Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: WEB EXTRACTION. - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: WEB EXTRACTION.

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: WEB EXTRACTION.

  • Web search results clusterization with background knowledge


    - Rok 2009

    Clusterization of web pages is an attractive wayfor presenting web resources. Arranging pages into groups ofsimilar topics simplifies and shorten the search process. Thispaper concerns the problem of clustering web pages and presentsour approach to this issue. Our solution is focused on findingsimilarities between documents delivered by different web searchengines. This process was accomplished by applying WordNetdictionary.

  • Frequent Sequence Mining in Web Log Data


    - Rok 2018

    The amount of information available even on a single web server can be huge. On the other hand, the amount of visitors (users) can often reach a number of at least six digits. Users vary in gender, age and education, and in consequence their information needs are different. Moreover, they subconsciously expect to get more adequate content after visiting the first few pages. The scope of this kind of problem relates to the domain...

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  • Web-based real-time simulation system


    - Rok 2018

    The paper presents the development of a simulation system composed of a real-time plant simulator with real-time controller included in the software-in-the-loop structure using web-based communication. The client-server architecture build in a TCP/IP network environment was introduced, where the server is a computing unit for real-time high temporal resolution plant simulation (and optionally also as controllers' platform) and...

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  • Web Services Choreography Description Language - WSCDL.


    - Rok 2004

    Język Web Services Choreography Description Language służy do opisu współpracy równy z równym. Został zaprojektowany z myślą o automatyzacji współpracy usług sieciowych, ale jest na tyle ogólny, że pozwala opisywać współpracę nie tylko w świecie komputerowym. Prezentowana jest geneza tego języka oraz jego model. Następnie opisana jest struktura języka poparta przykładem dokumentu napisanego w języku WSCDL.

  • Web Based Acoustic Noise Measurement System.


    - Rok 2004

    W referacie przedstawiono projekt multimedialnego systemu przeznaczonego do monitorowania zagrożeń hałasem środowiskowym. Nadrzędnym celem realizowanego projektu jest zwiększenie efektywności profilaktyki chorób słuchu. Opracowywany system umożliwia odbiór, przechowywanie danych, analizę i wizualizację wyników pomiarów hałasu pozyskanych od urządzeń pomiarowych za pośrednictwem Internetu. Przedstawiono również opracowanie miernika...

  • Miniaturized solid phase extraction


    - Rok 2022

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  • Extraction with environmentally friendly solvents

    The ever-increasing demand for determining compounds at low concentration levels in complex matrices requires a preliminary step of analytes isolation/enrichment in order to employ a detection technique characterized by high sensitivity at low LOQ. Sample preparation is considered as crucial part of analytical procedures. Previously the parameter of “greenness” is as important as selectivity in order to avoid using harmful organic...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Foundations and Trends in Web Science


    ISSN: 1555-077X

  • International Journal of Web Portals


    ISSN: 1938-0194

  • Dane, informacje i wiedza w Semantic Web


    - Rok 2007

    W rozdziale podjęto próbę usystematyzowania pozornie dobrze znanych pojęć informatycznych, takich jak dane, informacja i wiedza, w kontekście burzliwego rozwoju zasobów informacyjnych ludzkości spowodowanego powstaniem i gwałtownym rozwojem sieci WWW. Zaprezentowane podejście opiera się na ustabilizowanym dorobku informatyki w zakresie baz danych oraz na rozwijającym się dynamicznie dorobku w zakresie ontologii i baz wiedzy. Te...

  • Wiarygodna integracja systemów ESB oraz Web services

    W pracy przedstawiono problem wiarygodnej integracji aplikacji rozproszonych z wykorzystaniem technologii Enterprise Service Bus oraz Web services. Przeprowadzono badania trzech platform integracji serwisów: Sun Open ESB, Windows Workflow Foundation oraz Mule ESB wraz z najbardziej popularnymi serwerami Web services. Badania wykazały, że delkarowane i zaimplementowane możliwości współpracy w platformach integracji różnią się w...

  • A Distributed Description of Facts in a Distributed Semantic Web Ontology


    Inicjatywa Sieci Semantycznej (ang. Semantic Web) zakłada tworzenie w Internecie ontologii zawierających semantyczny opis dużych dziedzin wiedzy. Okazało się jednak, że przekroczenie pewnej wielkości ontologii powoduje szereg negatywnych zjawisk. Aby tym zjawiskom zapobiec, wiele prac koncentruje się na dzieleniu baz wiedzy. Celem tego opracowania jest zaprezentowanie problemów związanych z modularyzacją oraz przedstawienie kilku...

