Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD
The use of the electromagnetic field in microbial process bioengineering
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The electromagnetic field intensity in industrial buildings
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the results of measurements of electromagnetic fields, separately electric and magnetic, carried out at selected places in the building of an operating industrial enterprise.
Electromagnetic Field Measurements of Bow Thruster Drive with Frequency Converter
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Nonlinear evolution of components of electromagnetic field of helicoidal wave in plasma
PublikacjaWyprowadzilismy model równań opisujących oddziaływanie pomiedzy kołowo spolaryzowanymi paczkami fal helikoidalnych w dwuwymiarowej plazmie. Dla quasi-jednowymiarowego przypadku otrzymaliśmy warunek nieliniowego rezonansu dla oddziaływania N-fal. Nowym ''osiągnięciem'' badań w kontekscie teorii solitonów, jest znalezienie rozwiązań dla przypadku asynchronizmu fal, które wydaje się być podstawowym dla paczek falowych nachylonych...
Metamaterial-Based Sub-Microwave Electromagnetic Field Energy Harvesting System
PublikacjaThis paper presents the comprehensive analysis of the sub-microwave, radio frequency band resonant metastructures’ electromagnetic properties with a particular emphasis on the possibility of their application in energy harvesting systems. Selected structures based on representative topologies of metamaterials have been implemented in the simulation environment. The models have been analyzed and their substitute average electromagnetic...
A time-frequency method for detection of electromagnetic field interference on metal constructions.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono metodę detekcji oddziaływania pola elektromagnetycznego na metalowe konstrukcje podziemne. Polega ona na czasowo-częstotliwościowej analizie rejestrów zmian potencjału źródła pola (np. prądów błądzących) oraz potencjału konstrukcji podziemnej, z wykorzystaniem krótkoczasowej transformaty Fouriera STFT. Wnioski o oddziaływaniu pola na konstrukcję metalową wyciąga się na podstawie analizy uzyskanych widm.
The effect of electromagnetic field on reactive oxygen species production in human neutrophilsin vitro
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Intensification of bacterial cellulose production process with sequential electromagnetic field exposure aided by dynamic modelling
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Electromagnetic Field Associated With Dermoscope Magnets May Affect the Safety of Cardiac Implanted Electronic Devices Patients
PublikacjaDermoscopy is currently used as an auxiliary tool in general dermatology. Since some commercially available dermoscopes have built-in magnets, electromagnetic interference (EMI) may occur when examining cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIED) patients. The aim of the study was to create maps of electromagnetic fields defining a safe distance in terms of EMI. The study was performed in laboratory conditions using measuring...
Increase of ibuprofen penetration through the skin by forming ion pairs with amino acid alkyl esters and exposure to the electromagnetic field
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The method of detection of electromagnetic fields in ground
PublikacjaW prezentowanej metodzie, detekcja pola polega na pomiarach i analizie zmian rozkładu potencjału. Różnice potencjałów są mierzone jako napięcie pomiędzy elektrodami umieszczonymi w różnych pozycjach na powierzchni ziemi. Analiza tych napięć przy pomocy krótkoczasowej transformaty Fouriera STFT umożliwia wyznaczenie zmian spektralnej gęstości mocy sygnału w funkcji czasu. Ten rodzaj łącznej analizy czasowo-częstotliwościowej daje...
Influence of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields on the circadian system – current stage of knowledge
PublikacjaOne of the side effects of each electrical device work is the electromagnetic field generated near its workplace. All organisms, including humans, are exposed daily to the influence of different types of this field, characterized by various physical parameters. Therefore, it is important to accurately determine the effects of an electromagnetic field on the physiological and pathological processes occurring in cells, tissues and...
The Assessment of the Influence of Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Originated from the Power Infrastructure on Humans’ Health
PublikacjaThe objective of this study is to assess the impact of low-frequency electromagnetic fields (LF EMFs) generated by power infrastructure on the nearby environment. Measurements of electric (E) and magnetic (H) field intensities were conducted around high-voltage power lines, transformer stations and facilities related to them. Numerical simulations were also performed to model the distribution of the field values around real buildings...
