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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: TILTED WALLS
PublikacjaThe purpose of this article was to introduce the design and construction of tiled walls in accordance to codes' restrictions. The construction of the Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk was chosen to be an example of its successful use in practice. Theoretical knowledge was based on PN-EN 1992-1-1:2008 and fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010. Although codes' recommendations seem curt, practice prove structural advance....
Determination of buckling strength of silos composed of corrugated walls and thin-walled-columns using simplified wall segment models
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki obszernych analiz numerycznych wyboczenia i stateczności metalowych silosów z blachy falistej wzmocnionych cienkościennymi słupami. Wykonano analizy liniowe i nieliniowe. Do obliczeń zaproponowano proste modele segmentów ścian zamiast skomplikowanych modeli całych silosów. Otrzymano bardzo dobrą zgodność wyników numerycznych. Wyniki obliczeń numerycznych porównano dodatkowo z wynikami normowymi.
Iron filled single-wall carbon nanotubes – A novel ferromagnetic medium
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Silver filled single-wall carbon nanotubes—synthesis, structural and electronic properties
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Archaeology in Wales
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Timber-frame house resistant to dynamic loads - analysis of wall panel filled with polyurethane foam
PublikacjaThe present study shows the experimentally and numerically determined response of a single timber-frame house wall panel filled with polyurethane (PU) foam under dynamic loads. The harmonic tests were conducted for the following frequencies: 0.5 Hz, 1.0 Hz, 2.0 Hz and 5.0 Hz for various values of the specified displacement. Based on the results of the comparison between the experimental tests and the numerical analyses, the numerical...
Loads on walls and inserts in a mass-flow silos
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia numeryczną symulację przepływu materiału sypkiego w silosach z uwzględnieniem wkładki silosowej o kształcie podwójnego stożka. Pokazany został wpływ zamontowanej wkładki na rodzaj przepływu oraz na wartość i kształt naporu na ścianę silosu.
Analysis of Historic Brick Walls' Strengthening Methods
PublikacjaAnalysis of the behavior of historical brick walls is difficult and complicated. However, computer calculations are being increasingly used in the evaluation of cultural heritage buildings and some of their elements. The aim of this paper is to analyze the historic brick walls reinforcement. Different methods of strengthening are compared and discussed. Numerical analysis, based on finite element method, was conducted on the assumption...
Numerical analysis of the influence of a Gyrotron's cavity walls curvature
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Strength parameters of masonry walls in modelling historic constructions
PublikacjaThe paper presents the determination of the basic material properties of a historic brickwork. Experimental studies were used to identify the basic material properties of bricks. The mechanical properties of the masonry, as an orthotropic homogenized material, were calculated. Then, numerical simulations using the Finite Element Method (FEM) were performed to verify the experimental outcomes. Macromodels with element sizes of 40,...
Wall of Love
PublikacjaSwoistym nawiązaniem do monumentalnych realizacji Krzysztofa Wróblewskiego w przestrzeni publicznej jest obraz Wall of love. To pokryta mozaiką z trójkątów i rombów ściana z napisami love. Ale ściana miłości może być zarówno nawiązaniem do popkulturowego banału, w jaki zamieniło się słowo love albo alternatywą dla dzielących ludzi murów.
Natural Frequency of Rc Walls with Various Sizes And Locations of Opening
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Influence of external walls' thermal capacitance on indoor thermal comfort
PublikacjaThe doctoral thesis presents the results of numerical investigations on the influence of walls’ thermal capacitance on indoor thermal comfort. A proper set of thermal parameters of a building structure can considerably limit the heating / cooling demand, and passively increase the indoor thermal comfort. However the effect of building thermal capacitance on indoor conditions is complex and not always beneficial. Among a great number...
Porous structures in aspects of transpirating cooling of oxycombustion chamber walls
PublikacjaA wet oxycombustion chamber, which must be effectively cooled due to high temperature evolved during the oxy-combustion process, by using the phenomena of Reynolds thermal transpiration and Navier slip velocity. Closures needed to execute mass flow rate in a microchannel, which should be treated as a single porous structure in the walls of the combustion chamber, have been obtained by applying a local 3D approach. The Navier-Stokes...