  • Multidimensional legacy aspects of modernizing web based systems


    - Rok 2006

    Publikacja porusza zagadnienia technik modernizacji tzw. legacy systems mających zastosowanie w cyklach życia oprogramowania. Przedmiotem dyskusji jest także studium przypadku Endoscopy Recommender System. Ponadto rozważany jest wpłw zmian wymagań, platform, standardów oraz strategii rozwoju oprogramowania na status legacy aplikacji webowych.

  • Building a heterogeneous network of digital libraries on the Semantic Web


    - Rok 2006

    Biblioteki dążą do skupiania się w grupy, które poza lokalnym wyszukiwaniem pozwalają na wyszukiwanie zasobów w pozostałych bibliotekach cyfrowych. Jednakże różne typy użytkowników zapoczątkowały różne rodzaje bibliotek. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiamy jak obecnie odbywa się komunikacja między bibliotekami cyfrowymi. Prezentujemy również w jaki sposób technologie Semantic Web mogą pomóc w rozwiązaniu problemów heterogenicznych...

  • Photonics applications and web engineering: WILGA Summer 2016


    - Rok 2016

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  • Photonics applications and web engineering: WILGA Winter 2015


    - Rok 2015

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  • Photonics applications and web engineering: WILGA May 2013


    - Rok 2013

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  • Photonics applications and web engineering: WILGA Winter 2016


    - Rok 2016

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  • Photonics applications and web engineering: WILGA Summer 2015


    - Rok 2015

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  • Schematiclab.com – A web tool for the design and analysis of electrical circuits


    In this paper a useful Internet application for designing electronic systems is considered. A practical process of prototyping electronic devices by using such a dedicated web tool, hereinafter referred to as SchematicLab, is described. This solution, still in constant development, is now ready for use.

  • Schematiclab.com – A web tool for the design and analysis of electrical circuits


    Along with a general progress in the modern computational tools, dynamic development of Internet applications using the cloud methodology and solutions is now observed. Clearly, also the applications installed locally, and being commonly used previously, are gradually gaining their counterparts in computational network clouds. The clouds have also brought new service sales opportunities. Namely, the service sales model based on...

  • Improving web user experience with caching user interface


    - Rok 2013

    Often, Web technologies are used to operate or to configure network-enabled equipment, to configure and administer modular applications, or as teaching environments. The comfort of human work requires a similar response time in these applications as in the Internet. To improve response time, various forms of caching at different levels are employed. To improve the user experience in regard to response time when performing specific...

  • Improving web user experience with caching user interface

    In human-computer interaction, response time is assumed generally not to exceed significantly 1-2 seconds. While the natural competition in the Internet public Web serving ensures adhering widely to such limits, some Web environments are less competitive and offer much worse user experience in terms of response time. This paper describes a solution to significantly improve user experience in terms of response time with only modification...

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  • Web Services Integration with Regard to the Metrics of Data Believability


    - Rok 2012

    The paper is concerned with estimating the believability of data acquired from web services. In the paper, a new method for believability estimation is introduced. The method is designed for integrating web services. The believability estimation is based on the following metrics: quantity, reputation, approval, independence, traceability, maturity, authority and objectivity. In the method, data trustworthiness is determined by...

  • Commonly Accessible Web Service Platform - Wiki-WS


    - Rok 2012

    Web Service technology on the basis had to supply complete and reliable system components. Nowadays this technology is commonly used by companies providing results of their work to end users and hiding implementation details. This paper presents a SOA-enabled platform - Wiki-WS - that empowers users to deploy, modify, discover and invoke web services. Moreover it discusses concepts and functionalities of this open source management...

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  • Interoperability Description of Web Services Based Application Servers


    - Rok 2012

    Web services standards were designed to enable interoperability of heterogeneous application servers in the Service Oriented Architecture. Although the standards proved to be highly successful, there are still difficulties in effective services integration. The paper presents a methodology that enables description of application servers interoperability in order to improve the service integration process. The methodology proposes...

  • Web-based GIS as a tool for supporting marine research

    Zbieranie danych morskich podczas badań hydroakustycznych jest złożonym zadaniem, na które składają się nie tylko pomiary, ale także analiza, weryfikacja i interpretacja informacji uzyskanych przez różne czujniki. Automatyczna integracja, wizualizacja i przetwarzanie zgromadzonych danych pozwala na bardziej precyzyjne rozpoznanie badanych zjawisk. W pracy przedstawiono dedykowany sieciowy system syntezy i rozpowszechniania danych...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Processing of Marine Satellite Data in WEB-BASED GIS

    GIS systems are important modern word. They allow to quickly analyse and corelate various data bound to their geographical context. The paper describes Web-base GIS with ability to integrate and analyse data from many sources such as: satellite imagery, threat simulation models, marine vessels Automatic Identification System, raster and vector topographic charts. Some details of system architecture and implementation are presented...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Visual TreeCmp : Comprehensive Comparison of Phylogenetic Trees on the Web


    1. We present Visual TreeCmp—a package of applications for comparing phylogenetic tree sets. 2. Visual TreeCmp includes a graphical web interface allowing the visualization of compared trees and command line application extended by comparison methods recently proposed in the literature. 3. The phylogenetic tree similarity analysis in Visual TreeCmp can be performed using eighteen metrics, of which 11 are dedicated to rooted trees...

