wszystkich: 58
Active Dynamic Thermography imaging of wound healing processes in cardio surgery
PublikacjaThe surgery is a branch of medicine, that is integrally connected to wounds. Despite using sterile tools and compliance with aseptic rolls, some of the surgery wounds become infected. In clinical practice there is a lack of cheap, objective methods and tools for quantitative definition and estimation of the surgery wound healing progress. This paper presents preliminary results of Active Dynamic Thermography (ADT) parametric imaging...
Mariusz Kaczmarek dr hab. inż.
OsobyReceived M.Sc., Eng. in Electronics in 1995 from Gdansk University of Technology, Ph.D. in Medical Electronics in 2003 and habilitation in Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering in 2017. He was an investigator in about 13 projects receiving a number of awards, including four best papers, practical innovations (7 medals and awards) and also the Andronicos G. Kantsios Award and Siemens Award. Main research activities: the issues...
Active Dynamic Thermography in Medical Diagnostics
PublikacjaThis is an overview of active thermal imaging methods in medical diagnostics using external thermal stimulation. In this chapter, several clinical cases diagnosed using the active dynamic thermography method, ADT, are presented. Features of this technology are discussed and main advantages underlined. Applications in skin burn diagnostics and quantitative evaluation leading to modern classification of burned patients for further...
Implementation of Active Dynamic Thermography in medical diagnostics
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wdrożeniowych Aktywnej Termografii Dynamicznej w diagnostyce wybranych chorób.
Active Dynamic Thermography - Problems of implementation in medical diagnostics
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wybrane problemy implementacji aktywnej termografii termicznej w aplikacjach medycznych. Podano przykłady związane z diagnostyką raka piersi i głębokości oparzeń.
Optical excitation methods in active dynamic thermography in medical diagnostics.
PublikacjaArtykuł zawiera opis metod pobudzania cieplnego badanych obszarów ciała ludzkiego w technice aktywnej termografii dynamicznej. Jako źródła pobudzenia cieplnego mogą być stosowane lampy podczerwieni, lampy halogenowe dużej mocy, a także lasery. W artykule opisano również algorytmy obliczeń obrazów parametrycznych.
Quantitative active dynamic thermal Ir-Imaging and thermal tomography in medical diagnostics
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Quantitative active dynamic thermal ir-imaging and thermal tomography in medical diagnostics
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy nowych technik obrazowania w diagnostyce medycznej, wykorzystując przetwarzanie obrazów termicznych rejestrowanych w podczerwieni. Opisano właściwości termiczne tkanek biologicznych, omówiono medele termiczne i zdefiniowano zastępcze parametry syntetyczne, metody pomiarów i stosowane urządzenia. Omówiono procedury akwizycji danych i ich przetwarzania. Wprowadzono pojęcie tomografii termicznej. Opisano przeprowadzone...
Quantitative Active Dynamic Thermal IR-Imaging and Thermal Tomography in Medical Diagnostics
A new diagnostic method for evaluation of cardiosurgery wound healing
PublikacjaOne of important and still unsolved problems in medicine is the question of objective and quantitative evaluation of post-surgery wound healing. The aim of this research is to analyse possibility and value of using the newly elaborated infrared imaging procedure – Active Dynamic Thermography (ADT) – for quantitative description of wound healing processes in cardiosurgery. Both, classical thermal figures of merit as well as ADT...
Thermal Imaging in Wound Healing Diagnostics
PublikacjaOpisano wyniki projektu badawczego poświęconego opracowaniu metody obiektywnej diagnostyki ran pooperacyjnych w kardiochirurgii. Sprawdzono możliwość połączenia oceny obrazów RGB z obrazami termograficznymi oraz nową w medycynie metodą aktywnej termografii dynamicznej ADT. W projekcie zastosowano chłodzenie obszaru zainteresowania wykorzystując kriostat na dwutlenku węgla. W okresie powrotu do stanu równowagi termodynamicznej rejestrowane...