The forming and emission of high power electromagnetic pulses
PublikacjaAn impulse energy source, a power conditioning system and an electromagnetic field emitter are essential to generate an electromagnetic field pulse (EMFP) with a specific frequency bandwidth. Selected simulation results for a power conditioning system consisting of a fuse opening switch and a paraboloidal electromagnetic emitter have been presented in this article. The synthetic system examined in the simulation is powered by an...
The forming and emission of high power electromagnetic pulses
PublikacjaAn impulse energy source, a power conditioning system and an electromagnetic field emitter are essential to generate an electromagnetic field pulse (EMFP) with a specific frequency bandwidth. Selected simulation results for a power conditioning system consisting of a fuse opening switch and a paraboloidal electromagnetic emitter have been presented in this article. The synthetic system examined in the simulation is powered by...
The radiated immunity test of an astable multivibrator at over-normative field strengths
Dane BadawczeThe dataset presents a result of measurements that are a part of electromagnetic field immunity tests. The radiated, radio frequency, immunity tests were carried out for a typical astable electronic multivibrator. Tests of immunity of electronic systems to radiated radio frequency (RF) disturbances in the frequency range from 80 MHz to 1 GHz were performed...
The standard radiated immunity test of an astable multivibrator at a normative field strength
Dane BadawczeThe dataset presents a result of measurements that are a part of electromagnetic field immunity tests. The radiated, radio frequency, immunity tests were carried out for a typical astable electronic multivibrator. Tests of immunity of electronic systems to radiated radio frequency (RF) disturbances in the frequency range from 80 MHz to 1 GHz are performed...
The magnetic field measurements in selected places of the industrial building
Dane BadawczeThe dataset is part of a comprehensive study on the assessment of the electromagnetic field intensity in a building of an operating industrial plant. Detailed results of magnetic field measurements, carried out in selected places of this building, are presented.
Stanisław Galla dr inż.
OsobyUrodził się w 1970 w Gdańsku. Jest absolwentem Technikum Mechaniczno Elektrycznego w Gdańsku (1990). Studiował na Wydziale Elektrotechniki Politechniki Gdańskiej (studia ukończył w 1996). Rozprawę doktorską pt. „Metodyka zwiększania dokładności pomiarów małoczęstotliwościowych wskaźników zaburzeń okresowych występujących w sieciach niskiego napięcia” obronił w 2009 r na Wydziale Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej....
Time domain model of the resonance-based electromagnetic pulses emission system
PublikacjaIn the literature, the emission properties of the electromagnetic field pulse systems based on high voltage antennas (HVR) have been widely described. In order to increase the emission efficiency by extending duration and increasing amplitude of the impulse it is possible to use a resonance system tuned to the parameters of the signal shaped in the pulse forming circuit. The synthesis of a time-domain simulation model of a complex...
On possible applications of media described by fractional-order models in electromagnetic cloaking
PublikacjaThe purpose of this paper is to open a scientific discussion on possible applications of media described by fractional-order (FO) models (FOMs) in electromagnetic cloaking. A 2-D cloak based on active sources and the surface equivalence theorem is simulated. It employs a medium described by FOM in communication with sources cancelling the scattered field. A perfect electromagnetic active cloak is thereby demonstrated with the use...
The radiated immunity test of an astable multivibrator in the frequency range from 100 MHz to 300 MHz
Dane BadawczeThe dataset presents a result of measurements that are a part of electromagnetic field immunity tests. The radiated, radio frequency, immunity tests were carried out for a typical astable electronic multivibrator. Tests of immunity of electronic systems to radiated radio frequency (RF) disturbances in the frequency range from 100 MHz to 300 MHz were...
Extraction of antenna pattern from near field antenna measurements distorted by undesired emission
PublikacjaIn this paper authors present experimental correction of antenna pattern obtained from near field measurements when they are distorted by determined electromagnetic emission. Such situation may be met e.g. when feeding or supply subsystem interacts with antenna radiation pattern due to self-emission. Presented results of experiments show effectiveness of extraction of antenna pattern utilizing near field antenna measurements.