Buckling of simplified models of silo with corrugated walls and vertical stiffeners
PublikacjaThe paper deals with buckling of cylindrical silos composed of corrugated sheets and vertical stiffeners (columns). Comprehensive finite element analyses were carried out for a perfect silo by means of a linear buckling approach. Corrugated walls were simulated as an equivalent orthotropic shell and vertical thin-walled columns as beam elements. Calculations for perfect silos with different numbers of columns made it possible to...
Effects of wall inclinations and wall imperfections on pressures duringgranular flow in silos
PublikacjaPraca omawia wpływ nachylenia ściany silosu oraz imperfekcji na ścianach na początku wypływu materiału granulowanego z silosu. W analizie zastosowano metodę elementów skończonych i mikropolarne hypoplastyczne prawo konstytutywne. Obliczenia wykonano dla silosu ze ścianami równoległymi lekko zbieżnymi, lekko rozbieżnymi oraz ze ścianami równoległymi i zbieżnymi. Wykonano także obliczenia dla imperfekcji skierowanej do środka i skierowanej...
First isolation of polysaccharidic ulvans from the cell walls of freshwater algae
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The Vistula mouth fortress in Gdańsk - suggestion for stabilisation of the walls of the Artillery Bastion
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono koncepcję ścian Bastionu Artyleryjskiego. Poważnie uszkodzona i zdeformowana murowana budowla spoczywa na zanurzonych w wodzie drewnianych skrzyniach. Stan drewna skrzyń jest zły i nie gwarantuje dalszej bezpiecznej eksploatacji obiektu. Dla ratowania budowli zaproponowano podparcie jej rzędami wciskanych w podłoże pali.
The external walls of a passive building: A classification anddescription of their thermal and optical properties
PublikacjaThis paper attempts a new classification of insulating materials from the perspective of their utility in thepro-ecological passive construction industry. The main criterion is the conductivity of thermal and solarenergy. Based on their ability to conduct or block fluxes of thermal and solar energy, six types of insulatingwalls are proposed. On the basis of this criterion there are traditional dividing walls (typical walls, wallinsulating...
On Radar DoA Estimation and Tilted Rotating Electronically Scanned Arrays
PublikacjaWe consider DoA estimation in a monopulse radar system employing a tilted rotating array. We investigate the case of nonzero steering angles, in which case the mapping between the target’s azimuth and elevation in the global coordinate system and their counterparts in the array local coordinate system becomes increasingly nonlinear and coupled. Since estimating the azimuth using coherently integrated signals might be difficult because...
Advances in engineering of diameter and distribution of the number of walls of carbon nanotubes in alcohol CVD
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The results of analyses of deep excavation walls using two different methods of calculation
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki obliczeń obudowy głębokiego wykopu dwukrotnie rozpieranej i dwukrotnie kotwionej w gruncie jednorodnym niespoistym. Obliczenia numeryczne wykonano metodą podpór sprężysto-plastycznych i metodą elementów skończonych. Zwrócono uwagę na istotne różnice w wynikach obliczeń. Zaproponowano wyjaśnienie przyczyn zaobserwowanych różnic w wynikach obliczeń otrzymanych z obu metod.
Cost Analysis of Prefabricated Elements of the Ordinary and Lightweight Concrete Walls in Residential Construction
PublikacjaGlobal economic growth causes an increase in natural resources exploitation, particularly in construction branch. The growing use of electricity contributes to climate change. Therefore, it is necessary to search the solutions, which will allow for reducing natural resources exploitation. One of the many opportunities to do that is the application of the recycled materials. The authors of the given article have analyzed three variants...
Simplified stability analysis of steel cylindrical silos with corrugated walls and vertical columns
PublikacjaIn the paper a simplified stability analysis of steel cylindrical silos composed of corru¬gated walls and vertical open-sectional columns was proposed. The whole 3D silo was modeled as a single column resting on elastic foundation provided by the silo walls. In proposed formula for the calculation of the foundation stiffness the curvature of the silo walls was taken into account. Three different analyses were carried out using...