Thermal Imaging in Wound Healing Diagnostics
PublikacjaResults of a project searching for objective, quantitative evaluation of postoperative wound healing in cardiosurgery are presented. We propose simple thermal models of the healing processes after cardiosurgery interventions as objective descriptors allowing classification of patients for extraction and following recovery at home or for prolonged treatment in a hospital. Classification of healing as the normal process or as a process...
Problems of Active Dynamic Thermography Measurement Standardization in Medicine
PublikacjaReliability of thermographic diagnostics in medicine is an important practical problem. In the field of static thermography, a great deal of effort has been made to define the conditions for thermographic measurements, which is now the golden standard for such research. In recent years, there are more and more reports on dynamic tests with external stimulation, such as Active Dynamic Thermography, Thermographic Signal Reconstruction...
Quantitative Active Dynamic Thermal IR-Imaging and Thermal Tomography in Medical Diagnostic
PublikacjaPrinciples of Active dynamic thermal (ADT) IR-imaging and Thermal Tomography are described in details. Basic medical applications of this new modality are also discussed.
Active Dynamic Infrared Thermal Imaging in Burn Depth Evaluation
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to find the relationship between active dynamic thermography (ADT) with cold excitation and burn depth. This new modality of evaluation of burns seems to be an attractive proposal for quantitative classification, allowing proper choice of burn wound treatment: conservative or surgical, especially compared with static thermography. The work was an in vivo experiment on domestic pigs, and a small number...
Dynamic thermography in diagnostics of onychomycosis.
PublikacjaW pracy zaprezentowano wyniki badań grzybicy paznokci przy użyciu termografii dynamicznej. Przedstawione wyniki badań pokazują, że metoda ta może okazać się skuteczna przy określaniu stanu mikrokrążenia w tkance pod paznokciem, co pozwoliłoby określić stopień zaawansowania choroby grzybiczej, a więc także umożliwiałoby ocenę postępów leczenia tej przypadłości.
Comparison of perforator location in dynamic and static thermographic imaging with Doppler ultrasound in breast reconstruction surgery
PublikacjaThis paper co mpares the effectiveness of the dTnorm and t90_10 parametrizations in dynamic thermography for imaging location of perforators in TRAM flaps in the intraoperative period. The results were compared with the location detected in a Doppler ultrasound examination. Cold and heat stimulation was used in dynamic thermography. Additionally, these results were compared with static...
Active dynamic thermography method for TRAM flap blood perfusion mapping in breast reconstruction
PublikacjaThis paper presents the new method of the transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap blood perfusion mapping based on the active dynamic thermography. The method is aimed at aiding a surgeon during breast reconstruction procedure. A pair of dTnorm and t90_10 parameters were used as parametric image descriptors of the flap blood perfusion. The method was tested on 38 patients that were subjected to breast reconstruction procedure....
Active dynamic thermography in cardiosurgery
Active dynamic thermography in mammography.
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono zaproponowany numeryczny model termiczny piersi z nowotworem umiejscowionym na różnych głębokościach. Przedstawione są wyniki symulacji modelu dla różnych warunków zewnętrznego pobudzenia termicznego powierzchni piersi. Pokazano również wyniki przykładowego badania termograficznego piersi z nowotworem.
Synthesis of parametric images in the medical active thermography
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia zastosowanie nowej metody syntezy obrazów w termografii dla potrzeb opisu ilościowego właściwości termicznych tkanek. opis taki umożliwia różnicowanie przypadków medycznych. Metodę zastosowania dla licznych pomiarów fantomowych oraz in vitro. Przedstawiono i omówiono rezultaty prac.
Data processing methods for dynamic medical thermography.
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia zastosowanie nowej metody syntezy obrazów w termografii dla potrzeb opisu ilościowego właściwości termicznych tkanek. Opis taki umożliwia różnicowanie przypadków medycznych. Metodę zastosowania dla licznych pomiarów fantomowych i in vitro w eksperymentach na zwierzętach (świnia domowa). Przedstawiono i omówiono rezultaty prac.
