wszystkich: 97
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: bioanalytics
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Using bioanalysis for cancer diagnosis and prognosis
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Application of deep eutectic solvents in bioanalysis
PublikacjaThe application of deep eutectic solvents (DESs) is sharply surging as a green alternative to conventional solvents due to their unique properties in terms of simplicity of preparation, designability and low cost. A great deal of attention has been paid to the application of these green solvents in analytical chemistry in recent years, and a lot of interesting work has been reported. This review summarizes the most relevant applications...
Bioanalytical Reviews
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Analytical and bioanalytical problems associated with the toxicity of elemental sulfur in the environment
PublikacjaWe summarize the state of knowledge on the toxicity and the bioavailability of elemental sulfur. We also present: analytical methods used to determine the elemental sulfur content of samples with complex matrices; and, problems and difficulties encountered while using biotests for samples containing elemental sulfur.
Analytical aspects of model compounds toxicity assessment using MTT and Microtox bioanalytica assays
PublikacjaMore and more increased intensity of anthropopressure processes can be observed, among other things, in the release of great quantities of synthetic substances into the environment, including the Endocrine Disrupting Compounds. The effects of the above-mentioned human impact on the environment not only can be noticed in the homeostasis disturbance in ecosystems, but they are also visible with respect to human. The high incidence...
Analysis and bioanalysis: an effective tool for data collection of environmental conditions and processes
PublikacjaReliable information that allows us to estimate the state of the environment and to forecast changes in the ecosystem are constantly required. Increasing environmental consciousness and dynamic development of analytical techniques are the main reasons for determining the wide range of pollutants occurring at very low concentrations in complex matrix samples. The presence and concentration of many of those pollutants in the environment...
Analytical & Bioanalytical Electrochemistry
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Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Research
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Novel sorptive extraction techniques in bioanalysis evaluated by Blue Applicability Grade Index: The paradigm of fabric phase sorptive extraction and capsule phase microextraction
PublikacjaFabric phase sorptive extraction (FPSE) and capsule phase microextraction (CPME) are two sol-gel derived microextraction techniques that emerged in the last decade towards the minimization of the environmental impact of conventional sample preparation approaches. Complementary to the well-established green metric tools, Blue Applicability Grade Index (BAGI) was recently proposed for the evaluation of method’s practicability. In...
Journal of Bioanalysis & Biomedicine
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Journal of Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques
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Quantum and carbon dots conjugated molecularly imprinted polymers as advanced nanomaterials for selective recognition of analytes in environmental, food and biomedical applications
PublikacjaSamples with complex matrix analyzed during explanation of pathogenesis of various diseases and food or environmental monitoring request advanced analytical and instrumental devices. Among the materials used for described purposes, quantum (QDs) or carbon dots (CDs) layered by molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) shells have gained widespread attention. Unique optical and physicochemical properties of QDs/CDs together with high...
Enzyme-conjugated MXene nanocomposites for biosensing and biocatalysis acuities
PublikacjaEngineered two-dimensional (2-D) MXenes-based materials with tunable characteristics and multi-functionalities have brought up new paradigms in the biosensing and catalysis of chemical compounds. The profusion of electroactive functional moieties on the surface of few/multi-layer MXenes facilitates their ability to retain biomolecules such as enzymes resulting in unique dimensions for bioanalytical and biosensing applications....
Endocrine Disrupting Compounds – Problems and Challenges
PublikacjaIn this chapter, information about some of the estrogenic compounds and their environmental fate and biological influence can be found. Special attention is paid to the review of the analytical approaches used at the stages of detection and determination of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDCs) in the environmental samples. Also, a brief characterization of both cellular and non-cellular bioassays is presented. The discovery of...
Comparison of RP-HPLC columns used for determination of nucleoside metabolic patterns in urine of cancer patients
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Metabolomics in urogenital cancer
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HPLC–MS/MS method for dexmedetomidine quantification with Design of Experiments approach: application to pediatric pharmacokinetic study
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Anatomy of Noise in Quantitative Biological Raman Spectroscopy
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Anatomy of noise in quantitative biological Raman spectroscopy
PublikacjaRaman spectroscopy is a fundamental form of molecular spectroscopy that is widely used to investigate structures and properties of molecules using their vibrational transitions. It relies on inelastic scattering of monochromatic laser light irradiating the specimen. After appropriate filtering the scattered light is dispersed onto a detector to determine the shift from the excitation wavelength, which appears in the form of...
