numerical analysis of the stability and load bearing capacity of a flat steel truss. The structure was supported by elastic lateral braces. The translational and rotational brace stiffness was taken into account. The linear buckling analysis were performed for the beam and shell model of the truss. The nonlinear static analysis were conducted for the structure initial geometric imperfections. As a result...
The use of a genetic algorithm in the process of optimizing the shape of a three-dimensional periodic beam
PublikacjaMechanical periodic structures exhibit unusual dynamic behavior thanks to the periodicity of their structures, which can be attributed to their cellular arrangement. The source of this periodicity may result from periodic variations of material properties within their cells and/or variations in the cell geometry. The authors present the results of their studies on the optimization of physical parameters of a three-dimensional axisymetrical...
The use of a two-phase Monte Carlo material model to reflect the dispersion of asphalt concrete fracture parameters
PublikacjaThe work covers comprehensive laboratory tests of semi-circular bending (SCB) of asphalt concrete samples. The results of two test series, including four and 32 SCB specimens, indicate a substantial scatter of force–deflection (F-d) histories. The numerical analysis is aimed to reflect the maximum breaking load and fracture energy of the samples, pointing out their random character. The original simulation-based fictitious Monte...
PublikacjaThe paper presents results of experimental research and numerical simulations of the sloshing phenomenon. The research was focused on computation of the heeling moment affecting stability of a vessel. The proposed linearisation enables application of the results to the assessment of the ship's stability. The dependence of the heeling moment upon localisation of a tank in the ship's hull is analysed. The heeling moment obtained...
Toward Mechanosynthesis of diamondoid structures: III. Quantum-chemical study of silylene molecule and silicon atom transfer mechanism from caped SWCNT tip to the reaction center on a hydrogenated Si(111) surface
PublikacjaOpublikowana wcześniej (Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng., Vol. 7, 1999, pp. 43-58) strategia mechanosyntezy struktur krzemu na uwodornionej płaszczyźnie Si(111) została poszerzona poprzez uwzględnienie ostrza w postaci zamkniętej SWCNT jako urządzenia kontrolującego położenie cząsteczki sililenu oraz atomu krzemu.
The use of Response Surface Methodology for reliability estimation of composite engineering structures
PublikacjaStability loss is one of the key issues in the analysis of shells made of composite materials. This paper aims at finding the variation of the critical or limit value of the load resulting from geometric imperfections. An axially compressed 16-layer cylindrical panel model is considered. The imperfections of the panel are simulated as random fields. The parameters of these fields are used as the basic variables of the reliability...
Investigations of Aerodynamics of Tesla Bladeless Microturbines
PublikacjaThe paper presents an analysis of a Tesla bladeless turbine for a co-generating micro-power plant of heat capacity 20 kW, whichoperates in an organic Rankine cycle with a low-boiling medium. Numerical calculations of flow in several Tesla turbine models areperformed for a range of design parameters. Results of investigations exhibit interesting features in the distribution of flowparameters within the turbine interdisk space. The...
On the crack front curvature in bonded joints
PublikacjaStandard tests of adhesively bonded specimens are likely to produce heterogeneous stress distribution along the crack front and its vicinity. High separation rate mode I dominated fracture test is performed.Observation of post mortem fractured surfaces with an optical microscope reveals characteristic features of mixed mode I/III fracture near the sides of the specimen but not in the middle. At first, finite elements calculations...
Minimal 2-dominating sets in Trees
PublikacjaWe provide an algorithm for listing all minimal 2-dominating sets of a tree of order n in time O(1.3247^n). This leads to that every tree has at most 1.3247^n minimal 2-dominating sets. We also show that thisbound is tight.
Neuro-wavelet damage detection technique in beam, plate and shell structures with experimental validation
PublikacjaNiniejsza praca poświęcona jest technice diagnostyki konstrukcji bazującej na transfor-macie falkowej oraz sztucznych sieciach neuronowych (tzw. system neuro-wavelet). Zastosowanie analizy falkowej pozwala na lokalizację uszkodzeń wymagającą mini-malnej ilości danych wejściowych. W tym celu niezbędna jest tylko odpowiedź kon-strukcji pomierzona w wielu punktach. Poprawę efektywności lokalizacji zniszczeń uzyskano poprzez użycie...