Functionalized Peptide Fibrils as a Scaffold for Active Substances in Wound Healing
PublikacjaTechnological developments in the field of biologically active peptide applications in medicine have increased the need for new methods for peptide delivery. The disadvantage of peptides as drugs is their low biological stability. Recently, great attention has been paid to self-assembling peptides that can form fibrils. Such a formulation makes bioactive peptides more resistant to enzymatic degradation and druggable. Peptide fibrils...
Burn depths evaluation based on active dynamic IR thermal imaging - A preliminary study
Active IR-Thermal Imaging in Medicine
PublikacjaIn this paper we summarize results of several research projects devoted to development of new diagnostic methods and procedures based on quantitative infrared thermography in medical applications. First, basics of active dynamic thermography are presented. Described are both, instrumentation and software comprising measurement procedures including collection of series of IR-images after external excitation, data treatment with...
Tools for Automatic Wound Healing Evaluation
PublikacjaFinal results of the research project devoted to development of a new objective and quantitative method of post cardiosurgery wound healing diagnostics, already preliminary discussed at the QIRT 2014 Conference, is presented. We assumed that thermal processes should be effective in subtle description of temporal changes of tissue thermal properties after surgical interventions. To prove this assumption more than 400 patients after...
Wiktoria Wojnicz dr hab. inż.
OsobyDSc in Mechanics (in the field of Biomechanics) - Lodz Univeristy of Technology, 2019 PhD in Mechanics (in the field of Biomechanics) - Lodz Univeristy of Technology, 2009 (with distinction) Publikacje z listy MNiSW (2009 - ) Wojnicz W., Wittbrodt E., Analysis of muscles' behaviour. Part I. The computational model of muscle. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, Vol. 11, No.4, 2009, p. 15-21 Wojnicz W., Wittbrodt E.,...
Oznaczanie tlenu – od metody Winklera do czujników enzymatycznych (Determination of oxygen – from Winkler Method to enzymatic sensor)
PublikacjaMonitoring of dioxygen levels is of utmost importance from the view-point of life processes, medical diagnostics, nutrition and chemical industries. In all these measurements both low and high levels of this element are important. The common methods for the determination of dioxygen are the Winkler method, Clark electrode and pulsoxymeters. A new, already strong field of research can be now recognized – the development of miniaturized...
Krzysztof Jan Kaliński prof. dr hab. inż.
OsobyUkończył studia magisterskie na Wydziale Mechanicznym Technologicznym (MT) PG (1980, dyplom z wyróżnieniem). Stopień doktora otrzymał na Wydziale Budowy Maszyn PG (1988, praca wyróżniona), stopień doktora habilitowanego na Wydziale Mechanicznym (WM) PG (2002, praca wyróżniona), a tytuł profesora nauk technicznych – w 2013 r. Od 2015 r. jest profesorem zwyczajnym, a od 2019 r. - profesorem. Obszar jego badań naukowych obejmuje:...
ADT in mammography
PublikacjaWe discuss limitations of the known methods of IR imaging in diagnostics of breast cancer. In conclusion we show that for practical reasons one requires new approaches because the known methods based on simple observation of external temperature distribution are not fully effective. Even advanced pattern recognition could not help too much for static images. We ask the question: may active dynamic thermography, known in nondestructive...
Polyurethanes modified with natural polymers for medical application. I. Polyurethanes/ Chitosan and polyurethane/collagen.
PublikacjaFor over three decades polyurethanes (PUR or PU) have been reported for application in a variety of medical devices. These polymers consist of hard and soft segments, which allow for more subtle control of their structure and properties. By varying the composition of the different segments, properties of PURcan be tuned up for use in many areas of medicine. Recently there is a great interest in modification of biomedical PUR with...