Direct chromatographic methods in the context of green analytical chemistry
PublikacjaWe review analytical protocols based on gas and liquid chromatography (GC and LC), but involving no sample preparation.Green analytical chemistry seeks to minimize negative impacts of analytical chemistry. Direct analytical methods ideally fulfillthis requirement, as they preclude sample preparation - the most polluting step of the analytical procedure.We describe examples of GC methodologies for environmental and food analysis...
Coacervative extraction as a green technique for sample preparation for the analysis of organic compounds
PublikacjaOne of the present trends in analytical chemistry is miniaturization, which is one of the methods of green analytical chemistry application. A particular emphasis is placed on the elimination of the use of large amounts of organic solvents which are toxic and harmful to the environment, maintaining high efficiency of the extraction process, high recovery values and low values of quantification (LOQ) and detection (LOD) limits....
New generation of analytical tests based on the assessment of enzymatic and nuclear receptor activity changes induced by environmental pollutants
PublikacjaAnalytical methods show great potential in biological tests. The analysis of biological response that results from environmental pollutant exposure allows: (i) prediction of the risk of toxic effects and (ii) provision of the background for the development of markers of the toxicants presence. Bioanalytical tests based on changes in enzymatic activity and nuclear receptor action provide extremely high specificity and sensitivity....
Evaluation of Three Peptide Immobilization Techniques on a QCM Surface Related to Acetaldehyde Responses in the Gas Phase
PublikacjaThe quartz-crystal microbalance is a sensitive and universal tool for measuring concentrations of various gases in the air. Biochemical functionalization of the QCM electrode allows a label-free detection of specific molecular interactions with high sensitivity and specificity. In addition, it enables a real-time determination of its kinetic rates and affinity constants. This makes QCM a versatile bioanalytical screening tool for...
Highly Occupied Surface States at Deuterium-Grown Boron-Doped Diamond Interfaces for Efficient Photoelectrochemistry
PublikacjaPolycrystalline boron-doped diamond is a promising material for high-power aqueous electrochemical applications in bioanalytics, catalysis, and energy storage. The chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process of diamond forma-tion and doping is totally diversified by using high kinetic energies of deu-terium substituting habitually applied hydrogen. The high concentration of deuterium in plasma induces atomic arrangements and steric...
A comparison of three solvent-free techniques coupled with gas chromatography for determining trihalomethanes in urine samples
PublikacjaDążenie do oznaczania lotnych analitów organicznych w próbkach płynów biologicznych charakteryzujących się złożonym, a często zmiennym składem matrycy, stanowi siłę napędową do działań analityków w zakresie poszukiwania nowych rozwiązań metodycznych i aparaturowych. Publikacja ta przedstawia porównanie trzech technik zastosowanych do tych celów: technikę analizy fazy nadpowierzchniowej z generacją strumienia ciekłego sorbentu...
Determination of tributylotin (TBT) in marine sediment using pressurised liquid extraction-gas chromatography-isotope dilution mass spectrometry (PLE-GC-IDMS) with a hexane-tropolone mixture
PublikacjaOpracowano metodę oznaczania zawartości tributylocyny w próbkach osadu morskiego. Na etapie izolacji zastosowano technikę przyspieszonej ekstrakcji za pomocą roztworu tropolonu w heksanie.Na etapie oznaczeń końcowych wykorzystano technikę chromatografii gazowej, stosując metodę spektrometrii mas rozcieńczenia izotopowego. Wyznaczono parametry walidacyjne opracowanej metody: granicę wykrywalności, precyzję, poprawność i niepewność.
Metal-coated fused silica fibres as a support for immobilized compounds yielding a volatile analyte (C2H4)
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczących wykorzystania chemicznie modyfikowanych włókien szklanych pokrytych warstwą metalu (aluminium), jako nośników związków powierzchniowych. W trakcie procesu termicznego rozkładu z tak zmodyfikowanych włókien uwalnia się eten, który stanowi składnik mierzony uzyskiwanej gazowej mieszaniny wzorcowej. Ilość uwalnianego etenu zależy jedynie od długości danego rodzaju i typu modyfikowanego włókna...