Optimized Computational Intelligence Model for Estimating the Flexural Behavior of Composite Shear Walls
PublikacjaThis article presents a novel approach to estimate the flexural capacity of reinforced concrete-filled composite plate shear walls using an optimized computational intelligence model. The proposed model was developed and validated based on 47 laboratory data points and the Transit Search (TS) optimization algorithm. Using 80% of the experimental dataset, the optimized model was selected by determining the unknown coefficients of...
Motion of a sphere in vicinity of the wall
PublikacjaArtykuł skupiony jest na badanich odchylenia toru cząstki w sąsiedztwie ścianki. Cząstka modelowana jest nieodkształcalną kulą zawieszoną na strunie. Systematyczne badania z wykorzystaniem kul o trzech średnicach wykonano na specjalnie zbudowanym stanowisku eksperymentalnym. Zaproponowano autorską matematyczną korelację opisującą oddziaływanie ścianki na ruch cząstki - korelacja określa to oddziaływanie w funkcji początkowej odległości...
Motion of a sphere in vicinity of the wall
PublikacjaW referacie rozważane jest odchylenie toru cząstki płynącej w pobliżu ścianki. Cząstka modelowana jest sztywną kulą podwieszoną na strunie. Systematyczne badania przeprowadzono dla trzech średnic kuli. Zaproponowano korelację opisującą oddziaływanie ścianki na ruch cząstki. Korelację wykorzystano do modelowania przepływu dwufazowego w wrstwie przyściennej
Prediction of reinforced concrete walls shear strength based on soft computing-based techniques
PublikacjaThe precise estimation of the shear strength of reinforced concrete walls is critical for structural engineers. This projection,nevertheless, is exceedingly complicated because of the varied structural geometries, plethora of load cases, and highlynonlinear relationships between the design requirements and the shear strength. Recent related design code regulationsmostly depend on experimental formulations,...
The Effect of Openings’ Size and Location on Selected Dynamical Properties of Typical Wood Frame Walls
PublikacjaThe wooden frame constructions are now popular in many developed countries of the world. Many of these locations where such buildings are constructed are exposed to seismic and other shocks which are generated by human activities. This paper discusses the effect of the size and location of openings in the wooden frame walls under dynamic loadings. Natural frequencies of such frames with and without openings have been determined....
Probabilistic assessment of SMRFs with infill masonry walls incorporating nonlinear soil-structure interaction
PublikacjaInfill Masonry Walls (IMWs) are used in the perimeter of a building to separate the inner and outer space. IMWs may affect the lateral behavior of buildings, while they are different from those partition walls that separate two inner spaces. This study focused on the seismic vulnerability assessment of Steel Moment-Resisting Frames (SMRFs) assuming different placement of IMWs incorporating nonlinear Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI)....
Spray-Based Method for Protecting and Restoring Historic Adobe Walls Using Nanomontmorillonite Clay
PublikacjaRestoringandprotectinghistoricbuildingsworldwideareimportant becauseheritagebuildingsarerecordsofthecivilizationsofvariouscountries.Herein, nanotechnologywasusedtorestorehistoricadobewalls.AccordingtotheIranPatent andTrademarkOffice(IRPATENT)102665,nanomontmorilloniteclayhasbeen selectedasanaturalandcompatiblematerialwithadobe.Furthermore,ithasbeenused asnanospraytobeaminimallyinvasivemethodtofillcavitiesandcracksintheadobe surface.Variouspercentagesofnanomontmorilloniteclay(1−4%)intheethanolsolvent...
Modelling of laminated glass PVB walls of buildings exposed to vehicle impact with different speeds
PublikacjaThis paper presents an analytical model, developed for laminated glass subjected to a low-velocity impact. It has the ability to capture glass cracks as well as large non-linear deformations. It is based mathematically on the firstorder deformation concept, which considers the effect of membrane and transverse shear as well as bending. This theory uses damage mechanics to capture the glass cracking. For this purpose, several experiments...
Full-scale experiments on wheat flow in steel silo composed of corrugated walls and columns
PublikacjaArtykuł omawia wyniki doświadczalne w dużej skali odnośnie przepływu pszenicy w stalowym silosie wykonanym z blachy falistej i słupów. Pomierzono napory poziome i pionowe na ścianie oraz siły pionowe w słupach. Zbadano rodzaj przepływu w zależności od położenia wylotu. Wyniki naporów porównano z Eurokodem.