PublikacjaSignificance: Chemotherapy is a primary method to treat cancer, but while cytotoxic drugs are designed to target rapidly dividing cancer cells, they can also affect other cell types, including dermal cells and macrophages involved in wound healing, which often leads to the development of chronic wounds. The situation becomes even more severe when chemotherapy is combined with surgical tumor excision. Recent advances: Despite its...
Biopolymers in designing modern antimicrobial medical materials. Part I. Biopolymer medical materials - collagen, chitosan
PublikacjaThe article is a review of the literature concerning the possible use of biopolymers for the preparation of dressings with antimicrobial activity. Authors show the potential of biopolymers: collagen and chitosan - which have the ability to immobilize and control the release of various active compounds - for providing the appropriate antibacterial, bacteriostatic and wound healing properties. Types of threats, for which the dressing...
Creating a radiological database for automatic liver segmentation using artificial intelligence.
PublikacjaImaging in medicine is an irreplaceable stage in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The subsequent therapeutic effect depends on the quality of the imaging tests performed. In recent years we have been observing the evolution of 2D to 3D imaging for many medical fields, including oncological surgery. The aim of the study is to present a method of selection of radiological imaging tests for learning neural networks.
Imunofan—RDKVYR Peptide—Stimulates Skin Cell Proliferation and Promotes Tissue Repair
PublikacjaRegeneration and wound healing are vital to tissue homeostasis and organism survival. One of the biggest challenges of today’s science and medicine is finding methods and factors to stimulate these processes in the human body. Effective solutions to promote regenerative responses will accelerate advances in tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, transplantology, and a number of other clinical specialties. In this study, we...
Development and evaluation of RADA-PDGF2 self-assembling peptide hydrogel for enhanced skin wound healing
PublikacjaBackground: Wound healing complications affect numerous patients each year, creating significant economic and medical challenges. Currently, available methods are not fully effective in the treatment of chronic or complicated wounds; thus, new methods are constantly sought. Our previous studies showed that a peptide designated as PDGF2 derived from PDGF-BB could be a promising drug candidate for wound treatment and that RADA16-I...
Release systems based on self-assembling RADA16-I hydrogels with a signal sequence which improves wound healing processes
PublikacjaSelf-assembling peptides can be used for the regeneration of severely damaged skin. They can act as scaffolds for skin cells and as a reservoir of active compounds, to accelerate scarless wound healing. To overcome repeated administration of peptides which accelerate healing, we report development of three new peptide biomaterials based on the RADA16-I hydrogel functionalized with a sequence (AAPV) cleaved by human neutrophil elastase...
Diagnostics of thermal processes in antenna systems of broadcast stations
PublikacjaDiagnostics is an important element associated with the operation of a radio antenna systems, allowing earlier detection of potential damage. Thermography is one of the diagnostic tools, which allows for non-invasive assessment of technical condition. It brings together both financial savings associated with the removal of the damage and the potential effects caused by it. The article presents an example of using a thermal imaging...
Thermal sequences database of the skin flaps in breast reconstruction and burns
PublikacjaThis paper presents a database of Active Dynamic Thermography (ADT) thermal sequences gathered throughout 6 year study on ADT application in skin flap blood perfusion monitoring and burn wounds diagnosis. For skin flap monitoring the database comprises of data collected during three different breast reconstruction procedures. The patients were monitored pre, intra and post surgically within 90 days period. The sequences were used...
Thermal sequences database of the skin flaps in breast reconstruction and burns
PublikacjaThis paper presents a database of Active Dynamic Thermography (ADT) thermal sequences gathered throughout 6 year study on ADT application in skin flap blood perfusion monitoring and burn wounds diagnosis. For skin flap monitoring the database comprises of data collected during three different breast reconstruction procedures. The patients were monitored pre, intra and post surgically within 90 days period. The sequences were used...
Imunofan - RDKVYR peptide - stimulates skin cell proliferation and promotes tissue repair
PublikacjaRegeneration and wound healing are vital to tissue homeostasis and organism survival. One of the biggest challenges of today's science and medicine is finding methods and factors to stimulate these processes in the human body. Effective solutions to promote regenerative responses will accelerate advances in tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, transplantology, and a number of other clinical...