Hanging drop cathode-atmospheric pressure glow discharge as a new method of sample introduction for inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry
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A new approach for the extraction of tetracyclines from soil matrices: application of the microwave-extraction technique
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Ionic liquids for the passive sampling of sulfonamides from water—applicability and selectivity study
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Preliminary study on suitability of ionic liquids as potential passive-sampling media of polyaromatic-hydrocarbon (PAH) analyses in water
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The state-of-the-art determination of urinary nucleosides using chromatographic techniques “hyphenated” with advanced bioinformatic methods
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New approaches to chromatographic determination of lipophilicity of xenobiotics
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A simple graphene-based pipette tip solid-phase extraction of malondialdehyde from human plasma and its determination by spectrofluorometry
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Metal-coated fused silica fibers as a support for immobilized compounds yielding a volatile analyte (C2H4)
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Determination of tributyltin in marine sediment: Comit� Consultatif pour la Quantit� de Mati�re (CCQM) pilot study P-18 international intercomparison
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Determination of tributyltin (TBT) in marine sediment using pressurised liquid extraction–gas chromatography–isotope dilution mass spectrometry (PLE–GC–IDMS) with a hexane–tropolone mixture
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Theoretical opportunities and actual limitations of pH gradient HPLC
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Hydrolytical instability of hydroxyanthraquinone glycosides in pressurized liquid extraction
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Electroanalytical and spectroscopic procedures for examination of interactions between double stranded DNA and intercalating drugs
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono metodę elektrochemicznego opisu oddziaływań dsDNA ze związkiem biologicznie czynnym w warunkach, w których zarówno badany związek jak i cząsteczka DNA są w roztworze elektrolitu. Opracowano warunki pomiaru, gdzie ani związek, ani DNA nie adsorbuje na elektrodzie. Wykazano, podobnie jak podczas badania innymi metodami, że oddziaływania są dwojakiego rodzaju: elektrostatyczne i poporzez interkalację.
Passive sampling and/or extraction techniques in environmental analysis: a review
PublikacjaThe current state-of-the-art of passive sampling and/or extraction methods for long-term monitoring of pollutants in different environmental compartments is discussed in this review. Passive dosimeters that have been successfully used to monitor organic and inorganic contaminants in air, water, sediments, and soil are presented. The application of new approaches to the determination of pollutants at the sampling stage is discussed....
An evaluation of sucrose as a possible contaminant in e-liquids for electronic cigarettes by hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry
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Application of normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography followed by gas chromatography for analytics of diesel fuel additives
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Derivatisation in gas chromatographic determination of acidic herbicides inaqueous environmental samples.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono przegląd literaturowy dotyczący wykorzystania derywatyzacji w oznaczaniu herbicydów kwasowych w wodnych próbkach środowiskowych za pomocą chromatografii gazowej. Omówiono główne typy reakcji (transestryfikacja, estryfikacja, sililowanie, alkilacja, alkilacja ekstraktywna i pirolityczna), które powodują utworzenie pochodnych, łatwych do analizy techniką chromatografii gazowej. Scharakteryzowano także...
Determination of organotin compounds in biological samples using accelerated solvent extraction, sodium tetraethylborate ethylation, and multicapillary gas chromatography flame photometric detection.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono metodę oznaczania związków cynoorganicznych w próbkach biologicznych. Procedura oparta jest na wykorzystaniu ekstrakcji pod zwiększoną temperaturą i ciśnieniem (ASE) do izolacji związków cynoorganicznych z próbek wątroby morświnów odłowionych w Morzu Bałtyckim. Walidacji metody dokonano na podstawie analizy materiału odniesienia NIES No 11.
Intercomparison on measurements of PCBs in pork fat during the Belgian PCB-crisis
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki porównania międzylaboratoryjnego oznaczania PCB w tłuszczu wieprzowym. Porównanie międzylaboratoryjne przeprowadzono w związku z tzw. "belgijskim kryzysem PCB" w latach 1999-2000. W porównaniu uczestniczyło 31 laboratoriów. Materiałem do badań były wyprodukowane w Instytucie Metod i Pomiarów Odniesienia (IRMM) w Geel - Belgia, trzy materiały odniesienia zawierające PCB w tłuszczu wieprzowym (suma PCB...
New matrix-free reference material for ethene in the form of optical fibres
PublikacjaReference materials are indispensable in the qualitycontrol and quality assurance of analytical measurements. Onenovel approach to the generation of standard gaseous mixturesof toxic, reactive, volatile, labile, and malodorous substancesinvolves thermal decomposition or rearrangement, under definedtemperature conditions, of compounds immobilized, bychemical bonding, on the surface of an appropriate carrier torelease specific amounts...
Measurement of benzene concentration in urban air using passive sampling
PublikacjaAbstract The concentration of benzene in urban air in theTri-City area of Poland (Gdańsk-Sopot-Gdynia, andTczew) was assessed using diffusive passive samplers (Rad-iello). Samples were collected during a four-year monitoringcampaign (2007-2010) at selected monitoring stations man-aged by the Agency of Regional Air Quality Monitoring inthe Gdańsk Metropolitan Area (ARMAAG) Foundation.The performance of the passive samplers was investigatedin...