Reverberation chamber in emc tests of naval systems
PublikacjaPaper covers the techniques of emission and immunity testing to the electromagnetic field in reverberation chamber. The procedure of he chamber calibration and field homogeneity assessment were covered. The naval forces' product as selected as an example for discussing the testing procedure in the chamber. The paper's summary gives the assortment of methodology in radiation emission testing and immunity to the electromagnetic field...
Finite Element Method Applied in Electromagnetic NDTE: - A Review
PublikacjaThe paper contains an original comprehensive review of finite element analysis (FEA) applied by researchers to calibrate and improve existing and developing electromagnetic non-destructive testing and evaluation techniques, including but not limited to magnetic flux leakage (MFL), eddy current testing, electromagnetic-acoustic transducers (EMATs). Premium is put on the detection and modelling of magnetic field, as the vast majority...
The influence of electromagnetic pollution on living organisms – historical trends and forecasting changes
PublikacjaCurrent technologies have become a source of omnipresent electromagnetic pollution from generated electromagnetic fields and resulting electromagnetic radiation. In many cases this pollution is much stronger than any natural sources of electromagnetic fields or radiation. Wireless and radio communication, electric power transmission or devices in daily use such as smartphones, tablets and portable computers every day expose people...
Numerical modeling of GPR field in damage detection of a reinforced concrete footbridge
PublikacjaThe paper presents a study on the use of the ground penetrating radar (GPR) method in diagnostics of a footbridge. It contains experimental investigations and numerical analyses of the electromagnetic field propagation using the finite difference time domain method (FDTD). The object of research was a reinforced concrete footbridge over a railway line. The calculations of the GPR field propagation were performed on a selected cross-section...
The radiated immunity test of an astable multivibrator for various supply voltages
Dane BadawczeThe dataset presents a result of measurements that are a part of electromagnetic field immunity tests. The radiated, radio frequency, immunity tests were carried out for a typical astable electronic multivibrator supplied from a power supply with an output voltage of 6V and 7.5 V. Tests of immunity of electronic systems to radiated radio frequency (RF)...
A subdomain model for armature reaction field and open‐circuit field prediction in consequent pole permanent magnet machines
PublikacjaIn this paper, the machine quantity, such as electromagnetic torque, self and mutual inductances, and electromotive force, is analytically calculated for non-overlapping winding consequent pole slotted machine for open-circuit field and armature reaction. The sub-domain approach of (2-D) analytical model is developed using Maxwell's equations and divide the problem into slots, slot-openings, airgap and magnets region, the magnet...
Fundamental properties of solutions to fractional-order Maxwell's equations
PublikacjaIn this paper, fundamental properties of solutions to fractional-order (FO) Maxwell's equations are analysed. As a starting point, FO Maxwell's equations are introduced in both time and frequency domains. Then, we introduce and prove the fundamental properties of electromagnetic field in FO electromagnetics, i.e. energy conservation, uniqueness of solutions, and reciprocity. Furthermore, the algorithm of the plane wave simulation...
FPGA-Based System for Electromagnetic Interference Evaluation in Random Modulated DC/DC Converters
PublikacjaField-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) provides the possibility to design new “electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) friendly” control techniques for power electronic converters. Such control techniques use pseudo-random modulators (RanM) to control the converter switches. However, some issues connected with the FPGA-based design of RanM, such as matching the range of fixed-point numbers, might be challenging. The modern programming...
Geometry Parametric Model Order Reduction with Randomly Generated Projection Bases
PublikacjaIn this work, a reduced-order model for geometry parameters and fast frequency sweep is proposed. The Finite Element Method is used to solve time-harmonic Maxwell’s equations. Taking into account the electromagnetic field does not arbitrarily vary as a function of frequency and geometry parameters, a low dimension system manifold is identified. Thus, the original Finite Element problem can be approximated by a model of reduced...