PublikacjaA method for monitoring the state of the myocardium during cardiosurgical interventions based on thermal IR imaging is presented. These methods called Static Thermography and Active Dynamic Thermography (ADT) uses information about distribution of temperature on the surface and an external excitation source to induce thermal transient processes in a tested object. Recording time series of thermograms allows to calculate parametric...
A new diagnostic IR-thermal imaging method for evaluation of cardiosurgery procedures
PublikacjaTwo methods for monitoring the state of the myocardium during cardiosurgical interventions based on thermal IR imaging are presented below. These methods, called static thermography and active dynamic thermography (ADT), use information about the distribution of temperature on the surface, and an external excitation source to induce thermal transient processes in a tested object. Recording the time series of thermograms allows...
Bioactivation of Konjac Glucomannan Films by Tannic Acid and Gluconolactone Addition
PublikacjaWound healing is a dynamic process that requires an optimal extracellular environment, as well as an accurate synchronization between various cell types. Over the past few years, great efforts have been devoted to developing novel approaches for treating and managing burn injuries, sepsis, and chronic or accidental skin injuries. Multifunctional smart-polymer-based dressings represent a promising approach to support natural healing...
FFT spectrum based matching algorithm for activedynamic thermography
PublikacjaIn Active Dynamic thermography (ADT) sequences of consecutive temperature distributions are analyzed. In biomedical applications of ADT, the problems of a patient's movements in front of a thermal camera should be eliminated before data analysis. Complete mechanical stabilization of the patients is impossible due to natural voluntary and involuntary moves caused by pulse breathing, etc. This paper presents a simple and efficient...
Transport of paracetamol in swellable and relaxing polyurethane nanocomposite hydrogels
PublikacjaPolyurethane hydrogels are potentially attractive materials for biomedical applications. They are able to absorb large amount of water, biological fluids or active substances, and thus, they have potential to be used as absorbents or wound-healing dressings. They are also used for the controlled release of therapeutics because of their capacity to embed biologically active agents in their water-swollen network. The presence of...
Analiza SWOT i analiza 5 sił Portera dla rynku podstawowej opieki medycznej na obszarze miasta Gdańska
PublikacjaIn recent years we have seen the dynamic development of medical services sector inPoland. Private health centres focus on aggressive development strategy. The role of primaryhealth care facilities, which provide services financed from public funds, declined. The purpose of article is to describe medical services market in Gdańsk, especially in Gdańsk-South district. Itincludes demographics, the number and characteristics...
Biznesplan dla zakładu podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej o rozszerzonej działalności na obszarze dzielnicy Gdańsk-Południe
PublikacjaIn recent years we have seen the dynamic development of medical services sector in Poland. Private health centres focus on aggressive development strategy. The role of primaryhealth care facilities, which provide services financed from the public funds, declined.The purpose of the article is to present methods of strategic planning which allow toopen new healthcare entity. The next purpose is to make in practice...
Thermal Images Analysis Methods using Deep Learning Techniques for the Needs of Remote Medical Diagnostics
PublikacjaRemote medical diagnostic solutions have recently gained more importance due to global demographic shifts and play a key role in evaluation of health status during epidemic. Contactless estimation of vital signs with image processing techniques is especially important since it allows for obtaining health status without the use of additional sensors. Thermography enables us to reveal additional details, imperceptible in images acquired...
Investigation on Swelling of Agar-Based Antibacterial Hydrogels for Hard-To-Heal Wound Dressings
PublikacjaDespite a wide range of available wound treatments, hard-to-heal wounds still pose a challenge. Hydrogels are often used as dressings for these wounds, because they sustain moisture in the wound environment, supporting the natural healing process. However, it is still not fully understood how physicochemical properties of hydrogel matrix affect the drug release process. Thus, detailed swelling kinetics examination coupled with...