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  • Miniaturized solid-phase extraction techniques

    More than 80% of analysis time is spent on sample collection and sample preparation, so sample preparation is a critical part of the analytical process. Traditionally, liquid-liquid extraction was developed and employed to screen for general unknowns. However, solid-phase extraction (SPE) is becoming highly popular as an alternative, due to its simplicity and economy in terms of time and solvent. This review summarizes the current...

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  • Application of discriminant analysis to feature extraction.


    Pierwotnie uzyskiwane wektory cech są wysokowymiarowe. Redukcja wymiarowości jest często osiągana poprzez transformacje przestrzeni cech. Niniejsza praca prezentuje uogólnione kryterium Fishera i jego podstawowe własności, dyskutowana jest także możliwość wyprowadzania i oceny heurystycznych metod ekstrakcji cech. Przedstawiono również nowy sekwencyjny algorytm selekcji cech dyskryminacyjnych.

  • Automatic feature extraction for linear systems.


    - Rok 2004

    Praca przedstawia eksperymenty pokazujące istnienie uniwersalnego ekstraktora cech dla ograniczonego obszaru w przestrzeni parametrów systemu liniowego. System liniowy pobudzony był szumem o rozkładzie normalnym na wejściu. Zastosowano ewolucyjne metody poszukiwania ekstraktora w oparciu o jakość klasyfikacji sygnałów w dziedzinie cech wydobytych przez ekstraktor.

  • Exploratory analysis - extraction of dispersed information


    - Rok 2005

    Większość analityków środowiska uważa, że ich praca kończy sie z chwilą uzyskania wiarygodnych danych o zawartości w próbce poszukiwanego analitu. Jest to jednak przestarzały punkt widzenia. W typowej próbce środowiskowej oznacza się zwykle kilkanaście lub więcej analitów. ''Ręczna'' analiza wyników uzyskanych dla zestawu takich próbek jest praktycznie niemożliwa. Ponadto w takich wielowymiarowych danych najbardziej użyteczne informacje...

  • Wykorzystanie Web 2.0 oraz architektury informacji w pracy brokera informacji = TAKING ADVANTAGE OF WEB 2.0 AND THE INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE IN THE INFORMATION BROKER’S WORK


    - Rok 2011

    The development of information and communication technologies, dissemination of access as well as unlimited increase of publications result in the uncontrolled growth of knowledge resources. Looking up for the relevant information becomes increasingly difficult, especially when time plays a role. Such process requires vast knowledge, practical experience in obtaining and providing information and also analytical...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Automatic evaluation of information credibility in Semantic Web and Knowledge Grid


    - Rok 2008

    This article presents a novel algorithm for automatic estimation of information credibility. It concerns information collected in Knowledge Grid and Semantic Web. Possibilities to evaluate the credibility of information in such structures are much greater than those available for WWW sites which use natural language. The rating system presented in this paper estimates credibility automatically on the basis of the following metrics:...

  • GlyCulator2: an update on a web application for calculation of glycemic variability indices

    • K. Pagacz
    • K. Stawiski
    • A. Szadkowska
    • W. Mlynarski
    • W. Fendler


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  • The Comparison of the Web GIS Applications Relevant for 4D Models Sharing


    - Rok 2019

    The paper presents results of the project: Cultural Heritage Through Time (CHT 2, http://cht2-project.eu) realized accomplished within the framework of the “Joint Programming Initiative in Cultural Heritage” JPI-CH (http://www.jpi-culturalheritage.eu) by an international consortium: Politecnico di Milano (IT), Newcastle University (UK), Salamanca University (ES), and Stanislaw Staszic Scientific Association SSSA (a non-profit...

  • Web-Based Integrated Timetable Information System for Railways and Airlines


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  • WIKI-WS as a C2 NIWA Web Service Management Platform


    - TASK Quarterly - Rok 2015

    The Wiki-WS platform was implemented within the C2 NIWA project for production purposes. Wiki-WS stands for developing, managing and maintaining web services. The production deployment needed implementation of several functional improvements and establishing a strong security 7 safety policy. The WikiWS platform has to be used as an educational environmement for developing web sevices and production environment for execution of...