Acceleration of Electromagnetic Simulations on Reconfigurable FPGA Card
PublikacjaIn this contribution, the hardware acceleration of electromagnetic simulations on the reconfigurable field-programmable-gate-array (FPGA) card is presented. In the developed implementation of scientific computations, the matrix-assembly phase of the method of moments (MoM) is accelerated on the Xilinx Alveo U200 card. The computational method involves discretization of the frequency-domain mixed potential integral equation using...
Applications of the discrete green's function in the finite-difference time-domain method
PublikacjaIn this paper, applications of the discrete Green's function (DGF) in the three-dimensional (3-D) finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method are presented. The FDTD method on disjoint domains was developed employing DGF to couple the subdomains as well as to compute the electromagnetic field outside these subdomains. Hence, source and scatterer are simulated in separate subdomains and updating of vacuum cells, being of little...
Sensorless Field Oriented Control of Five Phase Induction Motor with Third Harmonic Injection
PublikacjaIn this paper, a sensorless field oriented control system of five-phase induction machine with the 3rd harmonic rotor flux is presented. Two vector models, α1-β1 and α3-β3, were transformed into d1-q1, d3-q3 models oriented in rotating frames, which correspond to the 1st and 3rd harmonic plane respectively. The authors proposed the linearization of the model in d-q coordinate frames by introducing a new variable “x” which is proportional...
A Note on Fractional Curl Operator
PublikacjaIn this letter, we demonstrate that the fractional curl operator, widely used in electromagnetics since 1998, is essentially a rotation operation of components of the complex Riemann–Silberstein vector representing the electromagnetic field. It occurs that after the wave decomposition into circular polarisations, the standard duality rotation with the angle depending on the fractional order is applied to the left-handed basis vector...
Electric field maps of an astable multivibrator in frequency range from 30 MHz to 3 GHz
Dane BadawczeThe data presents a result of near field measurements of electromagnetic emissions radiated from the PCB of a small electronic device. An efficient method of modelling the magnetic and electric field emissions is the measurements in the near field using electric and magnetic probes. The attached files contain electric field maps created on based measurements...
Revisiting Toroidal Dipolar Moment in Planar Metamaterial
PublikacjaThis article revisits the electric, magnetic, and toroidal dipolar moments in the metamaterial structure and presents the flatland design for generating a toroidal dipolar response for the electromagnetic plane wave at normal incidence. Based on the numerical analysis of the surface current, the electric field, the magnetic field, and the quantitative analysis of scattered power supported by the electromagnetic multipole theory,...
Magnetic field maps of an astable multivibrator in frequency range from 100 kHz to 50 MHz
Dane BadawczeThe data presents a result of near field measurements of electromagnetic emissions radiated from the PCB of a small electronic device. An efficient method of modelling the magnetic and electric field emissions is the measurements in the near field using electric and magnetic probes. The attached files contain magnetic field maps created on based measurements...
Magnetic field maps of an astable multivibrator in frequency range from 30 MHz to 3 GHz – spatial detection
Dane BadawczeThe data presents a result of near field measurements of electromagnetic emissions radiated from the PCB of a small electronic device. An efficient method of modelling the magnetic and electric field emissions is the measurements in the near field using electric and magnetic probes. The attached files contain magnetic field maps created on based measurements...
Conception and design of a hybrid exciter for brushless synchronous generator. Application for autonomous electrical power systems = Koncepcja i projekt hybrydowej wzbudnicy bezszczotkowego generatora synchronicznego. Zastosowanie w autonomicznych systemach elektroenergetycznych.
PublikacjaThis paper covers a subject of a hybrid excitation system for a brushless synchronous generator working with variable speed in an autonomous energy generation system (e.g. airplane power grid). A hybrid excitation system (hybrid exciter) means a synchronous machine with wound-field and permanent magnet excitation. The hybrid exciter supply a dc field current to the synchronous generator field winding through a rotating rectifier....