Magneto-transport in inverted HgTe quantum wells
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Bounds on the Cover Time of Parallel Rotor Walks
PublikacjaThe rotor-router mechanism was introduced as a deterministic alternative to the random walk in undirected graphs. In this model, a set of k identical walkers is deployed in parallel, starting from a chosen subset of nodes, and moving around the graph in synchronous steps. During the process, each node maintains a cyclic ordering of its outgoing arcs, and successively propagates walkers which visit it along its outgoing arcs in...
Bounds on the cover time of parallel rotor walks
PublikacjaThe rotor-router mechanism was introduced as a deterministic alternative to the random walk in undirected graphs. In this model, a set of k identical walkers is deployed in parallel, starting from a chosen subset of nodes, and moving around the graph in synchronous steps. During the process, each node successively propagates walkers visiting it along its outgoing arcs in round-robin fashion, according to a fixed ordering. We consider...
Limits Theorems for Random Walks on Homeo(S1)
PublikacjaThe central limit theorem and law of the iterated logarithm for Markov chains corresponding to random walks on the space Homeo(S1) of circle homeomorphisms for centered Lipschitz functions and every starting point are proved.
Influence of the wall on vertical bubble motion
PublikacjaZaprezentowano model siły odpychającej, działającej na kulę podczas przepływu wzdłuż ściany pionowej. Modelowana siła ma charakter okresowy. Uzyskano satysfakcjonującą zgodność pomiędzy zmierzoną i obliczoną wartością tej siły.
Modelling of bubble motion in vicinity of the wall
PublikacjaArtykuł skupiony jest na analizie odchylenia trajektorii cząstki stałej (modelowanej kulą) na skutek obecnosci ścianki kanału. Przebadano eksperymentalnie trzy wymiary cząstek. W wyniku redukcji danych doświadczalnych wyprowadzono korelację opisującą oddziaływanie ścianki na ruch pojedynczej cząstki.
PublikacjaNumerical simulations of honing process of thin-wall cylinder liners, with constant and with variable thickness of the wall of honed workpieces can improve and can help to conduct the experimental research of honing process and can improve the honing process. A very valuable research assumption, before performing the numerical analysis of computer simulation of honing process, is the measurement of the real geometry of the honing...
Bacteriophage-encoded enzymes destroying bacterial cell membranes and walls, and their potential use as antimicrobial agents
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PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to show the numeric representation of experimental studies concerning the behaviour of exterior wall models of a timber-frame house under harmonic loading. A single wall model according to traditional technology of timberframe house walls (filling with mineral wool) was tested. The analysis was conducted for the following frequencies: 0.5 Hz, 1.0 Hz, 2.0 Hz and 5.0 Hz for various values of the specified...
Study of Non-Newtonian biomagnetic blood flow in a stenosed bifurcated artery having elastic walls
PublikacjaFluid structure interaction (FSI) gained attention of researchers and scientist due to its applications in science felds like biomedical engineering, mechanical engineering etc. One of the major application in FSI is to study elastic wall behavior of stenotic arteries. In this paper we discussed an incompressible Non-Newtonian blood fow analysis in an elastic bifurcated artery. A magnetic feld is applied along x direction. For...
Critical assessment of Eurocode approach to stability of metal cylindrical silos with corrugated walls and vertical stiffeners.
PublikacjaPrzedmiotem artykułu było krytyczne oszacowanie podejścia w Eurokodzie odnośnie stateczności metalowych cylindrycznych silosów z blachy falistej i słupów. Obliczenia 3D wykonane stosując MES. Symulowano blachę gładką ze słupami belkowymi o zastępczej sztywności. W obliczeniach uwzględniono falistość blachy. Pokazano, że wzory normowe znacznie odbiegają od wyników MES.
<title>Automotive radar</title>
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Representative volume element in 2D for disks and in 3D for balls
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Journal for the Education of the Gifted
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Gifted Child Today
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Gifted Child Quarterly (The)