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  • Web-based 3D processing and dissemination of multibeam sonar data


    The continuous detailed surveys of the various water bodies over time produce a large and ever-increasing volume and density of underwater sounding data. Three-dimensional data, such as those obtained by multibeam sonar systems, are quite complex to manage, and thus their growing numbers increase the pressure on development of new solutions dedicated to processing them. This paper presents a concept system for web-based dissemination...

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  • Applying Web 2.0 Concepts to Creating Energy Planning Portal

    Community authorities in Europe are tasked to create Advanced Local Energy Plans (ALEP), which encompasses collecting local data on current energy use and generation, as well as generating future development scenarios. Both the data and the development scenarios must be publicly accessible as a basis for energy-related decisions taken by residents, local companies and other local institutions. The data must partially be collected...

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  • A tool for integrating Web Site services over User Interface


    - Rok 2013

    Companies and organizations are building information systems by integrating previously independent applications, together with new developments. This integration process has to deal with existing applications, which can only be used through their specific interfaces, and often cannot be modified. Integration of web applications running remotely and controlled by separate organizations becomes even more complicated, as their user...

  • Integrating web site services into application through user interface

    The issue of integrating applications which are only accessible through visual user interface is not thoroughly researched. Integration of web applications running remotely and controlled by separate organizations becomes even more complicated, as their user interface can display differently in different browsers or change without prior notification as a result of application maintenance. While possible, it is generally not common...

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  • Disruption of the communication process on the example of ALEP-PL web application


    - Rok 2013

    By creating a dedicated web service, such as the presented ALEP-PL solution, you can not assume that its users have suffcient knowledge of the energy sector. This application is dedicated to the local energy planning. The ALEP-PL makes it easier to incorporate in the planning of key players in the local energy market. This group of ALEP-PL users represents mainly the ocials of energy companies and specialist offcers. In the paper...

  • Introducing the concept of Decisional DNA-Based web content mining



    Przedstawiono koncepcje zastosowania struktury reprezentacji wiedzy opartej na decyzyjnym DNA w procesie wyszukiwania informacji w internecie. Dokonano analizy eksperymentow tak wspomaganego wyszukiwania oraz sformulowano wnioski na temat przyszlych badan prowadzacych do dalszej integracji procesu wyszukiwania z doswiadczeniami zdobytymi w trakcie tego wyszukiwania.

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  • Concept of web service for real-time satellite imagery dissemination

    W artykule zaproponowano system upowszechniania obrazów satelitarnych w czasie niemal rzeczywistym realizujący ideę oprogramowania jako usługi. System jest złożony z 4 logicznych modułów - modułu akwizycji danych, zarządzania, serwera Web oraz klienta. Protokół zapytań WCS jest wykorzystywany jako interfejs pomiędzy większością modułów. System tworzony jest z myślą o udostępnianiu danych dla zdalnych użytkowników w formie usługi...

  • Three-dimensional representation of geographic data in a Web-based GIS


    Presenting geographic data in a web environment has been a long standing problem. For many years the low performance of web browsers has limited the visualization of spatial data to only two dimensions. More recently, the introduction of open standards for 3D acceleration of web applications sparked the emergence of new methods of presenting three-dimensional data in a web browser without using third-party extensions. However,...

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  • A novel architecture of Web-GIS for mapping and analysis of echinococcosis in Poland


    - Applied Geomatics - Rok 2022

    Echinococcosis is an infectious disease transferred through ingestion of food or water which have been contaminated with eggs of the Echinococcus tapeworm, which are spread by intermediate parasite hosts. Because the latter are primarily territorial, research related to diagnosis and prevention of echinococcosis requires investigation of environmental factors, which can be supported with the use of a Geographical Information System...

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  • The potential of Web-GIS and geovisual analytics in the context of marine cadastre


    - SURVEY REVIEW - Rok 2017

    The importance of the marine environment to human existence makes it imperative that information models represent the multidimensional nature of reality as closely as possible in order to facilitate good governance. Information regarding jurisdiction, as well as the effects of formal law and community interests on the marine environment (e.g. nature and spatial extents as well as rights, responsibilities, restrictions etc.) would...

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  • Integration, Processing and Dissemination of LiDAR Data in a 3D Web-GIS

    The rapid increase in applications of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) scanners, followed by the development of various methods that are dedicated for survey data processing, visualization, and dissemination constituted the need of new open standards for storage and online distribution of collected three-dimensional data. However, over a decade of research in the area has resulted in a number of incompatible solutions that offer...

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