Modeling of the fascia-mesh system and sensitivity analysis of a junction force after a laparoscopic ventral hernia repair
PublikacjaW pracy rozpatrywano prosty model cięgnowy układu powięż-siatka do oszacowania siły połączenia siatki z powięzią po operacji laparoskopowej przepukliny brzusznej. Cięgno obciążone jest ciśnieniem wewnątrz brzusznym, symulującym kaszel, oraz przemieszczeniami jego końców wywołanymi skłonami pacjenta. Wpływ poszczególnych parametrów cięgna na siłę połączenia określono za pomocą analizy wrażliwości. Sformułowano pewne wnioski ważne...
Damage detection in beams using wavelet transform on higher vibration modes
PublikacjaNiniejsza praca poświęcona jest technice diagnostyki konstrukcji bazującej na transformacie falkowej. Badany obiekt to belka wspornikowa z uszkodzeniami w formie nacięcia o głębokości 20%, 10% oraz 5% wysokości belki. Pomiary postaci drgań wykonano za pomocą nowoczesnego wibrometru laserowego. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie eksperymentalnych i numerycznych analiz wpływu wyższych postaci drgań na efektywność wykrywania uszkodzeń...
Toward mechanosynthesis of diamondoid structures: vii. simple strategy of building atomically perfect spm tip through attachment of c60 molecule to commercial silicon tip by controlled hydrogen atom desorption from tip asperity si(111) silicon surface
PublikacjaZaproponowano strategię unieruchomienia cząsteczki c60 na ostrzu chandlowego czujnika spm zbudowanego z krzemu. strategia składa się z czterech prostych etapów i prowadzi do ostrza spm o atomowo zdefiniowanej budowie. modelowanie właściwości ostrza sugeruje, że mogło by ono mieć zastosowanie w mechanosyntezie.
Process zone in the Single Cantilever Beam under transverse loading. - Part I: Theoretical analysis
PublikacjaSingle Cantilever Beam (SCB) specimen loaded with a transverse force parallel to the crack front is proposed for the analysis of crack propagation phenomena under mixed mode conditions. The stress redistribution in the adhesive layer in the vicinity of the crack front so as the beam deformation are estimated using a Timoshenko beam on elastic foundation model. This model emphasizes the Mode II contribution due to flexural beam...
Process zone in the Single Cantilever Beam under transverse loading. - Part II: Experimental
PublikacjaThis paper describes an experimental arrangement to evaluate stress/strain fields in the process zone of asymmetric adhesively bonded joints. A transparent polycarbonate flexible beam was bonded to an aluminium alloy rigid block with an epoxy adhesive in a Single Cantilever Beam (SCB) configuration. The flexible adherend was loaded in the direction parallel to the initial crack front at constant rate. To monitor strains induced...
Toward mechanosynthesis of diamondoid sructures: viii. quantum-chemical molecular dynamics simulations of hexagonal silicon-iv structure synthesis with stm
Publikacjaw tej publikacji badano metodami kwantowo-chemicznymi różne strategie mechanosyntezy heksagonalnego krzemu iv. określono przybliżone warunki mechanosyntezy krzemu w formie lonsdaleitu za pomocą uhv-spm.
Turbulent heat transfer in thin liquid films at low and high heat fluxes
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono rozważania turbulentnej wymiany ciepła w cienkich filmach cieczowych powstałych w wyniku uderzenia strugi przy małych i dużych strumieniach ciepła. W ostatnim przypadku może dojść do wrzenia filmu cieczowego. Oba zjawiska zamodelowano i uzyskano odpowiednie rozkłady temperatury i pedkosci.
Toward a universal Embedded-Atom Method: II. A set of transferable denisty and dimmer referenced embedding energy functions for all elements of the periodic table as tool for removing two gauge degrees of freedom in EAM potentials
PublikacjaZestaw kluczowych właściwości homodwuatomowych cząsteczek o Z ≤ 103 (równowagowa odległość między atomami re, energia dysocjacji DO, Liczba falowa drgań ωe) zostały zestawione na bazie dostępnych danych eksperymantalnych oraz obliczeń za pomocą teorii funkcjonałów gęstości elektronowej B3LYP/SBKJC.
Enhanced energy conversion as a result of fluid-solid interaction in micro- and nanoscale
PublikacjaIt is known that nano- and micromechanics require new approaches to right describing of surface-like phenomena which lead to an enhanced energy conversion. In this work, a general form of surface forces that consist of a contribution from both the friction and mobility components has been extended to collect the effects of bulk and surface motion of a fluid. Quite similar impact can be observed for a solid-fluid mixture, where...