Magnetic field maps of an astable multivibrator in frequency range from 30 MHz to 3 GHz – selective detection
Dane BadawczeThe data presents a result of near field measurements of electromagnetic emissions radiated from the PCB of a small electronic device. An efficient method of modelling the magnetic and electric field emissions is the measurements in the near field using electric and magnetic probes. The attached files contain magnetic field maps created on based measurements...
Sensorless field oriented control for five-phase induction motors with third harmonic injection and fault insensitive feature
PublikacjaThe paper presents a solution for sensorless field oriented control (FOC) system for five-phase induction motors with improved rotor flux pattern. In order to obtain the advantages of a third harmonic injection with a quasi-trapezoidal flux shape, two vector models, α1–β1 and α3–β3, were transformed into d1– q1, d3– q3 rotating frames, which correlate to the 1st and 3rd harmonic plane respectively. A linearization approach of the...
Analysis of degaussing process of ferromagnetic objects
PublikacjaResults of the analytical and numerical analysis of the degaussing process phenomena of ferromagnetic objects were presented in this paper. The screening effectiveness of the electromagnetic field of magnetic screens in most cases depends on thickness, conductivity, magnetic permeability of the screen and angular frequency of degaussing currents. The magnetic field inside thin-layer ferromagnetic object was presented in this paper....
Non-Salient Brushless Synchronous Generator Main Exciter Design for More Electric Aircraft
PublikacjaThis paper presents a prototype of high speed brushless synchronous generators (BSG) design for the application in autonomous electric power generation systems (e.g., airplane power grid). Commonly used salient pole field of the main generator part of BSG was replaced with a prototype non-salient pole field. The main objective of the research is an investigation into the advantages and disadvantages of a cylindrical field of the...
GPR simulations for diagnostics of a reinforced concrete beam
PublikacjaThe most popular technique for modelling of an electromagnetic field, the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method, has recently become a popular technique as an interpretation tool for ground penetrating radar (GPR) measurements. The aim of this study is to detect the size and the position of damage in a reinforced concrete beam using GPR maps. Numerical simulations were carried out using the finite differ-ence time domain...
An Analysis of Scattering from Ferrite Post of Arbitrary Convex Cross Section with the Use of Field Matching Method
PublikacjaA problem of electromagnetic wave scattering from ferrite post is presented. The post is assumed to be located in closed areas as waveguide junction, or in open area illuminated by a plane wave. The object is of arbitrary convex cross section and the method of analysis is semi-analytical, based on the direct field matching technique.
Detection of ferromagnetic objects in local magnetic anomaly of the Baltic Sea
PublikacjaIn geological researches several kinds of methods are applied to discovering the natural resources. Planes, helicopters and UAVs (UnmAnned Vehicle) are used in researches in large areas. The gravity, electromagnetic and magnetic methods, which are used in geological researches, are presented in this paper. The special attention was paid to magnetic systems installed on mobile platforms. The magnetic field of the Earth obtained...
Jacek Stefański prof. dr hab. inż.
OsobyJacek Stefański ukończył studia na Wydziale Elektroniki Politechniki Gdańskiej (PG) w 1993 r. W 2000 r. uzyskał stopień doktora nauk technicznych w dyscyplinie telekomunikacja, w 2012 r. stopień doktora habilitowanego, natomiast w 2020 r. tytuł profesora nauk inżynieryjno-technicznych. Obecnie pracuje na stanowisku profesora w Katedrze Systemów i Sieci Radiokomunikacyjnych (KSiSR) PG. W latach 2005-2009 był zatrudniony w Instytucie...
An Analysis of Periodic Arrangements of Cylindrical Objects of Arbitrary Convex Cross Sections with the Use of Field Matching Method
PublikacjaA problem of electromagnetic wave scattering from multilayered frequency selective surfaces is presented. Each surface is composed of periodically arranged cylindrical posts of arbitrary convex cross-section. The method of analysis is based on the direct field matching technique for a single cell, and the transmission matrix method with the lattice sums technique for periodic arrangement of scatterers.