Polyester sail technical woven fabric behaviour under uniaxial and biaxial tensile tests
PublikacjaThe paper is focused on the identification of mechanical properties of a sail technical woven fabric (yacht sailcloth polyester) style 480 AP with MTO (Medium Tempered Optimized) finish. The non-linear elastic behaviour of the fabric applied for sails is investigated under uniaxial and biaxial tensile tests. Comparison of non-linear elastic parameters with others polyester coated fabrics is made. This paper is intended to be an...
PublikacjaThere is an ever growing industrial demand for quantitative assessment of fatigue endurance of critical structural details. Although FEA-based calculations have become a standard in engineering design, problems involving the Low-To-Medium cycle range (101-104) remain challenging. This paper presents an attempt to optimally choose material data, meshing density and other algorithm settings in the context of recent design of the...
Modelling and analysis of beam/bar structure by application of bond graphs
PublikacjaThe paper presents an uniform, port-based approach to modelling of beam/bar systems (trusses). Port-based model of such distributed parameter system has been defined by application of the bond graph methodology and the distributed transfer function method (DTFM). The proposed method of modelling enables to formulate input data for computer analysis by application of the DTFM. The constructed computational package enables the frequency...
Identification i simulation of initial geometric imperfection of steel cylindrical tanks
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono stochastyczną analizę stalowych zbiorników walcowych ze wstępnymi imperfekcjami geometrycznymi. Wykorzystano pomierzone odchyłki rzeczywistych zbiorników. Imperfekcje opisano za pomocą nienorodnych pól losowych. Wygenerowano realizacje odpowiadające pomierzonym imperfekcjom a także imperfekcjom ekstremalnym. Wykonano obliczeniach geometrycznie i materiałowo nieliniowe zbiornika z imperfekcjami. Wykazano, że imperfekcje...
Toward Mechanosynthesis of Diamondoid Structures: X. Commercial Capped CNT SPM Tip as Nowadays Available C2 Dimer Placement Tool for Tip-Based Nanofabrication
PublikacjaAccording to Drexler, advanced mechanosynthesis will employ advanced nano-machines, but advanced nano-machines will themselves be products of advanced mechanosynthesis. This circular relationship must be broken via TBN technology development. In this article, the possibility of using easily available commercial CNT tips to assemble carbon-based intermediate generations of nano-devices is considered. Mechanosynthesis of a target...
Toward Mechanosynthesis of Diamondoid Structures: IX Commercial Capped CNT Scanning Probe Microscopy Tip as Nowadays Available Tool for Silylene Molecule and Silicon Atom Transfer
PublikacjaAccording to K. E. Drexler, advanced mechanosynthesis will employ advanced nanomachines, but advanced nanomachines will themselves be product of advanced mechanosynthesis. This circular relationship must be broken in SPM technology development. In the article, the possibility of use easy available commercial CNT tips to assembly silicon-based intermediate generations of nano-devices is considered. Mechanosynthesis of a target class...
A perfect hashing incremental scheme for unranked trees using pseudo-minimal automata
PublikacjaWe describe a technique that maps unranked trees to arbitrary hash codes using a bottom-up deterministic tree automaton (DTA). In contrast to other hashing techniques based on automata, our procedure builds a pseudo-minimal DTA for this purpose. A pseudo-minimal automaton may be larger than the minimal one accepting the same language but, in turn, it contains proper elements (states or transitions that are unique) for every input...
Toward mechanosynthesis of diamondoid structures: V. Silicon as the material of choice for preliminary implementation of intermediate generation of nano-machine systems
PublikacjaStosując ostatnio wprowadzony przez Drexlera ''moduł skalowany stałą sieciową'' KLM, porównano dwa potencjalne nano-materiały, krzem i diament. Szczegółowe porównanie właściwości fizycznych i chemicznych wykazuje, że krzem może być rozważany jako materiał z wyboru dla pierwotnej implementacji pośredniej generacji nano-systemów.
Towards mechanosynthesis of diamondoid structures: iv. The strategy for preliminary implementation of elenbogen's ''mater as software'' concept
PublikacjaOpublikowana wcześniej (Molecular Electronics and Molecular Electronic Devices, Vol. 1, Chap. 2, CRC Press, Inc. 1993, pp. 31-83) strategia budowy molekularnych urządzeń ulektronicznych w oparciu o polisilany jest rozszerzona w kierunku koncepcji Ellenbogena ''mater as software'' poprzez rozważenie użycia zamkniętej jednościennej nanorórki jako ostrza STM w celu umożliwienia manipulacji cząsteczkami sililenu.